PREDTC 113 (Educational Philosophers)

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Lea B.

Ebol PREDTC 113/A

BSED/E-2 MW 1:00-2:30PM

1. Briefly describe these educational philosophers.

 John Locke – is an Empiricist Educator. This philosophy highlights that we

acquire knowledge about the world through the senses - learning by doing
and interacting with the environment. It's a hands-on approach to learning,
meaning learners must interact with their environment in order to adapt and

 Herbert Spencer –

 John Dewey –

 George Counts –

 Theodore Brameld – founded the social reconstructionism philosophy that

emphasizes the reformation of society

 Paulo Freire – Critical Pedagogy

2. Choose your favorite educational thought on what to be taught and how learners

ought to be taught by each of these philosophers.

3. Explain the reason of your choice.

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