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Directions: Answer the following questions based on your own opinions.

1.Create a written scenario for moral valuation, moral issue, moral decision, moral
judgement, and moral dilemma.
- Being honest or being in the habit of telling the truth, free from any intent to
deceive or impress others. Being honest when no one is watching and you’re always
doing it without any hesitation. For instance, an honest customer who doesn’t
hesitate to tell the cashier she’s given him too much charge, or the sort of person
who help others from an honest desire to do good.


- Autumn works as a call center agent for about a month. Her colleague Paula taught
her some dirty tricks in order to avoid incoming calls it’s a win-win situation for
her because he also work as a delivery girl in the morning and also he can relax if
she do that, but she knows it’s illegal and can make a bad record for his
regularization. However she choose not to. She just go back in his station and
works peacefully.


- There were only three of you in a burning house and you are the nearest from the
door while the other two are from different rooms and the fire was spreading fast
onto the door. Who will you save? Your best friend or a scientist with a cure for
Covid-19 ? In this scenario you are dealing about your personal interest against
the common good.


- A Doctor who need to choose who can he save between a mother and a baby, he
wanted to save both but he can only choose one due to critical conditions. He
wanted to save the baby, but he also wanted to save the mother. This shows moral
judgement wherein the Doctor have to weigh what is most important.


- A mother who couldn’t afford the amount of money for the surgery for her dying
son, but she had access to the room of the Doctor who have a lot of money under his
desk. Her core values might tell her that stealing is wrong. However, her morality
would tell her that she needs to protect and save her son. As such, the mother
might end up doing the wrong thing (stealing, as judged by her values) for the
right reasons ( saving her son, as judged by her morals).

2.Why do we need punishments? Explain briefly.

- We need a punishment because it is the right thing to do to punish people who
make a mistakes so that we know in ourselves that we have done something wrong so
we need punishment and learn more about things. If there’s no punishment for those
who do wrong to others, they will just continue to do it. We need to think about
the decision we will make and the outcome of it. It is important that everyone has
awareness that there is a corresponding punishment for every wrongdoing that may
resulted harm to others.

3.Explain what kind of attitude you had.

- I have a short-tempered attitude before and I always get annoyed even it’s just a
small thing. I get hurt easily when I don’t want the words I hear and I’m a moody
person. But now little by little, I can control my attitude. I can say that I’m
more matured not like before.
4.Discuss the Moral and Ethical doings.
- When we say Morals, it refers to one’s personal beliefs about right and wrong.
The logical sets of conducts or rules to be expected and/or abided by from an
individual or a group of people who are usually taught based upon religious beliefs
on what is good/bad or right/wrong for an individual or a group of people.
Whereas Ethics deals with one’s own personal beliefs of what is good/bad or
right/wrong based on their experience with someone or something.

5.Make a poster showing similar examples of an “ Etiquette “.

6.How do you know if a punishment is acceptable and unacceptable?

- We can say that punishment is acceptable if it is correct and in accordance with
the law in the eyes of God, man and society. Basis that no human rights are
violated. On the contrary, punishment is unacceptable if it already violates human
rights even if it is acceptable for the principle and beliefs of majority.

7.Make your own principle in 2 to 5 sentences.

- One of my principles in life is " respecting others even it's my enemies ". It
feels good when you feel no hate from everyone. We should love and respect even our
enemies. We should also do good without expecting anything in return. We need to
spread love and not hate.

8.Why people are having fear of punishments?

- They commit wrongdoings because of excessive desire for freedom, they forget that
things in the world have limitations and boundaries. They are doing things that are
not right. When it happens, it leads to fear of being punish because they know as a
person that they have done too much.

9.Make your own list of right and wrong doings of a person (10 each list will do)


Putting God first in everything you do. Too much love for self only.
Respecting everyone. Desire for committing wrong.
Helping others. Stealing others stuff.
Honoring your mother and father. Telling lies.
Not covering someone's fault. Planting hatred.
Giving value to everyone. Being greedy in all aspect.
Giving without expecting anything in return. Envious of what other people have.
Loving your enemies. Didn't care for anyone's feeling.
Being honest to anyone. Covering someone's mistake.
Valuing your own life. Being ungrateful for what you have.

10.Write a moral lesson in your life (5 to 10 sentences)

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