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Name: Berliana Anjela Putri

Nim: 403200001

Class: 6A English Literature

Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Grammar Translation Method

1. “The Grammar Translation Method GTM” channel by

English Universe
a. Introduction: it is often referred to as the classical method as it was first used in
the teaching of Latin and Greek this method was used for reading and
appreciating foreign language literature under the form of reading passages for
grammar rules, vocabulary and translation with the help of the teacher. It was
essentially ased on the use of mother tongue and target language.
 Objectives GTM
1) Read and appreciate literature written in the target language
2) Push the learner to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary
of target language
 Technique
1) Translation, student will be asked to read a literary passage and
thenn translate the target language into their native language.
2) Deducative application of rule, student understand the rule then
they apply it to example.
3) Memorization, students are asked to memorize new words,
grammatical rules, and verb conjugation.
4) Fill-in-the-blank, teacher give student sentences with word
5) Reading comprehension questions, students are asked in their
mother tongue, but the answer will e in the target language.
 Characteristic
1) Source of knowledge
2) Authority in class
3) Writing over speaking
 Advantages
Translation is very important and the easiest way of explaining meaning or
words. Any other method of explaining vocabulary items in the second
language is faound time consuming.
 Disadvantages
1) It is unnatural method
2) This method the process is reversed
3) Exact translation is not possible due to the variation of language.

2. “e-innovation Grammar-Translation Method” channel by

Fatin Roslan.
GTM ( grammar translation method) a method of foreign or second language teaching
throught detailed analysis of its grammar rules followed by the application of the
knowledge in tasks such as translation of target language.
 Five concept GTM
1) Learning grammar rules
2) Translating back and forth between L1 and L2
3) Memorizing list words
4) Utilizing exercise and test in constrained way
5) Explicit error correction
 History
Grammar-translation method is the most traditional of all method widely used
in the early 20s and 30s. it derived from the classical method of teaching latin
and greek
 Goals of GTM
1) To learn grammar rules and vocabularies of target language
2) To develop student’s mental discipline
3) To develop reading skills to a level where they can read literature
in target language.
 Typical characteristics of GTM:
1) Vocabulary is often taught in isolated words rather than phrases or
full sentences. Example : House = rumah.
2) Lessons is delivered in the native language
3) Teacher-centered with little use of the target language
4) Pronunciation of word are given little attention
 Strengths of GTM
1) L1 shape thinking, and translation helps better understanding
2) Improves writing skills
3) Invites speculation and discussion

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