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“Power doesn’t corrupt people, people corrupt power”


This quote from William Gaddis perfectly captures the central theme of the film
BuyBust. BuyBust is a movie that stands out because of its details. There are
numerous graphic scenes of fighting, some of which are extremely disturbing.
However, it contributes to the story's realism making the film more realistic.
Filipinos are well recognised for being conservative. As a result, the concept of
these brutal and explicit contents is unfamiliar to or uncomfortable for them.
Being realistic in a movie can increase its allure and thrill factor, but too much
brutality can have a detrimental effect on other people's mental health, leading
to antisocial behavior and emotional distress. Also, according to the American
Psychological Association, research has shown that watching violent movies
raises the risk of aggression, rage, and failing to understand the suffering of
others. Viewers are less likely to give help to others, sympathize with victims, or
express empathy.

Despite the BuyBust being obviously fictional, what happened under the rule of
the Duterte administration is morally similar. We felt guilty and accountable
because of this. BuyBust is a criticism of the government's promotion of a
culture of violence and death in the name of an imaginary higher good. The
greatest way to appreciate its brutality is to be aware that there is a greater
purpose behind it. And that is what has been taking place ever since the Duterte
administration began its war on drugs, making us aware of how flawed the
justice system is.

It's not just a movie to watch for the amazing set pieces and exhilarating,
expertly choreographed stunts. The atrocities of the Philippine government are
depicted in this film.

As a student myself, I wholeheartedly urge everyone, including students, to

watch this movie. Despite the fact that it contains numerous scenes that are
inappropriate for children and are uncensored, this movie tackles one of the
most pressing problems currently plaguing our country, including former
President Duterte's widespread corruption. The people in our nation may finally
realize what is actually going on as a result of watching this. Similar violent
incidents to those depicted in the film happen in real life without any censorship.
This demonstrates the world's harsh reality.

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