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Parts of Speech
1. He will visit his grandparents for two weeks this
summer. a. adverb
a. conjunction

b. noun

c. pronoun

2. Silently read your book.

a. adjective

b. adverb

c. preposition

d. verb

3. Hey! Put that down!

a. adjective

b. adverb

c. interjection

d. noun

4. Liam brought his notebook to class.

a. adverb

b. conjunction

c. noun

d. pronoun
5. Your test scores were almost perfect.
a. adjective

b. adverb

c. noun

d. pronoun

6. Please join us for the birthday party this afternoon.

a. conjunction

b. interjection

c. pronoun

d. verb

7. French onion soup is on the lunch menu.

a. adjective

b. adverb

c. conjunction

d. noun

8. The coach jumped for joy.

a. adjective

b. conjunction

c. preposition

d. verb

9. Classes will resume in the fall.

a. noun

b. preposition

c. pronoun

d. verb
10. I understand the directions.
a. interjection

b. noun

c. preposition

d. verb

11. Fathers and sons enjoy taking long fishing trips to

the lake.
a. adverb
a. conjunction

b. noun

c. preposition

12. The postman will deliver it to your house.

a. conjunction

b. interjection

c. pronoun

d. verb

13. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.

a. adjective

b. adverb

c. interjection

d. noun

14. Wow! That was scary.

a. interjection

b. noun

c. preposition

d. verb
15. The music concert was loud and entertaining.
a. adjective

b. adverb

c. noun

d. pronoun

16. Place the books against the wall.

a. interjection

b. noun

c. preposition

d. verb

17. I will not be able to attend the game for I have not
completed my homework. a. adjective
a. adverb

b. conjunction

c. noun

18.Visiting Italy was an exciting trip for my family.

a. interjection

b. noun

c. preposition

d. verb

19. Would you like chocolate or vanilla?

a. conjunction

b. noun

c. pronoun

d. preposition
20. Nathan is finishing his chores early so he can
enjoy the rest of the day.
a. conjunction
a. interjection

b. pronoun

c. verb

1. Make sure you ---- the electricity before
you ---- mending this light switch.
A) disconnect / start
B) are disconnecting / were starting
C) will disconnect / started
D) disconnect / start
E) disconnect / will start
2. The workers ---- to go on strike when
the management ---- their demand for higher
A) decide / will refuse
B) decided / refused
C) will decide / will refuse
D) are deciding / refused
E)would decide / refuse

3. Most people ---- being disturbed while

A) don't like / are working
B) would like / worked
C) like / worked
D) don't like / didn't like
E) will like / were working
4. In public pools, there ---- a much
higher level of safety withtrained
lifeguards on dutywhenever they---- open.
A) will be / were
B) was / are
C) is / are
D) would be / are
E) is / were
5. The contractors ---- the stadium when strike
---- all construction.
A) built / is stopping
B) are building / stops
C) were building / will stop
D) will build / will stop
E) were building / stopped
6. Humans ---- applying knowledge of genetics in
prehistory withthe domestication and
breeding of plants and animals.
A) begin
B) will begin
C) began
D) are beginning
E) would be starting

7. All pilots ---- speak English so that other

pilots and air controllers ---- them.
A) have to / understand
B) had to / will understand
C) have to / would understand
D) will have to / understand
E) would have to / are understood
8. With a tornado on the way, Jesse
---- he ---- safer under a mattress.
A) was deciding / will be
B) is deciding / was
C) would decide / will be
D) decided / would be
E) decides / would be
9. The Internet ---- computer users easily to
connect to other computers and
information stores wherever they---- across
the world.
A) allows / are
B) allowed / will be
C) are allowing / were
D) will allow / would be
E) were allowing / will be
10. Mrs Grant absentmindedly ---- the umbrella
that ---- on the seat before her.
A) was taking / will hang
B) will take / would hang
C) is taking / would hang
D) would take / is hanging
took / was hanging


1. Because Albert is the most experienced and he

is therefore the best ballet dancer in the
company, he is being increasingly viewed by
the director as the best candi- date for the role
of the Nutcracker.
a. and he is therefore the best ballet dancer in the
company, he is being in- creasingly viewed
b. he is therefore the best of ballet dancers, and it
has increased the view
c. and therefore the best ballet dancer, he is being
increasingly viewed
d. and therefore he is the best of ballet dancers,
there is an increasing view
e. therefore being the best of ballet dancers, it is

increasingly viewed
2. The political and social forces that may
facilitate a dictator’s rise to power include
sudden crashes in the economy, discrimination
and other methods of finding scapegoats,
inciting the masses to rebellion, and their
protesting that the cur- rent government may
still be inadequate.
a. inciting the masses to rebellion, and their
protesting that the current government may
still be inadequate
b. inciting the masses to rebellion, and a protest
that the current government may still be
c. an incitement of the masses to rebellion, and a
protesting that the current government may
still be inadequate.
d. an incitement of the masses to rebellion, and a
protest of the still inadequate current
e. an incitement of the masses to rebellion, and a
protest that the current government may still be
3. Like the play that came before it, Shakespeare’s
Othello is the inspiration for the new play.
a. Shakespeare’s Othello is the inspiration for the
new play
b. the inspiration for the new play is
Shakespeare’s Othello
c. Shakespeare’s Othello is the new play’s
d. the new play has been inspired by
Shakespeare’s Othell
e. the new play has an inspiration of
Shakespeare’s Othello

4. To compare the thunderous brilliance of

Beethoven with the bubble-gum pop tunes of
Britney Spears is to compare the value of
diamonds with that of plastic baubles.
a. To compare the thunderous brilliance of
Beethoven with the bubble-gum pop tunes of
Britney Spears is to compare the value of
diamonds with that of plastic baubles.
b. To compare the thunderous brilliance of
Beethoven with the bubble-gum pop tunes of
Britney Spears is comparing the value of
diamonds with that of plastic baubles.
c. Comparing the thunderous brilliance of
Beethoven with the bubble-gum pop tunes of
Britney Spears is to compare the value of
diamonds with plastic baubles.
d. Comparing the thunderous brilliance of
Beethoven with the bubble-gum pop tunes of
Britney Spears is like comparing the value of
diamonds with plastic baubles.
e. To compare the thunderous brilliance of
Beethoven with the bubble-gum pop tunes of
Britney Spears is to compare diamonds’ value
with plastic baubles’ value.

5. When we visited the hospital, the doctors told

us that using a walker was much easier for
Grandmother than to try to walk on her own.
a. that using a walker was much easier for
b. that for Grandmother, it was much easier to use
a walker
c. that for Grandmother, a walker was much
easier to use
d. for Grandmother, using a walker was much
e. for Grandmother, a walker was much easier

6. The steps of the ceramic process in which the

students will be involved is in the molding and
smoothing of the shape, and in the decoration
of the finished item.
a. is in the molding and smoothing of the shape,
and in the decoration
b. is the molding and smoothing of the shape, and
also the decorating
c. are the molding, smoothing of the shape, and
in the decorating
d. are the molding and smoothing of the shape,
and the decoration
e. is in the molding and smoothing of the shape,
and the decorating

7. Since the President was caught having an

affair, nearly 10, 000 men have been sued for
divorce, which is more than had been sued in
the past five years com- bined.
a. which is more than had been sued
b. more than had been sued
c. more than they had sued
d. more than had experienced suits
e. which is more than had experienced suits

8. The pharmaceutical company should add many

new strains of the disease to Pre- vnar, making
the vaccine much more effective than 10 years
a. making the vaccine much more effective than
10 years ago
b. and make the vaccine much more effective
than 10 years ago
c. making the vaccine much more effective than
it was te10n years ago
d. to make the vaccine much more effective than
10 years ago
e. in making the vaccine much more effective
than it was 10 years ago

9. The disciplinary decisions teachers make are

less strict for girls than they are for boys
because they usually cause less trouble and are
more repentant.
a. The disciplinary decisions teachers make are
less strict for girls than they are for boys
because they usually cause less trouble and are
more repentant.
b. Because they usually cause less trouble and are
more repentant, the disci- plinary decisions
teachers make are less strict for girls than the
disciplinary decisions are for boys.
c. The disciplinary decisions teachers make are
less strict for girls than boys because they
usually cause less trouble and are more
d. Because girls usually cause less trouble and are
more repentant than boys, the disciplinary
decisions that teachers make for girls are less
strict than boys.
e. The disciplinary decisions teachers make are
less strict for girls than they are for boys
because girls are usually less troublesome and
more repentant than boys are.
10. Police are mystified by the serial murderer
and have no explanation as to why he attacks
some of the prostitutes with whom he has
contact when he spares most others.
a. when he spares
b. where he spares
c. where sparing
d. when sparing
e. while sparing

1. It is of great importance for the young that they
accustom themselves from their earliest years
to trust as little as possible to others for what
they want. They should learn to put on their
own clothes, to wash themselves, to take their
food with their own hands and not expect
mothers or servants do these things for them.
They should learn to read and write and store
their minds with knowledge so that they can
earn their own bread when they go into the
What is the suitable title for this passage?
a. Self-dependence tactics
b. Way of earning bread and butter
c. Mother’s responsibility for children
d. None of above
2. It is of great importance for the young that
they accustom themselves from their earliest
years to trust as little as possible to others for
what they want. They should learn to put on
their own clothes, to wash themselves, to take
their food with their own hands and not expect
mothers or servants do these things for them.
They should learn to read and write and store
their minds with knowledge so that they can
earn their own bread when they go into the
What is the appropriate precis of this passage?
a. Children must stay dependent for various
chores as putting clothes and taking food. This
may help in future.
b. Younger ones must learn to do their activities
by themselves as it would inculcate the habit of
being independent which would be fruitful for
their future.
c. Both are correct
d. Neither of these is correct

3. Books are a delightful society. If you go into a

room filled with books even without taking
them down from the shelves, they seem to
speak to you, seem to welcome you, seem to
tell you that they have something inside their
covers that will be good for you and that they
are willing to impart it to you.
What is the possible title of this passage?
a. Knowledgeable books
b. Book shelves
c. Rooms filled with books
d. None of above
4. Books are a delightful society. If you go into a
room filled with books even without taking
them down from the shelves, they seem to
speak to you, seem to welcome you, seem to
tell you that they have something inside their
covers that will be good for you and that they
are willing to impart it to you.
What is the possible precis of this passage?
a. In a room full of books, these books invite
the reader to grasp the good knowledge
which is predictable from their covers as
b. Good books always invite reader for
double reading in a room full of books.
c. Books are willing to impart knowledge in
reader without even the need of reading it.
d. All of above are correct

5. It is physically impossible for a well-educated

or brave man to make money the chief object
of his thoughts, just as it is for him to make his
dinner the principal object of them. All healthy
people like their dinners, but their dinner is not
the main object of their lives. So all healthy
minded people like making money—ought to
like it and enjoy the sensation of winning it; it
is something better than money.
What is the possible title of this passage?
a. Healthy minded people
b. Earnings of healthy minded people
c. Making dinner
d. Brave man


1. What types of reports are available?

a. Factual report
b. Instructional report
c. Leading report
d. All of above
2. What content is mentioned in leading
a. Information to persuade
b. Information about policies framed newly
c. Information about facts and figures
d. None of above
3. What factors are kept in mind while
identifying a reader?
a. His knowledge and attitude
b. His experience and presence
c. His desire and behaviour
d. None of above
4. What content is mentioned in findings of a
a. The suggestions for future
b. The methods found suitable for survey
c. The outcomes of methodology
d. None of above
5. Which of the following is right structure of
sentence in report writing?
a. I am recommending the authorities to
change the pattern.
b. I wish, authorities would have changed
the pattern.
c. It is recommended to change the pattern
d. All of above are correct

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