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What's New: Bank feeds - CSV file support

CSV-type bank file formats are used by a number of international banks and o en in
geographical regions. To support our business partners who work with banks that require CSV
files for payment remi ance, we enhanced the bank file definition function (GESTFB) to make
it easier to set up and use CSV-type bank file definitions.
In this course, you'll see the setup and requirements for defining a CSV bank file to use when
you generate payment files. You'll also see how to create a CSV bank file definition.

Duration: 15 minutes



Overview and bene ts


Set up

Creating a CSV Bank le de nition

CSV Bank le de nition examples


Knowledge challenge






Sage University
Lesson 1 of 9


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Lesson 2 of 9

Overview and benefits

AP/AR account managers need an easy-to-use function to prepare outbound bank files in CSV format.
In previous versions of the application, if you needed to use a CSV bank file format, you had to create it
manually. The process was complex and time consuming. 

The Bank file definitions function now includes the "CSV" format type, in addition to the existing
 "Fixed" and "Variable" formats. The new "CSV" Format type allows you to create, adjust, and maintain
CSV-type bank file definitions more easily. The CSV format functionality increases usability and
acceptance for banks that require CSV files for payment remi ance. 

With the new CSV option in the Format type field, creating and using CSV files is simpler for all users.
Now, when you define a CSV file type, you can:

Specify the character used as the separator between two fields.

 Enter a non-printable character as a field separator.

Specify the separator used between two data records.

Define a field delimiter (usually double-quotes, " ) that is added in the first and last position for
alphanumeric fields.

Define the format of the file, either ASCII or UTF-8.

Lesson 3 of 9

Set up

The Bank file definition function

You use the same function to create a CSV bank file definition as you use for other formats:
    (GESTFB)  Setup -> A/P-A/R accounting -> Files

The Bank file definition function includes a new Format type option, CSV. When you select the format
type CSV, new fields that support the format become active.

Select the "i" icons on the image below to learn more about the enhanced function.

  

Character encoding

Choose a character encoding for the file:

- UTF-8

This is a required field.

Format type

CSV is the newly added format type option. 

The format type defines the structure you use to manage the data in the bank file you export.

These other new fields are active only when you select the CSV format type:
- Field separator
- Field delimiter
- Character coding

The "Fixed" and Variable" options are still available.

Field separator

Use this field to enter the character that separates two fields of a line.

Typically, for CSV files, you use either a semi-colon ( ; ) or a comma ( , ).

To enter a non-printable character, enter a backslash ( \ ) followed by the 3 numbers  and the decimal base
representing the ASCII code of the character.

This is a required field.

Field delimiter

The field delimiter indicates where the alphanumeric characters in the field start and end. 

Use this field to enter the character that is in the first and last position for alphanumeric fields. It
encapsulates the contents in the field. Typically the field delimiter is a double-quote ( " ) or a single-quote ( '

For numeric and date fields there is no requirement for a delimiter.

This is an optional field.

Setup notes

Supported record types

Supported record types for CSV bank files are:

Header record - You can define only one per file.

Footer record - You can define only one per file.

Detail record - You can define multiple per file.

Total record - You can define only one per file.

CSV format se ings

The system applies the CSV format se ings equally to all record types of one bank file definition.

For example, it is not possible to define different field separators for header and detail records.

The system applies all other general bank file definition se ings in the same manner for a CSV file
as for other format types.

Field separator characters

If the field separator character appears within an alphanumeric field, for example as a part of a
BP name or remi ance information, the system removes the character when the file is generated
to ensure integrity of the file structure.

For example, you might use a comma as a field separator. If there is text in a field that includes a
comma, such as " Miller, Meyer, Johnson & Partners," when you generate the file, the text will
appear as, "Miller Meyer Johnson & Partners." The commas are removed.

Lesson 4 of 9

Creating a CSV Bank file definition

Create a bank file definition of CSV type

Follow the process below to see how to create a bank file definition using the new CSV format type.
You'll see that the basic process is the same as for other formats; the new CSV fields are included in the

Note: This process shows only the new elements for creating a bank file with the CSV format type. For
detailed learning about working with bank file definitions, try these Sage University courses: "X3 - Sage
X3 - AP Specialist: AP Setup;" "X3 - Sage X3 - AP Specialist: AP Setup."
Bank file definition - CSV format type

(GESTFB)  Setup -> A/P-A/R accounting -> Files

NOTE: Click the image in each step to zoom in.

Step 1

Enter the general se ings, as with any other bank file definition, such as bank file name and
code, record type, and so on.
Step 2

Select the CSV format type.

Step 3

Enter values for the CSV specific se ings. This example shows the Field separator as ( ; ), the
Field delimiter as ( " ), and the Character coding as UTF-8. 
Step 4

In the Records section, enter a definition for each field of the CSV file. Each line in the grid
represents one field. 

Grid columns:
Field type: controls the data type of the field
Formula: defines the content (data) of the field. The options are the same as for other format
types, for example, reference to a database field, a function, fixed text. See the online help for
information about the supported definitions.
Description: Internal notes, optional
Step 5

It is important that you enter the end of line delimiter character as a binary field and as the last
record. EOL characters are not added automatically.
Lesson 5 of 9

CSV Bank file definition examples

The Records grid

For every record type (header, details, footer), each line in the Records grid is a field in the CSV file for
the file generation. 

The definitions in this records grid  will produce this output:

    Batch description ;  234AB3222XYZ945 ; 20201051200 ; <CR><LF>
This example shows a semi-colon ( ; ) as the field separator. The quote marks indicate actual fixed text
which prints as it was entered.
Select the tabs to see the descriptions of the lines. Click each image to zoom in.

L I NE 1 L I NE 2 L I NE 3 L I NE 4

The first line represents the first field. It is fixed text as indicated by the qupote marks.

L I NE 1 L I NE 2 L I NE 3 L I NE 4
The second line represents the second field. This is a function that generates the date in the specified

L I NE 1 L I NE 2 L I NE 3 L I NE 4

The third line represents the third field. This filed is populated directly from a database filed. In this
instance, the customer ID is "234AB3222XYZ945."

L I NE 1 L I NE 2 L I NE 3 L I NE 4
The last line, in this case line 4, is the end of line character. It must be in binary format. In this instance,
the the result is carriage return + line feed.

Headers and footers

Header records
When you create a bank file definition, you must include a header record. 

If no header record is required for the output file, a "dummy header" record must be included in
the bank file definition.

To create the "dummy header," enter a condition that will not be met during the creation of the
output file.

For example, you could enter [F:TFB]BAN = 'DUMMY,' or even more simply 1=2, in the condition
field. In addition, create at least a single record line.

Click image to zoom in.

"Dummy" headers or footers
For each file, you can define only one header and footer record. 

If your header or footer consists of several lines, you can define the multiple lines structure within
the single header/footer bank file definition requirements. 

Example of records for a two line header structure:

Field formula, function,

(field type) Header line 1, field 1
definition 1 or text

Field formula, function,

(field type) Header line 1, field 2
definition 2 or text

Field End of line delimiter header line

Binary chr$(13)+chr$(10)
definition 3 2 (CR+LF)

Field formula, function,

(field type) Header line 2, field 1
definition 4 or text

Field formula, function,

(field type) Header line 2, field 2
definition 5 or text

Field End of line delimiter header line

Binary chr$(13)+chr$(10)
definition 6 2 (CR+LF)

Lesson 6 of 9

Knowledge challenge

Challenge yourself!
Use the flashcards below to review the key concepts for creating CSV bank file definitions. See if you
can answer the questions before turning over the cards. There are nine questions.

Which new fields become

- Field separator
active when you select the
- Field delimiter
CSV format type for a bank
- Character encoding
file definition?

1 of 9

The field separator is a

character that separates
two fields of a line.
What is the purpose of a field Typically, for CSV files, you
use either a semi-colon ( ; )
or a comma ( , ).

2 of 9

Which Character codes can

you choose when you create
- UTF-8
a CSV bank file definition?

3 of 9

All files require a header. If

your output file does not
What is one way that you can include a header, you can
use the Condition field? use the Condition field to
create a "dummy header"
4 of 9

Which function do you use to

create a bank file definition (GESTFB)  Setup -> A/P-A/R
with the new CSV format accounting -> Files

5 of 9

What happens to the

output file data if the field
separator character that The character is removed
you defined also appears from the output data.

as part of the data in the


6 of 9
What does each line in the Each line in the grid
records grid represent? represents one field.

7 of 9

It is important that you

enter the end of line
What should you define as delimiter character as a
the last line in the records binary field, as the last
record. EOL characters
are not added

8 of 9

To enter a non-printable
character for a field
separator, enter a the
How do you define a non-
printable character to use as
backslash ( \ ) followed by
a field separator? the 3 numbers and the
decimal base
representing the ASCII

9 of 9

Lesson 7 of 9


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Lesson 8 of 9


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Lesson 9 of 9

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