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Covid-19 is a deadly virus that has haunted us day and night in 2020 till now.

Covid-19 has taken many

people lives but still we decided to ignore the SOP that is leading to more covid cases.

Covid-19 is a virus that spread through the mouth and nose area.The symptoms can start by a little flu
and coughing,as you let the virus live in your body more it can cause breathing problems and maybe you
can die.

A lot of people have been infected by the covid-19 and even some of them lose their loved ones
because of it.I feel pity and sad towards the ones infected by the covid-19.Since I didn’t have a family
member who’s been infected by the covid-19 so I still don’t know how it feels like.

The SOP has been created to make distance between each other.But sadly many people don’t follow the
SOP that is leading to more covid-19 cases.

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