(English) - The Alien Agenda - Marshall Vian Summers Interview (DownSub - Com)

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My name is Marshall Vian Summers and I am presenting what I believe to be an

important, what I call Greater Community awareness understanding about

the people of Earth and our presence in a Greater Community full of intelligent

and what our emergence into that Greater Community will mean for us and can mean
for us,

both the opportunities and the hazards involved in perhaps the greatest event in
human history.

And my background really is

more as a minister.

I left my work as a special

ed[ucation] teacher for the blind about,

almost 40 years ago,

began to teach inner guidance,

had a personal revelation in 1982, which confronted me with the Voice that had been
counselling me both

in my inner guidance work and as a special educator.

And that had a tremendous impact on altering the course of my life. And since then
I have been receiving

a vast body of teachings and insight, commentary called the New Message. It's a New
Message for Humanity.

And a big part of that has to do with our encounter with this Greater Community of
intelligent life because

that has a lot to do with why we're all here in the world at this time.

But we as terrestrial dwellers do not yet have the wisdom or, nor the perspective

nor the insight enough

yet to be able to comprehend this Greater Community sufficiently

so that we as the native peoples of the world do not make the kind of critical

that the native peoples in the past have made

regarding their first contacts with explorers from beyond.

[What is the voice with whom you are in contact? Is it ongoing?]

I consider the voice of the

Voice, the primary Voice, to be an Angelic Voice.

And it was this Angelic Voice that

began to speak to me in my work with blind children
Because anyone who works with the handicapped has to be able to develop certain
kinds of intuitive skills.

You can't go by the book

if you're really going to teach young people how to be independent livers,

or live independently.

And so this Voice grew in scope and power for me to such a point that it began to
give me curricula to teach.

And I taught that curriculum and I also studied it.

I also made myself the first student of my work, always.

And this built up to such a point that

I had an epiphany of my own because

certainly that Voice isn't here simply to make you feel comfortable

or to make you happy,

but to ask you to do something significant

and to engage you in serving the world

beyond what you had considered to be possible or even preferable before.

So this Voice experience has grown into

a major aspect of my life and certainly the source of my work.

And it was this Voice that asked me to receive the Allies of Humanity Briefings

from a group of observers,

off-planet observers, who were witnessing

the extraterrestrial Intervention in our world

and wanted to provide us wisdom about that Intervention,

to equip us and forearm us and forewarn us of what that could mean for us.

We have a real disadvantage

in encountering this Greater Community. And so,

the Allies of Humanity Briefings are here to impart Greater Community Knowledge and
Wisdom to us,

so that we may have this contact experience, sort of a position of power and
authority and responsibility.

But the Angelic Voice is the Voice of the New Message, it's the Voice that has

presented all of my writings,

all of my recordings

and now is beginning to reach people in other countries and around the world. So

it has been quite an inexplicable journey. So whenever anyone asks me about my life
and how did you

come into this, I'm always bewildered at how I'm going to answer such a thing.

And I think you understand this because anyone who is connected

beneath the surface of the mind

what you could call the higher self or the deeper self

begins to live a much more inexplicable life.

And I know many of your readers and viewers understand this and experience this

as do the people who are gathered here today.

Are the Angelic Voice and the Allies of Humanity the same? What is their

The Allies of Humanity Briefings are Briefings from an extraterrestrial source.

It's an authentic

off-planet communication
that I was asked to receive.

And I should mention that when I was asked to receive this, I was very resistant to

I just did not want to get involved in this arena

called the extraterrestrial presence in the world.

But before in 1996 I was preparing Greater Community Spirituality,

which is a very core book to the New Message teachings.

And of course it deals a great deal with the Greater Community,

understanding God at the level of the Greater Community,

understanding our association, our individual association, with the universe full
of intelligent life,

what wisdom means there,

the things that we do not yet understand in order to function there responsibly and

And it was this Voice that asked me to receive an off-planet source

called the Allies of Humanity.

I finally relented because after a while, I mean,

freedom is no choice in that sense.

And that began the Briefings, the transmission of the Briefings.

The first set of Briefings

happened in two stages over the course of one year,

and the second set of Briefings

all happened within about

just a few days.

And a third set of Briefings, which has not yet been published,

most of it was received in one day.

And then last February I received the final chapter to it.

And there's a story behind the Allies which is pretty interesting because they're
really operating as spies here

in service to us because they represent free nations in our region of space.

And freedom is rare in the universe, and particularly

in our region of space.

So we know from our worldly experience that free nations don't get along very well
with unfree nations and

there's always a dissonance there

and a difficulty.

And so

the world is now really being


by races who are here to take advantage

of this world and of our position in this world.

And the Allies Briefings warn us about this,

that this is premature contact,

that humanity is not ready for contact. We do not have

the social cohesion. We do not have the worldly wisdom.

We're not prepared

for this kind of engagement

with races who can be far more clever

and effective than we are

and who can exert much more control over the mental environment,

a reality that we're only just beginning to understand.

And so the Briefings are really here not only to warn us, but to encourage us.


what I see in the world today is that individuals and groups of individuals are
losing confidence,

not only in themselves individually,

but in human institutions, human leadership.

And of course we all have good reasons to doubt human leadership.

But this erosion of confidence in ourselves and one another

sets the stage for the kind of Intervention that is occurring in the world today,

which is not a military Intervention,

it's an Intervention
of persuasion and dissonance.

And it's manifesting itself in different ways.

And so it's very important for us, particularly for people who have a spiritual

who are focused spiritually, because

we can make some very critical mistakes

in assuming that whatever happens to us is the right thing to happen to us.

You've heard these kind of platitudes,

“We're right where we just need to be.

God gives us whatever we need. We can handle whatever happens.”

These are the kind of ideas that can really get us in trouble in engaging with the
complexity of life,

even as it's manifesting in our world today.

Describe how the Allies of Humanity came to you.

Well I'll hold this in contrast to the experience to the Angelic Presence, which is
a tremendous Presence.

In fact, for me it was so tremendous that

when I really was able to face it completely, it had a kind of devastating effect
on my life.
It wasn't a sweet and comforting kind of experience. It was more like being blasted
by radiation. And

it certainly created a shift in me. And so,

I hold that kind of experience, which is a tremendous experience of Presence, will

fill the entire room.

You can't think of anything

else. You can't do anything else. I mean,

it's overwhelming. And

if you have not learned to recognize what it is, you might think it is a terrible
thing that's happening to you.

You might be terrified of it.

So, I've had a long runway

in preparing to receive this

kind of Presence and to receive its communication.

But the Allies, I did not meet them personally.

They have never visited the planet. They've never been on the planet.

And they make it very clear that the real Allies of Humanity are not here and will
not come.

And we can talk about why that is so

from the ethical and practical standpoint.

So my experience of the Allies was like hearing a voice

on a very long distance call,

no personality,

no presence,

something far, far away.

Because they were far away. I mean, even,

even positioned in our solar system discreetly as they were at the beginning,

they were still very far away.

And so this was a Divine connection that is free of mechanical interference,


It is something we don't know how to create.

I don't know if anyone knows how to create this.

And so there could be no interference from the Intervention itself, and,

and no interception

but for me it was a very faint experience compared to the experience of the

So no dramatic meetings, didn't get on any spaceships,

didn't travel around

the galaxy.

I didn’t do anything like that.

And yet the emphasis on my receiving this was so strong.

And had that emphasis not been there,

I'm sure I would have just dismissed it as an errant kind of experience or an

annoyance or,

‘No, I don't want to do that.'

But it proved to be very important and I recorded it in my voice

and it was transcribed.

when I read the Allies of Humanity Briefings,

I know this is not coming from me.

And I think especially notable in the Allies is the regard it has for humanity,

a seeming regard that's much greater than, I think, most of us have for our own
selves as a race. I mean we're

a pretty clumsy, violent and disorganized race, collectively.

We might be fantastic individually, but collectively we don't make a very good show
in our local universe.

And the Allies do comment on that.

But for me the engagement was very, very subtle.

But when I locked into that

it was quite strong. I mean, the words flowed. The feeling flowed.

The kind of beyond, words you would hear in a communication

had real power and efficacy and certainly affected me, affected the people who were
the first to listen to these.

But it's just my voice.

Whereas when you listen to the Angelic Presence speaking through me,

you're hearing a totally different Voice.

I mean it has somewhat like my voice because it's using my body as a platform,

but that's clearly not me.

In fact, we listened to one of the recordings this morning in our conference-which

we call the Encampment

and I listen to that voice and I thought, “I wish I could talk like that.”

I really do. And I mean that. I have tried and I can't do it.

You have a 40 minute presentation. It's word-perfect. Every sentence is powerful

The inflections are perfect.

Nobody can figure out what the accent is.

I don't know.

You know, all I can say is

I yield

to that experience and to provide

it to others and see if it is valuable for them.

How did you receive the voice of the Allies of Humanity?

I hear it as a voice and then that voice locks on to my voice and then I can speak
it and record

it’s way too fast for me to write.

I've never been able to write these things down at the speed which they're given.

Before I received the first

set of Briefings I was kept up almost an entire Weekend

because I didn't really want to accept it

by this little voice saying, “Would you please receive us?

Receive us.

Receive us.”

And this was like

a ringing in your ear. It was so continual.

It's like a

repeating message.

But once I locked into the voice, I could speak it

and my
inexplicable training has enabled me to do that.

Describe the difference between receiving the Angelic Assembly and the Allies of

Completely different.

The contrast couldn't be greater,

no presence,

no sense of anyone nearby.

You're hearing something very, very distant.

No. It's like

it's coming through a tube,

like someone's speaking through a long tube.

And that's one of the ways that I knew that it was something very different.

And that's why at the beginning I was resistant because I just didn't want to deal,
I don’t want to deal with

Voices I don't know,

and particularly if they claim to be off-planet and physical

and things like that.

But what they reveal,

I think, is pretty remarkable and very clear

and very shocking, and not only shocking in terms of what we don't know,

but shocking in terms of what

we have to might reconsider

That we think we already know

about the extraterrestrial presence and what it means for our world.

What do the Allies reveal?

First, they want us to know that there are free races actually out in the universe

and that the universe is governed by nature and no one has been able to overcome

Now this is very important because

we think technology has no end

and that it can replace

all the constraints

of nature.
And they make it very clear that

the more advanced a race is technologically, the greater its need for resources,

the more it has to be engaged in complex arenas of trade,

the more it has to be uniform

and undemocratic,

and the more it's actually vulnerable to

having access to what it needs from the Greater Community. And we live in a highly

part of the universe

where there is not a lot of frontier,

where there are very strict rules of trade,

a great deal of control over territory.

It's not the Wild West out there,

free for our taking.

And war has been suppressed in this region of space. Conquest is suppressed.

So if you want to gain influence over another world, you have to do it through
other means.

And the other means have been cultivated to a very high degree.

And we're talking about

persuasion and deception,


And here we are the native peoples of the world thinking that we're in the center
of the universe,

that if anyone would come to visit us they would come to help us, most naturally,
because we are so important

to the cosmos. And, you


we, of course, want higher technology

because we want power.

And we have problems

here we can't seem to

deal with, global problems,

resource depletion, climate change,

political corruption,

a growing dissonance between nations

over who will have access to the remaining resources of the world, just one

And so we feel very needy of help, see what I'm saying?

And so the Allies Briefings make it very clear that those who are in the world
today will present themselves

as agents of change

and beneficial change for humanity.

The world cannot be

militarily overtaken because it would destroy its value.

None of the races visiting our world can live here because of the biological

So they need human assistance. They need us

to use the planet

the way they want it used.

And they'll even use all of our infrastructure. And the reason that this is new and
not ancient is because only

in the latter part of the 20th century have we created an infrastructure that
foreign races could utilize.

The native peoples couldn't do anything for them.

[OK, well what about the times of Atlantis?]

The world's been visited throughout its history. There have been attempts to
colonize the planet.

They've all failed

because of the biological hazard.

And biological hazard is a very big deal in the Greater Community.

And we can certainly talk about that if we have any time.

And I think

the Allies’ intention

is to warn us

that there are different races of beings here, but they're all part of an
And there are competing groups
here in the world

and they're multiracial.

So we may see them in different forms

And they can certainly project forms.

I don't mean that

mysteriously, I mean that technologically.

I mean they can project images holographically into our environment.

And they will use our


our greed, our corruption,

our uncertainty and our insecurity

to build their

And certainly, even at this point, they have enough human representatives

And apologists in the world

that will promote their importance

and the idea that humanity

cannot make it on its own,

that our leaders are incorrigible,

their institutions are too

flawed to be redeemed

and that we must have their health and their brilliance and even their spiritual

in order to redeem ourselves

and to take care of our world

in the way that we might aspire to. Now what we don't understand is what constrains
the Intervention.

People say, ‘Well if they want the place they should just come take it. I mean,

if they’re not taking it by force, it means

‘that they're probably not

violent or they're probably

not here to harm us in any way.’

But see,
there's so many missing pieces to this puzzle that we can't add

that I think the Briefings attempt to add in the most clearest and lucid manner
possible. I mean,

you know, your ten-year-old

could read the Allies of Humanity and get it, okay.

So it doesn't require a highly sophisticated notion of dimensions or dimensionality


a spiritual dimension or a political astuteness

in order to read the Allies Briefings

and realize what they're telling you,

they're telling you you're facing a subtle invasion

that is not here to destroy you but to utilize you

and will use your strengths and your weaknesses and your adaptability to this

Which they do not possess,

in order to establish their own agenda here.

Do the E.T.s intervening here want to live in our world?

All they can do that is through genetic manipulation.

But even genetic manipulation is a very time-consuming and difficult task.

And that's why the Intervention

has taken a very slow pathway.

It just happens to be the most effective way to

ingrain yourself in the consciousness, in the biological reality.

What are the names of the extraterrestrials invading here?

Well first of all, there are no names given in the Allies Briefings.

They do not describe where they're from because they want to protect their free

They also do not describe in names

the races who are here because it would be meaningless to us or it could certainly

generate a lot of fantasy and, you know, speculation.

What is important to us is to know that those in our world today are resource

and they are working beneath the rules or around the rules of engagement
that are established in our region of space in order to have access to our world.

If it appears to outside observers

that their presence here is not resisted

or denounced,

then they have, within the rules

of engagement in our region of space,

they can be here without

setting off alarms of their competitors or establishing official oversight


The official oversight is there's no government ruling the universe, but there are
governments ruling trade.

And trade rules everything for advanced nations that are interdependent with one

And that is where the control is demonstrated.

How is the Intervention operating here?

You know, whenever I talk about this I have to kind of paint a picture in the
background because

the picture is very different than what most people think today.

We either think that

the off- planet intelligences and races are either very demonic

or very angelic,

Or we think there are good ones and bad ones.

You know, there’re good guys out there that can help us and there're bad guys who
are not going to help us.

The Briefings themselves kind of set the record straight

that in order to create an unambiguous situation on Earth,

those potential groups who were visiting in earlier times are not here.

Because we don't have the ability to discern. We don’t have the subtlety

or the insight to discern friend from foe.

You cannot tell an ally from an adversary

unless you're very skilled in the

mental environment,

very intuitive, very insightful, literally a seer,

because they're presenting themselves as the saviors of humanity.


in the background they're taking people and never returning them.

In the background they're building a new human,

not to replace us,

but to determine
our direction.

I'm often also asked, and I never like these questions very much, but I'm often I

you know, is our president an extraterrestrial or is our leaders.

I think the thing to understand here,

because I've had an opportunity both through the Allies Briefings and through

the Greater Community teachings of the New Message,

which go way,
way beyond the Allies themselves,

is that

those individuals that are being prepared to be in the world

are here to advise the leaders.

They’re psychic. They're powerful.

They're brilliant.

You can recognize them if you have the eyes to see.

But most people will not recognize them.

They're not in positions of leadership.

They're unaccountable to the


You will rarely see them on camera.

This is how an intelligent race gains

ability and influence and control

without the people knowing it.

What do we know about the ‘Rules of Engagement’ in our local region of space?

Large nations, if they become involved networks of trade, have great influence over
each other
and it's a very competitive environment.

The universe, our universe that we're going to have to deal with, isn't a big
frontier with a bunch of

uninhabited Earths out there that we can go

migrate to when we've just completely used up this one.

And this reality is a very competitive reality. And so the skill in mental
environment, the skill in

persuasion, the skill of seers,

the skill of things that we might hold to be very spiritual but now have been used,
or are use, in a very mundane

and even invasive way,

are used a great deal.

I mean, once the rules are established everyone figures out a way to get around

or to skirt them or to operate within them effectively.

And of course we’re like the young child that

goes into the big city though we don't

know anything about the social reality,

The political reality of that metropolis.

And it's our naivet’ and our innocence that makes us probably endearing. I think
you get this sense of

endearment when you read the

Allies Briefings. They think we're

very sweet, actually. But they also indicate that,

you know, some things we don't know that could destroy us.

And not having any idea of what the reality is beyond our solar system is

a tremendous disadvantage.

So those forces in the world today

are not, you know, operating in a military sense.

But they're infusing themselves into the hierarchies of religion, government

and probably, even more specifically or more greatly, in commerce.

This is the
complexity that gets really difficult because
different nations have been contacted by different groups.

And certainly I'll say a few things that

might shed some light on this. One is

if you want to gain ascendancy in a world

and have your presence be the most trusted presence,

then you have to weaken the strongest nations.

And one of the ways you weaken a

strong nation is by

engaging it in intractable conflicts,

and then begin to erode the confidence of its people in that nation.

This is very much about persuasion

and acceptance, okay.

I make this emphasis about war because our whole orientation to space is war,

Star Trek, Star Wars, War of the Worlds, this is where we're coming from as a

We think the universe is just another big battleground between empires and freedom

and all this kind of stuff, which is a total projection of, you know, our reality
here on Earth.

the truth is we're facing a non-human universe.

And that alone is enough to ‘ give people chills.

We're facing a universe that does not value human values.

But we're also facing a universe that, like every other creature, requires
resources to live,

has to deal with


has to deal with provision,

has to coexist with others.

So our emergence into the Greater Community

is an emergence into a much more sophisticated and complex environment.

And we're going to emerge into this Greater Community

because we can't stop.

It's happening, not because we're going out and finding out what's out there,

but because what's out there is coming here,

not all of what's out there, but some of it.

The Briefings also indicate that there are very few worlds in the universe who know
of our existence


those who
do know keep it a secret,

fewer competitors.

You know, it's in the, this is the Allies Briefings talk about this,

as well as the New Message Greater Community teachings, is

that we're following a very,

a very normal path of self-destruction

that most races that become technologically endowed begin to outstrip their world's

and are usually engaged in the Greater Community, not because of their explorations

but because the Greater Community arrives offering gifts, with it, secret plans.

And that's how the inducement, that is the inducement.

The inducement is not just to

be a conquered people because we'd resist.

And if we resist they couldn't function here and they destroy the value of this

But if we can submit

and if our desires and our ambitions can be enticed,

then that's the best weapon there is,

to make the enemy drop their weapons

and join you according to the engagement that you present.

[The Greater Community: Part of our individual and collective destiny.]

We're, you know, even today, even in the world with, even without a
extraterrestrial presence here, I mean, we're

starting to learn about the power of influence.

You know, this is not, in most places of the world, this is not gun boat diplomacy
This is about dependence.

The nation becomes dependent upon what you

purchased from them or provide


Then without changing their flag or their language, you begin to determine the
course of their destiny.

You don't really want to occupy them because that is way too expensive and

You don't want them to resist you because that's way too difficult.

And this is beginning to give us a picture of how nations influence one another in
a Greater Community

where the level of sophistication is much, much higher

and where the psychic abilities are much higher. So

I always want to take this into a larger arena of life and also I hope we have time
to talk about

what the connection is to our core spirituality because

we are in the world today for a purpose each of us. We're here to be in a time of
transition and danger in the world.

You know, the Greater Community

certainly many people are, feel connected to it anyway for reasons

that they probably can't explain very well.

And it's certainly going to be part of our collective and individual destiny.

The fact that it's still, you know, barred from the social discourse

doesn't diminish the fact that it's centrally important to our future

and to what kind of world were going to have.

But it's very muddy water.

And even the truth has been so sullied.

I gave a presentation in Denver about 10 years ago to a group there.

And a young man came out and he said to me afterwards,

he said, ‘You know, there hasn't been anything clean about the extraterrestrial
presence for 25 years.’

And so, you know, we have to look now at what our relationship with this Greater
Community is,

our relationship with this Intervention.

I mean ‘not the whole universe is intervening here.’ I mean ‘ we’re just part of a
larger environment

and we've come of age.

We've reached puberty technologically, okay?

We're now subject to greater interests.

And we're also destroying the planet, the wealth of the planet, a wealth that
others would value,

its biological wealth.

When I say resources I'm not talking about, you know,

coal seams. I'm not talking about the kinds of things that we think are really

I'm talking about biological elements

in a universe of barren worlds.

I'm talking about blood, talking about plasma, talking about cellulose.

I'm talking about the building blocks of life.

This is precious stuff.

The recent Allies Briefings say, ‘You have no idea how important a tree is.’

So it's really important for us to begin to get a more Greater Community

perspective, if that's possible, than

simply projecting all of our values out onto space,

which will never really inform us of what we're dealing with. And that's what

I think the Allies Briefings,

the Greater Community teachings of the New Message give us an opportunity to step
out of this

and see the universe in a more prosaic manner, not a multi-dimensional, not

not in a way that,

you know is extremely subtle, but in the way that's manifest.

Because we have to deal with the manifest reality before we can deal with the
subtle reality.

You know, if we're running out of money

or if we've got a tumor in our

side, right? or

if we’ve just lost our house, that's a lot more important than our meditation
practice for that day.

And so, it's the manifest reality we have to begin to get a handle on. And that's
not as complex

I don't feel it’s complex, or as mystical

because this is level confusion. Level confusion is a real problem here because
there are different levels.

And the levels present different kinds of things to us.

But if we miss the fundamental level that we're the native peoples of the world

encountering resource explorers that we know nothing about,

whose intentions are never


whose activities are surreptitious,

whose impact upon people is generally destructive and manipulative,

then we have to deal with it at that level primarily if we're going to be a free
race in the future.

If we can't deal with it at that level, if we get lost in the dimensionality of

this whole phenomenon, which is big,

we're going to sell the world away or give it away.

And we're going to do

that. It won't be taken from us.

That's the difference. You see, this is where human responsibility or ability to
respond becomes critical.

What is the importance of spirituality?

In the New Message teachings, one of the important things about Greater Community

spirituality of the universe,

is this reality of Knowledge.

Because, and I'm gonna use this word in a different way,

I'm not talking about information or book learning or, you know, what we learned in
high school or the university.

I'm going to talk about Knowledge as a deeper mind.

We can call it higher self, Christ-self, Buddha-self, whatever.

This mind operates beneath the surface of our worldly mind, our intellect,

which is pretty much totally conditioned.

I mean,
you're never going to totally recondition your personal mind.

I mean, it is thinking how culture thinks. It is thinking

according to our biological and social realities.

It can think better and it could be valuable

but it is very, very ingrained. Excuse me.

And I want to take Knowledge out of the religious realm

if I can or the ‘high spiritual’ realm, because there's so many things associated
with it,

and bring it down into a kind of a consciousness baseline.

This is the well of what you know and can know

and your ability to know. This is the part of you that's still connected to God.

It’s not the part of you that’s a soul journeying through manifest reality. This is
the part of you that didn't leave,

that isn't journeying through manifest reality, or it's going with you, but it's
not on that journey.

This is the only part of us that cannot be manipulated by any worldly,

extraterrestrial, interdimensional anything.

This is important because this is the source of our strength and our integrity and
our ability to see.

If that does not become the emphasis of an evolving humanity, then we will,

we will be seduced en masse.

And we’ll be seduced in a way we never thought we'd be seduced.

And how we'll be seduced is being

offered what we want,

which is the most deceptive form of seduction there is.

Beauty, wealth and power are part of that, certainly.

And we're very primed for it. I mean

as the world becomes more disorderly, as resource depletion continues,

as nations become more fractious with one another, and we're entirely able to make
our own war, by the way.

We don't need any help from beyond to do that.

We’re very good at that. We've been doing that for a long time and nobody has to
teach us anything about that.

But the wars that we become engaged

with, particularly in larger powers,

do have a purpose for the Intervention.

If the only nations that could really rally the world are weakened sufficiently

through intractable conflicts,

and if the two or three strongest nations of the world

are repitched in opposition

to each other or that's fortified,

there will
never be a consensus here.

And that doesn't

take as much Intervention as you might think.

Because everything that happens that we do

is a result of our decision making.

And what influences our decision making is what informs our decisions.

And this is where the power of Knowledge becomes centrally important.

And this is where our spirituality isn't just a wondrous place to be

or a place to escape into or a coping mechanism for dealing with a harsh and
incomprehensible world,

but becomes the traction for really being powerful here,

and insightful and beyond persuasion.

And this is the part of us amongst other things

we have to develop that's very core to our

success, in my view.

The Allies Briefings talk about this,

the power of Knowledge, it’s the greatest power in the universe,

and the intervention’s not using it or they wouldn't be here.

At that level you can see this clearly. This is not a mystery.

I’ve gone to conferences and said, ‘This is not a mystery.’ Everyone's like,

Because keeping it a mystery is part of the deception.

‘We're gonna keep this so

inexplicable and we'll never get it and it's [magnificent.]’ It keeps the adventure
like, ‘This is an adventure in consciousness.

Study these things.’ That's one line of thought.

So when I've gone to speak to groups of people and presented the Allies Briefings
in as gentle and

compassionate way I can,

I mean the resistance is just tremendous because it's like I'm taking people's
parade away from them.

I'm taking their lollypop away from them.

I am depriving them of this really exciting thing that's going on and turning it

just another damn thing we have to deal with in life.

Spirituality is a core strength of humanity.

I'd like to talk a little about God, because God is a part of this and

we are spiritual beings with a spiritual origin and a spiritual destiny.

And I think our spirituality is actually one of the core strengths of humanity

in a universe of highly technological and secular worlds,

which predominate in our region of space.

We do not need to look for other races to spiritually enlighten us. We actually
have the materials to do that

ourselves and have actually done fairly well in keeping the Mystery alive here,

where it's died in many, many other places.

When I talk about God, I'm not talking about our various belief systems in ultimate

and of course, whenever the word God is mentioned,

people run into all their dissonance about religion and all issues about religion

and organized religion and so forth, except to say that

the thing that is going to enable humanity

to enter into this Greater Community as a free and self-determined race

is going to have a lot to do with our spirituality.

And I don't mean our spiritual belief

or the subtleties of our spirituality. I'm talking about the part of us that is
connected to it firmly

and immutably.
Because if that's the only part of us that cannot be manipulated by any worldly or
otherworldly force,

Then that represents the source of our wisdom, our strength

and our unity with each other.

Because in facing the Intervention in the Greater Community,

we are certainly facing

an adversity that we’re unaccustomed to

and do not really know how to discern very well.

And I don't think anyone in government really knows how to discern it either. I
don't think there's a secret group

that's got all the cards on the table.

And they're being influenced as well.

So it comes down to

What people see and know and their responsibility within themselves and to others
because this is

what enables the native race to rally

And to begin to question-at least question at the outset,

the meaning and the value of this.

If we're hungry for technology from beyond the world, which is part of the

it’s liquor for the natives, for sure.

If we want others to come and rescue us,

that will be accommodated.

If we want an overseer in the world

that's non-human,

that will be provided.

But it's really, we have to grow up and become responsible.

If we're going to enter this Greater Community,

you can't have a nation full of, run by tribal conflict and warring nations.

And so, in adversity here is the opportunity.

And the opportunity is the Intervention.

The Intervention and the breakdown of environmental stability in the world

are the two things that can

prompt humanity to unite in its own defense.

It has to be that powerful to overcome

our attitudes, our beliefs, our history between nations,

the contention between religions,

all the things that fracture us and are fracturing us further and further and

most of which we're doing on our own. The Intervention can step back and just let

degrade ourselves down.

They'll help us do that in certain ways,

but I mean we're doing a pretty good job even if we didn't get any assistance.

The opportunity here is really that

humanity has to unite to be in the Greater Community.

There are three requirements for freedom in the universe,

self-sufficiency, unity and discretion.

Now we're clearly losing our self-sufficiency at an alarming rate.

We're spending tomorrow's inheritance

like there was no inheritance.

We're selling our children out, frankly.

We're going to use up everything as fast as possible,

always thinking that the well will never go dry,

and the world is going to reshape itself to assist us in that

as we degrade the planet and change its natural balances,

which have enabled the rise of human civilization.

Those balances, if they become imbalances,

can reverse that process.

We have to become united, not that we're all clones of each other or we all live
under one flag.

But the cooperation is, you know, united we survive the Greater Community,

divided we fail to it, we fall

to it, eventually.

And the third is discretion.

We're broadcasting out into space our wars,

our foolishness, our comedies, our tragedies-everything.

The discreet deserver may never understand our nature,

but they can certainly understand our tendencies and behavior.

That will have to stop.

Free nations do not broadcast,

except to each other in ways that are very safely encoded.

The price of freedom in the universe is unity, self-sufficiency and discretion.

If we require

other nations to provide our core resources here,

human freedom will be lost.

I don't care what your political persuasion is, what country you come from,

what your religious belief is,

what inner voices you listen to.

That's the name of the game.

World Unity

I've spoken to conspiracy groups before and, you know, human unity is just a big

It's the red flag.

When I talk about unity,

I'm talking about responsible management of the planet and cessation of human

not just purely for moral or ethical reasons, but for really practical reasons.

I mean, we're going to have to protect the arable land of the world.

We're going to have protect fresh water and renew fresh water.

We're going to have to do all this stuff or we are, you know,

we are not going to have a future,

or not a desirable one, certainly.

And that is part of the reason the Intervention’s here.

The other part of the reason the Intervention’s here is

we're at the threshold of becoming technologically powerful enough

to discern it effectively

and to communicate out into

space that we don't want anyone messing with us.

‘Stay away, please.

We're not ready.

We'll let you know when we’re ready.’

That's why the real Allies of Humanity,

or races that could become the Allies of Humanity are not interfering in the world

because it's highly unethical for them to do that.

Even if they wanted to help us

grow and become peaceful and peace loving, they would have to control us to do

Or they would just send their Wisdom, like in the Allies Briefing, they just send
their wisdom.

They're not sending, you know,

advisers down here to encourage us,

persuade us, see what I'm saying? There's a big difference

between sharing wisdom with somebody and beginning to control their life,

or trying to control the life or the outcome.

I don't consider the Intervention to be evil.

I think it's just self-interest

in the universe.

And we have things they need and they really need them.

So there's a lot of myths here that have to be blown up about, you know, self-
sufficiency and free energy,

which is a total myth, by the way, in my view. I mean,

there's no free lunch in the universe.

And even if you could harness free energy like harnessing the power of the sun,

you’re going to have to create some pretty powerful technology to do it on a big


So you still need resources. Right.

So even if the energy is free in order to capture it and use it,

you still need huge infrastructure, lots of resources,

all these kinds of things.

So it's not really free,

see what I mean?

You know, it's not really free.

But I want to go back to God because

whether people believe in God, it's important that they know that there's a part of

that cannot be corrupted

and has never been corrupted.

And that there's a way that that part of them can speak to them and advise them.

And this is, you can call it your ground of being,

your gut feeling,

whatever you might call it within a religious or a general vernacular,

there's a part of
us that has to advise us, you know?

Or you could say to the Intervention,

‘Can't you just see this for what it is?’

Fifty years of UFO research,

can't see it for what it


Why is that?

Fifty years of UFO research, cannot see this.

‘Oh, we know we're being visited, sure.’ We knew that 50 years ago,

haven't gotten any further, really,

got lots of sightings, got drawings and radar and tons of speculation and lots of
kind of science, pseudoscience,

all kinds. But can anyone say, ‘What is this?’

You mentioned that there is something within people that cannot be corrupted. Can
you say more about that?

In the way that my understanding has evolved and what's been presented to me over
these many years,

is that I don't usually use the word soul very much.

I describe it more as a part of us that is still connected to God

that's very wise and looks on everything with much greater discernment and depth.

There's a part of us that is disconnected from God.

And we live in the part most of the time that is disconnected.

And that's almost a price of being in the world,

because if you really had full God awareness, you either wouldn't want to be here.

It's way too dissonant.

Or you'd have to be here on a major mission

and you’d garner a lot of resistance.

In that sense, that's enough.

If you know that a part of you is wise and a part of you is not wise

and you can distinguish that on an increasing basis in your own experience,

then whatever your religious affiliation or belief or ideology might be, you can
relate to this.

I mean, people know what I'm talking about.

You know when I've gone to foreign countries and talked about the Intervention,
they know,

no problem
getting that.

Hey, we've been intervened with for centuries.

We're being manipulated right, I mean, there's no pretense of freedom and democracy

you know, where nobody can affect us

because, you know, we're God's chosen race. And

people know exactly you're talking about.

I mean, it's just from a different source. ‘Oh okay,

yeah, I can get that.’

And so it's this ability to see, recognize and know things that's going to be very
And, you know, it's under the radar of the intellectual conversation.


in my view it ends up

In the final hour being the most important thing

because we're never going to fully understand the Intervention and how it works.

We might finally figure out its impact on our governments and the way they behave,

which I think a lot is being done there. I think on our end of the spectrum,

we're putting a lot of things together

because that's the part of us that's going to capitulate first.

You know, and I want to say one more thing about that if we have time,

one of the arguments for Intervention is that Intervention threatens our economic

and therefore, our economic interests will want to want to thwart Intervention.

But it's really the opposite.

Our economic interests are to be the first to be persuaded. If you can give power
no one else has,

one little piece of technology which may be a trinket in the universe,

if that gives you supremacy in your world

your business world, your life, oh boy.

That’s unbridled greed right there.

Have the governments in the world made deals with the ‘visitors?’

Well, I don't think it's a done deal

because there're elements in our government, this is what the Allies talk about.

They don't really talk about our government because they don’t really know much
about our government,

except that we transmit everything.

Even the government transmissions can be, somebody could sit out there and

read just our entire script, you know what I'm saying?

There are factions within our government that are aware of the Intervention and
support it.

And there are factions that resist it.

So this becomes very complex. I mean, when we talk about they've all been bought
off, no.

Have the governments all been bought off? No.

The situation is much more fluid than that.


Or it is a done deal

and we're just, you know, we're just underlings that are just going to complain and
revolt and,

you know, make a lot of noise and nothing's going to happen.

The situation, the outcome has not been determined.

And this is very important, otherwise you're really going to disempower people.

And it's a very complex situation because we're talking about influence

permeating lots of parts of our life

and in ways that we are beginning to understand.

The other part of this equation is the Intervention itself, what guides it, what
restrains it,

what it can and cannot do,

how it has to behave here because it’s being watched by other nations.

And so,

if it appears, like I said before, if it appears that we are tolerating, at least

tolerating, its presence,

if it appears that we are accepting

and benefiting from its presence,

then it looks like we are granting them permission to do whatever they want to do

How can we communicate our resistance against the E.T. Intervention?

I mean, if there's appearance of resistance here

opposition and resistance, that's powerful,

even if it comes from, you know, the public,

see what I'm saying? We don't know who's a white hat and who isn't a white hat in
the government and

certain people certainly are, we can suspect, in other ways.

But it's what are we going to do?

What are you going to do in your position?

You have influence.

You can present many things to many people. What can I do? What can the people in
this room do?

What can anybody do?

I mean, the first thing I think we have to do is begin to recognize this reality is

and that we have a responsibility to deal with it.

If we think it's all going to be our government that's going to negotiate the

we've already seceded our personal responsibility,

regardless of the makeup of

the government.

I mean, the government

may be more deluded than we are,

and much more influenced. And so,

this is a real power to the people kind of message, you see?


I mean, even if you broadcast on shortwave out in the universe, you know, ‘We don't
want Intervention.

We don't welcome Intervention,’

you know, anything,

any demonstration of resistance.

You know, I've gone, I've been invited to speak at conferences and I'll go to these

and I'm the only person who questions the extra-terrestrial motivation.

Everyone else is completely sold on this. ‘It's groovy. At least some of them are

And, ‘We're gonna get into this because this is really

exciting.’ And, ‘Boy!, we're gonna get so much good stuff from these people.’

But we know as human beings that if you want something from someone,

you can never discern them.

You want something from the Intervention,

you've already given your power away.

You’re going to be blind

because of what you want or

what you think you need or what you think only they can give you.

And what can they

give us?

They're not going to give us real technology we turn into weaponry and probably,
you know, destroy

the infrastructure of the world.

They're not going to give us spiritual

wisdom or we wouldn't want Intervention.

They're not going to give us, you know, high integrity, because if we had high

we'd realize we're being messed with and we’d want everyone out of here.

‘You all go home, please.

We're not ready for you. We'll let you know when we're ready.’

When we establish our own rules of engagement in this planet

and our own ethics of contact,

then we will see who amongst we want to communicate with.

That's coming from a position of power and authority.

Listen, the Japanese kept the Europeans out for 200 years

and how they did it was they burned every ship that

entered their region,

Not very nice,

but the message got pretty clear. And after a while the ships stopped coming,

So you know, if the Native Americans had done that in the United States we might
have a different nation today,

we white people would be the minority.

Is humanity nearing a point where we will be ready for contact?

I would say

that we can be ready and we're

not quite ready.

We have the resources to be ready.

We know more about this planet than
any other race in the universe.

We're the only race in the universe that could survive here successfully without a
great deal of adaptation.

We know more about our nature

than any other race in the universe.

We know more about our history and our tendencies than anyone else in the universe.

And that if other nations want to help us, they should

share us their wisdom about what life is really like

and the pitfalls and dangers

of functioning in the Greater Community.

So my emphasis through all of my work is

to empower people to be
strong, effective and compassionate


But we're going to need strength, I put that first.

Because you can't be messing around in the face of the Greater Community.

This is big time life

and we're still, you know, in a very adolescent phase collectively as a race.

I mean, we're still very indulgent and foolish.

And we're not responsible to the future, you know.

We're not saving resources for the third generation out. I mean, we're using up
everything. So,

I think the change in that is a change, not just a change of understanding, but a
change of heart,

to realize we are the stewards of this planet. If we want to continue to be the

stewards of this planet,

individually we're going to have to learn some new things.

And we're going to have to become really strong and honest

and effective in our lives. And this is about individuals now.

This is not about going to change the government, I think that's pretty hopeless,

as the first step.

We're not going to get them to divulge their information because if they ever do,
it probably wouldn't be
whole or complete anyway.

But we do need to learn about the Greater Community itself.

We do need to learn about our personal strengths and responsibilities.

We certainly all have to get our own house in order, personally, individually.

And, you know, that's a great

starting place, of course.

But, you know, humanity can never give up.


the Intervention is either here to win us over

or discourage us from resisting.

That's the power of persuasion.


I look around, I see, you know, many people are on a downward spiral.

They're losing heart. They're losing faith. They don't know how to handle their

They're getting very

discouraged by what they see in the world around them.

Their own sense of inadequacy can overtake them.

So, you know, you have to build the person up if you want to take them into a
battle of

who's going to control this world in the future. And this is a battle at another
level, alright?

This is like warfare at another level,

okay. We're not going to be clubbing each other over the head. But we are going to
be determining, you know,

what has power and meaning in the world.

And that's why, you know, in my work we present the Steps to Knowledge.

It's available online. You can go read the Allies of Humanity at allies of humanity
dot o-r-g,

go to New Message dot o-r-g and study Steps to Knowledge putting tremendous things

so we can reach people, not only in the Western nations,

but all around the world. And something like sixty percent of the planet has access
to cell phones now.
You know, it's just amazing. And so

That educational orientation has to happen because

no one on earth is going to win

if an Intervention is successful here.

There are no winners amongst


The profiteers

will be subjugated just like the rest of us

in a controlled world.


you know, rich or poor,

whatever our race, nationality, you know, we are in this together. This is our

and we're going to have to really re-earn the right

to have it be our world.

We’re going to have to clean it up.

We’re going to have to build the kind of networks of cooperation even just to do

So, I'm talking about something very expansive, very complex.

But the incentive has to be there.

And the incentive isn't just for wonderful things.

The incentive is also the fear of failure,

because we can fail.

And there's nothing wrong with being aware of that. You don’t

have to be terrified
of the world to be aware of that.

That's just a reality that we know we can fail.

And if we understand that correctly

without denigrating ourselves,

then we know we have the power

to rise to occasions.

And certainly there could be no greater occasion than this.

Where can The Allies Briefings and the resources for education and preparation be

The Allies of Humanity Briefings are at Allies of Humanity dot o-r-g. We're a
nonprofit organization.

And the first Allies set of Briefings are up there for everyone to read. It's also
available in eBook now.

And the second Allies Briefing is in print

The third Allie's briefing we hope to publish next year.

One of the seminal works in the Greater Community for us is called Life in the
Universe, which we plan to

publish next year through New Knowledge Library. And we'll send out announcements
and so forth.

Our main website is New Message dot o-r-g. And there you can

see much of the New Message teaching that is available online, both in audio, the
original Voice of Revelation

where people can hear,

that’s the Voice that spoke

to me that was recorded and you can hear that,

as well as, we made a tremendous amount of things available to people,

as well as elements for study and application

Greater Community education, all these kinds of things. We really want people to
have access to this.

And we welcome your participation.

There is the Declaration of Human Sovereignty,

which is a document modeled after the Declaration of Independence. It's kind of a

statement indicating to the universe

our will as the people of Earth, our rights, we establish our rights.

We establish the fact that we are being interfered with and we do not hold that to
be appropriate,

and the kind of engagement we would like to have with other nations who

are interested in us.

And that's a very powerful document and I think, you know, there's already minds
working on this.

This is, you know, we may think we're alone, we have a small group or maybe we're
all alone as an individual,
and we're trying to put all this together.

But there is a groundswell around this.

And there is a Greater Community awareness that's growing.

And that awareness really has to be wise and efficacious.

And that's why I invite people to explore these materials.

What do we need to know about ‘earth changes?’

I'll deal with the prosaic first. And the things that we can all touch upon is the
fact that

food, water and energy are declining resources in the world,

and will be increasingly so.

And those things which seemed the most ordinary kinds of things may, in the end,
prove the most difficult for us.

Certainly, earthquake activity is increasing. Volcanic activity seems to be

increasing, from my understanding.

But I think the thing that's going to

create tension between nations and in communities and within our own personal

is going to be really the fundamentals, and the fact that when

you look out on these beautiful mountains here, and I don't know if your camera can
take any of that in,

you're going to look at a dying forest.

That's a dying forest out there,

beginning to die.

That's because

the planetary climate has changed only one degree Fahrenheit.

That is enough to unleash forces that

I'm not sure anyone could foresee. Maybe if people did foresee that in the western
United States alone,

we've lost 40 million acres of trees

from a very slight variation in our climate alone.

That and the availability of water, clean water, the growing aridity of the world,

particularly in highly populated areas such as Africa

and the Sahel, the Middle

Southeast Asia is having a critical water problem.

These are earth changes that should...,

these are big things. This is a four-alarm fire, actually.

The other background things of increasing volcanic or seismic activity is going to

have its impact as well.

And I know there are other people who feel there are celestial forces that are

the frequency or the pitch of this,

and I do not want to comment on that.

I don't feel I really know enough about that to comment on that, respectfully.

But clearly, the pitch of the world, the intensity of things is escalating.

And even if you come to a beautiful place like in the Rocky Mountains here, you can
feel that escalation.

I mean, young people are committing suicide and, you know,

Capitulating into drugs like never before. I mean, this isn't just uplifting

this is also wearing us down,

the pitch, the the intensity, not just of more activity, but the actual intensity
of the mental environment.

And it's really something.

And to keep your head in all this, you have to become very strong, very grounded in

and very appreciative of the Greater Powers who are here to assist us

beyond the visual range.

And I think that, you know, we have to accept that we're entering into a new world.

We crossed some invisible boundary

that said, ‘Oh, now we're in this, a new world.

And this isn't going to be like the world of our parents or our grandparents.’ I

we're entering a world of environmental shift.

And we've never really’ we’ve dealt

with that, you know,
on a national or tribal level in big ways through history, but not on a global

And that is going to change the landscape so dramatically,

it could change our whole idea of religion, could change, certainly, our
governments and their functionality.

It will be a great incentive to war,

even without foreign persuasion,

as a growing number of people attempt to drink from a slowly shrinking well.

And the only way that you can prevent chaos and decline

is by a growing sense of unity and compassion and awareness that

we're in this lifeboat together, this lifeboat called Earth.

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