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Global Warming

Q: Define global warming.

Global warming is a gradual, long-term increase in the average temperature of Earth's
atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect where gasses from various human activities,
including the burning of fossil fuels, trap heat from solar radiation.

Q: Describe Cause and effects of global warming?

Ans: Global warming is the phenomenon of gradual increase in the average
temperature of earth. It is caused by the release of greenhouse gases like Burning coal,
oil and gas produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Methane gas due to increasing
livestock, Cutting down forests (deforestation), fertilizers containing nitrogen into the

Q: How does global warming effect the climate change?

The change in climatic conditions is a result of global warming. The burning of fossil
fuels, cutting down of trees etc. causes the temperature of the earth to increase. High
temperature changes the weather patterns, causing the dry areas to get drier and wet
areas to get wetter. Thus, increasing the frequency of disasters like floods, droughts .
We already see effects scientists predicted, such as the loss of sea ice, melting glaciers
and ice sheets, sea level rise, and more intense heat waves.

Q: How can we prevent or tackle the global warming or climate change.

Do not cut down more trees as it will only worsen the level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Encourage people to plant even more trees to create a fine balance in nature. Moreover, it
reduces the usage of energy everywhere. The following more steps can be taken to stop the
global warming.

 Save energy at home. ...

 Walk, bike, or take public transport. ...
 Eat more vegetables. ...
 Consider your travel. ...
 Throw away less food. ...
 Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle. ...
 Change your home's source of energy. ...
 Switch to an electric vehicle.

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