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Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VT. (Variable Injection Timing) F) Cutout checks ‘The cut-out checks of the Fi. pumps are of major importance and must therefore be carried out alter every re-adjust- ing of the f. pumps. We further recommend that these checks also be made after every major overhaul of the pumps. Thereby the following checks must be carried out: 4, Checking the fuel cut-out with the fuel lever 3.12: ‘This check has to be performed best subsequently to the adjustment and checking of the fuel injection pump timing, whereby proceeding as follows: ‘© Turmthe engine AHEAD tll the dial gauge above the suction valve shows 0.02 mm, uy ‘Sot the fuel lever 3.12 together with the lever to the regulating linkage 54 to position zero (Fig. 'R) Check the stroke on the dial gauge above the spill valve, (This amount must be compared with the value quoted in the fuel pump setting table; only a tle discrepancy is allowed and it should be never less than 0.8 mm.) ‘© Check whether the zero positions on the load indicator 29 and the setting shield 28 of the f.. pumps coincide (Fig. 'R’). begin of injection (Fig, Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VI.T. (Variable Injection Timing) ) Checking of fuel injection pump timing = Allchecking data must be compared with the fuel pump setting table, and may neither exceed nor fall bellow the deviations mentioned in section A) @) Plunger stroke (idle stroke) Checking the begin of injection: 0.00 mm '* Turn the engine AHEAD till the dial gauge above the suction valve (S) shows 0.02 Spill valve mm (uv) This position signifies: ‘Suction valve closes = Begin of injection 8 ‘© Onthe dial gauge above the plunger check : the idle stroke ‘a’ and record it 5 '* nthe flywheel graduation check the crank 5 angle before T.D.C. in * and record it @ Plunger stroke "t Checking the end of injection: {total stroke) 0.02 mm ‘© Turn the engine AHEAD tll the dial gauge above the spill valve (U) shows 0.02 mm. uation valve This position signifies: ‘s) Spill valve opens = End of injection ‘© Onthe dial gauge above the plunger check the total stroke 'b’ and record it. ‘The effective plunger stroke is arrived at by subtraction of 'b'~'a" © On the flywheel graduation check the crank angle after T.D.C. in ° and record it Spill valve (U) Clearance 0.02 mm Adjusting and Che Adjusting the end of injection: ‘© Turn the engine AHEAD till the dial gauge above the plunger shows the value of the total stroke © Adjust the regulating tappet 22 with the special spanners (Fig. ‘O}) so that the dial ‘gauge above the spill valve (U) shows 0.02 mm (Fig. "N). (When taking the reading the locking nut of ‘the push rod in question must already have been tightened), This position signities: Spill valve opens = End of injec ‘© On the flywheel graduation check the crank angle after T.D.C. in ° and record it. ‘Suction valve (s) of the Control with Load-dependent VIT. (Variable Injection Timing) Plunger stroke (total stroke) Spill valve ) Clearance 0.02 mm Ly 45 94557 0 — 94555 og 94557 -U 22 Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VI.T. (Variable Injection Timing) D) Adjustment of fuol injection pump timing Carty out the preparations according to the sections A) and B) —_Allchecking data may neither exceed nor fall bellow the deviations mentioned in section A). “The required data below is to be taken from the fuel pump setting table. 4. Adjusting positions = Setting shield, normal position 8 (FQ.S. + V.LT. positions '0}) 2. le stroke 'a in mm = Suction valve closes al a plunger stroke of ’a! 3. Begin of injection before TD.C. in... =» Suction valve closes before T.0.C. in °x 4. Total stroke’ in mm = Spill valve opens at a plunger stroke of 'b* 5. End of injection ater T.D.C. in x ~+ Spill valve opens atter D.C. in °x 6. Effective plunger (delivery) stroke... = Total stroke ~ile stroke (b’~a' in mm) @ Plunger stroke ‘at Adjusting the begin of injection. (idle stroke) 0.00 mm ‘* Turn the engine AHEAD till the dial gauge above the plunger shows the value of the idle stroke ‘a’. ‘Suction valve (s) Spill valve © Adjust the regulating tappet 22 with the (u) special spanners (Fig. "M) so that the dial gauge above the suction valve (S) shows 0.02 mm (Fig. ‘L. (When taking the reading the locking nut of the push rod in question must already have been tightened). This position signites: Suction valve closes = Begin of injection * Onthe wheel graduation check the crank angle before T.D.C. in * and record it G © If necessary the fuel cam must be turned to appropriately (see group 4203-3) a Q @™) S 94557 s 8 45 94557 a4 ( _- 94555 4 L <= 945558 N 2 | weer u 94555 -U | 0.02 mm Clearance Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VT. (Variable Injection Timing) C) Mounting the dial gauge for adjustment and checking of fuel injection pump timing Adjusting the dial gauge above the suc- tion vaive: '* Turn the engine till the roller reaches the highest position (cam peak), ‘© Install the dial gauge above the suction valve (S), now closed, providing an initial tension and set to zero. Adjusting the dial gauges above the spill valve and plunger: © Turn the engine ASTERN tll the roller ies fn the base circle of the cam ‘© Install adial gauge above the spill valve (U) which is now closed, and above the plunger providing an inital tension and set to zero. Suction valve ® (8) closed Dial gauge set to '0" Spill valve Ww) Roller on cam peak RB) cetonnes so Suction valve Spill valve (s) (U) 8 = Plunger 6 Roller on cam base circle ‘Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VT. (Variable Injection Timing) ® 24 3.00 8 Wansia Swheeriand Lis Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent V.I.T. (Variable Injection Timing) as PP asta Swizerand Lid 7 1998 Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent V1.T. (Variable Injection Timing) 94552 i i 39 fA | NY! 14a ST] ! | 14 = PYRE 1998 3(1) Forremoval of the valve seats use the withdrawing device 94561 (see Fig. ’E’), Itis used as follows: Pushthe withdrawing rod 42 with out any accessories right down through the valve body and pull it back until the spread forward end ‘comes against the front end of the valve body. ‘Mountdisc 43 and screw on nut 41, ‘but not right down yet Lead the locking pin 44 through the withdrawing rod until its ring enters the slot at the upper end. By tightening the nut 41 the valve body can now be pulled out of the pump block. Fy, = Arrangement of the dial gauge above the plunger (delivery valve) F, = Arrangement of the dial gauge above the suction and spill valves, Wansia Swietland Lid ‘Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VI.T. (Variable Injection Timing) © nom are Wrtsia Swtzevand Lid 5 1998 Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent V.I.T. (Variable Injection Timing) 7. Remove all covers 9, valve housings 33 and the corresponding internal parts (Fig. 'G’ and "H)) 8 Wash suction and spill valves as well as their valve seats with clean diesel cl. Check that the valves slide easily in their bodys and that the valve seats are undamaged. I necessary recondition the seat faces by careful grind ing-in or replace the valves. Refit suction and spill valves (without their springs), apply MOLYKOTE G to the pressure bushs 6, and tighten these to tightening angle of 30° by means of the socket wrench insert 94571 9. Check whether the spacers 39 and 40 of the dial gauge holders side well and the dial gauge functions properly I 30, mount the dial gauge holders and screw them tight (see Fig. ’F;' and 'F,’). 10. Draw fuel lever 3.12 out of position REMOTE CONTROL and engage it with the lever to the regulating linkage 54 (Fig.'R'). This move venis the ar cylinder 25 (see also group 4003-2 of the Operating Manual), Set fuel lover together with lever §4 to position 's" 11, Close shut-off valves 23 in the console to the control air supply. Open and actuate both vents 24 to drain the air bottles til they are without any air pressure (see Fig. 'B) 12. Distance sleeve 47 must be fitted between the lever 48 and strap of support 49 as shown in Fig, ‘Cy’. By this, the eccentric shafts 31 for the suction valves are locked i.e, the VT. indicator 26 is forced to be in position '0’. If necessary move the lever 48 correspondingly by means ofthe setting screws 50 and 61 in order to facilitate the fiting of the distance sleeve 47. 48. The V.I- indicator 26 must point to zero (Fig. C’). Remark | * Aftercompleting the checking, the spacer sleeve 47 must again be disconnected, and for ‘storing be mountedas shown in Fig. 'C’, Turn back to the original position and lock the set- ting screws 50 and 51 if they have been adjusted, ‘© Thejoints of the regulating linkage between the governor and the fi, pumps are equipped with grease nipples. They must be lubricated weekly with MOLYKOTE paste G bya grease {gun which is supplied with the tools © Tighten the drain screws 18a, Tighten the vent screws 58 and open the shut-off valves 55(a) in the fuel channel 23 24 ‘Stouerlttversorgung ~ CONTROL AIR SUPPLY il sexo Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VT. (Variable Injection Timing) 6. Drain the fuel injection pump block 19, Thereby proceed as follows: = Shut off the fuel feed pumps = Close the corresponding shut-off valves 55\a) in the fuel channel 56, and loosen their vent screws 58 by several turns, = Loosen carefully the drain screw 18a marked with red colour (Fig. ‘A’ and 'H') by several turns in the fuel injection pump block 19 on the corresponding spill valve side which points away from the engine (possi ity of hot fuel!) Remark ‘Attention ‘The screw plugs 18 and 24 (Fig. ‘A’ and 'H) are secured with LOCTITE No. 243 and should not be loosened for draining the fuel injection pump block. Danger of accident! Always loosen first the vent screws 58, prior to loosening the correspond 19 drain screw 18a, 59 62 61 57 58 64 ‘Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VI.T. (Variable Injection Timing) a) Replacement of parts: When parts of the fuel injection pumps (fi pumps for short) are replaced which influence the fuel injection control in any way then the fi. pump controls must be checked and if necessary re-adjusted in compliance with the values of the setting table 1b) Cut-out checks: In order to ensure that the engine can be shut-down at any time and can never overspeed, the various cut-out checks must be cartied out after the fuel injection pumps have been newly adjusted (see section F) ©) Adjusting data in the setting table: The decisive adjusting data of the fi, pumps and fuel cans is esta entered in the fuel pump setting table, These are: + Idle stroke, begin of injection, total stroke, end of injection « The effective plunger stroke is arrived at by subtraction of idle stroke from total stroke ) Elective plunger (delivery) stroke in mm: The effective plunger stroke is adjusted by modifying the length of the regulating tappet for the suction and spill valves In this manner shortening the regulating tappet produces an inorease in the effective plunger stroke, and lengthen ing the regulating tappet produces a reduction in the effective plunger stroke. 1ed for a specified load indicator position and ‘Attention | Adjusting the regulating tappet during operation is forbiddent Equal effective plunger strokes on all fi, pumps are necessary to obtain balanced power outputs on all the cylinders For this reason the measured values of the individual f., pumps have to be compared with each other. The maximum admissible deviation between the biggest and the smallest affective plunger stroke on individ- ual cylinders is 0.20 mm, and the deviation of the effective plunger stroke from the values in the setting table should not exceed + 0.10 mm. 2) Begin of injection: The begin of injection (x TD.C,) of a fuel injection pump may only be altered by turning the fuel cams and not by re-adjusting the regulating tappet of the suction valve. The deviation from the setting table shall not exceed = 0.3° Equalizing the maximum cylinder (fring) pressures: ‘The equalizing of the maximum cylinder pressures may only be brought about by turning the fuel cam and not by changing the lengths of the regulating tappets of suction and spill valves (on condition that the compression pres- sures are equal). Directions for the tuming of fuel cams are given in group 4203-3, 9) Spacers for fuel delivery reduction: While adjusting and checking the f.i. pumps no spacers may be inserted for delivery reduction. Directions to this effect are given under group 5512-1 in the Operating Manual B) Preparations (see also group 4003-2 of the Operating Manuel) 1. Close shut-off valve for starting air with the handwheel to position CLOSED (closed by hand). 2, Start lubricating oil pumps for bearings and crossheads and set pressures for normal operation. 3. Disengage the turning gear, bring reversing lever on the local manoeuvring stand to AHEAD (RUN AHEAD), and stop lever 5.07 t0 RUN, 4. Allpressure indicators (end position indication) ofthe valve groups [D], located under the housings for the fuel injection pumps and actuator pumps, must be actuated, Check whether the reversing valve 5 02 is also in posk tion AHEAD (see Engine Control Diagram sheet 4003-2 n the Operating Manual) and that ts postion indicator is not protruding, 5. Engage turning gear [nraser | Maintenance Fuel Injection Pump Adjusting and Checking of the Control with Load-dependent VAI.T. (Variable Injection Timing) 5512-1/A1 Tools: Device for measuring 94552 Devices for measuring 94554 Fork spanners Fork spanners Withdrawing device 94561 Socket insert wrench 94571 Torque wrench Grease gun Remark 1 2 2 2. Special spanners 94555a 2 1 1 1 1 Key to iilustrations: 1. Spill valve 2 Delivery valve 94555 3. Suction valve 4 Relief valve 94557 5 Safety cut-out device 6 Pressure bush 7 Pressure bush 8 Push rod 9 Cover 10. Pin (shor) 11 Pin (long) 12 Compression spring 13. Compression spring 44 Plunger ‘tda_Plunger bush 15 Cap screws 16 Casing 17 Orifice 18 Screw plug 18a Drain screw 19 Fusl injection pump block 20. Screw plug 21 Screw plug 22. Regulating tappet 23. Shutoff valve 24 Vent valve 25 Air oylinder 26 VILT indicator 27 Pointer to seiting shield 28. Setting shield 29. Load indicator 30. Speed governor 31 Eccenitic shatt to suction valve 32. Eocentric shaft to spill valve 33. Valve housing 34 Valve body 35. Pressure spring 36 Stop sleeve 37 Disc 38. Screw plug 39 4 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 55 5a 56 57 58 59. 60 61 62 63 65 ui u2 D1 2 st 82 ‘Spacer Spacer Nut Withdrawing rod Disc Locking pin Setting screw Positioning unit Distance sleeve Lever ‘Support Setting screw Setting screw Eccentric pin Roller guide Lever to regulating linkage ‘Shut-off valve (suction pipe) ‘Shut-off valve (spill pipe) Fuel channel ‘Shut-off valve housing Vent screw Spindle guide Valve spindle Fuel lever Fuel inlet to the injection valves Check bore Fuel return Spill valve to pump 1 Spill valve to pump 2 Delivery valve to pump 1 Delivery valve to pump 2 ‘Suction valve to pump 1 ‘Suction valve to pump 2 ‘The fuel pump control can only be correctly adjusted, provided the regulating linkage bores are ‘not worn! Before starting preliminary measures to carry out checking and adjusting work on the fuel injec tion pumps, the engine must be changed over to diesel oil before shutting it down! A) Directions and permissible deviations ‘The correct adjustment of the fuel injection pump control is extremely important. Changes to the effective plunger (delivery) strokes may only be attempted when, on the occasion of checks, inadmissible deviations from the re- corded data of the setting table are established, ‘The setting table which willbe often mentioned in this description is handed over to the customer together with the shop trial documents.

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