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Diocese of Bayombong Educational System

Saint Catherine’s School

Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya | 09052510557

Name: Castillo, Jeyra Ellaine G. Date: 03/03/23

Grade & Section:12- Saint Raphael Time: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

Narrative No. 4
In every aspect or situation, conflict is inevitable and if there's conflict there's always a way to
resolve it. Conflict doesn't only happen in a certain workplace but it can also happen in our own house,
school, community, church, to our circle of friends, and many more.
Last Tuesday, February 28,2023, we started our new day with a new discussion about our Work
Immersion Subject, Ma'am Joan Cerezo started her new lesson with a game ,she divided our class into 5
groups for our group activity .The first game she gave us a recap however, we were the one who guessed
our last discussion through the game. It was all about our last discussion, Safety at the Workplace and the
Workplace Rights and Responsibilities. For our 2nd game, Ma'am Joan gave every group a picture puzzle
wherein we are going to arrange the given picture wherein the picture is connected on our new topic
which is all about Conflict. In each group, Ma'am Joan asked to give our own insights and opinions about
the picture that she gave to us. After which, she started to define what is conflict and she explained that it
is a state of a incompatibility of ideas between two or more parties or individuals.
She also added that it is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in
attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. Since the time is too short for the discussion because Ma'am Silva our
school principal warmly welcome and introduced the DBES team who visited last Tuesday and there are
4 DBES team who came to visit and they are Dr. Feliciano D. Malaque, Ftr. Paul Coloma and Dr.
Marcelina. Ma'am Joan continue her discussion a while ago, as she continue her discussion she asked to
meet our groupmates for our short activity again which is a simple and short roleplay about the
Resolution Conflict Techniques. So every groups performed and gave a short explanation about what they
portray. Subsequently, Ma'am Joan enumerate and explain the 5 Conflict Resolution Techniques such as;
Listen then speak out, Gather the Group, Be impartial, Do not Postpone Conflict and Promote teamwork.
My work Immersion Teacher explains that in the workplace when there's something wrong or conflict
between the employers and employees or between the employees, as a matured individual who witness
the said conflict you must need to listen on both sides and talk to them thoroughly then after you heard
the both sides then your gather the thoughts after that it's your turn to speak out. Gather the group is one
of the most important thing to resolve a certain conflict as Ma'am Joan said that when you didn’t resolve a
conflict between two groups there’s a chance that the working environment will be toxic. She also added
that if you are aware that there's a conflict between the groups then you need to gather them as one to
solve their conflict as soon as possible. In every conflict, you must need to be impartial don't take sides
and you need to be fair, even though you have a connection that doesn’t mean that it gave you the right to
be unfair towards the others. Therefore, you must access the situation for all sides to come up with a fair
and reasonable situation. Additionally, do not postpone conflict is also important thing in order to resolve
a conflict as my classmates said that when you did not resolve a conflict, there’s a higher chance that it
will get more serious and severe. Lastly, promoting teamwork is one of the things that we must consider
when there’s a conflict not just inside a workplace but it also in the community, school and more because
this is one of the most effective conflict resolution techniques and through this it will make the employees
or the other persons think about the importance of working in a team because if there's a unity and
teamwork, everything is possible.

Starting a new day with a success and full of achievements of the Catherinean students
Wednesday, March 1, 2023.During the Flag Ceremony, Ms. Catherine Razo proudly announced the Fides
Luceat's team who joined the contest last February 24 held at Bambang North Central School. After she
announced, the Viva Veritas Radio Broadcasters performed in front of us during the flag ceremony then
after that Ma'am Silva congratulates them and gave a heartfelt message to the students/fides team and also
to the teachers and trainors for doing their best during the contest.
Overall, there's a lot of happenings this past few days since last Tuesday, the DBES school visits
Saint Catherine's School and they go around and observed. Last Wednesday, some of students recognized
because of doing their best and by showing their excellence during the contest.
According to Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith, "Every conflict we face in life is rich with
positive and negative potential. It can be a source of inspiration, enlightenment, learning, transformation,
and growth-or rage, fear, shame, entrapment, and resistance. The choice is not up to our opponents, but to
us, and our willingness to face and work through them." For our discussion, having a conflict in certain
situations and in every aspects is inevitable and in this lesson i learned the 5 Conflict Resolution
Techniques where in this may help me if I encounter some conflicts in my life. The other thing that I've
learned in this lesson is that if you have a problem or conflict between a person you must need to make a
way in order to fix it as soon as possible and in order for the both of you to have a peace of mind. And
lastly, the word that I remember the most is that "Learn to forgive" because if you have a forgiving and
understanding heart everything will follow.

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