Name: Baya, Argie S. Subject: Environmental Marketing Section: BSBA 4A

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Name: Baya, Argie S.

Subject: Environmental Marketing

Section: BSBA 4A

1. What is your definition of Green Marketing? (10pts.)

Green marketing refers to the practice of developing and advertising products based on
their real or perceived environmental sustainability.
2. Does Green Marketing enhance customer satisfaction? Justify your answer.
Yes, Because green marketing initiatives can prove essential in building and
maintaining a valuable brand, particularly for consumer-facing companies.
3. In what way can Green Marketing boost the development of a company?
When the company support the green marketing, There are many incentives for
companies that choose to engage in green marketing. To begin with, a companies’
perceived commitment to environmental causes is an increasingly important factor
influencing many consumers' spending habits.
4. Why today's marketers must 'GO GREEN'?
A significant economic benefit of going green is that it helps lower costs and save money.
The use of renewable energy helps reduce energy consumption, which in turn helps save
money spent on electricity bills (which is a benefit to the individual).
5. 10 companies participating green marketing
 cocoon boutique hotel
A luxurious experience need not
be wasteful. At Cocoon Boutique
Hotel, you can enjoy a sosyal
staycation in their indulgent
rooms without feeling guilty. The
upcycled furniture and
repurposed wood give the hotel
an opulent but very natural feel.
They even have their own rooftop garden where they grow spices and herbs for
their kitchen!
 Bambikes

Biking is already a good way to

decrease one’s ecological
footprint, but Bambikes takes it
a step further because their bikes
are made from bamboo. Quite
surprisingly, their bikes actually
have a clean, sleek look — not messy, not tacky. It’s the perfect way to make a
statement about going green.

 Echostore
ECHO stands for Evironment,
Community Hope Organization. They
describe themselves as the
combination of “Body Shop and
Wholefoods”. Basically, they sell
sustainable, green, organic products to
offer customers guilt-free options.
The community aspect of the brand
helps marginalized groups by providing sustainable livelihood.

 Loudbasstard
They’ve made a name for themselves
with their renowned bamboo speaker
dock. This Cebu-based green company
has gotten bigger, and they now offer
more products, but they still have the
humble speakers that caught the
world’s attention when they were first
released in 2012. It’s the perfect gift
for your cousins abroad.

 Sustainable Made
Mahogany has never been this
practical, useful and fashionable.
Woodslingers Marco and Mario
Sebastian make brilliant use of
their trees by making anything and
everything — from tablet stands to
beautiful serving plates to timeless
dinner tables. With their skill and
artistry, it’s like they’re just
playing with wood! They recently
impressed the kitchen experts at Madrid Fusion because of their beautiful kitchen

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