Benefits of Raising The Driving Age

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Benefits of raising the driving age

Should the driving age be raised to 18? Essay on this topic can cause a lot of debates. It has
been a common thing for teenagers to learn how to drive at 15, and get their license at 16.
Teenagers feel very happy when they learn how to drive, but don’t always know the
responsibilities of being a good driver. They cause so many accidents which cause so many
deaths because their minds aren’t developed enough to make those decisions. It is time for
these accidents to stop. There are two main pros of raising the driving age to 18: there will be
fewer accidents, and teenagers will have more time to develop their minds. An the following
chapters of this argumentative essay prove its rationality.

Too many accidents are caused by teens, and many people die as a result. A 2008 report
states, “More than 5,000 US teens die each year in car crashes. The rate of crashes, fatal and
nonfatal, per mile driven for 16-year old drivers is almost 10 times the rate for drivers ages 30 to

59” (National Highway Safety Administration). The number is startling because it represents
how a lot of teens die every year, and that it will be safer once the driver is older. A story about

a mother that lost her 16-year old daughter says, “Jessie rolled her car into a Missouri ditch and

died in July 2003. Her mom used to happily be Jessie’s ride. She would give anything for the

chance to drive Jessie again” (USA Today). This shows how it affects the loved ones of the
teens, and it is devastating because this careless mistake is neither irreversible nor the victims

are replaceable.

Teenagers' minds aren't developed to enough in order to handle driving. According to brain

research, “A crucial part of the teen's brain – the area that peers ahead and considers
consequences – remains undeveloped. That means careless attitudes and rash emotions often

drive teen decisions” (USA Today). Teenagers may think that they are really good drivers, but
they don't always consider what will happen when they have such attitudes. Another study says,
“For the majority of teens, their brains haven't developed to the point where they can control
impulses” (UC Davis). All teens are at risk because their minds aren't even developed, and
impulses are something to be taken very seriously.

To conclude, the answer to the question "should the minimum driving age be raised?" according
to this essay is "yes'. Teens really need to know the dangers of driving, and how they think.
Nobody wants to be killed in an accident whether it is the person hit, or the person driving the
car. Fewer accidents and teenagers having more time to develop their minds are both examples
of why the driving age should be raised to 18.

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