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8th February 2023

Co-Curricular Sport Program Information

Dear Students,

St Monica's College, Epping is committed to the provision of a fun and engaging co-curricular Sport
Program for all students. The purpose of this letter is to provide an overview of the 2023 Sport
Program to enable interested students to engage in extra-curricular sport for the College.
The College competes as a member of the Sports Association of Catholic Co-Educational Secondary
Schools (SACCSS). Information on SACCSS can be found at SACCSS
consists of 15 Secondary Catholic Colleges competing in weekly sporting competitions (known as
Premier League), senior sport competitions, one day tournaments and major carnivals across the
school year. St Monica's College, Epping is considered one of the strongest Colleges within SACCSS,
featuring in Division 1 competitions across most sports and competitions. Sports on offer for 2023
- Athletics - Football
- Australian Rules Football - Futsal
- Badminton - Golf
- Basketball - Hockey
- Chess - Netball
- Cricket - Swimming
- Cross Country Running - Tennis
- Esports - Volleyball
Premier League
For weekly Premier League, students compete by Term per year level. In 2023, the following applies:
- Term 1 (Year 10)
- Term 2 (Year 7)
- Term 3 (Year 9)
- Term 4 (Year 8)
Students participating in Premier League are permitted to play in one sport only during that
competition, as all matches are played concurrently. Selection trials for these teams will take place in
Week 3 and 4, with regular training pre or post school to follow.
Major Carnivals and One Day Tournaments
Participation in Premier League or Senior Sport does not prevent any student from competing for the
College in a one-day tournament or major carnival throughout the year. In fact, the College
encourages students to cross into sports outside their main interests. The following is a list of events
each student may seek team selection:
- SACCSS Golf (28th Feb or 3rd March) - SACCSS Esports (31st March)
- SACCSS Cricket Girls (10th March) - SACCSS Swimming Carnival (4th April)
- SACCSS Cross Country (2nd May) - SACCSS Athletics (12th September)
- SACCSS Badminton (15th May) - SACCSS Junior Tennis (20th October)
- SACCSS AFL (Year 7/8 Girls) (30th May) - SACCSS Futsal (Year 7/8) (23rd October)
- SACCSS Chess (17th July) - SACCSS Junior Hockey (3rd November)
Selection within these squads is also via trials, with information to be communicated throughout the
year on our social media platforms.
Academy Programs
To support the College’s competitive program within SACCSS, six Academy Programs (Athletics,
Australian Rules Football, Basketball, Football, Netball and Tennis) are in place. These programs are
managed by professional Coaches and are competitive entry via selection trials mentioned previously.
Training for these programs is held before or after school and is compulsory if selected.
Signups and Tryouts
Students may sign up to trial for any team via the following link:
Alternatively, students may also attend training or trials on the day to register interest.
Trials and training for sport teams will commence in Week 3 and continue for approximately two
weeks. Details on dates and times for tryouts are posted on the notice boards outside the Sports and
Assembly Hall or via the College’s Sport social media pages.
Training Schedule
To assist College teams preparing for competition a full training schedule is prepared each term.
Training is coordinated by qualified Coaches before and after classes primarily using College
facilities. A copy of the current training schedule is posted outside the Year Level Leaders Offices and
outside the Sports and Assembly Hall. Regular updates are also posted on the College’s Sport social
media pages.
College students compete in SACCSS competitions (and other sanctioned competitions) in
specifically designed College sport uniforms. For most regular sport programs, the College subsidises
the cost of the sport uniform by 50%, with average costs are between $30 - $50 per student. The
College partners with local company CGR Sportswear ( ) for sport
uniform production. An online shop is available for families to purchase these uniforms at a heavily
subsidised rate. Selected students will be notified in due course with details on how to purchase these
uniforms. For one-day gala type events, students are able to borrow uniforms to wear and return at the
completion of the days’ competition.
Students training before school commencing are required to train in their team’s uniform or Physical
Education uniform and then change into full school uniform for the school day. Should a student have
a Physical Education class or sporting event on that day they may wear their Physical Education
uniform for the entirety of that day. This is strictly enforced by College staff.
Parent and Student Communication
The College’s Sport Program aims to engage with students and families via several means. We have a
strong social media presence that includes still photographs, live footage and video footage of
training, competition, weather cancellations and other events. You can find the College’s Sport
Instagram page, at or by using the QR code provided. The Sport
Program also has a linked Facebook account
All accounts are updated regularly with training information, program updates,
reminders and other relevant information.
Coaches communicate with students within teams and Academies via email and Microsoft Teams. It
is critical that students develop good habits to consistently check email for notifications.
Student Permissions
An online parental permission system is in place for College sport participation and any offsite
training requirements. This system is provided via the Parent Access Module (PAM).
High Performance Programs
As an extension of the College’s Academy programs, highly talented students are also eligible for
entry into a High Performance Pathway program to further develop their physical and technical skills
under the guidance of professional coaches. This offering is the Athlete Development Program
(ADP). The ADP is a competitively selected program for elite level (national/state) student athletes
and provides high-performance training for their selected sport activity, both within College
representation and non-College sport. The ADP is broken into three levels, Blue, Gold and White.
Blue and Gold levels provide for training during class time, with students coming from classes 3-4
times per week. ADP White provides introductory high-performance training before and/or after
school hours. For further information please contact Mr Joel Hocking on j.hocking@stmonicas-
Key Contacts

Matt Sheens (Director of Sport, Director of Tennis,

Volleyball Program Head)
- General matters, uniforms, representative sport, Tennis
Academy questions, SACCSS queries, SSV queries.

Brett Potter (Director Australian Rules Football Academy)

- AFL and Cricket matters, House Sport, student

Mark Torcaso (Director Northern Football Academy)

- NFA pathways, Futsal, Junior Girls Cricket, Football
Victoria football pathways

Adriana Taranto (Assistant Director Northern Football

Academy, Female Pathways)
- Female football pathways

John Dorge (Director Basketball Academy)

- Basketball PE Curriculum matters, junior
representative pathways, Basketball Academy queries

Indiana Bodley (Assistant Director Basketball Academy –

Female Pathways)
- Female basketball pathways

Samantha Kolonis (Director Netball Academy)

- Local Netball pathway playing queries, representative
Netball matters

Thomas Wilson (Director Athletics Academy)

- ADP White Program queries, House Carnival queries,
Athletics pathways

Joel Hocking (High Performance Coach)

- Athlete Development Program (Blue/Gold), High
Performance pathways matters

For any further clarity on any matter please do not hesitate to contact myself or an Academy Director.


Matt Sheens
Director of Sport
St Monica's College, Epping
Sport Name Role Team
AFL Brett Potter Director Head Coach - Senior Boys, Senior
Girls, Yr 7 and 9 Premier League,
Year 8 & 10 Boys, Jnr/Inter Girls,
Anthony Capeci Coach Senior Boys/Girls Assistant
Steve Krstevski Coach Senior Boys Assistant
Mark Eastham Coach Senior Boys Assistant
Seb D'Arro Pro Svc Coach All Programs
Athletics Thomas Wilson Director Head Coach, Sprints/Jumps, ADP
Joel Hocking Coach Sprints, Vertical jumps
Paul White Coach Relays
Mitchell Cooper Coach Middle Distance
Cheyenne Pro Svc Coach All
Badminton Josh Ye Head Coach All
Basketball John Dorge Director Head Coach - Senior Boys, Yr 7-10
Premier League, ADP
Indiana Bodley A/D Basketball, Senior Girls, Yr 7-10 Premier League
Female Pathways Girls, ADP
Brad Beecham Coach Senior Boys Assistant, Year 10 Premier
League B
Geoff Worsnop Assistant Coach Year 10 Premier League
Suzanne Bodley Pro Svc Coach All Programs
Chase Page Pro Svc Coach All Programs
Nicholas Pro Svc Coach All Programs
Michael Howden Coach Junior Boys/Girls Assistant
Chess David Strantzen Head Coach All
Jake Vasilevski Pro Svc Coach All
Cricket Brett Potter Program Manager Oversee Programs
Nathan Coach Senior Boys
Michael Sacchetta Coach Senior Boys Assistant, Year 8 Premier
Frank Farchione Coach Junior Girls, Open Girls
Grant Ellis Coach Senior Boys Assistant, Year 8 Premier
David Strantzen Coach Open Girls
Arky Cheema Pro Svc Coach Technical Coach, ADP
Cross Mitchell Cooper Head Coach All
Country Brent Pawley Coach All
Thomas Wilson Coach All
Esports Scott Nguyen Head Coach All
Luis Manfredgolo Coach All
Football Mark Torcaso Director Head Coach - Senior Girls, Yr 7-10
Premier League, Junior Futsal Girls,
Senior Futsal Girls, ADP
Adriana Taranto A/D Football, Year 7-10 Premier League Girls, Futsal
Female Pathways Girls, Senior Girls
Jamie Hodgson Coach Premier League Assistant
Danielle Treglia Coach Year 7 and 8, 9 Premier League Girls
Luca Finanzio Coach Senior Futsal Boys
Christina Puccio Coach Year 10 Premier League Girls
Josh Hanna Coach Premier League Assistant
Tony Belica Pro Svc Coach Northern Football Academy GK School
Harry Reading Pro Svc Coach Football Excellence, NFA Immersion
Technical Coach, Year 8 Premier
Jordan de Graaf Pro Svc Coach Year 7 & 9 Premier League Boys
Sinisa Cohadzic Pro Svc Coach ADP & Year 10 Premier League Boys
Golf Geoff Worsnop Program Manager All
Hockey Thomas Wilson Head Coach All
Taylor Patterson Coach Assistant Coach all teams
Danielle Treglia Coach Assistant Coach all teams
Netball Sami Kolonis Director Head Coach - Senior Girls, Yr 7-10
Premier League, ADP
Luke Vincitorio Coach Premier League Assistant
Laine Hammond Coach Premier League Assistant
Isabella Romano Coach Premier League Assistant
Erica Pro Svc Coach Senior Girls, Premier League all levels
Rocchiccioli Assistant
Jacinta Tonkin Pro Svc Coach ADP White
Narelle Draper Pro Svc Coach ADP White
Swimming Taylor Patterson Head Coach All
Phil Bogoevski Pro Svc Coach All
Tennis Matt Sheens Director All
Grant Ellis Coach Assistant Coach all teams
Sylvia Pasahidis Coach Assistant Coach all teams
Julian Cree Pro Svc Coach All
Volleyball Matt Sheens Program Manager Oversee Programs
Amanda Dooly Coach Senior Girls
Sid Bagh Coach Senior Boys
Gabriella Coach Premier League Assistant
Michaela Page Coach-Casual Year 7-10 Premier League Girls, Senior
Kye Win Chan Coach-Casual Year 7-10 Premier League Boys, Senior

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