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Pure Substance
❖ A substance that has a fixed chemical composition
throughout is called a pure substance such as water, air,
and nitrogen.
❖ A pure substance may exist in different phases. The three
principal phases are solid, liquid, and gas.
❖ A phase is defined as having a distinct molecular
arrangement that is homogenous throughout and
separated from others (if any) by easily identifiable
boundary surfaces.
❖ A pure substance does not have to be of a single element
or compound. A mixture of two or more phases of a
pure substance is still a pure substance as long as the
chemical composition of all phases is the same.
Properties of Liquids and Vapours
❖Matter may exist in the form of a solid,
liquid or a gas.
❖A vapour is a gas existing at a temperature at
which it can be liquefied by an increase of
❖State Postulate: Two independent properties
are needed to completely specify the state of
a thermodynamic system.
❖If these two independent properties are
known, the other properties can be
Properties of Liquids and Vapours
Refrigeration cycle (Vapour-compression)

Properties of Liquids and Vapours
Steam power cycle

Properties of Liquids and Vapours
❖Phase Change Experiment
❖ Consider a unit mass (1 kg) of water at a temperature of 20 °C, atmospheric pressure of 1.013 bar,
contained in a cylinder as shown.
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5

P = 1 bar
P = 1 bar P = 1 bar T = 300 oC
P = 1 bar P = 1 bar T = 100 oC
T = 100 oC
T = 20 oC T = 100 oC

Saturated vapour Superheated vapour

• Under-saturated liquid Saturated liquid Saturated liquid-
vapour mixture
• Sub-cooled Liquid
• Compressed liquid

Properties of Liquids and Vapours
❖Temperature-Specific Volume Diagram for Water
T, o C

300 Sensible heat

Latent heat
100 4
2 3

Sensible heat

20 1

v , m3 kg
Properties of Liquids and Vapours
❖Temperature-Volume Diagram for Water ❖ The properties of saturated
liquid, saturated vapour and
T P2 = const.> P1
Critical Point superheated vapour for
water are listed in tables.
Liquid Region P1 = const. ❖ The subscript ‘f ’ is used to
Superheated Vapour
Region denote properties of a
Saturated liquid-
vapour region or wet saturated liquid, and the
subscript ‘g’ to denote the
properties of saturated
Saturated liquid Saturated vapour line

Properties of Liquids and Vapours
❖Properties of a Saturated liquid-vapour mixture (wet mixture)
For a saturated mixture state
m = mf + mg and V = Vf + Vg
mf mg
mv = m f v f + m g v g  v = vf + vg
m m
But we define quality(x) also known as dryness fraction as; x =
v = (1 − x) v f + xv g = v f + x (v g − v f ) = v f + x v fg

Properties of Liquids and Vapours

Table of Properties for


12 12
Use of Interpolation in Tables of Properties
Determine the temp. of water at a state of P = 0.5 MPa and h = 2970 kJ/kg

T (oC) h (kJ/kg) =
250 2961.0
300 − ? 3064.6 − 2970.0
254.33 2970.0 =
? − 250 2970.0 − 2961.0
300 3064.6
Properties of Liquids and Vapours: Problems
Problem 1 Problem 2
Steam at 3 bar has a dryness A cylinder contains 0.34 kg of
fraction of 0.8. Calculate its steam at 10 bar. If the volume of
specific volume, specific the cylinder is 0.05 m3, calculate
enthalpy, and specific internal the dryness fraction of the steam,
energy the internal energy, and the
Suggested Answers: enthalpy.
[0.4848 m3/kg; 2292.2 kJ/kg; Suggested Answers:
2147.4 kJ/kg] [0.755; 726 kJ, 776 kJ]

Properties of Liquids and Vapours: Problems
Problem 3 Problem 4
A mass of 200 g of saturated 10 kg of a mixture of saturated vapour
liquid water is completely and saturated liquid in a 5 m3 tank is at
vaporized at a constant pressure a pressure of 150 kPa. Find its
of 100 kPa. Determine the temperature and the fraction of vapour
amount of heat energy added in the mixture.
to the water. Suggested Answers: [111.35 °C; 0.43]
Suggested Answer: [451.5 kJ]

Properties of Liquids and Vapours: Problems
Problem 5 Problem 6
0.05 kg of Steam at 100 kPa, 1 kg of steam 0.8 dry at 9 bar expands
dryness fraction of 0.85 is heated during a non-flow polytropic process
at constant pressure to a according to the law PV1.1 = constant
temperature of 200 °C. Determine until the pressure becomes 3 bar.
the changes in volume, internal Calculate the final dryness fraction,
energy, enthalpy and entropy of the work energy transfer, and the heat
the steam. energy transfer.
Suggested Answer: [0.03662 m3; Suggested Answer: [0.772; 144.9 kJ;
23.3 kJ; 26.96 kJ; 0.0693 kJ/K] 56.7 kJ]

Properties of Liquids and Vapours: Problems
Problem 7 Problem 8
Steam enters a steam turbine at 5 MPa, Steam is accelerated by a nozzle
and 500 °C at a rate of 50 kg/s and steadily from a low velocity to 210
leaves it at a pressure of 10 kPa. The m/s at a rate of 3.2 kg/s. If the
quality of steam at the turbine exit is temperature and pressure of the
0.95. What is the magnitude of the steam at the nozzle exit are 400 °C
power output from this turbine? and 2 MPa, what is the exit area of
Suggested Answer: [48.5 MW] the nozzle in cm2?
Suggested Answer: [23.04 cm2]

Properties of Liquids and Vapours: Problems
Problem 9 Problem 10
Steam at 1MPa and 300 °C is throttled Steam expands in a turbine from 4 MPa
adiabatically to a pressure of 0.4 MPa. and 500 °C to 0.5 MPa and 250 °C at a
If the change in kinetic energy is rate of 1350 kg/h. Heat is lost from
negligible, what is the specific volume the turbine at a rate of 25 kJ/s during
of the steam after throttling? the process. What is the power output
Suggested Answer: [0.646 m3/kg;] of the turbine?
Suggested Answer: [156.9 kW]

Properties of Liquids and Vapours: Problems
Problem 11
The power output of an adiabatic steam turbine is 6 MW, and the inlet and the
exit conditions of the steam are given as
Inlet Outlet
P1 = 3.5 MPa P2 = 20 kPa
T1 = 600oC x2 = 92%
C1 = 50 m/s C2 = 150 m/s
Z1 = 10 m Z2 = 5 m
Calculate the mass flow rate of the steam in kg/s
Suggested Answer: [4.81 kg/s]

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