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(Analytical Study on the Role of Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness of

Covid-19 Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1

Haka Haggi



(Analytical Study on the Role of Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness of

Covid-19 Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1

Scientific papers
Submitted to Fulfill One of the Final Assignments and Final Class Examination
Graduation Requirements at Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1
Bogor City

By :
Haka Haggi


Madrasah Aliyah Daarul Uluum
DAARUL ULUUM Islamic Boarding School, BOGOR 1


BOARDING SCHOOL CAMPUS 1 BOGOR (Analytical Study on the Role of
Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness of Covid-19 Vaccination in the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor), is a scientific paper compiled
and submitted to fulfill one of the exam assignments and graduation requirements
for final grade students, compiled by Haka Haggi, NISN: 0035416422, has been
compiled and is ready to be examinated on munȃqosyah examination.


Bogor, ……………………………………………..

Advisor Final Class Examination Committee

Al-Ustȃdz Fikri Azis, S.Pd. Al-Ustȃdz Fahmi Rohmatullah



BOARDING SCHOOL CAMPUS 1 BOGOR (Analytical Study on the Role of
Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness of Covid-19 Vaccination in the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor), is a scientific paper compiled
and submitted to fulfill one of the exam assignments and graduation requirements
for final grade students, compiled by Haka Haggi, NISN: 0035416422, has been
examinated on munȃqosyah examination and accepted, on Wednesday, January
26, 2022.

Final Class Examiner,

Leader Secretary

Al-Ustâdz Fahmi Rohmatulloh Al-Ustâdz Rizski Juliharsa, S.Pd.


Supervisor Examiner

Al-Ustâdz Fikri Aziz, S.Pd. Al-Ustȃdzah Hj. Uun Unariah, S.Pd.


HAKA HAGGI (0035416422) : "The Role of Religious Leaders in Increasing

Awareness of Covid-19 Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School
Campus 1 Bogor". Ustadz Fikri Aziz. The reason the author took this title is to
understand how the role of religious leaders in increasing awareness of Covid-19
vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor City is.
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic that has hit all parts of the world.
Interventions in the implementation of health procedures and other policies are not
sufficient in tackling the spread of this virus, but it is also necessary to immediately take
other effective intervention to stop the spread of the disease, namely through vaccination
efforts. Vaccination brings up various perceptions of pros and cons among students of
Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor City about the safety and
effectiveness of vaccine Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). To deal with this,
religious leaders need to take a role in increasing awareness of vaccination at the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor, such as conducting socialization to
the entire Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School community, Bogor Campus 1, taking
an anti-vaccine group approach and organizing mass vaccinations within the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus. 1 Bogor. So that with their role the number of
students who have been vaccinated has reached 91% and students who have a good
perception of vaccinesCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) reached 88%.

Keywords: Vaccines, Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Religious Leaders.


Alhamdulillahirobbal'alamiin, all praise be to Allah SWT who has given

various blessings so the author have completed this scientific paper. Shalawat and
greetings we don’t forget to our Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family,
friends, and followers until the end of time.

In making this scientific paper, the author took a theme related to the Role
of Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness of Covid-19 Vaccination in the
Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor . Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine raises the perception of pros and cons among the
students of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor .
Therefore, the author would like to present the research result of The Role of
Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness of Covid-19 Vaccination in the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor .

And don't forget to also say thank you to all who have provided assistance
so that the author feel the ease in writing this scientific paper, even though with all
the shortcomings that the author has, the author can complete this scientific paper,

1. KH Drs. Nasrudin Latif as the Board of Trustees of the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School in Bogor.
2. Al-Ustȃdz Iqbal Harafa, S.Ag. as Leader of the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School Foundation, Campus 1 Bogor.
3. Al-Ustȃdz Fauzi Ba'ats as Director of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding
School, Campus 1 Bogor.
4. Al-Ustȃdz Syahidien, S.H.I as Deputy Director of the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.
5. Al-Ustȃdz Fahmi Rohmatulloh as Leader of the final class examination
6. Al-Ustȃdz Rizal Azizi, S.Pd. as the Head of Madrasah Aliyah Daarul Uluum,
Campus 1 Bogor.
7. Al-Ustȃdz Miftahul Huda as the Guardian of Class 6 MA.
8. Al-Ustȃdz Fikri Aziz, S.Pd. as the supervisor of this Scientific Writing.
9. All of Ustȃdz and Ustȃdzah of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor.
10. My beloved parents, Mr. Mohammad. Alwi and Mrs. Neneng Murni, who
have prayed for and supported me both morally and materially.
11. My three brothers: Syifa Audia, Refaldo Ramadhan, Octa Syahputra who
always encourage me every time.
12. My friends in arms who have encouraged me and my colleagues who have
helped in the preparation of this scientific paper.
13. And all those who have helped me in the preparation of this scientific paper
that I cannot mention one by one.

Hopefully this scientific paper can be useful and is something that is worth
worship in the sight of Allah SWT.

Bogor, January 14, 2022

Haka Haggi





LIST OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................iii


LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

1.1. Background of the problem......................................................................1

1.2. Formulation of the problem......................................................................4

1.3. Problem Goal............................................................................................4

1.4. Research methods.....................................................................................5

1.5. Writing system..........................................................................................5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................7

2.1. Understanding Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)........................7

2.1.1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)..................7

2.1.2. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia


2.2. Clinical Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)............9

2.2.1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)..................9

2.2.2. According to the Ministry of Health...........................................10

2.3. Transmission of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)....................11

2.4. Understanding the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine. .13

2.5. Definition of Vaccination.......................................................................13

2.6. Definition of Islamic Boarding School...................................................14

2.7. History of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School...............................16

2.8. Understanding Religious Figures...........................................................20

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION.............................................................................22

3.1. The Role of Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness Of the Covid-

19 Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus
1 Bogor..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.1. Socialization................................................................................22

3.1.2. Anti-Vaccine Group Approach....................................................24

3.1.3. Organizing Mass Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic

Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor...........................................25

3.2. Perceptions of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Students,

Campus 1 Bogor on the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

3.2.1. Factors that influence the perception of students of the Daarul

Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor on
vaccinesCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)....................30

3.3. The Purpose of Holding Vaccinations at the Daarul Uluum Islamic

Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.......................................................33

3.3.1. Stimulates the Immune System.................................................41

3.3.2. Reducing the Risk of Transmission...........................................41

3.3.3. Reducing the Heavy Impact of Virus........................................42

3.3.4. Achieving Herd Immunity.........................................................42

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.................................43

4.1. Conclusion...................................................................................................43

4.2. Suggestion...................................................................................................44

CURRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................48

APPENDIX...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Figure 1. Vaccination Data of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor
Figure 2. Reasons for not getting vaccinated....................................................................26
Figure 3. Percentage of Santri's Perception of Vaccines (COVID-19).............................29

Table 1. Questionnaires related to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Table 2. Sources of Information Media.................................................................31


1.1. Background of the problem

Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) is an infectious disease

caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2). SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of Corona Virus that has never been
previously identified in humans. On December 31, 2019, the WHO China
Country Office reported a case of pneumonia of unknown etiology in
Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. On January 7, 2020, China identified
the case as a new type of Corona Virus. On January 30, 2020, WHO
declared the incident a Public Health Emergency of International Concern
(PHEIC) and on March 11, 2020, WHO had declared COVID-19 as a
pandemic. (Disease 2020).1 Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) is a
pandemic that has hit all parts of the world. This epidemic can be
transmitted to anyone regardless of age, sex and even social strata. This
condition is a serious problem throughout the world, because this epidemic
not only causes mild or serious symptoms, it can even cause death. And the
number of confirmed cases and even deaths from this epidemic is increasing
every day. This condition affects millions and even the entire world
community, which is a result of the implementation of various government
policies to the community in handling the outbreak which has become a
global pandemic.In order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia has
implemented various public health measures including Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB) in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation
Number 9 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB) in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). -19) such as school and business closures,
Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, “Guidelines for Prevention and Control
of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)” in Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia, NUMBER HK.01.07/MENKES/413/2020 (Jakarta: Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, 13 July 2020 ) page 5.
restrictions on movement or population mobilization, and restrictions on
international travel (Disease 2020).2

The sectors affected by the implementation of government policies

in dealing with the pandemic are the social sector, the economic sector and
even the education sector. Islamic boarding schools are part of the sector
that is affected in the education sector. Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding
School, Campus 1 Bogorbecome one of the pesantren that still activates
face-to-face education even in the midst of conditions that require various
considerations. Various policies and even their implementation are an effort
to always maintain the conduciveness of face-to-face teaching and learning
activities. Health protocols such as washing hands with soap, wearing
masks, maintaining distance and a healthy lifestyle are always intensified to
avoid unwanted things from happening.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to intervene in the implementation

of health procedures and other policies, but also to immediately take other
effective intervention measures to stop the spread of disease, namely
through vaccination efforts.One attemptDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding
School, Campus 1 BogorIn tackling the spread of the Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Islamic boarding schools, namely by holding
vaccinations. Vaccination is believed to increase the immunity of the
recipient, so that in the future hopefully it can have a positive impact in
overcoming the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in
Indonesia.Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.

This effort raises various perceptions of pros and cons among the
communityDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1
Bogorregarding the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine.
Walisantri also responded to this with various perceptions. This condition is a
problem in the implementation of vaccination in the environmentDaarul

Ibid., page 5
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor. So that the perceptions
and attitudes of the pesantren community become a benchmark for
vaccination awarenessCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19).

Therefore, religious leadersDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,

Campus 1 Bogormust take a role in increasing awareness of the Daarul
Uluum Islamic boarding school community, Campus 1 Bogor against the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination in the
environmentDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor. What
can religious leaders doDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1
Bogor,To socialize and provide true information about the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine, is an effort to change the perception of
the communityDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogorand
increase public awarenessDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1
Bogorin the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination.

Based on the background above, that the title "THE ROLE OF

ENVIRONMENT CAMPUS I BOGOR CITY” deserves to be investigated
because the role of religious leaders in Increasing Awareness of
vaccinationsCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)in the Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor, it is very important in efforts to
contain the spread of the epidemic Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) at
the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

From the explanation and description of the background above, the

authors found several questions to be raised, the questions are as follows:
1. What is the role of religious leaders in Increasing Awareness of
vaccination Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus I, Bogor City?
2. What is the perception of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor student of Vaccines Corona Virus Disease 2019
3. What is the purpose of holding a vaccination at the Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor?
1.3. Problem Goal

Based on the existing problems, the aims and objectives of writing

this scientific paper are as follows:

1. To understand how the role of religious leaders in Increasing

Awareness of vaccination Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in
the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus I, Bogor City.
2. To understand how the perception of the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor student of Vaccines Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
3. To understand what the purpose of holding the vaccination at the
Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.

1.4. Research methods

In order to gain a better understanding of the role of religious leaders

in Increasing Awareness of vaccinationCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-
19) at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor. So it
requires complete and real information data. Therefore, in the preparation of
this scientific paper, the author uses the following data collection methods:

1. Library Study
Literature Study is a technique of collecting data through books and
reference sites that support scientific writings which are then reprocessed.
2. Field Study
Field studies are data collection techniques directly by asking
related or related parties (interviews).

1.5. Writing system

To make it easier for writers and readers to understand each problem

in this scientific paper, the author divides the problem into several important
parts, namely:


In this chapter the author will discuss what includes: background of

the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of writing, research
objectives, writing methods, and writing systematics.


In this chapter, the author will discuss the theories related to

scientific writing that will be discussed.


In this chapter, the author will describe the results of field studies
(interviews) which include the role of religious leaders in increasing
awareness of COVID-19 vaccination within the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor, how the perception of the Daarul
Uluum 1 Islamic Boarding School students in Bogor City on the Corona
Virus Disease 2019 vaccine (COVID-19) and what is the purpose of holding
a vaccination at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1


In this chapter the author will present the conclusions drawn from
the discussion of this final project, and is equipped with suggestions that are
expected to be useful for the reader.





2.1. Understanding Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

2.1.1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease

caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus
will develop mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without
requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill
and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying
medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious
illnesses. Anyone can fall ill with COVID-19 and become seriously ill
or die at any age.

The best way to prevent and slow transmission is to be well

informed about the disease and how the virus spreads. Protect yourself
and others from infection by maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter
from others, wearing a well-fitting mask, and frequently washing your
hands or using an alcohol-based rub. Get vaccinated when it's your
turn and follow local guidelines. The virus can spread from an
infected person's mouth or nose in tiny fluid particles when they
cough, sneeze, talk, sing or breathe. These particles range from larger
respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols. It is important to practice
breathing etiquette, for example by coughing with bent elbows, and to
stay home and self-isolate until you recover if you feel unwell
(Organization, Coronavirus 2021).3

World Health Organization (WHO), Overview, accessed from (
topics/Corona Virus#tab=tab_1), at (13:38).
2.1.2. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Corona VirusIn humans it usually causes respiratory tract

infections, ranging from the common cold to serious diseases such as
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A new type of Corona Virus found in
humans since an extraordinary event appeared in Wuhan China, in
December 2019, was later named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Corona Virus 2 (SARS-COV2), and caused Corona Virus Disease-
2019 (COVID-19) (Indonesia, 2020).4

COVID-19 is caused by SARS-COV2, which belongs to

the same large family of Corona Viruses as the one that caused SARS
in 2003, only with a different type of virus. The symptoms are similar
to SARS, but the death rate for SARS (9.6%) is higher than for
COVID-19 (less than 5%), although the number of cases of COVID-
19 is much higher than that of SARS. COVID-19 also has a wider and
faster spread to several countries than SARS (Indonesia, 2020).5

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, What are Corona Virus and COVID-19?,
accessed from (, at
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Is COVID-19 the same as SARS?, accessed
from (, at (14:29).
2.2. Clinical SymptomsCorona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)

Clinical symptoms of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) are

identified with several levels of symptoms, ranging from mild symptoms,
serious symptoms and even death. The following are statements about the
clinical symptoms of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from various
health agencies.

2.2.1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)

1. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
a) Fever
b) dry cough
c) Fatigue
2. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some
patients include:
a) Loss of taste or smell.
b) Nasal congestion.
c) Conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye).
d) Sore throat.
e) Headache.
f) Muscle or joint pain.
g) Different types of skin rashes.
h) Nausea or vomiting.
i) Diarrhea.
j) Chills or dizziness.
3. Symptoms of severe COVID-19 illness include:
a) Hard to breathe.
b) Loss of appetite.
c) Confusion.
d) Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.
e) High temperature (above 38 °C).
4. Other less common symptoms are:
a) Irritability.
b) Confusion.
c) Decreased consciousness (sometimes associated with
d) Worry.
e) Depression.
f) Sleep disturbances.
g) More severe and rare neurological complications such as
stroke, encephalitis, delirium and nerve damage
(Organization 2021).6

2.2.2. According to the Ministry of Health

Common symptoms include fever38° C, dry cough, and
shortness of breath. If there are people who, within 14 days prior to
the appearance of these symptoms, have traveled to an infected
country, or have cared for/close contact with a person with COVID-
19, then that person will be subjected to further laboratory tests to
confirm the diagnosis. (Indonesia, 2020).7

Like other respiratory illnesses, COVID-19 can cause mild

symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever.
About 80% of cases recover without the need for special treatment.
About 1 in every 6 people may develop severe illness, such as with
pneumonia or difficulty breathing, which usually develops gradually.
Although the mortality rate for this disease is still low (around 3%),
older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such
as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease) are usually more
susceptible to becoming ill. critical. Looking at developments to
date, more than 50% of confirmed cases have been declared to be
World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms, accessed from (
topics/Corona Virus#tab=tab_1), at (13:38)
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, What are the symptoms of COVID-19?,
accessed from (, at
improving, and the cure rate will continue to increase (Indonesia, 2020)8. Common signs and symptoms of COVID-19
infection include:

1) Symptoms of acute respiratory distress, such as fever, peak

temperature > 38°C, coughing, sneezing, and shortness of

2) The average incubation period is 5-6 days, and the longest

incubation period is 14 days.

3) In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory

syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

4) Severity is influenced by endurance, age and pre-existing

diseases (comorbidities), such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma,

5) In most cases, clinical signs and symptoms reported are fever, in

some cases difficulty in breathing may occur, X-ray examination
revealed extensive infiltration of pneumonia in both lungs.

2.3. Transmission Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Corona Virusis zoonotic (transmitted between animals and humans).

Research says that SARS was transmitted from civet cats to humans and
MERS from camels to humans. Meanwhile, the animal that is the source of
the transmission of COVID-19 is still unknown.

The average incubation period for COVID-19 is 5-6 days, with a

range between 1 and 14 days but can be up to 14 days. The highest risk of
transmission is obtained in the first days of the disease due to the high

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, How dangerous is this COVID-19?, accessed
from (, at (14:29).
concentration of virus in the secretions. Infected persons can be directly
infectious up to 48 hours before symptom onset (presymptomatic) and up to
14 days after symptom onset. A study of Du Z et. al, (2020) reported that
12.6% showed presymptomatic transmission. It is important to know the
presymptomatic period because it allows the virus to spread through
droplets or contact with contaminated objects. In addition, that there are
asymptomatic confirmed cases, although the risk of transmission is very
low, there is still a small possibility of transmission.

Based on current epidemiological and virological studies, it has

been proven that COVID-19 is mainly transmitted from symptomatic
(symptomatic) people to other people who are in close proximity through
droplets. Droplets are water-filled particles with a diameter of >5-10 m.
Droplet transmission occurs when a person is at close distance (within 1
meter) with someone who has respiratory symptoms (eg, coughing or
sneezing) so that droplets are at risk of contacting the mucosa (mouth and
nose) or conjunctiva (eyes). Transmission can also occur through objects
and surfaces contaminated with droplets around an infected person.
Therefore, transmission of the COVID-19 virus can occur through direct
contact with an infected person and indirect contact with surfaces or objects
used on an infected person (e.g.,

In the context of COVID-19, airborne transmission may be

possible in special circumstances where aerosol-generating supportive
procedures or treatments such as endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy,
open suction, administration of nebulized medication, manual ventilation
prior to intubation, turning the patient to the prone position, disconnecting
the ventilator, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, tracheostomy, and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Further research is still needed on airborne
transmission (Disease 2020).9
Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, “Guidelines for Prevention and Control
of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)”, in Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia, NUMBER HK.01.07/MENKES/413/2020 (Jakarta: Minister of Health of the
2.4. Understanding Vaccines Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)

Vaccines are biological products given to a person to protect him

from debilitating, even life-threatening diseases. Vaccines will stimulate the
formation of immunity against certain diseases in a person's body. The body
will remember the virus or bacteria that carries the disease, recognize and
know how to fight it(Indonesia,
FAQ_VAKSINASI_COVID__call_center 2021).10

2.5. Understanding Vaccination

Vaccination is a process in the body, where a person becomes

immune or protected from a disease so that if one day they are exposed to
the disease, they will not get sick or only experience mild illness, usually by
administering a vaccine. (Indonesia,
FAQ_VAKSINASI_COVID__call_center 2021).11 So, Vaccination is the
administration of Vaccines in order to actively generate or increase a
person's immunity against a disease, so that if one day they are exposed to
the disease, they will not get sick or only experience mild illness and will
not become a source of transmission.

2.6. Understanding of Boarding School

Boarding school comes from the word santri which gets the prefix
pe and the suffix an, so that it becomes the word boarding school which
means a place for the students, the word santri comes from the Sanskrit
language, namely san which means good people (male) and tra which means

Republic of Indonesia, 13 July 2020,) page. 12-13.

Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ”, regarding
the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination (Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia, January 1, 2021,) page 1.
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ”, regarding
the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination (Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia, January 1, 2021,) page. 1.
likes to help. Santri means good people who like to help. Therefore
Boarding school can also be interpreted as a place to foster people to be
good. Because the habit of pronunciation among the Indonesian people
causes a shift in the sound of pesantrian become pesantren( boarding

The word Boarding school is often juxtaposed with the word

pondok which comes from Arabic, namely funduq which means hotel,
guesthouse, bedroom, or dormitory. Boarding school means a dormitory
where people are trained to be good.

So, what is meant by boarding school? Until now, experts still find
it difficult to define clearly what is meant by boarding school. However, all
agree that boarding school is an educational institution and the spread of
traditional islam which has grown since the beginning of the entry of Islam
into Indonesia, especially to Java, since centuries ago.

The walisongo are the figures who developed this institution,

Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim (died in 1419) for example, was one of the
main figures who spread islamic teachings in Java who became the pioneer
of Boarding school, his student, Raden Rahmat, known as Sunan Ampel
(died in 1481) continued the development of pioneering boarding schools
the teacher.

The boarding school, which is the place for teaching and spreading
islam, has continued to grow from the time of the Walisongo until now. The
amount is always increasing from time to the time. The Ministry of Religion
of the Republic of Indonesia, for example, noted that in 2007 the number of
Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia had reached 14,647 and continues to
grow. The actual number can be ascertained to be much higher than the
official data from the ministry of religion because there are many Boarding
school that have not been registered, especially Boarding school in remote

Boarding school, since from the Walisongo era to the present, have
always been the center of teaching and spreading islam. The santri live in
the Boarding school to explore the teachings of this religion and practice
them in daily life under the guidance of the main teacher, namely kyai.

However, each of the thousands of Boarding school always grows

and develops according to the characteristics and uniqueness of each. There
are only differences that will be found between one Boarding school and

Even so, experts still see that there are elements that are shared by all of
the Boarding school. These elements are: kyai, santri, mosque, dormitory,
and the yellow book. These five elements are certain to exist in any
Boarding school (Harafa 2019).12

2.7. History of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School

The embryo of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School is the

majlis religious studies in a small prayer room founded by K.H. Elon
Syuja'i in his hometown, Bantarkemang, Bogor. Gradually, the number of
students who studied religion with him increased from time to time. The
name mu'allim Elon, as K.H. Elon Syuja'i was often called, was
increasingly recognized by many people. he.

Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School. Islamic Boarding School Insights. (Bogor City:
Daarul uluum Press). page 5- 7
The increasing number of students from outside the region who
come to study requires K.H. Elon Syuja'i to prepare places for
learningaccommodation for them to stay. It was at this time that the
student dormitories, although still simple, began to be built in mutual
cooperation. It was also at this time that the Elon mu'allim recitation
assembly began to reveal itself as a true pesantren institution. The origin of
the students, this recitation community was later given the name Pondok
Pesantren Sukamanah. Sukamanah, which means peaceful. K.H. Elon
Syuja'i once studied.

A few years later, the Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School

changed its name to the Asy-Syuja'iyyah Islamic Boarding School. This
name change was also made at the suggestion of his students to strengthen
the position and name of its founder, namely Elon Syuja'i. Ash-
Syuja'iyyah is taken from Syuja'i which means courage.

In this early period, the Asy-Syuja'iyyah Islamic boarding school

focused more on teaching religious sciences.K.H. Elon Syuja'i became the
main teacher who almost ran out of time for 24 hours to teach his students.
However, on the sidelines of his time, K.H. Elon Syuja'i still takes the time
to teach and develop several commercial business units with some of his
friends. Among the business units developed are skullcap crafts and

In its later development, this entrepreneurial spirit was transmitted

to its students, thus, in addition to studying religious sciences, the students
at the Asy-Syuja'iyyah Islamic boarding school also learned
entrepreneurial skills and at the same time practicedhis. On the sidelines of
study time, the students are often involved in the management of the
skullcap craft business and the cultivation of their agricultural lands.

In agriculture, K.H. Elon Syuja'i even further developed. He wants

the pesantren he cares for to be developed into a polytechnic pesantren
with a concentration of agribusiness. The graduates of his pesantren are
expected to be people who have deep religious knowledge as well as have
adequate skills and expertise, especially in agriculture. .

In order to fulfill his dream, K.H. Elon Syuja'i made many friends
and exchanged ideas with IPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute) figures and
their students. No exception for several NGO figures (Non-Governmental
Organizations) around the city of Bogor. They are widely involved in the
plan to develop this polytechnic pesantren program.

It can be seen here that K.H. Elon Syuja'i is a scholar who is very
open to receiving fresh ideas for developing pesantren from anyone. For
him, pesantren should be a comprehensive Islamic educational institution.
In it, the students not only study religious sciences, but also science,
technology, and adequate social skills. K.H. Elon Syuja'i conducts
intensive dialogues so often that the pesantren he leads has, without
realizing it, also become a gathering place for figures with different

All visions of K.H. Elon Syuja'i then turned into a big disaster to
establish a polytechnic pesantren with a concentration of agribusiness as
mentioned above. institutions in it. This was started in 1971 when the
pesantren he led was officially different from the foundation law. The
name of the pesantren was officially changed to the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School Foundation (YPIP). Several important figures in the city
of Bogor who supported his grand vision were then involved as the core
administrators of the foundation, the name As-Syuja'iyah was changed to
daarul uluum due to several considerations to eliminate the impression of
being too personal. This pesantren is owned by Muslims, not K.H. Elon
Syuja'i's personally because he has donated it. Daarul uluum which means
house of knowledge more represents what is the spirit and vision of K.H.
Elon Syuja'i himself.
It's not enough to get toThere, K.H. Elon Syuja'i even asked an
engineer to prepare a site plan for the construction of the Daarul Uluum
Polytechnic Islamic Boarding School complex on another 2 hectares of
land. The land was a gift from his grandfather, Uning, who is 2 kilometers
from the existing pesantren. While waiting for a good opportunity to
realize the polytechnic pesantren, K.H .Elon Syuja'i, together with his son-
in-law, Drs. Achmad Dimyati, carried out an overhaul of the education
system at Daarul Uluum in 1983.

The educational system and curriculum that became the

government's standard began to be accepted and included in the pesantren
education system. Santri only come to the lodge to live and study religion
(plus the occasional entrepreneurship education). Most students
concurrently study in formal schools, such as SMP, SMA, MTS, MA,
STM, or even while studying at several universities. The education system
as mentioned above then changed completely. The curriculum of
government schools (specifically for MTS and MA levels) is combined
with the current salaf curriculum.

Arabic and English language education is highlighted by adopting

the educational curriculum of Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo, and the Daar
El-Qolam Islamic Boarding School, Balaraja, Tangerang. Many teachers
from the two pesantren were brought in to help teach Arabic and English.
The curriculum as mentioned above continues to apply today, with some
sharpening on various sides according to developments that occur in the
future. Meanwhile, the idea of building a polytechnic pesantren complex
still did not find its way until, finally, K.H. Elon Syujai died and the
leadership of the pesantren changed to the next generation.

K.H. Elon Syuja'i death caused a huge psychological shock not

only among the administrators and residents of the pesantren, but also
among the general public. The shock occurred because of the strength and
charisma of the deceased during his life in many aspects of the life of the
pesantren and society. The situation was exacerbated by the death of K.H.
Elon Syujai's eldest son, Abdul Latif, a year later. The residents and the
community around the pesantren are like a big tree that suddenly loses its
roots. The institutionalization of the new pesantren was strengthened again
when the second and third generations drew closer together and carried out
the reorientation and reform of the pesantren so that the deceased's ideals
could continue to be fought for. The vision and direction of the institution's
journey were refreshed and rebuilt.

In the education, Islamic boarding schools will continue to improve

their educational system and curriculum so that they can produce graduates
who have noble morality (Al-Akhlak Al-Karimah) and have sufficient
skills to empower themselves and their communities. Humans with noble
morals, broad knowledge and good skills (Al-Insan Al-Kamil) can only be
formed in a prophetic education system based entirely on the noble
teachings of Islam.

In the community empowerment, Islamic boarding schools

continue to reposition their roles so that people can feel their direct touch
in raising the dignity of their lives. Gradually, Islamic boarding schools
will further strengthen their institutional actions in the social, economic,
political, legal, artistic and cultural fields. Currently, the main activity
units of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School foundation are the
integrated MTs-MA education program which is located on campus 1,
Barangsiang sub-district, Bogor city, and the integrated SMP-SMA which
is located on campus 2, Nagrak Village, Sukaraja District, Bogor Regency.
(Uluum 2019).13

Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School. Islamic Boarding School Insights. (Bogor City:
Daarul uluum Press). pages 26-34.
2.8. Understanding Religious Figures

A religious figure is defined as someone who is knowledgeable,

especially in terms of relations in Islam, he is naturally used as a role model
or role model and a place of reference for knowledge for others. In addition,
when viewed from the point of view of the Islamic community, religious
figures can also be called religious figures. The definition of a religious
figure is a person who has religious knowledge (Islam) as well as
commendable deeds and morals in accordance with his knowledge.
Religious figures are commonly known as people who carry out da'wah both
orally and in writing or in actions, either individually, in groups or in the
form of organizations or institutions.

Furthermore, religious figures are also the designation of religious

teachers, in the world of Islamic boarding schools religious leaders are
commonly known as kyai or ustadz and ustadzah. The kyai is the central
figure in a Boarding school and is often the founder of the Boarding school.
He is the main teacher who is considered the most mastered in religious
matters, being a place for everyone to ask questions, seek advice, and
complain about various problems.

In Boarding school, kyai is a charismatic figure who becomes the

highest leader. His words are always heard by all residents of the boarding
school. Command and runhis dreams are always heeded. Kyai is a scholarly
title that cannot be sought. The title appears as a form of public respect for
someone who has proven depth of religious knowledge and has proven
dedication in maintaining and spreading Islamic teachings. Kyai is a person
who cares about the progress and decline of society. It is through their
wasilah that the teachings and symbols of Islam are preserved and
maintained. Kyai are part of the scholars who perawis the prophets. In
carrying out their duties in educating the santri, kyai are usually assisted by
ustadz. It is these ustadz who often come down directly to give tutorsadvice
to the students.

Ustadz usually come from the students of the kyai themselves who
are considered to have mastered the knowledge that he will be
studyingteach. Even sometimes ustadz are senior students who are assigned
while deepening their own knowledge. It often happens that a kyai orders
his students who have finished studying and have enough teaching
experience to return to their hometown. There they teach back what they
have learned in the Boarding school. Sometimes, they even start pioneering
new Boarding school whose teaching system follows the Boarding school
where they study (Harafa 2019).14

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that the definition

of a religious figure is a person who has or has advantages and advantages
in the religious field. The religious figures referred to in this study are kyai
or ustadz and clerics who have excellence in religious knowledge and have
many roles in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1
Bantarkemang Bogor City in leading and maintaining the continuity of the
learning process at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1
Bantarkemang Bogor City to provide a good life direction according to
God's provisions so that the civitas Islamic Boarding School Daarul Uluum
Campus 1 Bantarkemang Bogor City can achieve happiness in the world
and the hereafter.



3.1. The Role of Religious Leaders in Increasing Awareness Of the Covid-19

Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1
Ustadz Iqbal Harafa, S.Ag. Islamic Boarding School Insights. (Bogor City: Daarul uluum
Press). pages 8-9.
Religious leadersDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus
1 Bogor has an important role in increasing awareness of the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccination in the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Bogor Campus 1 in order to prevent the transmission or
spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Daarul Islamic
Boarding School environment. Uluum, Campus 1 Bogor. The following are
the roles of religious leaders in increasing awareness of the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination within the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor in order to prevent the transmission or
spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.

3.1.1. Socialization

From all perspectives of life, there needs to be socialization

about the importance of vaccination on a large scale. Vaccination is
the most effective way to prevent disease and the dangers of the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Socialization
efforts involve all stakeholders, including religious leaders, regarding
the issue of halal vaccines in emergencies that endanger human lives.
Therefore, religious leaders can mobilize students to participate in
socialization activities in the pesantren environment. The socialization
also involves all elements of the pesantren community, local
managers, schools, etc. The socialization also involves all mass media
and social media, because many media are wrong in reporting that the
vaccine and medicine for Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) are
the same even though they are different.
As inexplained by K.H. Drs. Nasrudin Latif in socializing to
all members of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1
Bogor and even the general public that vaccines are halal.
"Apart from that in the vaccine, there is one substance that
is indeed prohibited by religion or not, we must go back today to
define under what circumstances and conditions? Right today's
condition, all the world states that today the world is in a pandemic or
in religious language it is called Tha’ȗn. It means that our way of
thinking and acting and acting we must also follow the point of
Tha’ȗn, how does religion teach the situation and condition of
Tha’ȗn?. So that we don't jump to conclusions, take istinbat, take
steps. If the Ustadz and the kyai admit that today is the condition of
Tha’ȗn or a pandemic, then what is being held is how religion
responds to dealing with Tha’ȗn's situation and condition? This means
that this is a dharurin or emergency condition and we have the rule of
Usul Fiqh “ad emergencyu tubihul mahzurat' which means that in any
emergency situation it is permissible as long as there are limitations,
namely following the rules taught by scholars about Th'aûn. He said
that in the vaccine there is a substance from something that is
forbidden according to religion but the MUI in the fatwa assembly in
Indonesia has stated that this does not exist and is pure and clean and
halal enters our bodies, it is up to us to believe or not with the MUI of
the Republic of Indonesia?. if we have more knowledge than MUI,
why not if we have.(Latif, Is this vaccine liquid made from pig liquid?

In this case Ustadz Rizal Azizi, S.Pd. Also revealed that death after
vaccination is a medical field:
"So all obstacles in dealing with vaccines are in the medical realm,
leaving it to the experts. What is certain is that we are trying to face
Th'aûn(Latif, will we die after being vaccinated? 2021)."16
It is hoped that this socialization can provide an
understanding to the civitas of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding

Interview with KH Drs. Nasrudin Latif on August 3, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School Campus 2 Sukaraja.
Interview with Ustadz Rizal Azizi, S.Pd. August 3, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 2 Sukaraja.
School, Campus 1 Bogor and the whole community about the
halalness of vaccination. This socialization is also expected to provide
the best possible information regarding the Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) vaccine and an understanding of what conditions
we are currently in.

3.1.2. Anti-Vaccine Group Approach

The approach of the anti-vaccine group as well as the

immunization activities of several previous infectious diseases which
has brought many pros and cons to halal and has given rise to many
anti-vaccination groups, the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
vaccination requires stakeholders to adopt health promotion strategies
such as advocacy, support social services, and empowering students'
knowledge of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine

3.1.3. Organizing Mass Vaccination in the EnvironmentDaarul Uluum

Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor

Mass vaccination is one of the efforts that can be done by

Islamic boarding school religious leadersDaarul Uluum, Campus 1
Bogor in taking the role as a form of socialization application that has
been carried out. Various good socializations related to vaccines in
order to change students' perceptions of the covid vaccine for the
better will have a good impact if there is an application for the
One of the vaccination programs held at Islamic boarding
schoolsDaarul Uluum, Campus 1 Bogor is a simultaneous vaccination
of Islamic boarding schools in all cities in Indonesia. This vaccination
program is a synergy of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) and
special presidential staff in which there are the first thousand doses of
vaccine with a target of running out without residue. The main
objective is the entire Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School
community, Campus 1 Bogor which consists of Boarding School
administrators or students who are currently pursuing secondary
education, or not only for students and administrators, but also for
alumni, parents, guardians of students or the community. around who
are interested in carrying out vaccinations at the Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor

From the roles of these religious leaders, a result shows that the
majority of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School community, Campus
1 Bogor has been vaccinated, as evidence below is the percentage of the
results of research conducted in October.

Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Vac-

cination Data, Campus 1 Bogor

Has Been Vac-


Have Not Been

Picture 1. Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Vaccination Data,
Campus 1 Bogor



19 %
Medical Reasons
NIK Problematic

Parental Permission
Not Old Enough
Not Yet to Stay


Picture 2. Reasons for Not Vaccination

The data was taken from a total of 476 students, where 435
students has been vaccinated or with a percentage of 91%. And 41 students
who have not been vaccinated or with a percentage of 9%, with details of 8
students for medical reasons or a percentage of 19%, 18 students for the
problematic Population Identification Number (NIK) or a percentage of 43%,
12 students for reasons of parental permission. or a percentage of 28%, 2
students with the reason that they are not old enough or a percentage of 3%,
and 3 students with reasons not yet to stay or a percentage 7%. This data
proves that the majority of students and the communityDaarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor has been vaccinated.

3.2. Perception of Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Students, Campus

1 Bogor of Vaccines Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)
This analysis carried out from October 2021 to December 2021. To
be precise, this analysis was carried out when the Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) vaccine was available and several vaccines were still in
the clinical trial process both in Indonesia and around the world. With the
hope that understanding the perception of students about the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine when the vaccine is available will have a
positive impact on the willingness of students and the communityDaarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogorto be willing to
participate in the vaccination program as an effort to prevent the
transmission of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

With so many students and the community Daarul Uluum Islamic

Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor who are vaccinated, the elimination of
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) will occur and group immunity or
herd immunity will be formed, which is a situation where most of the
community is protected/immune to certain diseases, causing an indirect
effect. namely helping to protect vulnerable groups of people and not being
the target of vaccination. This condition can only be achieved with high and
even vaccination coverage.

Therefore, understanding the perceptions of students and the

community Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor is
very important that prevention through vaccination can occur maximally. In
understanding how the perception of students and the community Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor regarding the Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine, an analytical study has been
carried out at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.
The respondents who have been netted and are willing to fill out the
Questionnaire are 45 people from the santri and asatidz or Ustadzah. Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor with characteristics as
described in the following tables.
NO Question Yes Not
Vaccines are a powerful way to contain the spread
1. 42 3
Vaccine Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2. 42 3
safe for the recipient
Halal vaccines according to Islamic law even though
3. 42 3
they contain substances that are forbidden by Islam
Death after vaccination is purely medical and
4. 40 5
coincidental (not the effect of vaccination)
With vaccination we will be safe from COVID-19
5. 5 40
without carrying out health protocols
Vaccine (COVID-19) It's not a drug, it's an antibody
6. 32 13
I was vaccinated because
Vaccine (COVID-19) important to me and the people
1. 44 1
around me
2. Regulatory policy 36 9
3. Other people's coercion 6 39
I am afraid to vaccinated because
Vaccine side effects Corona Virus Disease
1. 15 30
Vaccine Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2. 1 44
not important
3. Syringe 3 42
4. Nik is in trouble 2 43
5. Sick 10 35
6. Parental permission 10 35
The source of information that dominates the information about
vaccines that I get
1. Television 27 18
2. Newspaper 18 27
3. Social media 42 3
4. Parent 26 19
5. Others 37 8
6. Poster 23 22
7. Seminar 9 36
8. Newspaper 15 30
9. Poster 11 24

Table1. Questionnaire Regarding Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-

19) Vaccine
Based on the research data, we can know the percentage between
students' good perceptions of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and
the percentage between students' bad perceptions of Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19).

Percentage of Santri's Perception of Vaccines


Good Perception
Bad Perception


Picture 3. Percentage of Santri's Perception of Vaccines (COVID-19)

From a total of 45 respondents and 6 questions indicating

perception, 270 responses were obtained. 238 responses or in a percentage
of 88%, have a good perception of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-
19) vaccine, this is due to the incessant socialization of religious leaders
Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor as well as anti-
vaccine group approaches that are applied or harmonized by evidence or
examples of religious leaders Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor by holding mass vaccinations in the environment Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor. While 32 responses or in
a percentage of 12%, have a bad perception of the Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) this is caused by several factors that affect the perception
of students of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.
3.2.1. Factors that Influence the perception Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School Student, Campus 1 Bogor on Vaccines Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
A person's perception can be affected by several factors.
Therefore, the researchers further investigated what factors
influence a person's perception of the Corona Virus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) vaccine.Information media sources are one of the
most influential factors on students' knowledge regarding
information about the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
vaccine. Because it was related to the dangers of this, Ustadz Rizal
Azizi, S.Pd. "In the current situation of sophisticated information
development, it is also a challenge for us. We filter information
that is accurate and true and whose sources can be accounted for
(Azizi 2021)."17

Therefore, this data needs to be analyzed to find out what

sources of information have the most influence on students'
perceptions of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
vaccine. The following is data from a survey of media sources of
information about the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
vaccine in IndonesiaDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor.

Source of information that dominates Ye

NO Not
information about vaccines obtained s
1. Television 27 18
2. Newspaper 18 27
3. Social media 42 3
4. Parent 26 19
5. Others 37 8
6. Poster 23 22

Interview with Ustadz Rizal Azizi, S.Pd. August 3, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 2 Sukaraja.
7. Seminar 9 36
8. Newspaper 15 30
9. Poster 11 24

Table2. Information Media Source

From these data we can conclude that the sources of

information media that are very influential in the formation of
students' perceptions are social media, television and parents.
a) Social media
Since the government announced the Covid-19
vaccination in Indonesia, the public has been faced with
various dilemmas in implementing this policy. Looking at
people's activities on social media, there are still calls from
groups who reject the Covid-19 vaccine. Starting from various
inappropriate posts related to vaccines, as well as hoax news
that shake people's belief in vaccines.

As explained above, it proves that social media is the

most vulnerable factor to the formation of one's perception,
thus students can fall into this, because based on research data,
social media is still the majority of students' choice of media
sources for information about the Corona Virus vaccine.
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Corona Virus Disease 2019
b) Television
Television is one of the most trusted sources of
information media so far, but television can sometimes
influence one's perception of the understanding of the Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine and the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine. Because with television
we receive all information without us. first filter the truth of
the news.This can also happen because of the leakage of
inappropriate information between television stations and other
television stations.
c) Parent
One factor that is quite considered is the understanding
of parents regarding the understanding of the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine and the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine. their understanding of the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine and the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine.

Parents' understanding is influenced by the two factors

that have been described previously. Therefore, it is necessary
to make improvements to the information media in providing
information that is incomplete, hoaxes and even invites
In the future, the results of this analysis can guide students to be
smarter in sorting and choosing information related to the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine properly and also for religious leaders.
Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor to take a role in
taking appropriate steps to avoid poor student knowledge Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor thereby changing the perception of
students Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogorgetting
better at the covid vaccine. So that it is hoped that the achievement of
vaccination inDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogorcan
increase and even reach 100%. Thus, this is a form of our efforts to fight and
prevent the transmission of this covid pandemic and can undergo face-to-face
learning as usual without any worries.

3.3. The Purpose of Holding Vaccinations at the Daarul Uluum Islamic

Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor
Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) is an infectious disease
caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-
2). SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of Corona Virus that has never been previously
identified in humans. On December 31, 2019, the WHO China Country Office
reported a case of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan City, Hubei
Province, China. On January 7, 2020, China identified the case as a new type
of Corona Virus. On January 30, 2020, WHO declared the incident a Public
Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and on March 11, 2020,
WHO had declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. (Disease 2020). Corona Virus
Disease 2019(COVID-19) is a pandemic that has hit all parts of the world.
This epidemic can be transmitted to anyone regardless of age, sex and even
social strata. This condition is a serious problem throughout the world,
because this epidemic not only causes mild or serious symptoms, it can even
cause death. And the number of confirmed cases and even deaths from this
epidemic is increasing every day. This condition affects millions and even the
entire world community, which is a result of the implementation of various
government policies to the community in handling the outbreak which has
become a global pandemic.In order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic,
Indonesia has implemented various public health measures including Large-
Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in accordance with Minister of Health
Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB) in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19). -19) such as school and business closures,
restrictions on movement or population mobilization, and restrictions on
international travel (Disease 2020).18

The sectors affected by the implementation of government policies

in dealing with the pandemic are the social sector, the economic sector and
even the education sector. Islamic boarding schools are part of the sector that
Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, “Guidelines for Prevention and
Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)” in Decree of the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, NUMBER HK.01.07/MENKES/413/2020 (Jakarta: Minister of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia, 13 July 2020 ) page 23.
is affected in the education sector. Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogorbecome one of the pesantren that still activates face-to-face
education even in the midst of conditions that require various considerations.
Various policies and even their implementation are an effort to always
maintain the conduciveness of face-to-face teaching and learning activities.
Health protocols such as washing hands with soap, wearing masks,
maintaining distance and a healthy lifestyle are always intensified to avoid
unwanted things from happening.
The first response of the Islamic boarding school at Daarul Uluum
was the policy of securing the entire pesantren community, namely by
returning the students to the laps of their parents, because in a panic and tense
condition like this, the students should get more attention and calm. Apart
from that, Islamic boarding schools also carry out isolation such as self-
locking and the Jami' Asyuja'iyyah Mosque by calling for prayers at their
respective homes. (Ba'ats, Why does Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School
continue to carry out face-to-face learning in the midst of the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, what are the considerations? 2021).19
Therefore, after Daarul Uluum Islamic boarding school closed its
students for more than six months, the pesantren began to bring in students to
do face-to-face learning even in the midst of the covid pandemic with the
following considerations:following :
1. Pesantren concerns about students who do not self-isolate at home.
2. Seeing the number of students who roam from home when the pesantren
implements the policy of returning the students to their parents.
3. Paying attention to the basic human needs that are starting to be affected
by the pandemic, namely the need for socialization.
4. Paying attention to the saturation of students staying at home for a long
period of time.

Interview with Ustadz Fauzi Ba'ats on December 13, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.
5. Save the students from freedom at home (Ba'ats, Why does Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School continue to carry out face-to-face learning in the
midst of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, what are
the considerations? 2021).20

Steps which is conducted by Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School

in tackling the spread Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) in the Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor, after bringing in the
students, it was reviewed through three views:
1. What to prepare at home
2. What to do on a trip.
3. What to do while in boarding school.

This is explained in a circular letter of requirements to conduct

learningface-to-face as follows:
1. We give freedom to students and their parents/guardians to, voluntarily,
choose to NOT AGREE or AGREE with the plan to reactivate this face-to-
face student education activity.
2. Students and peopleg parents / guardians of final grade students who DO
NOT AGREE with the plan to activate this face-to-face student education
activity, we invite you to take the following steps:
2.1. Continue to comply with the provisions of the re-registration process
as informed viaa related notification letter beforehand, so that you can
take part in online learning at home;
2.2. Fulfill 50% of monthly financial obligations / SPP, especially for
August 2021.
2.3. Continue to fulfill all outstanding financial obligations recorded
before August 2021.

Interview with Ustadz Fauzi Ba'ats on December 13, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.
2.4. Stay at home, then take part in online learning organized by Islamic
boarding schools for public subjects and Islamic boarding schools
through laptops or cell phones. More detailed guidewill be delivered
2.5. Santri, with the permission of their parents/guardians, can contact the
Pesantren Secretariat if they are ready to return to the pesantren to
attend face-to-face education.
3. Students and parents/guardianssantri who AGREE with the plan to
reactivate this face-to-face student education activity, we are invited to take
the following steps:
3.1. Continue to comply with the provisions of the re-registration process
as informed viaprevious related notification letter.
3.2. Departing back to the boarding school at the appointed time, namely
August 4, 2021, with the distribution of arrival times as follows;
3.2.1. Santriwati at 08.00 - 12.00 WIB; whereas
3.2.2. Students at 13.00 – 16.00 WIB.
3.3. Students who are delivered by their parents/guardians are not allowed
to go to the pesantren outside the time specified above.
3.4. Implementing the COVID-19 prevention health protocolas follows;
3.4.1. Before leaving for boarding school:
a. Santri are required to bring, at a minimum, the negative
results of the Covid-19 Antigen Swab which are still valid
until the time of arrival.
b. Santri who are sick, or have symptoms of a cold, flu, cough,
sore throat, fever, or shortness of breath, are not allowed to
return to the boarding school until they are declared healthy.
c. Santri are required to prepare and bring to the boarding
school the following personal equipment:
- 1 pack of disposable medical masks, and 3 masks that can
be washed and reused;
- plates, glasses, spoons and personal drinking places
(tumblers); and
- 2 sheets of 10,000 stamps.
3.4.2. During the trip to the boarding school:
a. Santri are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian, a
maximum of 2 people.
b. Santri and parents/guardians are advised not to ride public
c. Santri and parents / guardians are required to leave the house
directly to the boarding school, and do not stop anywhere
d. Santri and parents / guardians always wear masks, keep their
distance, and do not shake hands, both during the trip and
while in the pesantren environment.
3.4.3. Upon arrival and while at the boarding school:
a. Santri and parents/guardians are required to undergo the
following health protocols:
 washing hands with soap and running water at the
boarding gate, or by using the hand sanitizer that we
have provided;
 undergo a body temperature check;
 report and record the arrival to the officer; and
 submit a negative result of the Covid-19 Antigen Swab
which is still valid.
b. Santri with body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius are
not allowed to enter the boarding school and must return
home until declared healthy by the doctor.
c. Carry out the process of completing administrative and
financial affairs to the Secretariat Officer as follows:
 submit a print out / proof of having successfully carried
out the 2021-2022 school year registration process;
 fulfill syahriyyah / SPP, as well as all other outstanding
financial obligations;
 Signing a Letter of Agree with Reactivating Santri
Education Activities Face-to-face for the 2021-2022
Academic Year (must be signed by parents/guardians
and students above 10,000 stamps); and
 Signing the Statement of Giving Permission to the son /
daughter, if at a later time they are included in the
COVID-19 Vaccination target program in the
educational environment by the government (must be
signed by parents / guardians and students with a stamp
duty of 10,000).
d. Santri, then, can go directly to the designated dormitory,
while parents/guardians wait in the living room or mosque.
e. Parents/guardians are prohibited from entering the student

3.4.4. During your stay at the Islamic Boarding School:

a. Students must obey whole boarding school rules and
regulations as usual before the pandemic.
b. Santri re-follow all activities in accordance with the direction
of the pesantren.
c. Students who leave the boarding school without
permissionwill be returned directly to their parents/guardians.
d. Parents / guardians or anyone else are not allowed to visit
students until the time limit is setwill be set later.
e. Person parent/guardian, whenever desired, andAfter
getting permission from the pesantren, they can withdraw the
students back home.
4. If it is known, at any time, that one or more boarding school residents have
been exposed to COVID-19 based on the accurate results of the COVID-
19 test, then:
4.1. All face-to-face student education activities will be stopped
back for, at least, 10 days.
4.2.Whole Students will sent home to House each
to quarantineyourself for, at least, 10 days.21 (Ba'ats, what kind of
policies are carried out by the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School
in tackling the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in
the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor City?

Therefore, it is not only necessary to intervene in the implementation

of health procedures and other policies, but also to immediately take other
effective intervention measures to stop the spread of disease, namely through
vaccination efforts.One attemptDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor in tackling the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) outbreak in Islamic boarding schools Daarul Uluum, Campus 1
Bogor namely by vaccinating. Vaccination is believed to increase the
immunity of the recipient, achieving herd immunity.
Herd immunity is a situation where a large part of the community is
protected/immune to certain diseases, causing an indirect effect, namely the
protection of vulnerable groups of people and not being the target of
vaccination. This condition can only be achieved with high and even
vaccination coverage.
Notice of Reactivation of Educational Activities of the Santri Face-to-face for the Academic
Year 2021-2022, Number : 006/A/Dir/PDU-1/VII/2021
Interview with Ustadz Fauzi Ba'ats on December 13, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor.
Vaccination is an intervention as part of efforts to prevent and
control COVID-19. This has become Presidential Regulation Number 99 of
2020 concerning "Procurement of Vaccines and Implementation of
Vaccinations in the Framework of Combating the Corona Virus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) Pandemic" (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2020
Number 227).
Vaccination aims to provide specific immunity against a certain
disease so that if one day is exposed to the disease, it will not get sick or only
experience mild illness. Of course, if a person is not vaccinated, then he will
not have specific immunity against diseases that can be prevented by giving
the vaccination.
If vaccination coverage is high and evenly distributed in an area,
herd immunity will be formed. This group immunity causes cross-protection,
where children remain healthy even though they are not immunized because
other children in their neighborhood have received complete immunizations,
so that these unimmunized children get the benefits of protection through
group immunity resulting from the high immunization coverage. . Children
who are not immunized are protected by people around them who are immune
to certain diseases so that the risk of contracting the disease from the people
around them is small. This shows that immunization with a high and even
coverage is very important. However, if one day the child leaves the high
coverage area,(Indonesia,
FAQ_VAKSINASI_COVID__call_center 2021).23
In this case K.H. Drs. Nasrudin Latif also explained the purpose of
holding vaccinations at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School as follows:
“This is for the benefit of Lâ dorôro walâ dirôr, lest we harm ourselves and
others, we have rules. That's why we make decisions in whatever context we
have to be based on knowledge. Lâ taqul mâlaisalaka 'ilmun inna sam'a wal
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ”, regarding
the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination (Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia, January 1, 2021,) page 1.
absôro wal fuâdah kulluhum masûlah (Latif, Why does Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School require the pesantren community to be vaccinated? 2021).”24
From the explanation inFrom the above we can know that the
purpose of holding vaccinations at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding
School, Campus 1 Bogor is as follows:
3.3.1. Stimulates the Immune System
Vaccines which consist of various biological products and
parts of attenuated viruses that are injected into humans, will stimulate
the emergence of a person's immune or immune system.
3.3.2. Reducing the Risk of Transmission
The body of a person who has been injected with the vaccine
will stimulate antibodies to learn and recognize the weakened virus.
Thus, the body will be exposed to the virus and reduce the risk of

3.3.3. Reducing the Heavy Impact of Virus

With an immune condition that has recognized the virus, if a
person's immune system is defeated and then exposed, the impact or
symptoms of the virus will be weakened.
3.3.4. Achieving Herd Immunity
The more individuals who vaccinate in an area or country, the
Herd Immunity will be achieved, thereby minimizing the risk of
exposure and mutation of the Covid-19 virus.

Interview with KH Drs. Nasrudin Latif on August 3, 2021 at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School Campus 2 Sukaraja.


4.1. Conclusion

1. The Role of Religious Leaders in Raising Vaccination AwarenessCorona

Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) at the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding
School, Campus I, Bogor City
a. Socialization
b. Anti-vaccine group approach
c. Organizing mass vaccinations in the neighborhood Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School Campus 1 Bogor
2. From a total of 45 respondents and 6 questions indicating perception, 270
responses were obtained, 238 responses or in a percentage of 88%, they
have a good perception of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
this is due to the incessant socialization of religious leaders Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor as well as anti-vaccine
group approaches that are applied or harmonized by evidence or
examples of religious leaders Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor by holding mass vaccinations in the environment
Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor. Meanwhile,
32 responses or in a percentage of 12%, had a bad perception of the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) this was caused by several
factors that influenced the perception of the students of the Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor, namely: social media,
television and parents.
3. The purpose of holding vaccinations at the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor
a. Stimulate the immune system
b. Reduce the risk of transmission
c. Reduce the heavy impact of the virus
d. Achieve herd immunity

4.2. Suggestion

The suggestions that the author can convey include the following:

1. For the CivitasDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor

It is hoped that all people who are inDaarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogorto always update the latest information
regarding the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine from
trusted sources such as the website of the ministry of health, the world
health organization (WHO) and the health office in order to be able to
distinguish between correct and incorrect information. Then the
communityDaarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor to
carry out vaccinations and also to be balanced by implementing health
protocols to avoid infection with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
and to protect people around us.
2. For Religious Leaders
It is hoped that religious leaders will increase the information
profile about good Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccinations
and warn of bad information by guiding students in filtering news that
spreads false information about the Corona Virus Disease 2019 vaccine
( COVID-19) circulating on social media. Then provide information about
the safety and effectiveness of vaccines that have been tested based on
clinical evidence to the public in order to build trust in the Daarul Uluum
Islamic Boarding School community, Campus 1 Bogor towards the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine. Furthermore, so that
religious leaders are more transparent regarding information related to the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine to the communityDaarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogorthrough the Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) information and coordination center
application. Religious leaders also optimize their role in increasing
awareness of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination in
the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus I Bogor City.

3. For Other Researchers

For further researchers, it is hoped that there will be more research
further information regarding the role of religious leaders in increasing
awareness of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination in
the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School Campus I Bogor City by
conducting research on other religious institutions with a wider scope.

Azizi, Rizal, interview by Miftahul Huda, & Fahru Rijal. Be careful in choosing
information (August 3, 2021).

Ba'ats, Fauzi, interview by Haka Haggi. What kind of policies have been carried
out by the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School in tackling the spread
of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 1 Bogor? (December 13, 2021).

Ba'ats, Fauzi, interview by Haka Haggi. Why does Daarul Uluum Islamic
Boarding School continue to carry out face-to-face learning in the midst of
the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, what are the
considerations? (December 13, 2021).

Ba'ats, Fauzi, interview by Haka Haggi. When there was a pandemic for the first
time, what were the steps of the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School in
tackling the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
(December 13, 2021).

Covid-19, Handling Unit. What is vaccination? 2021.

answer (accessed October 22, 2021).

Covid-19, Handling Task Force. What is a vaccine? 2021. (accessed October 22, 2021).

Indonesia, Ministry of Health of the Republic.

NASI_COVID__call_center.” January 12,
NASI_COVID__call_center.pdf (accessed October 31, 2021).

—. March 2020.

content/structure-faq.html (accessed October 22, 2021).
Latif, Nasrudin, interview by Miftahul Huda, & Fahru Rijal. Is this vaccine liquid
made from pig liquid? (August 3, 2021).

Rizal, Azizi, interview by Miftahul Huda, & Fahru Rijal. Will we die after being
vaccinated? (August 3, 2021).

Latif, Nasrudin, interview by Miftahul Huda, & Fahru Rijal. Why does Daarul
Uluum Islamic Boarding School require the pesantren community to be
vaccinated? (August 3, 2021).

Organization, World Health. Coronavirus. May 13, 2021. (accessed
October 22, 2021).

Disease, Directorate General of Prevention and Control. “Ministry of Health

Emerging Infections.” March 2020. (accessed October 22, 2021).

Syahidien, interview by Haka Haggi. The Role of Religious Leaders in Raising

Vaccination Awareness in the Daarul Uluum Islamic Boarding School,
Campus 1 Bogor (13 December 2021).

Uluum, Daarul Islamic Boarding School. Islamic Boarding School Insights. Bogor
City: Daarul Uluum Press, 2019.

Personal Data

Name : Haka Haggi

Place and date of birth : Tangerang, April 4 2003

Third Child Of Parents

Father's name : Mohammad Alwi

Mother's name : Neneng Murni

Religion : Islam

Address : Banten Province, Tangerang City, District. Pinang,

Village. Sudimara Pinang, JaIan. Sentosa Blok
A100 Number. 5, RT.007/RW.002, Zip Code.

Future : Writers and Embassies

Educational Background

kindergarten :-

PINANG SDN 04 : 2010-2016

MTs DAARUL ULUUM 1 BOGOR : 2016-2019

MA DAARUL ULUUM 1 BOGOR : 2019-Present

Life experience

 Participated in the 2014 quarterly jamboree at the Cipondoh campsite.

 Participated in the district level scouting quiz competition in 2014.
 Participated in the 2014 Tangerang City Anniversary Choir Competition.
 Following the 2014 Scout Anniversary ceremony at the Tangerang City
 Participated in the Introduction Competition at the PEC branch level in
 Participated in the 2014 PEC Branch Story Telling Competition.
 Attended Meet and Great with Hawaii students in 2014.
 Received a bimble scholarship in primagama in 2014.
 It became the protocol for the 2014 Independence Day ceremony.
 Participated in the City-level Introduction Competition in 2014.
 Becoming paskibraka for independence day 2015.
 Participated in the story telling competition between schools in 2015.
 Following the 2015 champion's soccer school.
 Participated in joint training at MTsn Bogor City in 2016.
 Following the inauguration of the 2016-2017 HSD special forces.
 Participated in the inauguration of the TKK (Special Skills Mark) at the
Bogor City KWARCAB in 2016.
 Participated in the PPMP (School Scout Camp for Madrasah Tangkat
Province) training at Kiara Payung Sumedang Campground in 2016.
 Participated in preparation for the PPMP Story Telling Contest (Central
Pramuka Madrasah Tangkat Province) at Kiara Payung Sumedang
Campground in 2016.
 Participated in PPMP (Prvonsi Madrasah Scout Camp) at Kiara Payung
Sumedang Campground in 2016.
 Participated in the Story Telling PPMP (Prvonsi Tangkat Madrasah Scout
Camp) competition at the Kiara Payung Sumedang Campground in 2016.
 Participate in the 2016-2017 DU HSD quiz competition.
 Participate in the 2016-2017 HSD Language Debate Competition in DU.
 Become an HSD Student Adward 2016-2017.
 Become a Speaker in the Representative Meeting of 27 Telkom Indonesia
Countries at Aston Hotel 2017.
 Participated in the 2017 MQK (Musabaqoh Qiraatil Pole) Competition.
 Participated in LKKP 4 (Scouting Agility Contest) in Bogor City.
 Participated in the Marching Band Competition at the 2018 FOMB (Open
Marching Band Festival) Cup Bogor XVIII at GOR Pajajaran, Bogor City.
 Joining LATGAB (Joint Training) 71st Scout Anniversary
 Participated in the 2018 DIANPINRU (Team Leader Training) at SDIT
Ibnu Khaldun.
 Join PERSAMI (Saturday and Sunday Camp) Wirakartika 2018.
 Participated in Robotic training at the Rolling Event Vol.6 SMAN 45
 Participated in the English speech competition at DUIFEST 2 (Daarul
Uluum Islamic Festival).
 Participated in the English Speech Contest/Muhadharah Kubro HSD 17-
 Participated in the semi-finals for the English Speech Contest/Muhadharah
Kubro HSD 17-18.
 Participated in the final elimination of the English Speech
Contest/Muhadharah Kubro HSD 17-18.
 Won the English Speech Contest / Muhadharah Kubro HSD 17-18 speech
 Participate in KSM (Madrasah Science Competition) CATEGORY of
Mathematics 2018.
 Participated in OPTIKA (Mathematics Olympiad in Indonesia) 2018.
 Follow the counseling of the candidate for chairman of the room.
 Became chairman of the 2019-2020 chamber.
 Become the head of the librarian for 2019-2020.
 Participate in Management and Leadership Training for 2020-2021.
 Become the chairman of HISADA (Daarul Uluum Santri Association) for
the solemn period 2020-2021.
 Participate in OPTIKA (Mathematics Olympiad in Indonesia) 2021.
 Participated in the Pakuan University “English Festival” webinar.


 Rank 7 UTS Class 1 SD Semester 1.

 Rank 4 UAS Class 1 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 2 UTS Class 1 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 2 UAS Class 1SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 2 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 2 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 2 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 2 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 3 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 3 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 3 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 3 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 4 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 4 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 4 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 4 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 5 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 5 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 5 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 5 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 6 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UAS Class 6 SD Semester 1.
 Rank 1 UTS Class 6 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 UN Class 6 SD Semester 2.
 Rank 1 Class 1 MTs Semester 1.
 Rank 1 Class 1 MTs Semester 2.
 Rank 1 Class 2 MTs Semester 1.
 Rank 1 Class 2 MTs Semester 2.
 Rank 1 Class 3 MTs Semester 1.
 Rank 1 Class 3 MTs Semester 2.
 Rank 1 Class 4 MA Semester 1.
 Rank 1 Class 4 MA Semester 2.
 Rank 1 Class 5 MA Semester 1.
 Rank 1 Class 5 MA Semester 2.
 Rank 1 Class 6 MA Semester 1.
 Highest NEM (Pure EBTANAS Value) Winner.
 Rank 1 Try Out the SMPIT As-Syakirin scholarship program.
 Rank 5 Try Out the PEC (Practical Education Center) scholarship
 1st place in scouting LCC (Smart Contest) at the sub-district level.
 2nd Place in Hilo School Coloring Competition.
 2nd Place Primagama Vocabulary Competition 2015.
 2nd Place Broadcasting HSD 16-17.
 1st Place in Story Telling HSD 16-17.
 1st Place Scout Style HSD 16-17.
 2nd Place in the 2016 PHBI Speech Contest (Islamic Holiday
Commemoration) at Al-Inayah Islamic Boarding School.
 1st Place Story Telling HSD 17-18.
 1st Place Broadcasting HSD 17-18.
 1st Place in Speech Contest/Muhadharah Kubro HSD 17-18.
 1st Place Pioneer at MTsn.
 1st Place HSD Model 17-18.
 1st Place in Story Telling HSD 18-19.
 GENERAL Champion in Daarul Uluum Campus 1 in 2017.
 1st Place Mockup at LKKP 4 (Scouting Agility Competition) SE-Bogor
 Rank 23 OPTIKA (Mathematics Olympiad in Indonesia) 2021.

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