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Assessment is the heart of the education system. When there is no assessment there will be nothing
at the end there will be no clear outcome. So assessment by itself Can be considered the systematic
collection, review and use of information about the educational programs to make decisions, which
means the Systematic collection of students, their level their knowledge and their behaviour, then
a review of the data collection to know how was the students and use the information to decide for
knowing about the outcomes of the students.
We may ask Why do we assess our students?
If we answer that we can say that because of some causes such as The students level, for the sake
of motivation, To know the out come, To make necessary decision about learning process and also
Receiving feedback.
The way of assessing is different from before (tradition) and now (new way) in teaching, The
traditional one is based on writing based. So the students were good memoriser, And also we can
not assess students by using only one way there are many ways to assess students which are used
in a new way, in my point of view and also as we studied and knows that using different ways of
assessment is important as it uses in a new way, because students evaluation can con be known by
using just one way of assessing.
To assess students in the right way there are some Characteristics of it such asongoing process,
Diverse, Practical and Objective.
As we mentioned diverse assessments can be suitable for evaluating students lets know some
Types of assessment such as:
Diagnostic usually it happens befor the class
Formative is an ongoing process using formal and informal assessment during the corse
Summative assessment it's done at the end ( end of the course, end of the year......) to assess
student's performance or summative(measure students' achievement).
As I said assessing students is an essential part of the process of learning and we can be crystal
clear about the outcome of the process.

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