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This chapter describes database elements and standards followed

in database design. Database creation, organization and analysis
are explained. Data conversion requirement for field applications is
described. Results of the vulnerability analysis as well as the
outputs of GIS databases prepared are presented in this chapter.

5. Study Area: Surat has been selected as study area for demonstrating disaster
support applications of mobile GIS system. In the recent past, Surat has been
frequently affected by floods. Western part of Surat has been a perennial floods
prone area. Villages in low lying coastal region of Olpad and Chorasi blocks have
experienced more devastating effects. The study area ( Surat District) is bounded
by 20° 47’ 30” to 21° 34’ 05” north latitude and 72° 35’ 30” to 74° 20’ 10” east
longitude region of south Gujarat, India. The geographical location of study area as
well as its boundary are shown in figure 5.1. The detailed characteristics of the
study area , including the facilities /amenities and infrastructure are given in table 5.1

Figure 5.1: Location map of case study area

Table 5.1: Study Area Characteristics

Sr. Item Characteristics/ Number

1 Total Geographic area 7657 sq km
2 No. of Taluka 15
3 No. of Villages 1288 - inhabitated,
26 - uninhabitated
1 6 - towns/cities
4 Total Population 4996391
5 Average annual rainfall 1071 mm
6 Education Amenities
Primary schools 1480
High schools 788
Colleges 48

7 Medical Amenities
Primary Health Centre 1254
Dispensaries 795
Hospitals 488
Nursing Home 350
Family Planning Centre 237
8 Communication Amenities
Post Offices 1180
9 Drinking Water Amenities
Hand Pumps 3581
Tube wells 7280
19 Finance
Banks 570
Co-operative banks 89
Data Source: Census 2001 data, Directorate of Agriculture, Gujarat State

5.1 D a ta b a s e D e s ig n : D ata b a s e design involves defining datab ase elem ents,

naming convention, attributes schem a, data model, datum /projection, coordinate

precision and the tolerances

5.1.1 D a ta b a s e E le m e n ts : Them atic, adm inistrative, topographic and facilities data

considered im portant for the present study are given in table 5.2

T a b le 5.2: D atab ase Elem ents

T h em atic Adm inistrative Topographic Facilities

Land use District Boundary Roads R elief centre

C yclone shelter
D rainage -Line Talu k Boundary R ailw ay Line
(Stream ) Health centre
V illage Boundary C anal
D rainage -Poly
R iver/W ater body Settlem ents P anchayat
Land Parcel

Digital Elevation Tem p le / M osque

W atersh ed
Police Station
Bus Station

R ailw ay Station

W a te r tank /

W ells

Fair price shop

P ow er Sub­


5.1.2 Database Standards: The database elements required for the disaster
management are created /updated using satellite image, mobile GPS-GIS system
based field observations, Census reports, available maps etc. The NNRMS (National
Natural Resources Management System) standards ( are followed in
database design and development. The NNRMS standards provide specifications of
image data, thematic mapping and GIS databases. The relevant details for 1:50,000
scale mapping and for GIS database creation are given in table 5.3 and table 5.4

Table 5.3: Image and Thematic Mapping Standards

SI. No. Contents Specifications

(1:50 000)
1 Spatial Resolution 25m XS or better

2 NSF State
3 Projection LCC/TM
4 Datum WGS84
5 Planimetric Accuracy 25 m
(0.5 mm of scale) in m
6 Image Registration accuracy 12m
@ 0.5 pixel (RMS)
6 Band-to-Band Registration for XS data ~6
(0.25 pixel) in m


1 NSF State
2 Map Projection LCC/TM
5. Datum W G S84
6. Planimetric Accuracy 50 m
(1mm of scale) in m
7. Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) 22500 Sq. m.
( 3 x 3 mm of scale) in sq mts
8. Thematic Accuracy of Classification/Mapping 90/90
9. Map Formats Digital GIS

T a b le 5.4: G IS D atab ase Standards

SI. No Contents Specifications

(1:50 0 0 0)
1. Spatial Fram ew ork National
S eam less
2. Tie-Point Intervals for Spatial Fram ew ork 5’ X 5 ’
3. Coordinate units for Precision D ecim al-Seconds
4. Projection G eographic
5. Datum W G S 84
6. C oordinate Precision Single
8. G IS DB T ic Registration A ccuracy 1 2 .5 m
(0 .2 5 m m o f scale) (R M S ) in m
9. Position (Planim etric) A ccuracy 50 m
(1m m of scale) in m
10. Coordinate M o vem en t T o Ie ra n c e (C M T ) 8 .2 5 m
(0 .1 2 5 m m of scale) in m *
11. W eed To leran ce (W T ) 6 .2 5 m
(0 .1 2 5 m m of scale) in m *
12. Sliver Polygon To leran ce (S P T ) < 2 2 5 0 0 Sq. m.
(L E S S -T H A N M M U ) in m *
13, Grid S ize 25 m
(Im a g e /R a s te r/D E M Layers) (0 .5 m m o f scale) in m

5 .2 D a ta b a s e C re a tio n a n d O rg a n iz a tio n : M ulti-layer G IS datab ase for the study

a rea has been created using IR S data, S O I topographic data, C ensus data district

disaster m a n u a l, ground control points library, field observations etc. and organized

properly for efficient query, analysis and retrieval.

5.2.1 M e th o d o lo g y o f D a ta b a s e C re a tio n : G IS d atabase creation m ainly involves

d ata collection, m apping, digitization, G IS error handling and attaching attributes

d ata and m aking G IS data usable. T h e m ajor tasks involved in datab ase creation


• Collection o f satellite data, m aps and tables

• Analysis o f satellite data for generating them atic m aps

• G P S field observations for generating ground control points library

• Creation of spatial registration framework
• Geo-referencing of satellite image data and scanned map data
• Environment setting and point, line and polygon database creation using on­
screen visual interpretation / digitization
• GIS topology building and errors handling
• Attaching thematic attributes data as per the NNRMS standards
• Converting / formatting of socio-economic and demographic tabular data and
linking to village layer

The Schematic diagram of methodology followed for creating multi layer GIS
database is shown in figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Methodology of GIS Database Creation

5.2.2 Data and Data sources: Various data used and the corresponding data
sources are given in table 5 5.
Table 5.5: Data Used and Data Sources
Sr. Data / Information Source
1 IRS-LISS 111 (Path-94, Row-57) National Remote Sensing
Oct. 2006, March 2006 Centre
IRS-LISS-IV, February 2006 (NRSC), Hyderabad
2. Topographical map Survey of India
3 Village boundary map District Administration
4. Socio-economic data Census 2001
5. Meteorological data Directorate of Agriculture
IMD, Ahmedabad
6. Villages vulnerability and population Surat District Disaster Manual
category (evacuation, non-
contaetabfe, hazard prone ) based
on water level in rivers and dam
7 Ground Control Points Library Differential GPS observations
8 Point Infrastructure / Facilities Data Mobile GPS-GIS system filed

5.2.3 Spatial Database Creation: Spatial database creation for registration

framework, administrative boundaries and transportation network involves manual
digitization and understanding of GIS process. Land use (Level-1) map generation
requires the expertise in image preprocessing, analysis and classification. Spatial Framework: Spatial framework is the most important core database
layer and required for seamless integration of database layers The spatial
framework for the Surat district is created in WGS-84 datum, TM projection and with
registration tics interval of 5’. Spatial framework is given in figure 5.3

Figure 5.3: Spatial framework of the study area Administrative boundaries: The Surat district boundary, taluka boundaries

and villages boundaries maps were required. These spatial layers have been
prepared using topographical maps, census maps and revenue maps. The taluka
boundaries map for Surat district is shown in figure 5.4

Figure 5.4: Administrative map of Surat district showing talukas boundaries

115 Satellite Image Data: High resolution satellite data is required as
background reference layer, image map generation during in-situ damage data
collection and for preparation of thematic maps such as Landuse , transportation
network, drainage etc. Multi-date IRS-LISS-111 and LISS-IV satellite data were
procured and were geo-referenced. The ground control points were established by
taking observations using Lieca SR 94000 GPS receivers and differential
processing. A GCP library has been created for the study area and these GCPs
were used for geo-referencing of LISS III and LISSIV images. Figure 5.5 shows the
geo-referenced False Color Composite (FCC) mosaic of the study area. Figures 5.6
and 5.7 shows the clipped LISS III FCC of Surat acquired on October 24,2006 and
March 26, 2006 respectively.

Figure 5.5: FCC of Study Area (IRS P6 LISS III 24 October 2006 )

Figure 5.6: Clipped LISS III FCC of Study Area (IRS P 6 ,24 October 2006 )

Figure 5.7: Clipped LISS III FCC of Study Area (IRS P6, 26 March 2006) Roads, Rail and Settlements: Transportation network and settlements

locations are core GIS database and used as reference layers. Interpretation of IRS
LISS-IV data, topographic maps and revenue maps have been used to identify
settlement locations / names and subsequently two layers namely settlement area
and settlement point were prepared. Village boundary map is obtained from
Census/Revenue department. The settlements location and village boundary
information is very useful during damage assessment analysis, planning and
implementation of relief measures. Roads and rail layers were derived using
topographic maps and updated using IRS LISS IV data. These transportation layers
are indicates connectivity of a village with adjoining villages and towns and used as
an indicator of its proximity, accessibility and capability of sharing amenities and
various natural resources available in neighborhood area. Settlements location map
and transportation network map prepared for the study area are shown in figures 5.8
and 5.9 respectively.

Settlement Locations
(Surat District)

Data Source :
Survey of India Topographic Maps
IRS P6 LISS III data (October and March 2006)
3 Kilometers
Census maps

Figure 5.8: Settlement Locations

Transportation Network
(Surat District)

Village Road
Data Source :
Survey of India Topographic Maps
IRS P6 LISS III data (October and March 2006)
3 Kilometers
Census maps

Figure 5.9: Transport Network Drainage: Drainage map has been prepared by visual analysis of IRS-LISS
III and LISS-IV satellite data in conjunction with topographical map. Water bodies
and drainage are important indicators of the available surface water. The drainage
network prepared in the form of drainage-line (streams) layer and drainage-polygon
(rivers and water body) layer are shown in figure 5.10

Drainage Network
(Surat District)

I District boundary
i ■Railway
-------National Highway
-------State Highway
Drainage and waterbodies
Data Source :
Survey of India Topographic Maps
3 Kilometers
IRS P6 LISS III data (October and March 2006)

Figure 5.10: Drainage Network Land Use: Land use is one of the most important spatial information
required for damage assessment due to floods. Integrating land use with land parcel
information, agricultural crop damage assessment at parcel level can be estimated
and verified by in-situ mobile GIS observations. Four level land use classification
system as defined in NNRMS standards have been used for preparing Landuse map
from satellite data. Information at level- I has been considered sufficient for the
present study. Multi-date geo-referenced FCC data of IRS LISS-IV and IRS LISS-III
and visual interpretation techniques have been used for preparation of land use map

1 19
of the study area. While preparing land use map , forest boundaries have been
taken from the survey of India (SOI) topographical map. Land use map prepared
using LISS III data of March 26 ,2006 is shown in Figure 5.11. Category wise land
use area of Surat district are given in table 5.6

Land use / Land cover map

(Surat District)

l D istrict boundary
—i— Railway
— National Highway
-------State Highway
Land use classes
H Built-up
| ^ | Forest
Grass land / Grazing land
H I Wastelands
Data Source : | Water bodies
IRS P6 LISS I data (October and March 2006) H Wetlands

Figure 5.11: Land use (Level - I) Map of Surat District

Table 5.6: Areas Linder Various Land use Categories for Surat District.
No. Land use category Area (ha)
1 Built-up 21555
2 Agriculture 489728
3 Forest 144834
4 Wastelands 19501
5 Grass land / Grazing land 524
^6 Water bodies 42759
7 Wetlands 23927
Total 721273

120 Digital Elevation Model: SRTM DEM shown in figure 5.12 was downloaded
from website and elevation ranges were computed for the study area. The height
variation for Olpad, Chorasi and Surat talukas is very moderate and varies from 0-30
meters. Higher elevation range area is not important and hence single wide range
class is prepared for elevation ranges 50 and above meters. The DEM (digital
elevation model) of the study area is shown in figure 5.12

Digital Elevation Model

L eg en d
Elevation Ranges (m)

D a ta S ource :
S u r v e y o f In d ia T o p o g r a p h ic a l m a p s

Figure 5.12: Digital Elevation Model of Surat District

5.2.4 Non-Spatial Database Creation: Non-spatial databases for Surat district have
been collected from various sources like Census department, Directorate of
Agriculture and Indian Meteorological Department. All the databases have been
categorized under different amenities as per the NNRMS standards and linked to the
village layer. Rainfall data for the year 1980 - 2007 was collected from Directorate of
Agriculture and taluka wise annual average rainfall has been computed. Categories
of non-spatial data collected and compiled for the present study are given in table
5.7 and station-wise rainfall pattern of Surat district is shown in Figure 5.13

Table 5.7: Categories of non-spatial data

Demo_2001 .dbf Medfac_2001 .dbf Land_2001 .dbf

Occu_2001.dbf Comifac_2001 dbf Power_2001 .dbf
Edufac_2001 .dbf Genfac_2001 .dbf Rainfall.dbf

Rainfall Pattern
O O C O ^ J - C N O C O C O ^ r C N
o o o o o
o o o o o

Average Annual Rainfall (mm)
o o o o
o o o o o

Station Name

Figure 5.13: Rainfall pattern of Surat district.

5 . 2 . 5 D a t a b a s e O r g a n i z a t i o n : G IS d a t a b a s e s a r e firs t c r e a te d a s p e r c o v e r a g e

m o d e l a n d h a v e b e e n o r g a n iz e d b a s e d o n w o r k s p a c e c o n c e p t. D is tric t w o r k s p a c e

c o n ta in s all s p a tia l d a ta a n d a ll a ttrib u te s d a t a a r e in c lu d e d in In fo ta b le s . T h e d is tric t

d a t a b a s e is c lip p e d u s in g ta lu k a b o u n d a r ie s a n d o r g a n iz e d s e p a r a t e ly u n d e r ta lu k a

w o rk s p a c e T h is tw o tie r a p p r o a c h o f d a t a b a s e o r g a n iz a tio n im p ro v e s G IS s y s te m

p e r fo r m a n c e d u rin g d a ta q u e ry , re trie v a l and a n a ly s is M o b ile G P S -G IS fie ld

o b s e rv a tio n c o lle c te d a s p e r th e s h a p e file m o d e l h a v e b e e n c o n v e r te d to c o v e r a g e

m o d e l a n d h a v e b e e n o r g a n iz e d a s in fra s tru c tu re la y e r u n d e r d is tric t a n d ta lu k a

w o r k s p a c e . S p a tia l in d e x in g is im p o rta n t a d v a n t a g e o f G IS d a t a b a s e o r g a n iz a tio n

a n d u s e d in s to rin g m u lti-la y e r d e r iv e d m a p a s a s in g le e n tity . M u lti la y e r d is tric t a n d

ta lu k a m a p s c r e a te d fo r q u ic k r e fe r e n c e h a v e b e e n o r g a n iz e d a s d e r iv e d p ro d u c ts in

d is tric t a n d ta lu k a d a ta b a s e s . D M S q u e r y s h e ll a n d m o b ile G P S - G I S s o ftw a r e d o n o t

s u p p o rt c o v e r a g e d a t a m o d e l a n d h e n c e a ll d a t a b a s e s a r e c o n v e r te d to s h a p e file

fo r m a t a n d o r g a n iz e d u n d e r O S s tru c tu re . A il s y s te m g e n e r a te d a d d itio n a l fie ld s a r e

rem o ve d ( e .g . FNODE, TNODE, LPOLY, R P O L Y ). Shape file d a ta b a s e s a re

o r g a n iz e d u n d e r d is tric t a n d ta lu k fo ld e r s a n d a llo w c u t-p a s te o p e ra tio n fo r d a ta

tra n s fe r b e t w e e n d e s k to p G IS s y s te m a n d P o c k e t P C .

5 . 3 D a t a A n a l y s i s ' S p a tia l d a t a a n a ly s is is c o r e s tre n g th o f G IS te c h n o lo g y a n d

fa c ilita te s in d a t a s e g m e n ta tio n (c lip p in g ), in te g ra tio n , z o n a tio n a n d lo c a tio n a n a ly s is .

V a r io u s s p a tia l a n a ly s is fu n c tio n s a re used fo r d a t a p r e p a ra tio n and o b ta in in g

d e riv e d re s u lts . C lip a n a ly s is is u s e d fo r s e le c tin g d a t a f o r a r e a o f in te re s t, b u ffe r

a n a ly s is is u s e d fo r id e n tify in g in flu e n c e z o n e a r e a a n d p o in t -in -p o ly g o n , lin e -in ­

p o ly g o n a n d p o ly g o n -in -p o ly g o n , ty p e o f s p a tia l a n a ly s is is u s e d fo r d a t a in te g ra tio n .

C lip a n a ly s is h a s b e e n u s e d in fo r s e g m e n tin g S u r a t d is tric t d a t a b a s e a n d p re p a rin g

ta lu k a d a ta b a s e . B u ffe r a n a ly s is has been used fo r id e n tify in g ris k z o n e a re a

s u rro u n d in g T a p i R iv e r. T a p i R iv e r b u ffe r z o n e h a s b e e n u s e d fo r id e n tify in g a n d

d e te r m in in g v u ln e r a b ility o f s e ttle m e n ts , ro a d n e tw o r k a n d a re a of Landuse in

p ro x im ity o f T a p i R iv e r u s in g p o in t -in - p o ly g o n t y p e o f s p a tia l a n a ly s is S im ila r

a n a ly s is h a s b e e n c a r r ie d o u t u s in g e le v a tio n d a t a f o r a s s o c ia tin g ris k z o n e c a te g o r y

to id e n tifie d v u ln e r a b le s e ttle m e n ts , ro a d n e tw o r k and a re a o f Landuse. Thus

integrated GIS spatial analysis has been carried out for preparing data set for
subsequent in-situ observations using mobile GPS-GIS system.

5.4 Results and Discussion:

5.4.1 Road Network Vulnerability: Integrated GIS analysis has been carried out
using SRTM DEM, Tapi river buffer zone area and road network of study area to
identify national highway, state highway, district and other roads under high to low
risk zone. Roads category under different risk zone is shown in figure 5.14 and total
length of roads type under different risk zone is given in table 5.8

Table 5.8 Roads type and length under different risk zone

Sr. Type of road Road length (m) Total

No. High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk (m)
Zone Zone Zone
1 National Highway 10154 18717 36961 65833
2 State Highway 21104 71454 136970 229527
3 District Road 5032 49527 113655 168214
4 Earthen 0 3119 38758 41877
5 Village Road 19031 45661 176608 241299
Total 55320 188478 502952 746750

5.4.2 Settlements Vulnerability: High flood zone areas, moderate flood zone area
and low flood zone areas delineated have been used to identify number of villages /
settlements under low risk zone, moderate risk zone and high risk zone using GIS
point -in -polygon analysis. The derived results are given in table 5.9 to table 5.11
and settlements under different risk zone are shown in figure 5.15

Table 5.9. Moderate Risk Zone Villages/ Towns

Sr. Village Village Sr. Village Sr. Village Village

No. code name No. code Village name No. code name
1 16249 Olpad 14 16298 Sithana 27 17022 Bhatlai
2 16254 Orma 15 16297 Barbodhan 28 22010 Sachin
3 16256 Asnabad 16 16299 Segwachhama 29 17027 Bhatpor
4 16255 Jafrabad 17 17009 Okha 30 17040 Bharthana
5 16274 Masma 18 17008 Kaloi 31 17039 Bamroli
6 16276 Sarol 19 17005 Vansva 32 17042 Rundh
7 16275 Balkas 20 17007 Godhra 33 17041 Vesu
8 16286 Narthan 21 17020 Palanpor 34 17043 Magdalla
9 16288 Ambheta 22 17006 Damka 35 17044 Gaviyar
10 16287 Ariyana 23 17030 Pal 36 17055 Vadod
11 16294 Dihen 24 17021 Asarma 37 17051 Abhva
12 16293 Kunkni 25 22010 Sachin 38 17056 Sonari
13 17010 Halo! 26 17029 Bhatha

Table 5.10: Low Risk Zone Villages/ Towns

Sr. Villag Sr Villag Sr Villag

No e Village No e Village No e
code name code name code Village name
1 16241 Kudsad 32 16271 Kosam 63 16975 Kathodara
2 16212 Kim 33 16269 a 64 16984 Morthana
3 16264 Kanyasi 34 16955 Kamrej 65 22010 Sachin
4 16242 Kareli 35 16954 Delod 66 16985 Kosamadi
5 16243 Bharundi 36 16958 Abrama 67 16974 Khadsad
6 16936 Ghaludi 37 16273 Talad 68 16986 Kosmada
7 16938 Tharoli 38 16956 Khoivad 69 17018 Simada
8 16937 Antroli 39 16291 Kanad 70 16990 Valthan
9 16939 Pardi 40 16270 Sherdi 71 17019 Puna
10 16935 Shekhpur 41 16957 Bhada 72 17031 Magob (part)
11 16260 Khalipor 42 16290 Jothan 73 16991 Mankna
12 16248 Atodra 43 16289 Sonsak 74 16989 Ladvi
13 16263 Siwan 44 17014 Kosad 75 17033 Hemad
14 16259 Sandhiyer 45 16963 Koli 76 16988 Oviyan
15 16261 Madhar 46 16962 Nansad 77 17032 Saroli
16 22001 Sayan 47 16292 Saroli 78 17002 Umbhel
17 16262 Paria 48 16961 Navagam 79 17034 Vedchha
18 16944 Velanja 49 16960 Laskana 80 16987 Chhedchha
19 16257 Isanpor 50 17017 Varachha 81 17036 Kumbharia
20 16258 Karamla 51 17015 Kosad 82 17035 Sabargam
21 16945 Kathor 52 16959 Vaiak 83 17087 Antroli
22 16948 Bhairav 53 22009 Surat City 84 22010 Sachin
23 16266 Delad 54 16971 Vav 85 17086 Niyol
24 16946 Choryasi 55 16977 Jokha 86 17038 Godadara
25 16949 r 56 22010 Sachin 87 17037 Devadh
26 16265 Umra 57 17011 Vanakala 88 17059 a
27 16267 Gothan 58 17012 Vthel 89 17085 Sedhav
28 16268 Vaswari 59 16972 Pasodara 90 17058 Dindoli (part)
29 17013 Variav 60 16973 Sarthana 91 17060 Deladva
30 16272 Vadod 61 16976 Simadi 92 17057 Karadva
31 16947 Amboli 62 17016 Amroli

Table 5 11: High Risk Zone Villages/ Towns

Sr Village Village Sr Village Village Sr. Village

No. code name No code name No. code Village name
1 17023 Rajgari 7 17045 Vanta 13 17049 Bhimpor
2 22010 Sachin 8 17046 Dumas 14 17052 Khajod
3 17025 Mora 9 17028 Kidiabet 15 17069 Budia
4 17026 Kavas 10 17054 Jiav 16 17048 Sultanabad
5 17024 Sunvali 11 17050 Sarsana
6 17053 Bhimrad 12 17047 Hajira

I | 10 km b u lto r o l T a p i Rlvor
\ I Taluka bo u n d ary D a ta S o u rc e :
• S d tta m a n ts IRS LISS-4II d a ta . K lta r ff a n d R a b i s e a s o n : 2 007
/ V Rail-way SO I T o p o g ra p h ic m a p s

H ig h R is k M o d e ra te R is k L o in R is k Total
Zone Zone Zone
No. o f V illa g e s Mouuns 16 38 92 146

Figure 5.15 Settlements under different risk zone

5.4.3 Land Use Vulnerability: The simulated 10 kilometers buffer zone along Tapi
River has been used to identify different categories of land use under different risk
zone. Land use categories under different risk zone are given in table 512.
Inundation scenario has been created using DEM overplayed on the land use map
of the study area. The water level rise m Tapi River and subsequently inundated
adjoing areas of Surat district has been studied for a buffer of 10 kms. The
categories of land use affected up to a buffer of 10 kms is shown in figure 5.16

Table 5.12: Land use categories under different risk zone

Sr. Land use category Land use area (ha) Total

No High Moderate Low
Risk Risk Risk
Zone Zone Zone
1 Towns/cities (Urban) 1587 2552 6390 10529
2 Villages (Rural) 164 635 1878 2677
3 Crop land 3791 15432 40411 59635
4 Plantations 0 88 308 396
5 Forest land (Deciduous - Moist) 88 0 0 88
6 Forest Plantations 660 391 0 1051
7 Land with scrub 66 0 148 215
8 Land without scrub 0 0 255 255
9 Sait Affected Land 0 41 0 41
10 Mangroves (Littoral swamp forest) 140 0 0 140
11 Prosophis 785 301 24 1110
12 Coastal Wetlands 7227 1368 0 8595
13 Lakes/Ponds 21 36 80 137
14 River 52 421 2006 2479
15 Canal 0 0 83 83
Sub-total 14582 21264 51583 87429

Land use m a p o f bu ffer zo n e

] 10 km buffer of Tapi River

j “___| Taluka boundary
Land use category D a ta S o u r c e :
IR S L I S S - II I d a t a . K h a r i f a n d R a b i s e a s o n : 2 0 0 7
Built-up S O I T o p o g r a p h ic m a p s
Agriculture SRTM DEM

Water bodies

Figure 5.16: Tapi river buffer zone and covered Land use categories

5.4.4 Discussions: The spatial analysis functions and results presented are derived
using topology of database and computation demanding functions of GIS like union,
intersection, dissolve etc. These functions can not be implemented in mobile GIS
system due OS, data model (shape file) and programming constraints. Thus,, GIS
processing logic needs to be appropriately partitioned between mobile client and
backend GIS server. Single layer processing, feature level processing, attributes
handling etc. should be supported by client and multi-layer GIS processing must be
carried by GIS server system.

5.5 Compatibility and Portability of Databases for Mobile GiS System

5.5.1 Data Conversion: In order to port the spatial databases to mobile GIS system,
it should adhere to the following standards.
Datum. W GS-84
Projection: Geographic
Format / Data Model: Shape Files (SHP, SHX and .DBF)
Structure. NNRMS Standards (Published by ISRO)

All the spatial data sets were prepared as per the above specifications. Some of the
databases were in the old format having Everest datum and polyconic projection and
coverage format. These data were converted to new standards. The Issues related
to data conversion are given below:

Format Conversion: This is relatively easier task and is supported by most of the
image processing and GIS software with no significant error propagation.

Projection Conversion: Output projection parameters have to be specified. The

projection selected for mobile GiS databases is geographic and hence output
projection parameters were not required.

Datum Conversion: This is the most complex task and requires seven
transformation parameters viz. three shift, three rotations and one scale change for
accurate mapping between two datum. Zone wise parameters were required for
obtaining desired accuracy matching to requirements of 1:50000 scale maps.
[Udani, 2004; Kulkarni, 2006] The alternate solution worked out was to use GPS
observations for geo-referencing (Datum Assignment) of satellite image and use
satellite image as reference for coordinate system.

Structure Conversion: SOI DGN to NNRMS format conversion was attempted and
few database elements could not be correlated. The format conversion should be

5.5.2 Data Porting: Data exchange between desktop GIS system and mobile GPS-
GIS system is carried out using Microsoft ActiveSync Software. ActiveSync is
embedded in Pocket PC and it is required to be installed on desktop GIS system.
ActiveSync is freely available and can be downloaded from Microsoft site. Following
procedure is to be followed for data exchange.
• Physically connect Pocket PC to Desktop System serial port by using cable
provided with Pocket PC
• Switch on the Pocket PC
• Start ActiveSync on desktop system and establish guest partnership with Pocket
PC and Open / explore Pocket PC directory as shown in figure 5.14
• Use copy - paste for data transfer.

Figure: 5.14: GUI for Establishing Data Partnership with Mobile GIS System


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