Ans. Machines Are Result of Human Beings Innovative Mind That Helped Them To Reduce Their

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Question : 1

Instead of making machines our servants the author says they have become our masters. In
what sense has this come about?

Ans. Machines are result of human beings innovative mind that helped them to reduce their
efforts and multiply the result. As machines needs proper feed to run like as petrol, electricity
and other sources. And if they do not get their meals when they expect them, they grow sulky
and refuse to work, or burst with rage, and blow up, and spread ruin and destruction all around
them. So in this way machine are our master instead of servant.
Question : 2
The use of machines has brought us more leisure and more energy. But the author
says that this has been a curse rather than a blessing. Why?
Ans: The author says that this has been a curse rather than a blessing as what do we do with all the
time which the machines have saved for us, and the new energy they have given us? More and
better machines will only give us still more time and still more energy, and what are we to do
with them? In this way it is a curse.
Question : 3
What exactly is the meaning of ‘civilization’? Do you agree with the author’s
Ans: A civilization is a complex human society, usually made up of different cities, with certain
characteristics of cultural and technological development. Civilization allows people to live at a
degree above the survival level. It gives them leisure to create things. Yes I’m agree with
author’s views about civilization as civilization include thinking freely, and living rightly and
maintaining justice equally between man and man.
Question : 4
‘Making more beautiful things’ – what does this expression mean? Make a list of the
beautiful things that you would like to make and how you would make them.

‘Making more beautiful things ‘ mean thinking freely, and living rightly and maintaining
justice equally between man and man. Man has a better chance today to do these things
than he ever had before; he has more time, more energy, less to fear and less to fight

Question: 5
Mention some plans you may have to prevent poverty in the world. Who would
receive your most particular attention, and why?

1- More infrastructure, including space infrastructure to ease our resource crunch. Part of this is
education and energy infrastructure.

2- Better birth control options for women around the world so populations will stop growing.

3- More property rights around the world. More human rights in general.

I think everybody should pay attention to kill poverty because in present era, a single man can’t
do much to remove the poverty.

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