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Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special

Inquisitor 6” 4 4 3 4 5 Power Sword Range 1”, +2 Mod, Rending
Hand Cannon, Short Range 10” +1 Mod, Long
Range 20” 0 Mod. Power 4
Psi power- Psionic Control 12” Range, Model in
line of sight must make cool test or Inquisitor
can immediately make it take one action. Out of
line of site, model gets +1 dice to cool test.
Interrogator 6” 3 3 3 3 4 Two handed power sword Range 1”, +2 Mod,
Rending and Piercing
Pistol, Short Range 10” +1 Mod, Long Range 20”
0 Mod. Power 3
Deflect energy weapon. Interrogator may
attempt to deflect enemy energy weapon fire
with his power sword. If a successful evade roll
is made against an energy weapon and any hit
results are also rolled, the shot may be
deflected back at a target within 8” . Roll to hit
the target with this attack. The Shoot dice equal
the number of Hit results rolled in the evade.
Imperial Guard Sgt 6” 3 3 1 3 3 Laspistol , Short Range 10” +1 Mod, Long Range
20” -1 Mod. Power 3
Frag Grenade 10” Range Power 4 Blast
Imperial Guard 6” 3 2 1 3 2 Lasgun, Short Range 15” +1 Mod, Long Range
30” 0 Mod. Power 3

Imperial Guard 6” 3 2 1 3 2 Lasgun, Short Range 15” +1 Mod, Long Range

30” 0 Mod. Power 3

Rending = -1 To Resist

Piercing = -1 to Resist (to a minimum of Resist of 2). Ignores 1 point of vehicle armour (2 points if combined with

Blast = -1 Power for each full inch from blast centre

Sustained (x) number of times it can be fired when taking an aim action (no aim bonus when choosing this option)

Parry – Model can choose to parry a close combat attack rather than evade. Make a Fight roll and subtract the parry
penalty. For each (shield) rolled, reduce the opponent’s number of successful hits by 1.

Evade – shooting. A model can only evade a shoot attack if made in its forward arc. In addition, each successful hit made
against the model after the first in a shoot attack, reduces the Evade dice by 1 (to minimum of 0).

Refractor Field/ Rune Armour – Can make an unmodified Evade against shooting attacks from any direction.

Conversion Field - Can make an unmodified Evade against shooting attacks from any direction with success on (shield)
not (special). Each success will reduce the Power of a hit by 1, before making a resist roll.
General stats for common character types

Human Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special

Major Human Hero 6 4 4 3 3 5 Gunfighter and/ or Brawler
Resist stat includes light armour (+1 for
Carapace or =2 for Power Armour)

Minor Human Hero 6 3 3 2 2 4 Gunfighter or Brawler

Resist stat includes light armour (+1 for
Carapace or +2 for Power Armour)

Human Trained 6 3 3 2 2 3 Resist stat includes armour

Eg. Imperial Guard
Human Untrained 6 2 2 1 2 2
Eg Cultist
Abhuman - 6 2 4 2 3 2 Brawler
Beastman Natural Weapons (+1 HTH Mod)
Abhuman - Squat 5 3 4 1 3 3

Space Marine 6 4 4 2 6 4 Very Tough- Ignores first 2 wound penalties to

Power armour
Armour upgrades

Light armour (flak) - +1 Resist

Heavy armour ( carapace) + 2 Resist
Power Armour (Marines and Major Heroes
only) +3 Resist
Terminator Armour (Marines and Major
Heroes only) +3 Resist. Re-roll up to 2 failed
resist dice per attack (including dice affected by
piercing attacks)
Unarmed 1” range, +0 Mod. First wound caused
counts as stunned.
Weapon Options
Knife, 1” Range. No Parry

Rending = -1 To Sword, 1” Range, +1 to power, Parry -0

Power Sword, Range 1”, +1 power, Piercing.
Piercing = -1 to Resist Parry -0
(to a minimum of
Resist of 2). Ignores 1
Power Fist, Range 1”, +2 power, Rending,
point of vehicle
armour (2 points if Parry -2
combined with
Rending) Force sword, Range 1”, +1 to power. A
successful cool test (Special) will increase the
Blast = -1 Power for swords power by each success rolled. Ignores
each full inch from daemonic auras.
blast centre
Chainsword, Range 1” + 2 Power ,
Sustained (x) number Parry -0
of times it can be
fired when taking an Shock Maul, Range 1”, +1 power, Parry -1
aim action (no aim Stun setting – auto stun on a hit. All wounds
bonus when choosing
count as stunned.
this option)
Shooting dice can be Power setting - Piercing
divided against
different targets Club, Range 1”, +1 to hit, Parry -1
within 1” of each
other. Each extra 1” Axe, Range 1”, +1 to hit, Rending, Parry -1
between targets will
reduce shooting dice Improvised weapon/ rifle butt. 1”range, +0
by 1. Shooting dice mod, -3 Parry
must be allocated to
targets before rolling.
The most target iwith
the lowest range
bonus is used to Laspistol , Short Range 10” +1hit, Long Range
determine total 20” -1 to hit. Power 3
shooting dice.
Lasgun, Short Range 15” +1 to hit, Long Range
30” 0 to hit. Power 3

Stub gun, Short Range 10” +1 to hit, Long Range

20” 0 to hit. Power 3

Bolt Pistol, Short Range 10” +2 Mod, Long

Range 20” 0 Mod. Power 3

Bolt Gun, Short Range 15” +1 to hit, Long Range

30” 0 to hit. Power 4

Heavy Bolter, Short Range 20” +1 Mod, Long

Range 40” +0 Mod. Power 5, Sustained 3, Heavy

Storm Bolter, Short Range 15” +1 to hit, Long

Range 30” 0 to hit. Power 4, Sustained 2

Missile Launcher, Short Range 10” -1 to hit,

Long Range 60” +0 to hit. Heavy.
Frag Missile Power 4 Blast
Krak Missile Power 6, Rending

Sniper Rifle, Short Range 15” +0 to hit, Long

Range 40” +1 to hit. Power 3, Piercing

Frag Grenade 10” Range Power 4 Blast

Tau Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special

Tau Officer 8” 3 2 1 4 4 Pulse Carbine Short Range 12” +1 to hit
, Long Range 24” 0 to hit. Power 4

Resist Stat includes armour +2 for armour

Tau Pathfinder 8” 3 2 1 4 2 Pulse Carbine Short Range 12” +1 Mod, Long
Range 24” 0 Mod. Power 4

Resist Stat includes armour +2 for armour

Tau Pathfinder 8” 3 2 1 4 2 Pulse Carbine Short Range 12” +1 Mod, Long
Range 24” 0 Mod. Power 4

Resist Stat includes armour +2 for armour

Tau (non-Fire 8” 2 1 1 2 2 Pulse Pistol Short Range 10” +1 Mod, Long
Warrior) Range 20” 0 Mod. Power 4

Kroot 10” 3 3 2 4 3 Kroot Rifle Short Range 18” +1 Mod, Long Range
36” 0 Mod. Power 4 Long Barrel
Close Combat blade 1” Range +1 Mod. Parry -2
Alien Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special
Necron 8* 3 3 0 4 2 *Cannot Sprint
Feel no pain – Wounds do not reduce stats.
Auto repair – Necron on 0-2 Cool may roll for
wound recovery at the end of the turn (Cool –
Special result) without using an action. May heal
all damage.
Guass Flayer Short Range 15” +1 Mod, Long
Range 30” 0 Mod. Power 4 Long Barrel
Wounds caused cannot be healed/recovered

Eldar Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special

Warlock 10 4 4 4 3 5 Brawler and/or Gunfighter
Psychic Power
Rune Armour
Force sword, Range 1”, +1 to hit,
Successful cool test (Special) will increase the
sword’s power by each success rolled. Ignores
daemonic auras.
Shuriken Pistol, Short Range 10” +3 to hit, Long
Range 20” 0 Mod. Power 3 Rending

Howling Banshee 12 3 4 4 3 3 Brawler

Power Sword, Range 1”, +1 to hit and power,
Rending. Parry -0
Banshee Mask – reduces enemy Evade by 1 (to
minimum of 0) unless target can resist it with
their Cool stat (special)
Striking Scorpion 10 3 4 3 4 3 Brawler
Chain Sword Range 1”, +2 Power Parry -0

Mandiblaster Range 1”, Making a shooting

attack before each close combat attack. A
successful hit will reduce the opponents Resist
stat by 1 for the close combat attack.
Mandiblaster can be evaded but not resisted.

Shuriken Pistol, Short Range 10” +3 to hit, Long

Range 20” 0 Mod. Power 3 Rending

Dark Reaper 8 4 3 2 4 3 Tempest Launcher, Short Range 10” +1 to hit

Mod, Long Range 40” +2 to hit. Power 5 - Long
Barrel, Sustained 3
Knife, 1” Range

Genestealer Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special

Purestrain 12 0 5 4 4 3 Rending Claws , 1” Range, +1 power, Rending,

Magus 8 3 3 2 3 4 Brawler
Psychic power
Staff of Office 2” Range, +1 to hit
Laspistol , Short Range 10” +1hit, Long Range
20” -1 to hit. Power 3

Hybrid Neophyte 8 3 3 2 3 3 Lasgun, Short Range 15” +1 to hit, Long Range

30” 0 to hit. Power 3
Knife, 1” Range ,

Hybrid Acolyte 8 2 4 2 4 3 Brawler

Claw 1” Range, +1 power, Rending
Laspistol , Short Range 10” +1hit, Long Range
20” -1 to hit. Power 3.
Brood Brother 8 2 2 1 2 2 Laspistol , Short Range 10” +1hit, Long Range
20” -1 to hit. Power 3
Knife, 1” Range

Ork Type Move Shoot Figh Evade Resist Cool Special

Nob 8 2 4 1 4 4 Tough – Ignores first wound penalty to stats
Brutal Strength + 1 to power of all close combat
Slugga Short Range 10” +0 to hit, Long Range
20” -1 to hit. Power 4
Choppa 1” Range, +1 to power, Parry -1
Ork 8 2 4 1 4 2 Tough – Ignores first wound penalty to stats
Slugga Short Range 10” +0 to hit, Long Range
20” -1 to hit. Power 4

Shoota Short Range 15” 0 Mod, Long Range 30”
-1 Mod. Power 4

Choppa 1” Range, +1 to power, Parry -1

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