Elongated Vocab

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English “Elongated” Vocabulary Test Review

1. An air of authority: A presence that displays confidence, command, and control, making
others more likely to respect the person.

2. Carrying more weight: Having greater significance or influence in a particular context.

3. The villain of the piece: The main antagonist or negative force in a story, situation, or

4. In line: Conforming to certain expectations or standards.

5. Angry and frustrated: A combination of emotions, where anger is directed outward and
frustration is directed inward, typically experienced when someone feels they are not
able to achieve their goals or desires.

6. Keeping the wolf from the door: Managing to survive or maintain a minimal standard of
living, often due to financial scarcity.

7. Be living hand to mouth: To have just enough resources (usually money) to meet
immediate needs, with little savings or security.

8. Safely say: To express an opinion with a high degree of certainty based on available

9. Claiming benefits: Receiving financial assistance from the government, typically due to
unemployment or disability.

10. Sponge off the system: To take advantage of social welfare assistance without making
any efforts to be self-sufficient.

11. Making snap judgments: Forming quick opinions without fully considering all available
information or evidence.

12. Part and parcel: An essential and inseparable component of something, often used to
describe situations as an expected or unavoidable part of the whole.

13. Lifting each other up, not tearing each other down: A phrase encouraging people to
support and empower one another, rather than engaging in criticism or actions that
undermine or harm others.

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