Drama People and Culture

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=Scene 1=

Everyday life can be hectic and somber.Life will never turn as the way we daydreamed to be.Young
adults looking forward to a new journey in their life turns 180 degrees.Life will never be full with purity.

=Scene 2=

Sephora was a successful detective.People called her the Gethsemane Brown.She never gives her haters
a glimpse and was a confident sleuth.However,an incident changed her life forever.

On her last case,she seemed to have fallen between cracks and can’t finish the case.She tried to defeat
the case and she almost did.One night,she eavesdropped a conversation between her father and
brother and found out they were the murderers behind her case.She went bizarre and killed both
them.She dropped the case and leaved her career for good.

Things were not good after that for Sephora.She started to have suicidal thoughts,self-harm,religiously
weak and self-blaming depression.It took her lots of therapist visits to get a hold of herself again and
return to the almighty.

=Scene 3=

A dancers life will never be colourful,take Lina for example.Everyone always bats an eye on her just
because she has a darker skin tone.Even if her cheoreography was fantastic,her teacher would make her
do it again.Lina felt unfair from the treatment shes been getting from her teachers and teammates.

One day,one of her teammates criticizied her for being a dark skin toned and that she should quit
dance.Lina felt infuriated as she worked hard day and night to make the ideal cheoreography.She was
not in the mood to fight so she just left the studio.

On the way driving home,Lina went over the speed limit and crashed into a ditch.Some car witnesses
called the ambulance and the police.Lina was rushed to the hospital for further inspection.Lina just had
minor injuries with a broken ankle.

=Scene 4=

Getting to work in a male majority field is not easy for a woman.No one can beat Mea for her love for
astronomy.Working as an astrologist is fun,but the ambience is not that fun.Getting catcalled,down-
graded and often called “the dreaming child” frenzied her.

Even if she looks like she is respected amongst the team,it really isn’t.Getting compliments is a kind
gesture,however getting too much of it makes her uncomfortable.She tries her best to befriend one of
her collegues,it’ll always end in vain.

Her few female collegues see her as a male seducer which was false.She tried to proof that she was just
like them,an astrologist working their hardest.She wanted to quit,unfortunately she guilt-tripped
herself into thinking that she has came a long way for her to be in this position.
=Scene 5=

Each one of them suffered day and night to survive in this cruel world.They always dreamed to turn
back time to their secondary school memories with dear friends.They missed the thrill,mischievous and
playful life.

=Scene 6=

Linas accident made it to the news.Sephora and Mea were in their homes watching television and saw
the news.They were worried for their secondary school friend.Sephora contacted Mea and both of
them went to the hospital to visit Lina.

Lina was in awe to see Sephora and Mea again after years.Mea bought a few fruits as a symbol to get
healthy faster.Lina reassured them that shes fine and will be discharged soon. Sephora then came up
with a brilliant idea and told Lina and Mea about it.They acknowledge the idea and they felt like they
are like secondary school students planning a hangout together.

After planning the hangout,Sephora and Mea had to say goodbye as visiting hours ended.Lina thank
them for visiting her and to see them soon.They all laughed and went back to their respective places.

=Scene 7=

-2 weeks later-

16 September 2022.Mea met with Sephora and they went together to the mall downtown.Lina was
waiting at the enterance of the mall to welcome her friends.After welcoming them,they went to the
steamboat restaurant.They ordered a steamboat and ate together.In between,they complimentd each
others clothing and talked about rheir lives.

After eating,they went to the centre of the mall to see a variety of performances from every race in
Malaysia.They had a good time and bid goodbye in the evening.They promised to hangout again when
they have time to.

=Scene 8=

Through these womans story,we get to learn that discrimination,gender unequality,catcalling,false

rumors,and racism is ruining our society.Even for years to come,those flaws will stay by humanities
side.Can’t we just have a more peaceful world?Without discrimination,unequality and rasicm?Can’t we
all just accept all sorts of race and skin tone?Even if the person is not dealing with problems in
public,dealing problems from your own mind is hard too.

By this drama,we hope to remind ourselves of how to respect each other in this society.We do not judge
people by skin,body,height,appearances or personality.By this drama too,represents a healthy
friendship.We hope this drama can relate to you by any form.


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