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First and second conditional Exercise

1. If she offered me the job, I think I _______________(take) it.

2. If she ______________(be) hungry, she would eat something.
3. If didn’t study hard, he ___________________ (not pass) the exam.
4. I _________________(send) you a postcard, if I had your address.
5. What _____________________(happen), if you didn´t go to work tomorrow?
6. If she has enough money, she _________________(buy) a new car.
7. What will John do, if he ___________________(not get) the job?
8. She would be terribly upset, if I ___________________(lose) her ring.
9. Many people would be out of work, if the factory ____________________(close) down.
10. What would you do, if you ____________________(be) the president of your country?
11. If you .……………..........(heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it....………….. (boil).
12.If you …….....…....….........(heat) the ice it ....…………….....(melt).
13.You ..……………....(bleed) if you ………………........(cut) your finger.
14. If he hurried, he _______________________(catch) the train.
15. If he _______________________(have) time, he will come.
16. He ____________________(ring) the bell, the waiter would come.
17. If I have some money I __________________(buy) a new car.
18. If I ____________________(work) harder I will pass the exam.
19. If you don’t win, you______________________(be) sad.

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