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Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology (2017) 28, 277–283

Temporal bone fracture requiring facial nerve

decompression or repair
Keonho Kong, MD Alexander Sevy, MD

From the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Louisiana State University School of
Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana

KEYWORDS Facial nerve paralysis is one of the complications with temporal bone fractures. Although most are
Temporal bone; treated medically with observation and steroids, we review the indications and surgical approaches to
Facial nerve; the facial nerve along its course within the temporal bone. It is important to get an examination as early
Fracture; as possible to determine immediate vs delayed, and complete vs incomplete paralysis. Patients with
Decompression; immediate onset, complete facial nerve paralysis should receive electrodiagnostic testing 3-7 days after
Perigeniculate; onset, to allow for Wallerian degeneration. If there is 490% electroneuronography degeneration within
Paralysis; 6 days or 495% degeneration within 14 days, surgical exploration is recommended. Exact surgical
Middle fossa; timing for decompression is controversial and definitive data is lacking but some authors have had
Transmastoid success even beyond 2 months postinjury and the risks and benefits should always be discussed with
each patient. The approach for surgical decompression of the facial nerve should be based on the site of
injury, if discernible, but most commonly involves transmastoid, middle fossa craniotomy, or a
combination of these approaches. The perigeniculate region is the most commonly injured portion of the
facial nerve with temporal bone fractures. If a transection is encountered, the nerve should be repaired
by either primary nerve repair if tension free, otherwise a secondary repair with a cable graft should be
r 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Introduction life. Surgical management of facial nerve dysfunction in the

setting of trauma remains a controversial issue. In this
Temporal bone fractures are present in 14%-22% of article, we review the indications and detail the different
patients with skull fractures.1 Temporal bone fractures can surgical approaches or techniques of facial nerve decom-
cause significant morbidity to patients and can be associated pression.
with sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss,
facial paralysis, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula, vertigo or
meningitis. Approximately, 7%-10% of temporal bone Background
fractures are associated with facial nerve dysfunction.2
Depending on the degree of injury, facial nerve paralysis Temporal bone fractures
can cause significant morbidity and affect one's quality of
In a large retrospective series reported by Brodie et al, the
most common cause of temporal bone fractures was motor
Address reprint requests and correspondence: Alexander Sevy, MD,
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Louisiana State
vehicle accidents (31%), followed by assault (17%), and
University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana. falls (16%).1 A 76% of the fractures in that study were in
E-mail address: males and 22% were in patients 17 years or younger.1
1043-1810/r 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.
278 Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology, Vol 28, No 4, December 2017

Trauma to the facial nerve can result from complete intratemporal portion of the facial nerve begins at the
sectioning as well as tearing, compressing, torsion, traction, fundus as the meatal segment becomes the labyrinthine
or crushing injuries. Nerve injury can occur directly from segment (3-5 mm). In this segment, the fallopian canal is at
the trauma or indirectly as with formation of hematoma or its narrowest. The first branch of the facial nerve, the greater
inflammation. Temporal bone fractures have traditionally superficial petrosal nerve (GSPN), arises through the
been classified into transverse, longitudinal, or mixed based Fallopian hiatus as the labyrinthine segment terminates at
on its orientation in relation to the petrous axis, with the geniculate ganglion where it makes an acute 40°-80°
longitudinal fractures being more common but transverse turn (first genu).4 Distal to the first genu is the tympanic
having a higher frequency of facial nerve injury. However, segment (10-12 mm), which courses posteriorly and inferi-
modern nomenclature has shifted toward otic capsule orly, superior and medial to the cochleariform process,
involving or otic capsule sparing based on whether or not above the oval window, and then under the lateral
it involves the otic capsule because this has the most semicircular canal to the pyramidal process. A cadaveric
relevance to clinical prognosis. Facial nerve injuries and study (n ¼ 150) showed a 29.3% dehiscence in the fallopian
sensorineural hearing loss are more frequent with otic canal, the most common of which was in the portion
capsule involving fractures, whereas otic capsule sparing running above the oval window.20 As the nerve makes the
fractures are associated more with conductive or mixed more obtuse (90°-125°) curve of the second genu, it
hearing loss. Approximately, 60% of temporal bone becomes to mastoid, or vertical, segment (10-15 mm). This
fractures are open which increases the risk of meningitis.1 descending segment concludes the intratemporal portion of
the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen.4 Three
branches arise along the vertical segment: (1) nerve to the
Facial nerve stapedius muscle, (2) chorda tympani, and (3) Arnold's
(auricular branch of Vagus) nerve. Facial nerve injuries
Understanding anatomy is the key to any successful through temporal bone fractures most commonly occur at
surgery and in this case is particularly important to review the geniculate ganglion followed by the mastoid (vertical)
the course of the facial nerve as it runs within the temporal segment.5-7,17,23
bone (Figure 1). The cisternal segment (20-25 mm) of the
facial nerve spans from the brainstem pontomedullary
sulcus to the porus acusticus of the internal auditory Work up or management
canal (IAC) where it enters to become the meatal segment
(7-9 mm), running superiorly to the cochlear nerve Physical examination
and anteriorly to the superior vestibular nerve.4 The
As with any trauma, initial management of temporal bone
fractures should always start with the A, B, C's: airway,
breathing, and circulation. Facial paralysis from temporal
bone trauma can be categorized as immediate or delayed.
It is critical for prognosis and management to distinguish
between a delayed onset of facial paralysis and a delayed
diagnosis of immediate paralysis. A facial nerve examina-
tion is often difficult to perform in the setting of trauma
where patients often have altered mental status or are
chemically sedated or paralyzed. The House Brackmann
(HB) scale is the standard for grading degree of facial
paralysis with a range from HB I representing full move-
ment to HB VI, complete paralysis with the notable
difference between III and IV of no longer being able to
close the eyelids, and paresis or incomplete paralysis
represented by the range of HB II-V. Electrodiagnostic
testing, discussed further below, is also often used to further
characterize facial nerve function and track recovery.
A delay in diagnosis is often common in trauma
situations due to altered mental status due to concomitant
injuries, patient intubation, and delay in consultation. Any
delayed diagnosis or paralysis with unknown onset may
need to be considered as an immediate onset paralysis in
discussing prognosis with the patient and to avoid under-
Figure 1 Facial nerve anatomy. Course of the facial nerve treatment. Any patient with delayed onset paralysis of any
within the temporal bone is in yellow. (Color version of the figure kind (complete or incomplete) should be observed and
available online.) treated medically with steroids, unless contraindicated due
Kong and Sevy Temporal Bone Fracture 279

to other medical comorbidities. Any patient with acute onset describes their patient's paralysis as “acute.” On the
incomplete paralysis should also be observed focus on contrary, Fisch states that a 95% degeneration by 2 weeks
nonsurgical treatment. In patients with acute onset complete reduces satisfactory spontaneous facial nerve recovery by
paralysis, further investigation with electrodiagnostic testing 50%.12
should be sought out. Facial EMG measures electrical activity, spontaneous
A thorough otologic examination should always be and voluntary, of the facial musculature with percutaneous
performed. Important external ear findings may include needle electrodes. This test is often used in conjunction with
auricular lacerations or cartilage exposures, Battle's sign ENoG for prognostication of facial function after injury as
(ecchymosis over mastoid prominence), Hitselberberger's well as in tracking facial nerve recovery. Sillman et al11
sign (posterior external auditory canal [EAC] paresthesia), showed that out of 8 patients with 490% ENoG
and auricular hematomas. The EAC should be inspected for degeneration, but with presence of voluntary motor
otorrhea (bloody or CSF), EAC stenosis or fracture, potentials on EMG in 2 weeks all of them recovered to a
lacerations, tympanic membrane perforation, or hemotym- HB II or greater. Fibrillation potentials indicates degener-
panum. Pneumatic otoscopy should be avoided as to not ation of the lower motor nerve with muscle denervation and
introduce air or bacteria intracranially or to the inner ear. If is generally seen in 14-21 days after injury. Polyphasic
the patient is able to comply, a cursory bedside hearing test reinnervation with voluntary muscle contraction indicates
with finger rubbing or masked whisper or tuning fork early evidence of nerve recovery and can be seen 6-12
examination should be performed. Hyperacusis may in- weeks before clinical evidence of nerve recovery.
dicate a stapedius nerve or muscle injury. Although ENoG and EMG are objective, there are also
Surgical vs nonsurgical management of facial nerve paralysis subjective measures used including the nerve excitability test
is based on prognosis of function recovery. Brodie et al showed (NET) and maximum stimulation test (MST) performed with the
100% of patients (n ¼ 35) with incomplete paralysis eventually Hilger nerve stimulator in testing facial nerve function. The
recovered to a HB I or II.1 The same study also showed that facial nerve is transcutaneously stimulated at the stylomastoid
patients with complete paralysis had recovery to HB I or II in foramen or angle of the jaw. The benefit of these testing
only 50% (n ¼ 2) with immediate onset vs 100% (n ¼ 6) with methods is that it can easily be done at the bedside. The NET
delayed onset.1 Adour et al8 showed that 100% (n ¼ 13) of measures current thresholds required to induce minimal muscle
incomplete facial nerve paralysis patients recovered to normal contraction. The values are then compared between the affected
function within 8 weeks with steroid therapy. Adegbite et al9 and unaffected sides of the face. The MST is similar to the NET
showed that 62% (n ¼ 15) of patients with incomplete paralysis but measures thresholds required to induce maximal muscle
had complete recovery in 4 months with no intervention, where contraction. A difference in 3.5 mA or greater is considered
as 90% (n ¼ 10) of patients with complete paralysis did not significant for the NET. The MST is expressed as the proportion
recover after 5 months. This study also showed that there was no of facial muscle movement on the affected side compared to the
statistically significant difference in recovery of function nonaffected side. The MST is considered to be a more sensitive
between immediate and delayed onset facial palsy.9 test compared to the NET,22 but the NET also has been found to
positively correlate with poor prognosis.21 Because the nature of
the test depends heavily on observer determination of muscle
Electrodiagnostic testing twitching, there can be interobserver variability.

Electrodiagnostic testing can be a useful adjunct tool for

determining prognosis of a facial nerve paralysis. Wallerian Other testing
degeneration typically ranges from 3-7 days after a nerve
injury, however, ENoG responses have been shown to be A high-resolution computed tomography of the temporal
lost after 3-5 days with transected intratemporal facial bone (with submillimeter cuts) should be obtained in the
nerves.10 Options for electrodiagnostic testing include setting of temporal bone trauma, particularly with acute
Hilger facial nerve stimulator, facial electromyography onset facial nerve paralysis.3 It can be useful in determining
(EMG), and electroneuronography (ENoG). ENoG, also the extent of the fracture and the type of fracture (otic-
called evoked EMG, records electrically elicited compound sparing or otic-involving). However, it is often not definitive
muscle action potentials of the facial muscle. The facial in predicting the exact area of injury along the course of the
nerve is transcutaneously stimulated at the level of the facial nerve.17
stylomastoid foramen using bipolar electrodes and electrical To help further localize a facial nerve injury, clinical
activity is recorded with percutaneous needle electrodes at symptoms can help determine the location of the lesion in
the orbicularis oculi and orbicularis oris. Sillman et al11 the course of the facial nerve such as change in taste,
performed ENoG within 2 weeks after onset of paralysis and hyperacusis, numbness, and xerophthalmia. First described
showed that there was no clinical association with an ENoG in 1903 by a German ophthalmogist, Dr Schirmer's test has
decline 490% in traumatic patients (n ¼ 9). Totally, 66% been used as a topographical test to determine whether a
of the study subjects recovered to HBI or II, and 22% facial nerve injury is distal or proximal to GSPN as well as
recovered to HBIII or IV. However, they did not categorize the geniculate ganglion.19 The test traditionally uses filter
the patients into immediate or delayed onset and just paper placed in the inferior conjunctival sac and measures
280 Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology, Vol 28, No 4, December 2017

the amount of lacrimation by the distance of paper that is insult is not identified in the setting of trauma, however,
soaked in 5 minutes. A study by Fisch showed that 92% caution should be taken prior to undertaking surgical repair
(n ¼ 13) of patients with facial paralysis from longitudinal determining a suspected area of nerve injury this is critical
temporal bone fracture had significant, unilateral or bilateral to choosing a surgical approach. The patient's hearing status
reduction of lacrimation compared to normal values.18 In a is also an important consideration for the approach that
study by Lambert and Brackmann,17 85% of patients (22 of should be selected. For example, if a patient already has
26) had a positive Schirmer test and out of those patients, all total sensorineural hearing loss from otic capsule involving
but one had an injury to the geniculate ganglion. Addition- temporal bone fracture, then a translabyrinthine approach
ally, salivary flow studies can be conducted by catheterizing can be considered.
Warthin's ducts bilaterally and administering a sialogogue,
such as lemon juice. Middle fossa approach
An audiogram should be obtained, as well, if at all
feasible. The patient's hearing level, or potential loss of The middle fossa approach is capable of exposing the
hearing, can help you determine the surgical approach that facial nerve in cistern, IAC and labyrinthine segments
should be taken, if necessary. Absent acoustic reflexes might (proximal to the geniculate ganglion). It is a useful approach
indicate a deficit in nerve to the stapedius or to the muscle to expose the proximal facial nerve segments without
itself, however, in the setting of a conductive hearing loss sacrificing sensorineural hearing, in contrast to the trans-
the reflex is commonly absent. A retrospective study (n ¼ labyrinthine approach. This approach can be combined with
467) by Ikeda et al21 showed a statistically significant the transmastoid approach to expose the entire intratemporal
positive correlation between absent stapedial reflex and poor length of the facial nerve. Either a curvilinear incision in the
prognosis of facial nerve paralysis. scalp that follows the periphery of the temporalis muscle
or a preauricular incision that extends into the temporal
scalp is made (Figure 2). The curvilinear incision can
Surgical management be extended into a more traditional mastoidectomy incision
for a combined approach. The incision is taken down to
Timing subcutaneous tissues and skin flaps are raised. With the
curvilinear incison,the temporalis muscle is incised around
Timing of facial nerve repair or decompression is its periphery and elevated inferiorly down to the root of the
controversial. Hato et al13 showed that patients that
underwent facial nerve decompression o2 weeks (n ¼ 14)
had a statistically significant increase in rate of complete
recovery compared to those that underwent surgical manage-
ment 42 weeks (n ¼ 52). This study included patients with
immediate facial paralysis due to temporal bone trauma
with HB IV-VI with 490% ENoG degeneration. Fisch
recommends that a delay in 3-4 weeks for surgery for patients
with complete facial paralysis with 490% ENoG degener-
ation within 6 days offers the best results (n ¼ 93).14
However, he does not provide specific results on level of
recovery in his paper. McCabe describes the physiologic
processes and lists the 20th day after injury to be the
most ideal time of repair as this is the time that “peak
proteosynthetic ability” has been reached.15 Sanus et al16
reports that 6 of 8 patients with HB VI that underwent late
decompression surgery recovered to a HB III with a mean
delay to operation of 70.1 ± 54.8 days after trauma. The other
2 subjects were at HB IV and VI at the end of their follow
ups. In a prospective study by Ulug et al, all patients with HB
VI (n ¼ 11) that underwent surgical decompression achieved
a recovery to HB I-III within 1 year with surgery ranging
from 14-75 days postinjury.23

Figure 2 Incisions for middle fossa, transmastoid, and

Surgical approaches combined approaches. Middle fossa: (red solid) preauricular, (blue
dash) curvilinear—can be extended into transmastoid incision for a
There are various approaches to expose the facial nerve combined approach. Transmastoid: (green short dash)—can be
for decompression. An entire segment facial nerve explora- extended for combined approach. (Color version of the figure
tion and decompression may be required if the specific available online.)
Kong and Sevy Temporal Bone Fracture 281

in very close proximity anterolaterally to the labyrinthine

segment, therefore, extra care should be used drilling this
segment. Once the entire facial nerve is exposed and
overlying bone is adequately drilled, dura of the IAC and
thickening around the meatal foramen can be incised. Under
binocular microscopy, sharply dissect with a fresh blade
using outward strokes from just under the edge of
perineurium and periosteum of the nerve is split to complete
the decompression. See later for description of nerve repair.
Bone wax should be used to seal any air cells drilled open to
prevent CSF leak. Fascia, abdominal fat, or temporalis
muscle may be placed over the repaired nerve as well as the
temporal bone drilling defect, and this can protect the nerve
Figure 3 Middle fossa approach and facial nerve repair. from pulsations of the dura and further reduce risk of CSF
(A) Gentle retraction of temporal lobe allows exposure with a leak. Any retractors used are gently removed, craniotomy
diamond bur of the facial nerve from the cisternal to the tympanic flap is replaced, overlying temporalis is reapproximated, and
segment including the most often damaged perigeniculate skin closure is performed to conclude the procedure.
ganglion. The GSPN is identified then the IAC can be drilled
out (60° angle from the superior semicircular canal). (B) If the
facial nerve is only sectioned at one site or as in (A), at two sites, Transmastoid approach
and the two ends of the nerve can meet each other without any
tension, primary anastomosis with 9-0 or 10-0 monofilament The transmastoid approach is capable of exposing the
should be attempted. Mobiliziation of the facial nerve may provide mastoid and tympanic segments of the intratemporal facial
up to 1.5 cm to facilitate tension free closure. (C) If there is any nerve (Figure 4). It allows for hearing preservation if not
tension or the nerve ends do not meet, a cable nerve graft can be extended to a translabyrinthine or transcochlear approach. A
performed. (Color version of the figure available online.)
standard complete, canal wall up mastoidectomy is
performed through a postauricular incision. Again, if being
zygoma. With the preauricular incision the temporalis can combined with the middle fossa approach, the curvilinear
be divided vertically, then elevated from the cranium and incision can be extended down for exposure. The lateral
spread to provide exposure for the craniotomy. A middle semicircular canal is identified and exposure is extended
fossa craniotomy is performed centered roughly over the anterosuperiorly to find the body of the incus in epitympa-
EAC. Although gently retracting the temporal lobe, the dura num. The mastoid (vertical) segment of the facial nerve can
is elevated from the floor of the middle fossa from lateral to be found running lateral to the ampulla of the posterior
medial and posterior to anterior using an operative micro- semicircular canal, inferior to the lateral semicircular canal,
scope (Figure 3A). There are many structures a surgeon and superior to the digastric ridge. The digastric ridge is
should be careful not to injure, and can use as landmarks in followed anteriorly toward the stylomastoid foramen where
this area. The first, and most lateral, adhesion that will be the nerve can be found exiting the temporal bone. Once the
encountered will be at the petrosquamous suture line. From mastoid segment is found, attention is directed toward the
there, one can identify the middle meningeal artery facial recess. The facial recess is a triangular space bounded
anteromedially as it exits foramen spinosum. The arcuate by the short process of the incus bone superiorly, the
eminence, or the bony convexity of the superior semi- tympanic segment medially and the chorda tympani
circular canal, is located posterior or medially on the floor of laterally. The facial recess is drilled out carefully using a
the middle fossa. The GSPN runs posterior to anteriorly as it
leaves the geniculate ganglion through the fallopian hiatus.
The petrous carotid artery runs just deep to the GSPN.
The arcuate eminence and GSPN are important landmarks
for identification of the IAC. There are 2 ways that are
commonly used to identify the IAC. First, the IAC can be
found running deep at about 60° from the arcuate eminence.
Second, the IAC can be traced anterograde from the GSPN
to the geniculate ganglion. The roof of the middle ear
(tegmen tympani) is opened to expose the tympanic
segment, head of the malleus and cochleariform process.
The perigeniculate region is fully decompressed via tracing Figure 4 Transmastoid approach. A standard mastoidectomy is
GSPN posteriorly and the tympanic segment proximally. performed to identify the vertical segment of the facial nerve. An
The labyrinthine segment is then exposed proximally toward extended facial recess can be drilled and the incus removed for
the IAC by unroofing the bone overlying it using a small additional exposure proximal to the second genu. (Color version of
diamond burr. The upper basal turn of the cochlea is located the figure available online.)
282 Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology, Vol 28, No 4, December 2017

small diamond burr in a parallel fashion to the direction possible, primary repair is the preferred option but may
of the nerve. Copious irrigation should be used to avoid require extended dissection to allow for nerve rerouting—a
thermal damage to the nerve. The facial nerve is 1.5 cm gain of length can be achieved by sacrificing the
skeletonized, leaving a thin bony shell covering. The nerve GSPN and chorda tympani branches, and skeletonizing the
is then decompressed starting in the mastoid segment entire fallopian canal portion of the nerve. It is paramount to
distally at the stylomastoid foramen. The segment of the create fresh nerve edges with a sharp fresh blade for
nerve between the lateral semicircular canal and the anastomosis. The most common anastomotic repair techni-
stylomastoid foramen should be exposed 180° along its que is epineural repair. The epineurium is reapproximated
posterior and superior surfaces. Damage to the lateral with 9-0 or 10-0 monofilament sutures (Figure 3B).
semicircular canal should be avoided when exposing the Alternatively, some surgeons prefer to use collagen sleeves
second genu and distal tympanic segments. This can be or fibrin glue for facial nerve repair.
accomplished by thinning the bony wall of the facial nerve
with the diamond burr in a posterior to the lateral and
anterolateral fashion along the nerve. The second genu and
Secondary repair
distal tympanic segments are decompressed next. The incus
may be removed for improved exposure in some individuals Should a tension-free repair be unachievable with the
this can be replaced or reconstructed later with a prosthesis. methods described above, secondary repair via cable grafting
The proximal tympanic segment and perigeniculate can be performed (Figure 3C). The most commonly used
region can also be accessed with this approach. The nerves for cable grafting are the great auricular nerve, sural
proximal tympanic segment is exposed by separating the nerve, and peroneal nerves. With discrepancies between nerve
incudostapedial joint through the facial recess and rotating diameters, the edges of the smaller nerve may be beveled for
the incus posteriorly using a 90° hook. Here, the nerve can reapproximation. The greater auricular nerve provides up to
be seen running superiorly to the oval window and, more 8 cm of potential length and is most commonly used for short-
proximally, between the cochleariform process (inferior) segment repairs due to the proximity in its location to the
and the transverse ridge (superior). The proximal tympanic surgical field of facial nerve exposure. It can be found along the
segment is decompressed to the level of the cocheariform posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid at about the halfway
process. The head of the malleus may be removed with a point between the mastoid tip and clavicle. The sural nerve
malleus nipper at this point and with further medial provides the greatest length (up to 40 cm) for grafting. It is
dissection, the junction of the geniculate ganglion and capable of being used for reconstructing the entire length of the
tympanic segment can be found. facial nerve. It is located deep or posterior to the saphenous vein
More proximal dissection of facial nerve is inhibited at between the lateral malleolus and Achilles tendon.
this juncture due to the ampulla of the superior semicircular It is important to discuss timing and expectations with the
canal. The transmastoid can be extended into the supra- patient, keeping in mind that it takes time for regeneration,
labyrinthine approach at this time for exposure of the often 6 months for lesions proximal to the geniculate
labyrinthine segment. However, this exposure is rarely used ganglion all the way up to a year. Keep in mind the
as the exposure is limited should any nerve grafting or possibility of 2 noncontinguous nerve injury sites. Through-
repair be required. If the patient has ipsilateral profound out any recovery for patients with at least HB IV, eye care is
sensorineural hearing loss, the transmastoid can also be paramount. However, without significant nerve regenera-
extended to a translabyrinthine or transcochlear approach. tion, it is important to work with our Facial Plastics
The translabyrinthine approach involves obliteration of colleagues to consider eyelid gold weights, facial nerve
the Eustachian tube through the facial recess, the stapes is reanimation, that is, with CN V or XII, as well as Botox and
removed from the already dislocated incudostapedial joint. static procedures for our patients with facial nerve injuries.
Labyrinthectomy is then performed with dissection through
the lateral semicircular canal superior to the second genu.
The labyrinthectomy is continued through the vestibule and Conclusion
medial wall of the otic capsule and the IAC can be accessed.
Facial nerve paralysis is a potential complication of
temporal bone trauma. It is important to conduct an
Facial nerve repair techniques examination including facial nerve function as early as
possible to determine immediate vs delayed, and complete
Primary repair vs incomplete paralysis. Refer to Figure 5 for a summary of
the treatment algorithm for facial nerve injuries with
When a transected neve is encountered, repair of the temporal bone trauma. Most patients with facial paralysis
nerve to maintain continuity and restore function is can be treated nonsurgically with observation and steroids.
indicated. There are many ways to repair the facial nerve. Eye care is paramount in the setting of incomplete eye
The approach is mainly dependent on the length of nerve closure. Patients with immediate, complete facial paralysis
that needs to be repaired as it is important that it is done so should undergo ENoG 3-7 days after onset of deficits. If
that there is absolutely no tension on the nerve. When there is 490% ENoG degeneration within 6 days or 495%
Kong and Sevy Temporal Bone Fracture 283

Figure 5 Treatment algorithm for facial nerve injury. Note on copyrights. Dr Sevy retains the copyright to the illustrations in this article.
The authors are pleased to extend copyright permission for use of our original illustrations for our chapter in all of its forms (print, online) but
reserve copyright ownership and privilege for future use.

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