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General election:

In Pancasila democracy (Suharto Era), the general election is very stiff and planned in a way. Due to
every action must be based upon Pancasila, Suharto had an ideology that there is a centralization of
power. Thus, making him to control everything in Indonesia, including the general election. Every
personnel in ABRI and KORPRI (or today people know it as ASN or PNS) must be in Golkar, which is a
political party that Suharto made (at the time, Golkar didn’t have Partai in its name, because Suharto
believe that people in Partai only benefitted for themselves and not for the civilians). In every general
election, Golkar always wins owing to the contribution of every vote from ABRI and KORPRI.

Whilst today, everyone has the right to vote. There are more political parties to choose, not only 3 in
Suharto Era, which consists of PDI, PPP, and Golkar. Even though the general election nowadays seems
fair, there are still some speculations upon it. For example, how there were rumors about people
outside of WNI can vote or how the rumors regarding the number of votes are manipulated by
someone. As free and as flexible general election nowadays, there are still some rumors how the
election is being controlled by someone, regardless it’s way better that the one we had in Suharto Era

2. Political Stability:

Pancasila democracy is known to be very central, which means everything must be under control of
Suharto. Regarding the political stability, it isn’t stable at all. Like mentioned on the previous answer, in
Suharto era, there was a centralization of power. Therefore, all decisions were from Suharto’s decision.
For example, DPR was useless back then, because DPR was a mere symbol or “stamp” of his govern
system, while the truth is, DPR couldn’t function as intended. They can’t function as the civil
representative and can’t function as a power balance to Suharto, these occurred owing to DPR was
made by Suharto himself. Moreover, Suharto had some brilliant strategies in his era, which consists of
development (the gold), military dominance (the fire), and Golkar (the blanket). Golkar can act like a
blanket to ensure people that Golkar care for the civilians unlike any political parties which only benefit
themselves. In terms of development, it could act as the gold to which people were happy about. He
gave help in education sector and make infrastructures that still lasts to this day. However, people who
disobey him or wants to be deviant in his era, get the fire in military dominance. There were some public
figures who were missing, one of them was Widji Thukul. There were also some snipers known as Petrus
(The Mysterious Shooter) who would kill people from a far with snipers. This concluded that in Suharto
era, everything was very strict.

In transitional democracy that we live in right now, DPR can function as intended. Where they can the
rights to make a new or change constitutions with the permission and agreements from the president.
Furthermore, some DPR members care about Indonesia and its citizens, which makes Indonesia civilians
to be more relax. In terms of people who wanted to raise their voice, it is allowed in the shape of forums
or seminars, riots, and etc. People can do this due to the existence of Petrus became a threat to the
overall society in the past, so there aren’t any Petrus that will shoot people who have different opinions
anymore. However, the existence of Corruption becomes worse. In the previous era, only Suharto was
able to corrupt and his companions, but now, corruptions become like a race. Regardless, the
transitional democracy has stable political stability unlike the one we had in Suharto Era (Pancasila

3. Human Rights:
The existence of Human Rights in Pancasila Democracy is very minimal, very close to being none. Like
mentioned in the previous answer, this era very focus on the points of Pancasila, thus the president has
the power to everything. Civilians weren’t allowed to vote, they couldn’t express their thoughts, and
also people aren’t allowed to have different opinions. Suharto couldn’t go down as a president for 32
years since 1966 until 1998. It was only in 1998, because the external force and internal force that
Suharto revoke his presidency and gave it to Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie.

Meanwhile, we have so many laws regarding Human Rights nowadays, so much so that some laws
become controversial due to it. Indonesia can become a democratic country and not limited but still
connected to Pancasila in transitional democracy. In this era, the Human Rights is fulfilled in the shape of
expressing voice and or votes, the constitutions upon Human Rights on its own, and etc. People who
violate Human Rights can either pay some money or go to prison. In this transitional democracy, the
government really care about its civilians, which leads to a better society. The government realize that
Indonesia becomes Indonesia owing to its natural resources, rich cultures, and civilized society. That’s
why in this era, the fulfillment of Human Rights is outstanding than the ones we had in Suharto era
which is very minimal on the fulfillment on Human Rights.

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