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Name: Baya, Argie S.

Subject: International Marketing

Section: BSBA 4B

1. In your own opinion, why is it very important to study international marketing?

 The importance of international marketing is to promote the product or services in the
international market, it is also to develop or expand the customer awareness of our
product or services in the international market.
2. If you could think of a product or service what kind of business would you like to sell or
introduce in international marketing? Why or why not?
 If I am given a chance to sell or introduce my business internationally, I’d prefer to
choose our local product like a woven basket made by locals of the Philippines which
is made from bamboo and rattan. Introducing our product, it is likely new to other
tastes because the woven basket is unique, they can gather miscellaneous items, it is
way better than other baskets, and it can run prolong other than the basket.
3. If foreigners visited your country, what would you sell to them that represents your
 Services, like if foreigners visit in our country, I will tour them in our country
because the Philippines is known for having an abundance of beautiful beaches and
delicious fruit, and foreigner people are always welcome in the Philippines and
received a warm welcome something that you can expect. And its have lots of reasons
to love the Philippines, which is why the Philippines is known as a Hospitality
industry that has a broad category of the field services industry.

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