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Lesson Plan (1)

Teacher Candidate:
Faculty Supervisor: N/A
Subject: English
Grade: K2
Lesson Title:
Lesson Time:
Date: N/A

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Describe the different learning outcomes based on

the curriculum (concepts, skills, attitudes). When applicable, include the three
components of an instructional objective (performance, condition, and criterion)

LO1: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write their names.
LO2: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to spell and model the first
letter of their names.

MATERIALS/RESOURCES NEEDED: Describe the classroom resources
needed as well as additional resources in detail (e.g., whiteboard, markers,
computer station, projector, textbooks…)


Modeling clay
Plastic cutter Set

PROCEDURES: Write what both teacher and students will do as well as the
estimated time needed – make sure to describe all the components of the
procedures. You need to make reference to the learning outcomes when
describing the procedures.

A. INTRODUCTION – How will you begin your lesson?

5-10 min
I will introduce them to the letters and recite with them the alphabets. After
that, I'll let them play with the modeling clay and ask them to model the first
letter of their names.
I will ask them to write the first letter of their names. After that I will ask them
to write their full names.

B. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION – What are the steps and activities that you
plan to use during the instruction?

I will give them plate filled with sand and let them write the letters
that I will hand over to them form a piece of paper. This will make
LO1 it easier for them and also help in saving time.
5 mins

Without giving them a piece of paper with the letters, I will ask
them to write on the sand in a plate their names.
5 mins.
*Learning Outcome - Write the outcome number in this column

ASSESSMENT: Describe the assessment strategies/activities you used

related to your outcome(s).

A1: I will discuss the topic with the pupils for instance, I will ask them to write
the letters to represent their understanding of what there are doing.

A2: I will ask them to tell me the letters of their names to recognize
their weaknesses and strengths and work on areas that need improvement.

C. CLOSURE – How do you plan to end the lesson?

I will end the class by having them sit on a carpet, and I'll have a bag full of
papers, each with a letter on it, and each pupil will pick one, and I'll ask what
the letter is, and he or she will say it out loud, and I'll ask the pupils to point out
which of the letters their names begin with. This will enable me to know if they
understood the lesson.

5 min

Lesson Plan (2)

Teacher Candidate:
Faculty Supervisor: N/A
Subject: Math
Grade: K2
Lesson Title:
Lesson Time:
Date: N/A

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Describe the different learning outcomes based on

the curriculum (concepts, skills, attitudes). When applicable, include the three
components of an instructional objective (performance, condition, and criterion)

LO1: students will be able to count from 1 to 10.

LO2: students will be able practice counting using fingers.

MATERIALS/RESOURCES NEEDED: Describe the classroom resources

needed as well as additional resources in detail (e.g., whiteboard, markers,
computer station, projector, textbooks…)

Smooth pebbles
Counting sticks
Paper with numbers written on them
Permanent marker pen
Numbers Chart

PROCEDURES: Write what both teacher and students will do as well as the
estimated time needed – make sure to describe all the components of the
procedures. You need to make reference to the learning outcomes when
describing the procedures
B. INTRODUCTION – How will you begin your lesson?

10 minutes
I will begin the lesson by explaining to them, what counting mean. I will the
point the numbers as I read loud for them and ask them to track the
numbers along with me. After reciting with them, I will let them count from 1
to 10 on the numbers chart.

D. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION – What are the steps and activities that you
plan to use during the instruction?

I'll use a permanent marker pen to write numbers on flat, smooth
pebbles. I'll place them on a floor and ask them to pick the
pebbles and arrange them in numerical order

LO2 I will give each student 10 counting sticks. I will then ask them to
put one at a time on a table has he/she say the number load in
numerical order

*Learning Outcome - Write the outcome number in this column

ASSESSMENT: Describe the assessment strategies/activities you used

related to your outcome(s).

A1: I will tell the pupils to count as high as they can, starting at 0. I will then
mark the highest number counted without any error. This will enable me
determine those who slow learners hence putting more effort and time on them.
A2: I will give the students papers with numbers 0-10 written then ask them to
arrange them on numerical order.

E. CLOSURE – How do you plan to end the lesson?

I will end the class by having them sit on a carpet, and I'll have a bag full of
counting sticks each with a letter each to pick one at a time and say the number
of sticks they’ve picked loud, and I'll ask the pupils to point on numbers charts
the sticks they’ve picked. This will enable me to know if they understood the


Directions: Critically think about and reflect on your own learning experience.
Using short paragraphs write 5-7 sentences to provide full responses to the best

of your ability. Be sure to address and answer the question in the exact order.
Provide clear details and examples.

a. Experience: Describe a specific event of learning that you found most

interesting. Reflect on this carefully. Provide clear details.
b. Reflection: What was good / bad (easy / hard) about your experience?
c. Professional Practice: What did you learn from your experiences
(planning lessons)?
d. Action Plan: In your own words, what challenge might you experience
when you begin to implement what you have learned?

A. The event I found interesting when developing the lesson plan was during the
end of the class when I will be asking the pupils to pick a paper and ask them to
tell me what letter they have picked. I found it interesting because the knowledge
of alphabets and letter names is a strong predictor of their success in reading and

B. The easiest part was deciding on a lesson plan for them. Because I know what
I'm going to teach, but I had to think of a different way to teach it to them. It is
difficult to come up with a great activity for students to do because I needed to
think of something that will keep them entertained so that they can benefit from
the lesson.
C. While doing the lesson plan, I experienced that the it takes a lot of time. I thought
that when the teacher has the lesson plan of the topics, he or she just go and
follow the lesson plan. This was wrong as the teacher must think of best ways to
have the pupil’s attention and motivation so that they focus and be attentive.

D. The challenges I feel I might experience is time management. This is my greatest

weakness. Often, I can’t proceed with teaching when I feel that most students
have not understood the lesson.

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