Determining The Impact of Parent'S Involvement Correlate To Increase Students' Academic Performance

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A Research Proposal Presented

to the Faculty of KNHS – SHS

Kapatagan, Lanao Del Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of the 3i's (Inquiries, Investigation & Immersion)


Michelle C. Alia

Rommel R. Laude Jr.

Shairen L. Macra

Gerald Salas
Jessa P. Ontolan

Chapter 1


For many years now, stimulating parent’s involvement and

participation in their childrens’ schooling is viewed as an important strategy to

advance their educational careers and – in the long mn – chances in the labor

market, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds determined

by low socioeconomic status and ethnic minority or immigrant origin (Barger

et al, 2019).The Impact of Parent’s Involvement and Education on Academic

performance in Elementary School. The academic performance of students’ in

schools is subject to a variety of factors, many of which are beyond the control

of the student. Factors such as parent’s involvement, parent’s level of

education, and disability all influence the academic performance and learning

of students’. The study analyzed nation-wide survey data on students’ in

elementary school and investigates the relationship between student

achievement and multiple variables. The variables were parent’s involvement,

and the existence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other disability.

Results indicated that students’ both ASD and typically developing, have

lower paret’s involvement if they are successful in school (Miranda Avnet et

al, 2019).

The relationship between parent’s involvement and academic

performance varies according to the parent’s involvement type the study

focuses on. While parent’s involvement types have shown positive association

academic performance, some other types have proven negative or null

association (Bank et al, 2018). In their review of the studies on the relationship
between parent’s involvement and academic performance,( Boonk et al,2018),

conclude that parent’s involvement is related to academic performance, yet

this relationship is not as strong as traditionally believed. To put forth the

effect of parent’s involvement on academic performance, more mete –

analysis studies focusing on different type of parent’s involvement are needed.

This study focuses on these effects to home – based and school – based

parent’s involvement types including control, learning assistance, support,

activity, academic socialization and expectation.

While home – based involvement is related to the activities carried out

at home to enhance children’s’ learning, such as helping with homework,

school – based involvement has to do with activities performed by the parent’s

at school, such as attending school events or parent – teacher conferences

(boonk 2018). Parent’s expectations, also called parent’s aspiration, are

parent’s expectations regarding that childrens’ performance at school. Parent’s

support includes encouraging children through actions such as providing them

with an appropriate environment, praising them or manifesting that they care

for the (boonk et al, 2018). Learning assistance refers to parent’s helping their

children with their academic responsibilities such as time spent on homework

completion, assisting with the difficult academic content or tutoring.

Communication refers to the exchange of the ideas between parent’s and

children with respect to issues on school, plans or activities. Control has a

negative association with academic performance. Parent’s control includes

controlling the child to much or excreting pressure on them. Activity include

parent – child activities at home, such as reading with the children, story

telling, parent’s weekly home activities, which mostly address children at pre
– school or early elementary education levels. Academic socialization has to

do with the message transmitted to students by their parent’s about academic

issues and the role of school in their future. Such as the significant of making

an effort in school or shame for not fulfilling expected duties (Cross,

Marchand, Mechina, & villafuerte et al, 2019.)

When parent’s are involve in their children’s education and school

activities, they can have a positive impact on thier children’s academic and

social development. (Ibrahima naite 2021) the goal of this study is to

investigate what existing literature review discovered regarding the

relationship between parent’s involvement and children’s academic

achievement. However, parent’s involvement was influenced more by the

parents’ educational level, age, employment, and marital status. The main

findings of this study showed that students with hilly involved parent’s

performed better academically and higher test score in an subjects than

students whose paren’ts were not involved in their education. (Vanessa

Axevedo and Maria Alzira et al 2021.) A significant relationship is discorded

between parent’s involvements. Additional research into the implication of

parent’s involvement in school activities and behavior problems in school

students is required to develop assessment, prevention, and intervention

strategies in this area.

Parent’s are prominent teacher and role models that convey value of

education to their children. Research shows that academic performance and

students’ attitude are significantly associated to the level of parent’s

involvement (P1) (Pavalanche- llie, & tirdia, 2018).The U.S Department of

education has accepted researcher ‘data on the impact PI has on increasing

students’ academic performance and altitude towards their educational goals.

Thus, several initiatives have been mandated over the last decade such as

every students’ succeed Act No Child Left Behind Act, and Race to the Top to

enforce schools to include parent’s in their children’s’ education process.

Every students’ succeed Act No Child Left Behind mandates schools to

increase PI and stipulates title 1 funding for school to involve families in their

children’s’ education (Sec. 1118, No Child Left Behind). However, little

information is provided on how to do so and there are not many accountability

systems in place to ensure that PI models/ programs are effective. It is a

positive and fulfilling mental state associated with learning, characterized by

vigor, dedication, and absorption and also a good indicator for predicting and

evaluating the quality of school education and students’ academic

performance (Boulton et al., 2019; Fredricks & McColskey). Parent’s

involvement programmers aim to strengthen home–school relations with the

objective of improving educational outcomes (Barrera-Osorio, 2021). Parent’s

concerns about their children’s’ homework loads are nothing new. Debates

over the merits of homework--tasks that teachers ask students to complete

during non-instructional time--have ebbed and flowed since the late 19th

century, and today its value is again being scrutinized and weighed against

possible negative impacts on family life and children’s’ well-being.( Janine

Bempechat, Winter 2019) Daily parent’s homework help was also associated

with improved achievement for children whose parent’s had a high propensity

to provide daily homework help. These patterns suggest that complex factors

induce daily parent’s homework help and that these factors are related to

heterogeneity in the relationship between daily parent’s homework help and

performance. Moreover, a qualitative shift from more controlling homework

involvement practices towards higher support for autonomy has been observed

during adolescence (Cooper et al., 2018; Gonida & Cortina, 2019; Silinskas &

Kikas, 2019).2020, Revista de Psicodidactica

Statement of the problem

The study aims to determine the impact of parental involvement

correlate to increase students’ academic performance of grade 10 selected

sections for the school year 2022-2023. Specifically, the study aims the


1. What is the extent of parent’s involvement to increase students

academic performance in terms of;

1.1 Parent and child’s communication;

1.2 Helping with homework; and

1.3 Supervising the child’s progress?

2. Do the responses of male and female students differ significantly

between parent’s involvement and students’ achievement to increase

their performances?

3. Is there a significant relationship between parent’s involvement and

students’ achievement to increase their performance?


1. There is no significant difference in the responses of male and

female between Parent’s Involvement and Students’

Achievement to increase their performances.

2. There is no significant relationship between parent’s

involvement and students’ achievement to increase their


Scope and limitations

This research study attempts to give information about parent’s

involvement on students’ academic achievement. The scope of this study’s for

the grade 10 selected section Junior high school of Kapatagan National High

School. Will examine the parent’s involvement on students’academic to a

good performance in their life. The main objective is to determine the impact

of parent’s involvement on students’ academic performance of the target

respondents. The researcher will use of questionnaires and interview to gather

valid and reliable information. The correlation research design will be utilize

to the respondents’ relationship regarding the level of their parental

involvement on academic performance. The grade 10 selected section of

junior high school learners in Kapatagan National High School will be the

participants of this study.

Conceptual Framework
Parent’s involvement

-Parent’s and child’s Students’ Academic

communication; performance

- Helping with
homework; and

- Supervising the
child’s progress?

The conceptual framework of this study is illustrated in a schematic

diagram shown in figure 1. As shown in figure 1. The independent variables

are the different ways parental involvement and the dependent variable is

students’ academic performance. The controlled variables are the Grade 10

selected section.

Definition of Term

Parental. This refers to bring forth and rise to maturity through care
and education.

Involvement. This refers to the fact or condition of being involved

with or participating in something.

Students. This refers to a person formally engaged in learning,

especially are enrolled in a school of college.

Academic. This refers to relating to school. Colleges, and universities,

or connected with studying and thinking.

Achievement. This refers to a thing done successfully, typically by

effort, courage, or skill.

Significance of the study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Parents. This study may help them to determine what they need to provide to

their children in order to help them to learn more, and it will also help them to

monitor their children’s performance and behavior.

Students. This study may help them to involve their performance, because

when parent’s are involved in their children’s they can have a positive impact

on their children’s academic and social development.

Other respondents. This study will provide other researcher with a

fundamental understanding of how parent’s involve their children’s education

and school activities to increase their children academic performance. The

finding of this study may prove useful to other researcher conducting similar

investigations the future.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Most parents assumed that their children could not be educated merely

on the school environment and that home environment would have a lasting

impact on school education. Therefore many parent’s recognize the

importance of school and home collaborations in educating heir children.

Finding of research done on the influence of parent’s involvement in the

academic performance of the children shows that there is a significant

relationship between the parent’s involvement and the students’ performance

of the children (Simweleba & Serpell,2020).

Parent’s involvement is found as a strong determinant for academic

performance of high school students, wish for self – autonomy of the

adolescents does not imply that they do not want to get them involved in their

academic activities. Learners whose parents are actively involved in their

academic display better behaviors and academic outcomes

(Vijata,2019).Parent’s involvement is the volunteer service of parent’s at

school or at home for the purpose of improving a child’s education parent’s

participation is a critical component of academic success and social

development (Movetone et al. , 2018).

Parent’s support includes encouraging children through action such as

providing them with an appropriate environment, praising them or manifesting

that they care for them (Boonk et al, 2018). Learning assistance refers to

parent’s helping their children with their academic responsibilities such as

time spent on homework completion, assisting with the difficult academic

contents or tutoring. Communication refers to the exchange of ideas between

parent’s and children with respect to issues on school, plans or activities.

Control has a negative association with academic achievement. Parent’s

control includes controlling the child to much or exerting pressure on them.

Activity includes parent’s - child activities at home, such as reading with the

children, storytelling, and parent’s weekly home activities, which mostly

address children at pre – school or early elementary education levels.

Performance socialization has to do with the messages transmitted to students

by their parent’s about performance issues and the role of school in their

future, such as the significance of making an effort in school or shame for not

fulfilling expected duties (Cross, Marchland, Medina, Villafuerta & Rivas –

drake, 2019). Parent’s involvement in school life was frequently related to

academic success, especially in the first level of schooling and parent’s

recognized that “the greater the presence and involvement of parent’s in

school the greater the percentage of success”.

Parent’s also assumed that there was a great decrease involvement in

secondary school and explore some of the reasons for this, parent’s

involvement was quite different parenting depended also on the help that the

school could provide to the families, aiming to increase parent’s understanding

about their children’s development and academic performance (Costa

&Frria,2019).Parent’s that are active in the child’s school has shown positive

effects including increased academic performance, positive social behavior,

argument resources and social networking opportunities (Garbaoz et al.2018).

Through the model Epste in emphasize the importance of parent’s

involvement to be effectively to be taken by parent’s in supporting the process

of their child’s development (peiffer,2019). (According to Bartolome &

Melissa T. Mamat,2020). Parent’s involvement refers to the amount of

participation a parent’s has when it comes to the schooling of his/her children.

Some school foster healthy parent’s involvement, but sometimes parent’s has

hesitations if western countries. However, there is a body of literature for

examines the significance of social and cultural influences and the effects of

parents’ involvement in and expectation of their children development and

learning. It is important for school to recognize the existence of cultural

variations in parent’s involvement because there are differences among

parent’s with diverse background on when, why, and how they are involved in

their children’s’ education. Parenting is important in the Philippine society

because family is viewed as a center to one’s social world (Ochoa & torre, n.d.

2020). Children’s learning is increasingly moving towards a broader vision of

the 21st century learning. As children’s educations increasingly occur across a

range of settings best support their children’s specific learning needs. Thus,

parent’s involvement researches remain representative of parent’s and the

involvement that they have with their children’s educational (Jackson, 2021).

The effect was found to be stronger for younger students, from low –

income families, and students’ who were struggling academically. There is a

lack of consensus regarding the definition of parent’s involvement. However,

most students’ action to support their child academic success, such as

monitoring homework completion, attending school events, and

communicating with teacher. A large body of research has consistently found

that parent’s involvement has positive effects on academic performance,

particularly in early childhood. This effect is found across diverse populations,

including ethic and socio-economic groups. The quality of parent’s

involvement is more important than the quantity. High – quality parent’s

involvement includes activities that promote cognitive and socio – emotional

development, such as engaging in shared reading. Discussing school works,

and providing emotional support. Different types of parent’s involvement have

different effects on academic performance. For example, helping with

homework has a moderate effect on achievement; where as attending school

events have a weaker effect. Parental involvement can be challenging,

particularly for parent’s who are working full – time or who lack across to

resources. Language barriers to parent’s involvement. Schools and families,

such as parent – teacher conferences and Hume – school communication, can

facilitate parent’s involvement and improve academic outcomes. (Fan &Chen ,

2018) The literature from 2018 – 2020 provides evidence that parent’s

involvement has a, positive effect on academic performance. Quality and type

of parent’s involvement matter as well as the cultural context in which it

occurs. Collaborative efforts between schools and families are necessary to

facilitate parent’s involvement and improve academic outcome. However,

challenges to parent’s involvement exist and need to be addressed to promote

equitable access to educational opportunities.

A study conducted by Damayanthi (2018), revealed that parent’s

factors and student self – studying as the most influential factors at student

level for their academic performance. Various attempts have been made by
researcher to investigate the determinants of student performance, but

consensus has yet to be achieved concerning factors impacting students

academic performance, and the findings of these various studies are in mixed

nature (Athurupane, Omura and Sho, 2018).The impact of parent’s

involvement on students academic performance has been recognized by

teacher, administrators, and policy – makers who consider parent’s

involvement to be one of the integral parts of new educational reforms and

initiatives (Sandrawilder, 2019) Educational Review. The attitudes that

parent’s have towards their kids have an effect on the involvement they show

in the school as well as in the development of a kills and abilities needed to

cope with school demands. Parenting style are also a reflection of the society

parent’s belong to which transmits values expectations, behavior patterns,

belief system and guidelines about optimal and deficient parenting (Checa and

Gutierrez, 2018).

In their review of the studies on the relationship between parent’s

involvement and academic performance (Boonk et al, 2018) concluded that

parent’s involvement is related to academic performance, yet this relationship

is not as strong as traditionally believed. The effects of parent’s involvement

on academic performance, more Meta – analysis studies focusing on different

types of parent’s involvement are needed. This study fuscous on this effect

with home – based and school – based. Parent’s involvement types including

control, learning assistance, communication, support, activity, academic

socialization and expectation. While home – based involvement is related to

the activities carried out at home to enhance children’s learning, such as

helping. With homework, school – based involvement has to do with activities

performed by the parent’s at school, such as attending school events or parent

– teacher conference. As these activities are quite different from each other,

they are differentiated in the analysis in the current study. Parent’s

expectations, also called parent’s aspiration are parent’s expectations

regarding their children’s performance at school.

This paper seeks to examine, perception of parent’s involvement and

how their attitudes towards parent’s involvement are associated with the

success of parent’s involvement (Jung – Tae Vim & Rusty Barrett, 2019). The

latent class dimensions of parent’s involvement in home – based education

were parents – child communication, home supervision, homework help,

emotional support, and parent’s expectations. A series of models were

estimated specifying one through five latent classes, four types of home –

based parent’s involvement were identified, supportive, basic, strict and

disengaged. After determining the best rifting model model, we tasted our

hypothesis with multiple analyses of variance of parents’ socioeconomic status

and the students’ academic performance by type of home – based parent

involvement, followed by those with basic, strict and disengaged involvement,

in descending order. The quality and quality of parent’s involvement

positively related to the children’s academic performance. We recommend that

parents support their children’s learning using high quality communication

and involve their children in democratic decision making (Yongtao Gan &

Sude Bilige, 2019).

Parent’s involvement and the student performance of the children

(Simweleba & Serpell,2020). However, parents’ active involvement is more

influential with student’s performance than the other socioeconomic factors.

Moreover, the existing researches have revealed the importance of parental

involvement towards students’ performance. (Mutodi and Nj irande, 2018)

argues. Three parental involvement constructs, that is, parenting, parent –

teacher communication and home and family support were found to be

positively related to performance. Studies conclude that the home and family

support is the most significant factor that determines a learner’s performance.

The parents who involve themselves in the children’s education at home, their

children as a results, show good performance at school, (Akbar and Chisthi et

al, 2018) stated that the parental involvement is found statistically

significantly contributing towards the outcome of students performance. The

study helps us to accept that is a relationship between parental involvement

and their children’s academic achievement. Furthermore, studies carried out

by (Hussain &I qbal, 2018). By establishing and enforcing the rules and

regulation regarding school and home activities as well as providing

opportunities and environment conducive for learning parents should also

ensure home supervision. School should encourage Parent – Teacher

Association (PTA) session to be conduced to educate and assist parents to

develop better parenting skills (Amponsah and milledzi et al ampofo, 2018).

Another study carried out in (Ethiopia and Ambachew et al, 2018)

argues that there is a strong relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance. Further, it significantly predicts students’ academic

achievement motivation. On the other hand, pointed out that there is limited

study on the relationship between parental involvement and academic

achievement of secondary school students as majority of the research in this

area has been conducted exclusively with elementary school students

(Simweleba & Serpll, 2020). While parental involvement has been found to be

related to increased academic performance, the mechanisms through which

parental involvement applies its impact on a student’s academic performance

are not yet fully understood (Collins and Juma et al,2019). Therefore, it can be

said that the relationship among parental involvement and students academic

performance is questionable because of the inconsistent findings of studies

related to this relationship (Sulaimani & Henning,2020).

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the methods and procedure in conducting of the

study. Specifically, it includes the description of the research design, research

setting/locale, research participants/ population and sample, research

instruments, data gathering procedure, ethical consideration, data analysis and

statistical treatment applied.

Research Design

The researchers will use descriptive research design. The descriptive

research design involves observing and collecting data on a given topic

without attempting to infer cause–and–effect relationships. The goal of

descriptive research is to provide a comprehensive and accurate picture of the

population or phenomenon being studied and to describe the relationships,

patterns, and trends that exist within the data. (Shurtika Sirisilla. Feb 2023)
Research setting/locale

This study will be conducted in Kapatagan National High School. This

is located at Abragan St. Purok 6 Poblacion, Kapatagan Lanao Del Norte. The

school covers 6.30 hectares and Kapatagan National High School is the 3 rd

biggest School in the Division of Lanao Del Norte.

Research Participants/ Respondents

The Respondents of this study are the grade 10 – Narra composed of

15 male and 46 female students of kapatagan national high school of S.Y.


Research instrument

The data will be gattered with use of adapted survey questionnaire

from Fauzia Nareed Muhammad Arshad Daha, A. Lateef and Arcli e. Doher –

chavez. There will be 5 questions for parent’s and child’s communication, 5

questions for helping with homework and 5 questions for supervising child’s

progress. Each item assessed on fire point liker scale (1- Never to 5-Always).

Data gathering procedure

the researcher will distribute questionnaire to the grade 10 Narra who

are the target participants of the study. There are 15 male & 46 female. The

questionnaire will be answered for a maximum of 30 minutes. Right after

administering the questionnaire it will be retrieve.

Data analysis

The researcher made use of the survey respondents as the main data

sources. The data will be tallied and the response of male and female will be

group. Then review the data to get the mean. To analyze if there is significant

difference the T- test will be used. To determine if there is significant

relationship the coefficient of correlation will be use to test whether

relationship exist.

Ethical Consideration in Research

The researchers are guided through research ethics by appropriate

rules. Making wise and secure decisions is vital when carrying out the

investigation. The following standards and ethical principles need to be

observed for the safekeeping of the survey in order to further assure that this

study does not hurt the public and that no misconduct occurred throughout the

entire course of the study.

Honesty and accuracy. Consistency in language and behavior is critical to

any data collection process. The researcher needs to stay vigilant and not make

foolish mistakes. In order to promote copyright laws, proper citation of

sources is used.

Privacy. To protect both parties ‘privacy and security, the researcher

safeguards the participants’ personal information. The researcher limits the use

of unapproved methods while conducting the study. In order to prevent such

unethical practices, the researcher properly cites and discloses any usage of

materials or data from another source. The information received will be

managed honestly to prevent any tampering with responses or information

alteration during the course of the study.

Fairness. In order to prevent inaccurate data interpretation, the data collection

process is conducted objectively and without prejudice; as a result, the

instruments will be validated. While performing the study, the researcher

rigorously prohibits any type of illegal activity.

Informed consent. Each participant will be given a permission the outlining

some of the most important aspects of the study as well as what is expected of

them as volunteers. Together with a letter that participants must sign

indicating their agreement to participate in the study, consent from is also


Statistical treatment applied

The data gathered from the questionnaire – checklist were tallied,

tabulated, computed and presented in tabular form as basis for analysis and


1. Weighted Mean. This is obtained by getting the formation at the

product of the frequency and the assigned weight divided by the total

number of respondents.

The formula is given by Ruiz 1988:167:

X – ∑ FW


X = Average Weighted Mean

F = Frequency

W= Assigned weight

N= Number

∑= Summation sign

To determine the respondents of male and female grade 10 students on

the extent of parent’s involvement correlate to students’ academic

performance the 6 – point’s numerical scale will be use.

Numerical Adjectival description

6 – (5-517-6.00) Always practiced (AP)

5 – 5 (4.34 – 5.16) Almost always practiced (AAP)

4 – 4 (3.51 – 4.33) Often practiced (OP)

3 – (2.84 – 2.67) Sometimes practiced (SP)

2– (2.84 – 2.67) Rarely practiced (RP)

1 - (2.00 – 1.83) Never practiced(NP)

2. T – test. This will be used to test the significant difference between the

patent’s involvement and students’ academic performance the formula is given

by john E. Freund (1984:198 -199):

X₁ – X₂

T= √ (N₁ – 1) (SD₁) + (N₂ –1) (SD₂)₂ √

1 1
N₁ N₁
N₁ + N ₂ – 2

T = t – test

X₁, SP₁, AND N, = refers to the average mean, standard deviation,

and number of variables for the parent’s involvement

X₂, SD₂, and N₂ − Refers to the average mean, standard deviation,

and number variables for the student’s academic achievement.

Since t-test computation is characterized by the degrees of freedom, it is

computed on the following formula:

d.f.=N₁ + N₂ - Z


N₁= refers to the number of variables for the parent’s involvement

N₂= refers to the number of variables for the male and female of

grade 10 students.

Z= constant number

3. Computing coefficient of correlation by the product-moment method. This

will be use to test whether correlation does not exist between parent’s

involvement and to increase student’s academic performance.

The formula is given by Sta. Maria and Salamat (2008:121):

rxy = EdX – dy

√ ∑d x) (∑d y)
2 2

Where rxy is the coefficient of correlation by the product. Moment method

∑ dxdy is the sum of column dxdy

∑ d2x is the sum of column d2x

∑ d₂y is the sum of column d2y

To compute the coefficient of correlation by the use of the product moment


The following steps are given:

1. Get the total of the data under variable x and variable y.

2. Get the mean of variable x.

3. Get the mean of variable y.

4. Get the deviations dx and dy by y getting the difference

between the average weighted mean.

5. Square dx to obtain d2x and b y to obtain d2y.

6. Get the summation of d2x and d2y.

7. Get the product of dx and dy to have dxdy

8. Get the summation of dxdy: dxdy

Interpretation of rangers is borrowed from the book of ( Sta. Maria and

Salamat; 2008:117) as shown in this order:

Name (Optional):______________________ Section: ___________
Gender: ___________________ Age: ______________

The questionnaire is adapted from the study of impact of parent’s involvement

on academic performance of the students’ at secondary level by the
corresponding authors Fauzia Naheed, Muhammad Arshad Dahar and A.
General Instruction: please answer each statement honestly. Rate yourself to
the given statement by checking the appropriate box belongs to your
responses. Your answer will be kept strictly confidential, and you will not be
5 – Always 4 – Very Often 3 – Sometimes 2 – Rarely 1 – Never

Parent and child’s communication 5 4 3 2 1

1. Do your parent encourage your good academic
2. Do your parents support you when you facing
difficulties at school?
3. I know that if ever needed help with school, my parent
were there for me.
4. I believe my parent encouragement helped me stay
focused on my education.
5. My parents helped me develop good study habits.

Helping with homework 5 4 3 2 1

1. Do your parents advise you for doing homework?

2. Do your parents monitor your homework?

3. Do your parents help you in doing homework?

4. Do your parents help you to complete your

5. My parents provide time to me to do my homework?
Supervising the child progress 5 4 3 2 1

1.My parent volunteered to help with my extra curricular

2.My parent demonstrated support for my extra
curricular activities
3.Do your parents support you to follow school
4.Do your parent check your marks in class test/ quizzes?

5.Do your parents consult teachers about your progress

in studies?

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