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Journal of Medical Economics Vol. 18, No.

3, 2015, 230–240

1369-6998 Article 0069.R2/985788

doi:10.3111/13696998.2014.985788 All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

Original article
An analysis of the cost-effectiveness of starting
insulin detemir in insulin-naı̈ve people with
type 2 diabetes
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

Philip Home Abstract

The Medical School, Newcastle University, Newcastle
upon Tyne, UK Aims:
There is limited evidence with respect to the cost-effectiveness of starting insulin in people with diabetes
Sei Hyun Baik outside the ‘western’ world. The aim of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of starting basal
Division of Endocrinology, Korea University Guro insulin treatment with insulin detemir in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) inadequately controlled on oral
Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
glucose-lowering drugs (OGLDs) in Mexico, South Korea, India, Indonesia, and Algeria.
Guillermo González Gálvez
For personal use only.

Instituto Jalisciense de Investigación en Diabetes y Methods:

Obesidad, Guadalajara, Mexico The IMS CORE Diabetes Model was used to project clinical and cost outcomes over a 30-year time horizon.
Rachid Malek Clinical outcomes, baseline characteristics and health state utility data were taken from the A1chieve study.
Internal Medicine Department, University Hospital A 1-year analysis was also conducted based on treatment costs and quality-of-life data. Incremental cost-
Setif, Setif, Algeria effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were expressed as a fraction of GDP per capita, and WHO-CHOICE
recommendations (ICER53.0) used to define cost-effectiveness.
Annie Nikolajsen
Market Access – Value Communication, Novo Nordisk
A/S, Søborg, Denmark Results:
Starting insulin detemir was associated with a projected increase in life expectancy (1 year) and was
considered cost-effective in all of the studied populations with ICERs of 0.02 (Mexico), 0.00 (South Korea),
Address for correspondence: 0.48 (India), 0.12 (Indonesia), and 0.88 (Algeria) GDP/quality-adjusted life-year. Cost-effectiveness was
Professor Philip Home, ICM-Diabetes, The Medical
maintained after conducting sensitivity analyses in the 30-year and 1-year analyses. A projected increase in
School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2
treatment costs was partially offset by a reduction in complications. The difference in overall costs between
4HH, UK.
Tel: +44 191 208 7154; Fax: +44 191 208 0723; insulin detemir and OGLDs alone was USD518, 1431, 3510, 15, and 5219, respectively.
Changes in clinical outcomes associated with starting insulin detemir in insulin-naı̈ve individuals with T2D
Type 2 diabetes – Insulin detemir – Cost-effectiveness resulted in health gains that made the intervention cost-effective in five countries with distinct healthcare
– A1chieve resources.

Accepted: 5 November 2014; published online: 21 November 2014

Citation: J Med Econ 2015; 18:230–40

Recent estimates from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) suggest that
382 million people worldwide have diabetes, of whom the majority (80%) live in
low- or middle-income countries1. By 2030, the global prevalence of diabetes is
estimated to increase by at least 50%; a corollary of increasing prevalence in
obesity, and greater life expectancy due to improving healthcare management
and lifestyle changes2. The rising burden of diabetes and scarcity of resources
worldwide highlight the need for not only efficacious, but also cost-effective,
solutions to improve the quality-of-life of people with diabetes, both in the
short-term and by reduction of long-term organ damage.

230 Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. ! 2014 Informa UK Ltd
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

A goal in diabetes management is, then, to reduce the 24-week study in insulin-naı̈ve (n ¼ 44,872) and insulin-
risk of diabetes-related complications. Clinically, this experienced people (n ¼ 21,854) with T2D starting bipha-
includes achieving as near-optimal glycemic control as sic insulin aspart 30, insulin detemir or insulin aspart (all
possible without increasing hypoglycemia and other treat- Novo Nordisk, Bagsværd, Denmark) alone or in combin-
ment-related complications. However, achieving glycemic ation. The study showed that, in routine clinical practice
targets remains a challenge in many people with type 2 in all of the regions studied, people starting an analog
diabetes (T2D)3–6. In most people with T2D, insulin ther- experienced clinically useful improvements in blood-
apy will be required in time to supplement the progressive glucose control with improved HRQoL without clinically
loss of -cell function, but starting insulin therapy is often significant problems associated with hypoglycemia or
delayed due to barriers, including fear of hypoglycemic weight gain25. Similar findings were reported with insulin
events and weight gain, resistance to changes in regimens, detemir alone in both the insulin-naı̈ve and insulin-
and higher treatment costs compared with non-insulin experienced groups.
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

therapy7. However, delaying insulin therapy, as well as

failing to ameliorate the risk of diabetes-related complica-
tions, may leave the individual with diabetes with poor Simulation cohort and assumptions
health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL)8. These factors
may result in increased resource utilization and a rise in For the cost-effectiveness analyses, baseline characteristics
the overall costs associated with diabetes management9. and the changes associated with starting insulin detemir
Clinical guidelines support the add-on of basal insulin (including HbA1c, body mass index [BMI], lipid content,
to existing regimens in people not achieving glycemic systolic blood pressure, hypoglycemia, and EQ-5D-based
goals while receiving oral glucose-lowering drugs HRQoL) (Table 1) were derived from the A1chieve insu-
(OGLDs)10–12. In randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in lin-naı̈ve group (insulin detemir cohort). Our analysis was
insulin-naı̈ve people with T2D, basal insulin analogs country-based given that resource use, currency, and
have demonstrated better glycemic control with a lower healthcare structure differ between countries. A1chieve
For personal use only.

risk of hypoglycemia compared with human neutral pro- study populations starting insulin detemir were large
tamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin13–18. Furthermore, the enough (n4100) from Mexico (n ¼ 101), South Korea
clinical effectiveness of basal insulin analogs in T2D has (n ¼ 487), Indonesia (n ¼ 109), India (n ¼ 1491) and
been demonstrated in real-life observational studies5,19–23. Algeria (n ¼ 473) to be included in the analysis, and
Observational data are often collected from large hetero- only individuals with an HbA1c measurement at baseline
geneous populations that help enhance the generalizability and after 24 weeks of insulin detemir therapy were
of the clinical findings of RCTs. In addition, observational included in each cohort. In the analysis, we used study-
studies often provide a more representative profile of specific health state utility data (EQ-5D HRQoL) from
adverse events for people in routine care24. baseline and 24-week measurements25. A participant
A1chieve was a 24-week, observational study that number of 4100 per cohort was chosen to avoid the risk
assessed the safety and clinical effectiveness of insulin that each analysis was unrepresentative of the underlying
analogs  OGLDs in 66,726 people with T2D. The study population. The clinical and economic impact of starting
was conducted in 28 countries outside the ‘western’ world insulin detemir in each country was projected over a
with varying healthcare resources and ethnic diversity. 30-year time horizon for the base-case scenario. We also
The A1chieve study provides the opportunity to conduct assumed that patients in the OGLD comparator arm stayed
cost-effectiveness analyses in several non-western popula- on treatment with no added effect for 30 years in the base
tions based on the type of insulin analog used and/or prior case; this assumption was further challenged in the sensi-
insulin treatment, and in very different clinical environ- tivity analysis (see below). Both costs and health outcomes
ments. The aim of the current analysis was, therefore, to were discounted at an annual rate of 3.0% throughout the
assess the long- and short-term cost-effectiveness of start- simulated periods.
ing basal insulin therapy with insulin detemir in people A short-term analysis was also conducted for the first
with T2D inadequately controlled on OGLDs using clin- year after starting insulin detemir. This analysis was based
ical outcomes and specific HRQoL values from the only on the incremental cost of treatment (excluding costs
A1chieve study. of complications and hospitalizations related to these
given that most diabetes-related complications occur in
the long-term) and the incremental effect on HRQoL.
Materials and methods Other clinical measures such as HbA1c, BMI, and hypo-
glycemia were not included in this analysis.
The A1chieve study For each of the countries included, specific data were
The A1chieve study and its findings have been described collected independently of the investigators regarding
in detail elsewhere5,25. In summary, it was an observational costs, as they are required for the analysis model. Costs

! 2014 Informa UK Ltd Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. 231
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

were defined from a public healthcare perspective in all Cost Effective (CHOICE) program recommends a thresh-
countries. These costs included those associated with dia- old based on the GDP per capita33. This system considers
betes management (annual costs for other medications and an intervention non-cost-effective at 43-times GDP per
screening tests) and relevant co-morbid medical condi- capita, cost-effective at 1–3-times GDP per capita, highly
tions (cardiovascular and renal complications, eye disease, cost-effective at less than the GDP per capita or cost-
acute events, neuropathy, foot ulcer and amputation)26–29. saving (dominant) if estimated overall costs of new treat-
These data were taken from the existing literature, supple- ment are less than comparator and QALY gained zero.
mented if necessary, and reviewed by clinical experts from Several sensitivity analyses were conducted; these
the countries concerned. The costs of insulin and OGLDs included: extending the time horizon from 30 years to 50
were used as the treatment costs of the model and were years; applying no HbA1c deterioration with time com-
sourced from local Novo Nordisk affiliates. Background pared with the base-case scenario where HbA1c was set
mortality rates for each country were taken from World to deteriorate by 0.15%-units (1.6 mmol/mol) each year
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

Health Organization (WHO) data tables30. after the first year; using the median HbA1c treatment
effect instead of the mean effect; using the first quartile
distribution of the HbA1c treatment effect (i.e., HbA1c
CORE diabetes model change in lowest 25% of the study population) instead
The IMS Centre for Outcomes REsearch (CORE) of the mean effect; incorporating the costs of one self-
Diabetes Model was used to determine the long-term measured plasma glucose (SMPG) strip per day vs no
health and cost outcomes of starting treatment with insu- strips in the base case; adding another four medical con-
lin detemir in people with T2D inadequately controlled on sultations in the first year after starting insulin detemir,
OGLDs. The CORE Diabetes Model is an interactive based on public sector prices and where the first visit
computer simulation based on a network of Markov sub- reflects the cost of a specialist and subsequent visits that
models that simulate complications often associated with of a general practitioner (GP) (the highest price of a
GP/specialist visit for each country was used in order to
For personal use only.

diabetes (cardiovascular disease, eye disease, hypogly-

cemia, ulcers, amputation, stroke, lactic acidosis, nephro- be conservative); including two GP visits every year after
pathy, neuropathy, ketoacidosis, and mortality)31. These starting insulin detemir, also based on public sector prices,
sub-models incorporate time, state, time in state, and dia- but both visits reflecting the costs of a non-specialist GP
betes type-dependent probabilities derived from published visit; using the average EQ-5D change from the A1chieve
sources. Default probabilities are predominantly based on study (þ0.174) rather than country-specific data; and
results from the UKPDS, DCCT and Framingham stu- assuming insulin detemir is started anyway 5 years later
in the comparator arm. In the 1-year short-term analysis,
dies31. The development and progression of multiple
sensitivity analyses were conducted for the costs of strips
inter-related complications are simulated using Monte
and for four medical consultations after starting insulin
Carlo simulation with tracker variables. Cohort outcomes
detemir, compared with the absence of these factors in
are projected using several sources of information includ-
the base-case analysis.
ing baseline characteristics, history of complications, dia-
An analysis was also conducted to project for each cou-
betes management and screening strategies, concomitant
ntry the maximum total costs (assuming the same clinical
medication, and changes in surrogate outcomes over time.
outcome as measured in A1chieve) that were cost-effective
Baseline, clinical and economic data can be defined by
as defined by an ICER of 3.0-times GDP per capita.
the user, thus providing a platform for calculating coun-
try-specific long-term outcomes for various clinical
settings using the best currently available data.
Statistics Cost-effectiveness, costs, and diabetes-related
Non-parametric bootstrapping was used in each simulation
(1000 people and 1000 bootstraps per country). The incre- In the 30-year base case, the change in clinical outcomes
mental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) is expressed as cost reported in A1chieve for insulin-naı̈ve individuals with
per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) (in both local cur- T2D starting insulin detemir (Table 1) was associated
rency and USD, exchange rates as of September 2013), with a projected increase in life expectancy in Mexico
and also presented as a fraction of the gross domestic prod- (1.9 years), India (1.6 years), Algeria (0.8 years),
uct (GDP) per capita for each country included in the Indonesia (1.0 year) and South Korea (1.0 year)34.
analysis. GDP data were taken from the World Bank for Starting insulin detemir was consistently associated with
201132. To determine the relative cost-effectiveness of an projected reductions in the modeled incidence of diabetes-
intervention, the WHO CHOosing Interventions that are related complications compared with continuing OGLDs

232 Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. ! 2014 Informa UK Ltd
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Table 1. Baseline demographics and the change in clinical outcomes after 24 weeks from the A1chieve study in people with T2D starting insulin detemir.

Mexico South Korea Indonesia India Algeria

n 101 487 109 1491 473

Sex, M/F, % 48.5/51.5 52.6/47.4 54.1/45.9 62.2/37.8 38.8/61.2
Age, years 55.6 (12.4) 58.4 (11.8) 55.6 (9.1) 48.7 (9.5) 59.5 (9.9)

! 2014 Informa UK Ltd

Diabetes duration, years 9.4 (6.6) 10.2 (6.8) 5.4 (4.0) 5.3 (3.2) 10.0 (6.1)
BMI, kg/m2/change 28.7 (5.1)/0.2 (1.7) 24.5 (3.4)/0.2 (1.1)* 23.7 (3.4)/0.3 (1.6) 27.1 (3.5)/0.4 (0.9)* 27.9 (4.8)/0.3 (1.3)*
HbA1c, %-units/change 10.1 (1.9)/2.2 (1.6)* 9.4 (1.8)/1.5 (1.8)* 9.4 (1.7)/2.1 (1.6)* 9.3 (1.4)/2.1 (1.5)* 9.3 (1.7)/1.5 (1.8)*
HbA1c, mmol/mol/change 87 (21)/24 (18)* 79 (20)/16 (20)* 79 (19)/23 (18)* 78 (15)/23 (16)* 78 (19)/16 (20)*
Dose/change (U/day) 24.6/6.0 22.8/5.9 18.2/6.0 18.4/0.4 22.5/11.3
EQ-5D/change 0.715 (0.2)/0.150 (0.3)* 0.780 (0.2)/0.063 (0.2)* 0.846 (0.2)/0.111 (0.2)* 0.473 (0.2)/0.322 (0.3)* 0.772 (0.2)/0.064 (0.2)*
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg/change 134.8 (19.6)/6.4 (17.4)* 127.2 (16.3)/2.3 (17.6)y 128.4 (17.4)/2.1 (14.7) 134.1 (19.0)/8.9 (17.2)* 131.9 (18.6)/0.6 (34.1)
Baseline complications, n (%)
Cardiovascular 14 (13.9) 112 (23.0) 13 (11.9) 271 (19.9) 93 (19.7)
Renal 30 (29.7) 130 (26.7) 11 (10.1) 275 (20.2) 112 (23.7)
Eye 24 (23.8) 119 (24.4) 23 (21.1) 162 (11.9) 148 (31.3)
Foot ulcer 2 (2.0) 6 (1.2) 6 (5.5) 59 (4.3) 5 (1.1)
Neuropathy 54 (53.5) 169 (34.7) 47 (43.1) 246 (18.0) 163 (34.5)
Lipids, mmol/L/change
Total cholesterol 5.7 (1.5)/0.6 (1.3)* 4.8 (1.2)/0.4 (1.4)* 5.3 (1.3)/0.7 (0.9)** 5.1 (1.3)/0.4 (1.1)* 4.5 (1.1)/0.16 (1.0)
LDL cholesterol 2.9 (1.1)/0.0 (1.1) 2.8 (1.0)/0.3 (1.1)** 3.3 (1.1)/0.6 (1.0)** 3.1 (0.9)/0.4 (0.6)* 2.8 (1.2)/0.1 (1.3)
HDL cholesterol 1.0 (0.3)/0.1 (0.3) 1.2 (0.3)/0.0 (0.2) 1.1 (0.3)/0.0 (0.3) 1.0 (0.3)/0.0 (0.3) 1.1 (0.4)/0.0 (0.5)
Triglycerides 2.3 (1.0)/0.4 (0.9)* 2.0 (1.5)/0.3 (1.3)** 2.0 (1.2)/0.4 (1.1)y 2.1 (1.0)/0.3 (0.6)* 1.6 (0.9)/0.1 (0.8)y
Hypoglycemia (events per 100 person-years)/change
Major 0.00/0 0.03/0.03 0.00/0 0.03/0.03 0.00/0
Minor 0.64/0.51 0.67/0.99 2.03/2.03 0.67/0.55 0.85/0.17
Major 0.00/0 0.00/0 0.12/0.12 0.02/0.02 0.00/0
Minor 0.26/0 0.13/0.46 2.03/2.03 0.36/0.36 0.41/0.11
Journal of Medical Economics

Mean (SD or %), *p  0.001, **p  0.01, yp  0.05.

BMI, body mass index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; T2D, type 2 diabetes.
Volume 18, Number 3

Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al.

March 2015

Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

Table 2. Cumulative incidence and estimated time alive and free of complications (years) over 30 years after starting insulin detemir compared with not
starting the insulin in people with T2D inadequately controlled on OGLDs.

Mexico South Korea Indonesia India Algeria

Detemir OGLD Detemir OGLD Detemir OGLD Detemir OGLD Detemir OGLD

Any complication
Time to event (years) 0.6 0.3 1.0 0.7 2.0 1.3 3.2 1.9 1.6 1.1
Severe vision loss
Incidence (% people) 16.4 23.1 7.2 9.7 5.5 8.8 7.8 12.1 8.3 11.0
Time to event (years) 12.2 9.9 11.0 9.9 13.9 12.6 16.0 14.8 13.3 12.3
End-stage renal disease
Incidence (% people) 8.6 20.0 5.1 10.3 2.9 7.7 3.6 11.2 5.0 9.6
Time to event (years) 13.6 11.4 11.4 10.4 14.1 13.0 16.6 14.8 13.9 13.0
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

Myocardial infarction
Incidence (% people) 40.9 47.5 31.4 35.5 25.5 32.6 30.5 38.4 22.8 27.2
Time to event (years) 11.8 9.7 10.5 9.5 12.8 11.6 14.7 12.9 12.9 12.0
Incidence (% people) 27.4 28.0 28.6 30.2 16.1 18.3 18.4 22.3 17.4 19.2
Time to event (years) 12.0 10.2 9.9 8.9 12.7 11.7 15.1 13.4 12.9 12.0

OGLD, oral glucose-lowering drug; T2D, type 2 diabetes.

alone (Table 2). Overall, the reported reduction of cumu- (0.02, 0.12, and 0.00, respectively), meeting WHO
lative incidence ranged between 25% (Algeria) and 38% CHOICE guidelines for being highly cost-effective in all
(Indonesia) for severe vision loss, 48% (Algeria) and countries.
68% (India) for end-stage renal disease, 2% (Mexico) In the short-term analysis, the 1-year ICER, expressed
For personal use only.

and 17% (India) for foot ulcers, and 12% (South Korea) as GDP fractional cost per QALY gained, was still highly
and 22% (Indonesia) for myocardial infarction. The time cost-effective in India (0.71), Mexico (0.48), Indonesia
free of any complication was greater with insulin detemir (0.68), and South Korea (0.18). In Algeria it was 1.48,
compared with OGLDs alone, with a difference between meeting WHO Choice guidelines for cost-effectiveness
treatment groups ranging from 0.3 years for South Korea to (53.0) (Table 4).
1.3 years for India. For individual complications, similar
differences were universally observed, typically 1.0–2.0
extra years free of each complication in each country Sensitivity analysis
(Table 2). The estimated QALY gains were 1.2 for If the model was run for 30 years and insulin detemir was
Algeria, 5.0 for India, 2.5 for Mexico, 1.8 for Indonesia, started in the OGLD reference group 5 years after the
and 1.0 for South Korea. treatment group began it, there is little change in the
Projected treatment costs were 2–5-times greater in all ICERs (small tendency to be lower) compared with
of the studied populations compared with OGLDs alone, the base case (Table 5). Similarly, increasing the time
reflecting the additional costs of insulin therapy (Table 3). horizon to 50 years, using the average global EQ-5D
However, costs associated with the management of dia- instead of country-specific values, having no HbA1c
betes complications were reduced in the insulin detemir deterioration with time compared with the base-case scen-
group, and thus the difference in overall costs was smaller ario, using the median HbA1c treatment effect instead of
than the difference in treatment costs. Indeed, in Mexico, the mean effect, having two GP visits every year after
Indonesia, and South Korea, discounted overall costs were starting insulin detemir, or including the costs of four add-
negligibly different between treatment groups (differences itional GP visits in the first year, had very little effect on
in overall costs between insulin detemir and OGLDs: the ICERs (Table 5). However, the results were more sen-
USD518, 15, and 1431 per 30 years, respectively), while sitive to using the first quartile distribution of the HbA1c
in India (USD3510) and Algeria (USD5219) the cost treatment effect rather than the mean HbA1c, or including
increments remained (Table 3). the costs of one SMPG strip per day, but, even with these
The ICERs, expressed as incremental cost per QALY changes, the ICERs expressed as GDP per capita per
gained, are presented in local currency, USD, and as a QALY were still within the cost-effective range (53.0).
fraction of GDP per capita in Table 4. The increment in A cost-effectiveness threshold analysis showed that the
costs, QALYs, and life expectancy are also presented. For maximum percentage increase of total costs that would
Algeria and India, the ICERs, expressed as a fraction of deliver an ICER of 3.0 GDP per capita was 94% for
GDP per capita, were 0.88 and 0.48, while in Mexico, Mexico, 180% for South Korea, 76% for Indonesia,
Indonesia, and South Korea they were close to zero 194% for India, and 79% for Algeria. In the 1-year

234 Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. ! 2014 Informa UK Ltd
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

analysis, the ICER, expressed as a fraction of GDP per










QALY, also remained cost-effective (53.0) after conduct-
ing sensitivity analyses for the cost of SMPG strips and
the cost of four GP visits after starting insulin detemir

(Table 5).










In this analysis, costs and outcomes associated with start-
ing insulin detemir in individuals with T2D on oral agents








alone were simulated over a 30-year time horizon using the
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

previously validated CORE Diabetes Model, and were

found to be cost-effective in healthcare settings as different

as those in Algeria, Mexico, India, Indonesia, and South




Korea. To ensure local validity, we used locally specific







Currency conversions as of September 2013 (1 MXN ¼ 0.07 USD, 1 KRW ¼ 0.0009 USD, 1 IDR ¼ 0.0001 USD, 1 INR ¼ 0.018 USD, 1 DZD ¼ 0.012 USD). baseline clinical characteristics, and within-study surro-
gate and HRQoL outcomes, together with local costs
both for current therapies and long-term management of
complications. With this approach, longer-term dis-



counted costs were essentially neutral in Mexico,








Indonesia, and South Korea, while the incremental costs

Table 3. Direct costs per patient of diabetes care simulated over 30 years with insulin detemir compared with OGLDs alone.

in Algeria and India, when calculated as the ratio to the


modeled QALY gain (ICER, and expressed as a fraction of

For personal use only.

GDP per capita), were cost-effective based on WHO

CHOICES criteria (Table 4). These outcomes are likely








to reflect the major improvements in metabolic outcomes



in routine care in the A1chieve population, together with

the useful improvements in measured HRQoL, and the
lack of deterioration in tolerability and safety issues such
as hypoglycemia and weight gain. Indeed, the difference in







QALY gains between countries (e.g., 5.0 for India, 1.0 for



South Korea) is likely to be largely driven by the reduction

South Korea

in HbA1c reported in the A1chieve study; the average end-

of-study HbA1c for India was 7.2% (change from baseline:
2.1%), whereas the average end-of-study HbA1c for






South Korea was 7.9% (change from baseline: 1.5%).





When modeled on a 30-year time horizon, the meta-

bolic changes are associated with a consistent reduction in
the incidence of major diabetes-related health outcomes
such as visual loss and myocardial infarction. Accordingly,





there is also a gain in life expectancy. Findings of improved







metabolic outcomes in the short-term have been consist-

ent with insulin detemir in T2D in both RCTs and obser-

vational studies, although the extent of the improvement

is often not as large in the RCTs as in the studies done in
OGLD, oral glucose-lowering drug.

routine clinical practice such as A1chieve5,13–15,17,19,21,23.










A 30-year time horizon was judged realistic, as most people

in the modeled cohort would be expected to die within
that time, and such a time horizon will allow the capturing
Management costs

Complication costs
Treatment costs

of the relevant costs and outcomes. Indeed, extending the

Local currency

Local currency

Local currency

Local currency

time horizon to 50 years in the sensitivity analysis made

Total costs

very little difference to the final cost-effectiveness results.





Although data from RCTs are regarded as the ‘gold

standard’ with regard to informing policy-makers and

! 2014 Informa UK Ltd Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. 235
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

Table 4. Long-term and short-term cost-effectiveness of starting insulin detemir in people with T2D inadequately controlled on OGLDs. Costs expressed per

Mexico South Korea Indonesia India Algeria

30-year ICER (cost per QALY gained) (base case)

Local currency 2887 MXN (dominant) 15,139 KRW 3,995,329 IDR 39,214 INR 368,200 DZD
USD 222 14 415 707 4625
GDP fraction 0.02 0.00 0.12 0.48 0.88
Incremental cost 7404 16,231 KRW 7,310,250 IDR 195,020 INR 434,909 DZD
Incremental QALY 2.57 1.07 1.83 4.97 1.18
Incremental LE (years) 1.19 0.60 0.61 0.90 0.50
1-year ICER (cost per QALY gained)
Local currency 62,952 MXN 4,273,409 KRW 22,920,222 IDR 58,454 INR 617,658 DZD
USD 4835 3935 2381 1054 7758
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

GDP fraction 0.48 0.18 0.68 0.71 1.48

Incremental cost 9443 MXN 269,225 KRW 2,544 145 IDR 18,822 INR 39,530 DZD
Incremental QALY 0.15 0.06 0.11 0.322 0.064
Incremental LE (years) – – – – –

Currency conversions as of September 2013 (1 MXN ¼ 0.07 USD, 1 KRW ¼ 0.0009 USD, 1 IDR ¼ 0.0001 USD, 1 INR ¼ 0.018 USD, 1 DZD ¼ 0.012 USD).
GDP, gross domestic product; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; LE, life expectancy; OGLD, oral glucose-lowering drug; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year;
T2D, type 2 diabetes.

technology appraisals11, the presented analysis is based on possible to make any approach to specific estimates for
observational data. The use of A1chieve observational any other country. Nevertheless, other studies in different
data has the advantage of reflecting what happens in rou- resource environments have been used to evaluate the
tine clinical practice. In reality, the short-term metabolic cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir, in particular using
For personal use only.

gains found in A1chieve are replicated in observational US and German populations36,37. These studies also used
studies in longer developed (‘western’) economies35. the CORE Diabetes Model and projected, using a 35-year
Thus, while our findings are not based on results from time horizon, improved quality-adjusted life expectancy
RCTs, they are, in fact, based on clinical practice in the with insulin detemir compared with OGLDs alone; in
real world. the US study, a discounted life expectancy gain of 0.464
Cost-effectiveness analyses are inherently comparative, years and an ICER of USD7412 per QALY gained were
both for costs and outcomes, and a limitation of our study is reported in the base case36, while in the German study, life
the assumption in the base case that the comparator group expectancy gain was 0.28 years with cost-saving in the
continues current OGLD therapy indefinitely. We address insulin detemir arm37. In agreement with our findings,
this limitation by estimating cost-effectiveness on a 1-year cost savings in both studies were driven by the projected
time horizon, and by sensitivity analyses allowing that decrease in diabetes-related complications associated with
insulin detemir is started anyway after 5 years in the insulin detemir therapy.
OGLD group. In the 1-year scenario, based only on the Our study has other limitations. A1chieve was not a
incremental cost of treatment and the incremental effect randomized study, thus no other comparator than contin-
on HRQoL, cost-effectiveness is not as good as in the base ued baseline treatment was available for modeling. Other
case, yet starting insulin detemir is still cost-effective using insulins were studied in A1chieve, and similar short-term
WHO CHOICES criteria and, indeed, in three countries clinical outcomes were reported, but the populations allo-
still highly cost-effective. In the later-start sensitivity ana- cated to each insulin would have been likely to differ in
lysis, insulin detemir is still cost-effective over a 30-year unknown ways. It could be argued that we should model
time horizon, even if it is started in the OGLD group against another insulin as a comparator, but no data are
5 years later than in the base case. available from A1chieve as to what outcomes would have
Advantages of our approach include the relatively been found with such an insulin in a population similar to
broad population base, and the use of country-specific that started on insulin detemir. Clearly, being an observa-
data to ensure local relevance of the findings. While the tional study, we can only assess the cost-effectiveness asso-
findings are specific to the countries concerned, it is clear ciated with starting insulin detemir; as we note in our
that their consistency implies that starting insulin detemir original paper5, the lack of increase in hypoglycemia or
is likely to be cost-effective or even highly cost-effective in body weight, and the improvement in systolic blood pres-
most other countries. However, because we find broad dif- sure, suggests that starting the insulin analog was an oppor-
ferences in the gain of life-years free of complications tunity for enhanced lifestyle modification.
between countries, and because the incremental health- As a limitation, there was a lack of published resources
care costs varied widely between countries, it is not specific to the studied populations in terms of costs.

236 Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. ! 2014 Informa UK Ltd
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

Table 5. Sensitivity analysis of starting insulin detemir in people with T2D inadequately controlled on OGLDs.

Cost QALY Incremental Incremental Increased LE ICER

cost QALY (years)

Mexico (MXN) (MXN) (MXN)

30-year analysis
Base case 1,078,195 8.56 7404 2.57 1.19 Dominant
50-year time horizon 1,085,111 8.57 2542 2.57 1.21 Dominant
No HbA1c deterioration 1,019,232 8.85 35,599 2.57 1.10 Dominant
Median treatment effect (HbA1c) 1,081,730 8.50 3869 2.51 1.13 Dominant
Quartile 1 treatment effect (HbA1c) 1,141,864 8.00 56,265 2.01 0.56 28,039
Including costs of SMPG strips 1,106,004 8.56 20,405 2.57 1.19 7,955
4 additional visits in the first year after 1,081,108 8.56 4492 2.57 1.19 Dominant
starting insulin detemir
2 GP visits every year after starting 1,091,736 8.56 6136 2.57 1.19 2392
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

insulin detemir
Average global EQ-5D 1,078,195 8.83 7404 2.84 1.19 Dominant
Insulin started after 5 years 1,078,195 8.56 21,695 1.30 0.72 Dominant
1-year analysis
Base case 12,273 0.87 9443 0.15 – 62,952
Including costs of SMPG strips 14,737 0.87 11,907 0.15 – 79,382
4 additional visits after starting 15,273 0.87 12,443 0.15 – 82,952
insulin detemir
South Korea (KRW) (KRW) (KRW)
30-year analysis
Base case 43,422,013 6.55 16,231 1.07 0.60 15,139
50-year time horizon 43,517,627 6.55 70,038 1.07 0.60 65,323
No HbA1c deterioration 41,469,854 6.75 8346 1.08 0.58 7726
Median treatment effect (HbA1c) 43,787,426 6.46 381,644 0.97 0.48 392,045
Quartile 1 treatment effect (HbA1c) 45,254,759 6.20 1,848,977 0.71 0.17 2,591,132
Including costs of SMPG strips 44,815,361 6.55 1,409,578 1.07 0.60 1,314,779
For personal use only.

4 additional visits in the first year 43,459,422 6.55 53,619 1.07 0.60 50,013
after starting insulin detemir
2 GP visits every year after starting 43,606,209 6.55 200,406 1.07 0.60 186,928
insulin detemir
Average global EQ-5D 43,422,034 7.64 16,231 2.16 0.60 7528
Insulin started after 5 years 43,422,034 6.55 281,319 0.59 0.39 479,504
1-year analysis
Base case 508,241 0.84 269,225 0.06 – 4,273,409
Including costs of SMPG strips 650,922 0.84 411,907 0.06 – 6,538,200
4 additional visits after starting 546,751 0.84 307,735 0.06 – 4,884,679
insulin detemir
Indonesia (IDR) (IDR) (IDR)
30-year analysis
Base case 233,310,512 8.59 7,310,250 1.83 0.61 3,995,329
50-year time horizon 235,955,583 8.62 8,788,811 1.86 0.65 4,719,843
No HbA1c deterioration 227,093,595 8.80 8,598,181 1.83 0.56 4,693,507
Median treatment effect (HbA1c) 235,598,240 8.55 9,597,977 1.79 0.58 5,376,238
Quartile 1 treatment effect (HbA1c) 243,371,064 8.28 17,370,801 1.52 0.32 11,412,226
Including costs of SMPG strips 271,009,642 8.59 45,009,379 1.83 0.61 24,599,335
4 additional visits in the first year 233,844,469 8.59 7,844,231 1.83 0.61 4,287,170
after starting insulin detemir
2 GP visits every year after starting 235,600,622 8.59 9,600,384 1.83 0.61 5,246,975
insulin detemir
Average global EQ-5D 233,310,489 9.31 7,310,250 2.55 0.61 2,865,537
Insulin started after 5 years 233,310,489 8.59 2,355,504 0.85 0.35 Dominant
1-year analysis
Base case 5,232,238 0.96 2,544,145 0.11 – 22,920,222
Including costs of SMPG strips 8,524,538 0.96 5,836,445 0.11 – 52,580,582
4 additional visits after starting 5,782,238 0.96 3,094,145 0.11 – 27,875,177
insulin detemir
India (INR) (INR) (INR)
30-year analysis
Base case 535,345 12.72 195,020 4.97 0.90 39,214
50-year time horizon 545,770 12.81 200,378 5.03 0.94 39,819
No HbA1c deterioration 515,254 13.05 200,589 4.98 0.73 40,323
Median treatment effect (HbA1c) 542,774 12.49 202,449 4.75 0.72 42,648
Quartile 1 treatment effect (HbA1c) 552,122 12.19 211,797 4.44 0.48 47,660
Including costs of SMPG strips 618,761 12.72 278,436 4.97 0.90 55,987
4 additional visits in the first year 536,122 12.72 195,796 4.97 0.90 39,370
after starting insulin detemir
2 GP visits every year after starting 537,916 12.72 197,591 4.97 0.90 39,731
insulin detemir
(continued )

! 2014 Informa UK Ltd Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. 237
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

Table 5. Continued.
Cost QALY Incremental Incremental Increased LE ICER
cost QALY (years)

Average global EQ-5D 535,345 10.81 195,020 3.07 0.90 63,511

Insulin started after 5 years 535,345 12.72 71,697 2.02 0.48 35,536
1-year analysis
Base case 25,435 0.79 18,822 0.32 – 58,454
Including costs of SMPG strips 31,924 0.79 25,311 0.32 – 78,606
4 additional visits after starting 26,235 0.79 19,622 0.32 – 60,938
insulin detemir
Algeria (DZD) (DZD) (DZD)
30-year analysis
Base case 1,315,170 8.02 434,909 1.18 0.50 368,200
50-year time horizon 1,315,951 8.02 435,554 1.18 0.50 369,445
Journal of Medical Economics Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/23/15

No HbA1c deterioration 1,311,148 8.23 441,662 1.18 0.46 375,048

Median treatment effect (HbA1c) 1,312,359 7.99 432,097 1.14 0.46 378,181
Quartile 1 treatment effect (HbA1c) 1,315,011 7.65 434,750 0.81 0.11 539,454
Including costs of SMPG strips 1,498,414 8.02 618,152 1.18 0.50 523,336
4 additional visits in the first year 1,316,626 8.02 436,365 1.18 0.50 369,433
after starting insulin detemir
2 GP visits every year after starting 1,317,461 8.02 437,200 1.18 0.50 370,140
insulin detemir
Average global EQ-5D 1,315,170 9.28 434,909 2.44 0.50 178,144
Insulin started after 5 years 1,315,170 8.02 176,584 0.57 0.30 309,853
1-year analysis
Base case 55,529 0.83 39,530 0.06 – 617,658
Including costs of SMPG strips 71,524 0.83 55,526 0.06 – 867,588
4 additional visits after starting 57,029 0.83 41,030 0.06 – 641,096
insulin detemir

GDP, gross domestic product; GP, general practitioner; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; LE, life expectancy; OGLD, oral glucose-lowering drug; QALY,
For personal use only.

quality-adjusted life-year; SMPG, self-measured plasma glucose; T2D, type 2 diabetes.

This was addressed by obtaining estimates from two or was cost-effective according to GDP criteria even over
three local experts in each country where data were lack- 1 year is potentially helpful: an early investment delivering
ing, and by asking them to comment on the obtained esti- an early healthcare gain.
mates, but the likely validity of this approach is not A concern here is that we might not have captured all
known26–29. However, the approach was undertaken in the costs associated with starting the insulin analog. In
five different countries and, thus, five sets of local experts, many of these countries, educational support teams are
and, as the findings of high cost-effectiveness applied to not available for insulin starters, but, if provided, would
all five countries, and were robust on sensitivity analyses, then add to costs, possibly for the duration of insulin ther-
it would seem that variance in cost estimates were not apy. However, equally, diabetes nurses/educators may
a problem for the study. reduce time needed with more expensive medical staff.
Costs associated with complications comprise a large Here, using sensitivity analyses, we modeled increased
proportion of diabetes-related healthcare budgets when doctor support in the first year as being more relevant to
estimated from countries as diverse as Tanzania and the the countries studied, but such extra costs made little dif-
US, Mexico, and South Korea38–41. In the present analysis, ference to cost-effectiveness. Similarly, insulin therapy
while projected treatment costs associated with starting may require further SMPG11, but this did not substantially
insulin detemir were greater in the studied populations affect overall costs either. To further address the hypothet-
compared with OGLDs, and continued to be throughout ical need for additional resources associated with starting
the 30-year time horizon, they were partially (Algeria and insulin detemir, a sensitivity analysis was conducted that
India) or in essence completely (Indonesia, South Korea, determined the maximum potential increase in total costs
Mexico) offset by the observed reduction in the costs asso- that would deliver an ICER of 3.0 GDP per capita.
ciated with the management of diabetes-related complica- Although these values ranged from 76–194% for the five
tions. A problem for funders and policymakers is that, in countries, it is clear that the use of additional resources
diabetes care, costs have to be incurred upfront to gain is plausible without compromising cost-effectiveness. In
savings decades later. An Indian study, for example, conclusion, the changes in surrogate outcomes associated
found that 60% of people had to use personal savings for with starting insulin detemir in insulin-naı̈ve people with
their diabetes care, while only 2% of people on high T2D resulted in health gains that made the intervention
incomes had insurance coverage for diabetes42. In these highly cost-effective in five countries with distinct health-
circumstances, our finding that starting insulin detemir care resources. A range of sensitivity analyses supported

238 Cost-effectiveness of insulin detemir in type 2 diabetes Home et al. ! 2014 Informa UK Ltd
Journal of Medical Economics Volume 18, Number 3 March 2015

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