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※ 다음 밑줄 친 단어의 의미로 알맞은 것을 고르고 빈칸에는 의미상 가장 적절하게 들어갈

수 있는 것을 고르시오.

He tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the anonymous letter.

① desperate ② defined
③ expert ④ nameless

I find his idea extremely abhorrent.

① superficial ② distasteful
③ hazardous ④ illogical

There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.

① reconsidered ② destroyed
③ criticized ④ amended

Abstain from doing something harmful.

① Keep oneself ② Abate

③ Appraise ④ Absolve

Literary animosity is daily growing up between the two countries.

① benevolence ② hostility
③ atrocity ④ hospitality

The boy was disciplined for being amenable to his elders.

① gentle ② obedient
③ kind ④ courteous

The minister was found to have appropriated a great deal of government


① donated ② saved

③ stolen ④ borrowed

Russ is an ambidextrous hitter; he can bat right-handed or left-handed.

① ardent ② arid
③ skillful ④ craft

The government toward equality of rights had some antecedents that helped the
cause of aspiring women.

① elements ② procedure
③ precedents ④ justifications


My uncle, an accountant, composes music as an avocation.

① souvenirs ② league
③ miniature ④ hobby


The parents grew more abject as the struggle continued.

① cooperative ② fearful
③ wretched ④ ferocious


Rockets exploded like claps of thunder only a few feet away and set the hillside

① bright ② aflame
③ doused ④ apathetic

*산허리를 타오르게 하다

Congress must abrogate the new tax law.

① abscond ② assimilate
③ revoke ④ establish

*abscond종적을감추다, revoke취소하다, assimilate완전히 이해, 동화하다


This book is often mistakenly considered too abstruse for the lay mind.

① hard to understand ② difficult to write
③ abstract to summarize ④ not feasible


The Freedom of Information Act gives private citizen __________ government files.

① access to ② excess of
③ redress of ④ release from


The thief was apprehended, but his accomplice had disappeared.

① people who saw him ② guns and knives

③ person who helped him ④ stolen goods


It is now generally assumed that planets were formed by accretion of gas and
dust in a cosmic cloud.

① separation ② reaction
③ accumulation ④ motion


You should try to ___________ yourself with the facts before you express an

① familiar ② inform
③ acquaint ④ apprise


We cannot for long acquiesce in an occupation of a town by an army.

① agree to ② acquire
③ object ④ spoil


He was too adamant to admit he had been wrong.

① proud ② selfish
③ absorbed ④ obstinate


The pianist was adept at playing the instrument.

① proficient ② awkward
③ adjustable ④ careful


The lymphatic system includes a network of tiny capillaries that lie adjacent to
the fine blood vessels.

① independent ② obscured
③ near ④ inherent


The chairman was anxious to adjourn the meeting.

① attend ② commence
③ convene ④ close


The milk in these containers is adulterated.

① spoiled ② refined
③ lukewarm ④ leaking


The flight was delayed because of ___________ weather.

① authentic ② adverse
③ averse ④ apparent


Poe conceived of God as a poet. The universe therefore was an artistic

creation, a poem composed by God. The reader may conclude Poe felt that
man's proper response to God would be _____________.

① mystical ② aesthetic
③ logical ④ submissive


It can be affected by circumstances — illness, injuries such as fears of frights,

diet — and by inherited makeup.

① increased ② influenced

③ loved ④ caressed


Between 1870 and 1914 the United States changed from an agrarian economy
to an industrial economy.

① farming ② urban
③ manufacturing ④ rural


Ocean-going vessels have often used flags to indicate their national allegiance.

① loyalty ② destination
③ cargo ④ allowance


As such, it is impossible to solve and to alleviate these problems without help

from other people.

① make less severe ② render hasty

③ drive crazy ④ make more difficult


All important resources were allocated by the government.

① nationalized ② taxed
③ distributed ④ collaborated


These words refer to the size of the chamber.

① allude to ② differ from

③ expand ④ narrow down


Several alternatives to the manager's proposal were suggested.

① solutions to ② substitutes for

③ drawbacks to ④ ratifications of


The passenger's remarks were so ambiguous that I could not catch them.

① invaluable ② commonplace
③ equivocal ④ fast


His ambivalence made it difficult for us to reach a decision.

① contrariness ② absurdity
③ conflicting feelings ④ unreasonableness


The reviewer criticized the poet's amorphous style.

① unusual ② ingenious
③ stiff ④ nebulous


Man's youth is full of anguish and magic.

① amnesty ② toil and poverty

③ agony ④ solace


When you withdraw money, the bank compares your signature with the one in its
files to see if it is authentic.

① genuine ② faked
③ cogent ④ counterfeit


The chair was made in the 10th century; it is now regarded as _________

① chronic ② antique
③ erudite ④ inserted


Where is antiseptic?

① remedy for poison ② germ-killing substance

③ stain remover ④ soothing ointment


To keep composure, one has to act with __________.

① placability ② aplomb
③ pleasure ④ nerve


The audience applauded enthusiastically after the performance.

① clasped ② clapped
③ craved ④ shouted


City taxes are based on an estimate of the value of one's property.

① appraisal ② diagnosis
③ forecast ④ outline


Since she is a complete stranger here, her apprehension is understandable.

① eagerness ② hesitation
③ excitement ④ fear


No one was apprised of the captain's death.

① reminded ② informed
③ inquired ④ acknowledged


Venus is an arid dust bowl .

① very dry ② damp
③ yellowish ④ shadowy


The was ended when the armistice was signed.

① armament ② truce
③ assimilation ④ contract


His ____________ manner has kept him from being very _____________.

① sleazy — surly ② laud — good

③ arrogant — popular ④ embryo — dilate


To be articulate and discriminating about ordinary affairs and information is the

mark of an educated man.

① explained in the other way

② scribbled on the paper
③ written in hand
④ spoken in clear and distinct words


If I am physically assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate with reasonable


① curtailed ② divulged
③ cleaved ④ endorsing
⑤ assailed

1. ④ anonymous: 무명의
2. ② abhorrent: 몹시 싫어하는
3. ② abolish: 폐지하다
4. ① abstain: 삼가다, 그만두다
5. ② animosity: 적대감, 악의
6. ② amenable: 순종하는
7. ③ appropriate: 착복하다, 훔치다
8. ③ ambidextrous: 능숙한
9. ③ antecedent: 전례
10. ④ avocation: 부업, 취미
11. ③ abject: 천한, 비참한
12. ② ablaze: 불타는
13. ③ abrogate: 취소하다, 폐지하다
14. ① abstruse: 난해한
15. ① access: 접근, 이용
16. ③ accomplice: 공범자
17. ③ accretion: 증가, 누적
18. ③ acquaint: 익숙하게 하다
19. ① acquiesce: 묵인하다, 따르다
20. ④ adamant: 고집센, 단호한

21. ① adept: 능숙한
22. ③ adjacent: 인접한
23. ④ adjourn: 휴회하다, 중지하다
24. ① adulterate: 불순물을 섞다, 상하게 하다
25. ② adverse: 불리한, 해로운
26. ② aesthetic: 미학의
27. ② affect: 영향을 미치다
28. ① agrarian: 농업의
29. ① allegiance: 충성, 충실
30. alleviate 완화하다, 경감하다
31. ③ allocate: 할당하다
32. ① refer to: 언급하다
33. ② alternative: 대안
34. ③ ambiguous: 모호한
35. ③ ambivalence: 양면가치, 모호함
36. ④ amorphous: 무형의, 모호한
37. ③ anguish: 고통
38. ① authentic: 진짜의
39. ② antique: 골동품의, 고대의
40. ② antiseptic: 방부제
41. ② aplomb: 침착
42. ② applaud: 갈채를 보내다
43. ① appraisal: 평가, 감정
44. ④ apprehension: 염려, 우려, 이해, 체포
45. ② apprise: 알리다
46. ① arid: 건조한
47. ② armistice: 휴전
48. ③ arrogant: 거만한
49. ④ articulate: 분명한
50. ⑤ assault: 공격하다

His employers could not complain about his work because he was __________ in
the performance of his duties.

① derelict ② penetrating
③ assiduous ④ mandatory


The framework of the special theory of relativity can be constructed from the
assumption of the absolute invariability of the speed of light .

① encouragement ② supposition
③ regulation ④ definition


Such doltish behavior was not expected from so ____________ an individual.

① exasperating ② astute
③ cowardly ④ enigmatic


What is the synonym of attest?

① affirm ② value
③ utter ④ complete


Her efforts to diminish the hatred towards him resulting from her boredom only
augmented it.

① got rid of ② doubled

③ irritated ④ increased


About a quarter of his wages goes for taxes, social security, and trade union
dues. If he lives ___________, he can still save or send home $200 a month.

① lamentably ② opulently
③ austerely ④ reluctantly

After their recent quarrel, Mr. Bates and Mr. Strong felt _________ when running
into each other at the concert.

① thrilled ② duped
③ awkward ④ ambidextrous


The benign old lady sent us a kind and warm smile.

① numb ② generous
③ ticklish ④ silly


They succeeded in baffling the enemy's attack plans.

① pleading ② requesting
③ thwarting ④ craving


The young man was so bashful that he didn't speak to the pretty girl.

① shy ② discreet
③ haughty ④ upset


The dress you bought for your daughter is not a becoming one.

① suitable ② formal
③ homely ④ fashionable


Your belligerent attitude is often the cause for your lack of popularity.

① hostile ② courageous
③ stupid ④ cowardly


A benefactor is a person who ______________.

① sells something
② receives help from other people
③ requires cars
④ helps me in trouble

He placed himself as close as he could to the information, just beyond the ring
of people besieging the clerks.

① surrounding ② catching
③ telling ④ asking


Her red face betrayed the fact that she was very nervous.

① covered ② revealed
③ hid ④ did not know
betrayed - 1.배반 2.누설

By now, most of Hong Kong has come to shrug off the political bickering.

① debate ② struggling
③ turmoil ④ instability

shrug off - 어깨로 떨쳐내다


He replied blandly that he would let me know in good time.

① reluctantly ② abruptly
③ blankly ④ politely


Everyone who speaks a word against Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone
who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

① revenges ② revises
③ blames ④ divulges


The author says bluntly that making up a book is an act of love.

① in a straightforward manner
② in a courteous manner
③ in an effective manner
④ in a stupid manner

Henry bowed his head and tears slipped down his face.

① shook ② held up
③ bent ④ twisted


The jet engine was a major breakthrough in air transport.

① most crucial situation

② most significant advance
③ most abrupt happening
④ most serious event


Mr. Brown will broach the subject at tomorrow's meeting.

① introduce ② restrain
③ infuriate ④ banish


The pigs and vultures browsed on the bank.

① fought fiercely ② slept peacefully together

③ looked happy ④ moved aimlessly around


The man was punished for his brutal act.

① cruel ② bloody
③ deadly ④ ugly


Every Wednesday he brings home a lovely __________ of flowers for his wife.

① bunch ② pile
③ bundle ④ pack


Straightforwardness buttressed by honesty leads to a state of bliss.

① combined ② supported
③ ornamented ④ harmonized

The woman he met in the party was rather buxom.

① thin ② slim
③ plump ④ scowled


Foxes are known for their raids on poultry, but are nonetheless very beneficial to
farmers because they destroy rodents.

① tempting ② helpful
③ surprising ④ attractive


The priest pronounced a benediction over the happy pair.

① a motto ② an advice
③ a blessing ④ an admiration


Benevolent graduates donated money to the college for the new library.

① Miserable ② Inventive
③ Considerable ④ Charitable


John canvassed the papers, hunting for notices of jobs.

① complained of ② criticized unfavorably

③ examined carefully ④ read up


The artist captured the girl's personality in his photograph.

① distorted ② caught
③ masked ④ flattered


When I learned that I had passed the examination I felt __________ and relaxed.

① careless ② carefree
③ negligent ④ troublefree

I was harrowed by the ferocity and carnage.

① mass killing ② battle

③ severeness ④ hatred


The result was the Balkan cataclysm.

① disaster ② confusion
③ entanglement ④ conflict


Yesterday you were acclaimed; today you are __________. Isn't life full of ups
and downs?

① lauded ② censured
③ savor ④ wedged


Euh said he will decide whether to accept them after May 5, the university`s
___________ anniversary.

① centennial ② cerebral
③ certification ④ cessation


The advocates of anarchy are ignoring the __________ such a form of

government will bring with it.

① dictatorship ② chaos
③ autocracy ④ republicanism


The public health authorities are combatting the claims of __________ who
maintain fraudulently that they have cures for many major ailments.

① salesmen ② pharmacists
③ chemists ④ charlatans


Rosemary's chicanery baffled even her closest friends.

① beauty ② trickery
③ allowance ④ concern


His report was organized chronologically.

① by contrasts ② in terms of comparisons

③ according to significance ④ according to a time sequence


A toad is chubby creature with rough, bumpy skin.

① quiet ② plump
③ horrible ④ small


Circumvented our plan:

① deferred ② frustrated
③ projected ④ advocated


A clandestine meeting:

① prearranged ② hurried
③ important ④ secret


The doctor coaxed the child.

① attempted to force
② attempted to persuade
③ attempted to command
④ attempted to threaten


We found the professor's criticisms of the trade policy quite coherent.

① bombastic ② logical
③ long-winded ④ seeking

If two people collaborate, they are said to __________.

① cooperated ② compete
③ deliberate ④ deter


Sandy wanted to go to Bangkok alone, but her parents would not give their

① constancy ② consigment
③ control ④ commitment


The kitchen was small and ____________ so that the disabled woman could reach
everything without difficulty.

① compact ② complex
③ composite ④ complete


Behind those apparently complacent smiles are countless fears.

① self-contented ② modest
③ diffident ④ humble

51. ③ assiduous[əsídʒuəs] 근면한
52 ② assumption[əsʌ́mpʃən] 가정
53 ② astute [əstjúːt] 빈큼없는, 교활한
54 ① attest [ətést] 증명하다
55 ④ augment [ɔːgmént] 강화하다, 향상하다, 늘리다
56 ③ austere [ɔːstíər] 엄격한, 내핍의
57 ③ awkward [ɔ́ːkwərd] 어색한
58 ② benign [bináin] 인자한
59 ③ baffling [bǽfəliŋ] 당황하게 하는, 방해하는
60 ① bashful [bǽʃfəl] 수줍은
61 ① becoming [bikʌ́miŋ] 어울리는
62 ① belligerent [bəlídʒərənt] 호전적인, 적대적인
63 ④ benefactor [bénəfæ̀ktər] 은혜를 베푸는 사람
64 ① besiege [bisíːdʒ] 둘러싸다
65 ② betray [bitréi 배반하다, 누설하다

constancy 불변성 / consigment 협약 / commitment 약속

66 ① bicker [bíkər] 말다툼(하다)
67 ④ blandly [blændli] 부드럽게, 온화하게
68 ③ blaspheme [blæfíːm, -́] 모독하다, 욕하다
69 ④ bluntly [blʌntli] ad. 솔직하게, 퉁명스럽게
70 ③ bow [bou] 구부리다
71 ② breakthrough [bréikɵrùː] 돌파구, 획기적인 진전[발전]
72 ① broach [broutʃ] 말을 꺼내다
73 ④ browse [brauz] 구경하다
74 ① brutal [brúːtl] 잔인한
75 ① bunch [bʌntʃ] 다발, 송이
76 ② buttress [bʌ́tris] 떠받치다
77 ③ buxom [bʌ́ksəm] 통통한
78 ② beneficial [bènəfíʃəl] 이로운
79 ③ benediction [bènədíkʃən] 축복
80 ④ benevolent [bənévələnt] 인자한, 자비로운
81 ③ canvass [kǽnvəs] 정밀조사하다, 유세하다, 간청하다
82 ② capture [kǽptʃər] 잡다
83 ③ carefree [kɛ́ərfrìː] 근심 없는
84 ① carnage [kɑ́ːrnidʒ] 대량학살
85 ① cataclysm [kǽtəklìzəm] 대격변, 재앙
86 ② censure [sénʃər] 비난하다
87 ① centennial [senténiəl] 백년의, 백세의
88 ② chaos [kéiɑs / -ɔs] 혼란
89 ④ charlatan [ʃɑ́ːrlətən] 허풍을 떠는 사람, 돌팔이 의사
90 ② chicanery [ʃikéinəri] 속임수
91 ④ chronologically [krɑ̀nəlɑ́dʒikəli] 시간순(연대순)으로
92 ② chubby [tʃʌ́bi] 통통한
93 ② circumvent [sə̀ːrkəmvént]: 피하다, 좌절시키다
94 ④ clandestine [klændéstin] 비밀의
95 ② coax [kouks] 감언으로 설득하다
96 ② coherent [kouhíərənt] 논리적인, 일관성 있는
97 ① collaborate [kəlǽbərèit] 협력하다
98 ④ commitment [kəmítmənt] 전념, 약속
99 ① compact [kəmpǽkt / kɑ́mpæk] 빽빽한, 밀집한
100 ① complacent [kəmpléisənt] 자기만족의

When the arsonist was questioned by the prosecutor, he denied his __________
in the crime.

① simulation ② complicity
③ exuberance ④ contingency


The pantomime's visual message is comprehensible to almost everyone.

① illegible ② understandable
③ pleading ④ pleasing


The lawyer conceded that Mrs. Taylor's statement was true.

① proved ② denied
③ troubled ④ admitted


What is perfectly conceivable is a sizable, voluntary experiment.

① imaginable ② communicable
③ controllable ④ conclusive


The Athenians charged Socrates with corrupting the youth and he was
__________ to death by a jury of five hundred citizens.

① faced ② blamed
③ invoked ④ condemned


A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to
condone these practice in his friends.

① spill ② withstand
③ excuse ④ retire


It is more difficult for a(n) __________ smoker to give up the habit for a novice,
but it can be done.
① affluent ② confirmed
③ beginning ④ disciplined


A sudden increase in the number of cars caused traffic __________ everywhere.

① block ② congestion
③ mess ④ confusion


This work is congruous to his character.

① avaricious ② gregarious
③ harmonious ④ industrious


The president said that agricultural exports went up for twelve consecutive years.

① successive ② alternating
③ successful ④ full


This will contaminate the food.

① preserve ② spoil
③ cool ④ heat


The city mayor is contemplating a team that would edify the citizen.

① transplanting ② communicating
③ considering ④ dancing


I attended this conference as part of a _________ of scientists from Harvard


① contingent ② figure
③ speech ④ technocrat

Whether the lier belonged to the lion or tiger was a matter of zoological
contention for years.

① controversy ② confusion
③ concern ④ examination


At one time a composer of abstract music, Aaron Copland later converted to a

style that more people could understand.

① refused to work with ② shifted to

③ imitated ④ exaggerated


Without Bob's testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and _________ in the

case will be impossible.

① verdict ② sentence
③ conviction ④ acquittal


If something is made or done in imitation of another thing in order to deceive,

we call it __________.

① counterfeit ② conterclaim
③ counterbalance ④ counteract


To turn a large theater into a cozy living room is no inconsiderable feat.

① beautiful ② crowded
③ small ④ comfortable


My mother is so __________ that she believes everything she is told.

① credulous ② reliable
③ believable ④ creditable


No one could fail to be affected by the culmination of Arafat's tortuous journey.

① result ② success
③ hardship ④ climax


The native people began to cultivate corn thousands of years ago.

① sell ② pick
③ raise ④ educate


The members of the board of trustees of the museum expected the new curator
to plan events and exhibitions which would make the museum more popular.

① parliamentarian ② superintendent
③ conciliator ④ lawyer


The evening's entertainment was ____________ by an electrical power cut.

① abbreviated ② compressed
③ condensed ④ curtailed


Shoppers often circumvented local sales taxes.

① deferred ② frustrated
③ projected ④ advocated


John Witler collaborated on a novel with a friend.

① gathered together with

② obtained from
③ worked together on
④ purchased


The new theory was corroborated.

① confirmed ② breached
③ hurled ④ refrained

After the election the government commenced to develop the new highway.

① agreed ② planned
③ decided ④ started


The punishment was not commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.

① less than ② proportional to

③ more serious than ④ pleased with


A number of our most famous senators are skilled conciliators.

① speakers ② parliamentarians
③ mediators ④ lawyers


Do you think a wife should conform her habits and tastes to those of her

① compare ② adjust
③ prefer ④ devote


A doctor's life is consecrated to curing poor and sick people.

① limited ② subjected
③ dedicated ④ depended


The graduate students will convene in the Student Union.

① converge ② meet
③ summon ④ raze


What he said was contrariwise to what we expected.

① ironic ② innate
③ opposite ④ circumspect

The politician's statement was contradictory to the one he'd made earlier in the
same week.

① inconsistent ② talkative
③ suitable ④ compelling


The decadent downtown section was once a flourishing business district.

① demolishing ② declining
③ despising ④ destroying


The boy's deceit made his mother very unhappy.

① dirty clothes ② foolish answer

③ action of lying ④ cruel treatment


Did you suspect that the entire was an elaborate deception?

① large party ② death

③ invitation ④ hoax


You had better defer to your old man's wishes.

① yield ② postpone
③ show respect ④ disregard


She is under the delusion that I'm going to give her a lot of money.

① hypothesis ② miracle
③ condition ④ fallacy


Whoever did this must have been demented; no sane person would have acted
in such a way.

① insane ② insoluble
③ irrelevant ④ incessant

The destitute family is given an allowance.

① impoverished ② anomalous
③ frigid ④ perpetual


The situation is bound to deteriorate.

① come about ② continue

③ become worse ④ improve


Such activities would be detrimental to our interest.

① lucid ② deductive
③ delusive ④ damaging


It wasn't discreet of you to call him around midnight.

① intelligent ② violent
③ wealthy ④ prudent


The two reports have a lot of discrepancies.

① mistakes ② matters
③ differences ④ misunderstanding


The Red Cross dispensed food and clothing to the flood victim.

① alloted ② overdone
③ swiped ④ bartered


Professor Clark continued his research work and disregarded his colleague's

① ignored ② deplored
③ explored ④ implored

The compromise was welcomed by all the strikers a small dissident group who
felt that the raises were too small.

① dissenting ② harsh
③ foolish ④ hasty


I cannot tell you the secret unless you promise not to divulge it.

① deluge ② destroy
③ disclose ④ raze


At first he was _______ by the amount of responsibility the new job involved

① daunted ② abashed
③ threatened ④ surpassed

101 ② complicity [kəmplísəti] n. 공모, 연루
102 ② comprehensible [kɑ̀mprihénsəbəl / kɔ̀m-] a. 이해할 수 있는
103 ④ concede [kənsíːd] v. 인정하다
104 ① conceivable [kənsíːvəbəl] a. 상상할 수 있는
105 ④ condemn [kəndém] vt. 비난하다, 형을 선고하다
106 ③ condone [kəndóun] vt. 용서하다
107 ② confirmed [kənfə́ːrmd] a. 확립된, 만성의
108 ② congestion [kəndʒéstʃən] n. 혼잡, 체증
109 ③ congruous [kɑ́ŋgruəs / kɔ́ŋ-] a. 일치하는
110 ① consecutive [kənsékjətiv] a. 연속적인
111 ② contaminate [kəntǽmənèit] v. 오염시키다
112 ③ contemplate [kɑ́ntəmplèit / kɔ́ntem-] v. 심사숙고하다
113 ① contingent [kəntíndʒənt] a. 우연한, 달려 있는(dependent), 조건으로 하는, 대표

114 ① contention [kənténʃən] n. 다툼, 논쟁
115 ② convert [kənvə́ːrt] v. 바꾸다
116 ③ conviction [kənvíkʃən] n. 확신, 유죄판결
117 ① counterfeit [káuntərfìt] a. 가짜(의)
118 ④ cozy [kóuzi] a. 아늑한
119 ① credulous [krédʒələs] a. 쉽게 믿는, 잘 속는
120 ④ culmination [kʌ̀lmənéiʃən] n. 절정
121 ③ cultivate: 경작하다, 기르다
122 ② curator: 관장, 감독
123 ④ curtail: 줄이다
124 ② circumvent: 피하다, 좌절시키다
125 ③ collaborate: 협력하다
126 ① corroborate: 확립하다
127 ④ commence: 시작하다
128 ② commensurate: 비례하는, 동일한
129 ③ conciliator: 조정자
130 ② conform: 따르다, 맞추다
131 ③ consecrate: 바치다, 헌납하다
132 ② convene: 모이다, 소환하다
133 ③ contrariwise: 반대로
134 ① contradictory: 모순된
135 ② decadent: 쇠퇴하는
136 ③ deceit: 속임수, 거짓
137 ④ deception: 속임, 거짓
138 ① defer 연기하다, 경의를 표하다, 양보하다, 따르다
139 ④ delusion: 미혹, 기만, 잘못된 생각
140 ① demented: 제정신이 아닌
141 ① destitute: 가난한
142 ③ deteriorate: 악화되다
143 ④ detrimental: 해로운
144 ④ discreet: 분별 있는, 신중한
145 ③ discrepancy: 불일치, 모순
146 ① dispense: 분배하다, 할당하다
147 ① disregard: 무시하다
148 ① dissident: 의견을 달리 하는
149 ③ divulge: 폭로하다
150 ① daunt: ~의 기세를 꺾다

Laziness, luxury, and a lack of initiative are characteristic of a ________ society.

① fashionable ② vehement
③ cultivated ④ decadent


Deceptive labeling of certain types of merchandise is not allowed under the Pure
Food and Drug Act of 1906.

① Alarming ② Misleading
③ Extravagant ④ Tasteless


If somebody is _________, he is given a medal or other honour as an official reward

for what he has done.

① decorated ② appreciated
③ nominated ④ confirmed


As educators, we must recognize that the problems of older students stem more
often from those of obsolescence than decrement.

① decrease ② increment
③ implement ④ dissipation


A deficiency in zinc can cause birth defects in rodents.

① A lack of ② A defect in
③ An overdose of ④ An impurity in


He was as deft at handling complaints as he was at tennis.

① intelligent ② angry
③ skillful ④ crude

The paper was originally prepared for delivery to the Climate Conference held in
Zurich last year.

① labor ② transfer
③ presentation ④ emancipation


The deluge of information generated in recent years placed a burden on the


① chaos ② dagger
③ drought ④ flood


Our own country is considered utterly depraved.

① submitted ② sublimated
③ wrecked ④ corrupt


Nobody at work is very happy, because last week's sales figures were pretty

① destroying ② depressing
③ deflowering ④ defining


Which of the following suggests that a team is being derided?

① "Give us a break!"
② "go and get'em!"
③ We're a number-one!"
④ You guys are losers!"


I could only just descry the vessel in full sail, at such a distance that I soon lost
sight of it.

① pull ② send
③ understand ④ discern

The men were so ________ after being without food for seventy-two hours that the
doctors injected fluids.

① desiccated ② invigorated
③ extirpated ④ mitigated


The visual receptors of insects provide poor image formation, but are excellent for
detecting movement and often have a very wide field of view.

① interpreting ② inducing
③ provoking ④ perceiving


They found the music detestable.

① beautiful ② abominable
③ fantastic ④ deserving


The situation is bound to deteriorate.

① come about ② continue

③ become worse ④ improve


She united the knots with dexterous fingers.

① written ② wrong
③ helpful ④ skillful


Her coffee was too strong, so Ellen diluted it with milk.

① soaked ② attenuated
③ softened ④ razed

The comparison would not reveal such a discrepancy in the knowledge acquired.

① discretion ② discredit
③ difference ④ discomfort


It is catharsis for those who are dismayed by something their country is doing.

① encouraged ② discouraged
③ favored ④ sided


You can become dismissive of people who are different.

① contemptuous ② appreciate
③ inquisitive ④ conscious


Some beliefs are patently and clearly false even though there is little evidence to
__________ them.

① verify ② clarify
③ impute ④ disprove


The country seems to be better set up to disseminate the latest sports research.

① review ② spread
③ investigate ④ finance


War and drought destroy the economy, and then the people will need _______ food.

① civilian ② vacant
③ military ④ donated


A strike is usually resorted to only when less ________ measures fail.

① mercenary ② drastic
③ urgent ④ preferable


Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft to rust easily, or have
some other drawback.

① property ② additive
③ disadvantage ④ disparity


The prisoner was thrown into a _________ that was dark, and filthy.

① station ② terminal
③ suburb ④ dungeon


Can this be a duplicate of the document?

① summary ② revision
③ outline ④ copy


The front-wheel drive car offers durability and stability on the highway.

① endurance ② good mileage

③ comfort ④ good speed


When they appeared in eccentric clothing, everybody looked at them.

① strange and peculiar ② heavily accented

③ bold and colorful ④ very noble


My steak, though delicious, was mostly fat and bones. Very little of it was

① enigma ② glutton
③ edible ④ energy

The scars of battle were effaced during the incident.

① wiped off ② effective

③ groped ④ stashed


Elated is the same as _________.

① empty ② overjoyed
③ depressed ④ enlarged


The army interpretor tried to draw forth information from the captured soldier.

① exclude ② eradicate
③ expire ④ elicit


From time to time, extinct mammoths have been found buried in ice.

① imprisoned ② crushed
③ conserved ④ embedded


Suffering need not be __________ but can be a source of knowledge.

① desperate ② embittering
③ perceptive ④ contrite


He ran his fingers over the letters to see if they had been ________.

① written ② irradiated
③ eluded ④ embossed


Cathode emits electrons in a controlled environment.

① submits ② gives off
③ rejects ④ passes by


Lorelei on the rock enchanted him with her fascinating melodies.

① hankered ② encountered
③ attracted ④ qualified

Does fear _________ a memory more deeply in our minds than do happiness and

① erase ② confer
③ resolve ④ engrave


Margaret Mead's reputation was established with the publication of her first book in
1928 and was enhanced by her many subsequent contribution to anthropology.

① obscured ② deteriorated
③ heightened ④ restored


The lover of democracy has an enmity to totalitarianism.

① repugnance ② empathy
③ sympathy ④ antipodes


The monotonous routine of hospitable life induced a feeling of ennui which made
him moody and irritable.

① boredom ② enrapture
③ brevity ④ candor


When the telephone was a relatively new contraption, people often regarded it as
too ephemeral for important communications.

① speedy ② clumsy
③ inconvenient ④ transient


He lived with the poorest Arabs and shared their unaccustomed food, all with

① composure ② equality
③ kindness ④ dignity


No one believed that the Supreme Court decision was equitable.

① unjust ② unfair
③ unreasonable ④ unbiased


Some reports suggested lowering blood cholesterol help prevent heart disease, but
some others have been equivocal.

① paradoxical ② inconsistent
③ ambivalent ④ controversial


Many countries have now succeeded in _________ the malarial mosquito.

① eradicating ② eroding
③ erecting ④ establishing


With the advent of farming, people no longer knew all the members of their village
communities. The resulting estrangement produced social disorder.

① weirdness ② alienation
③ familarity ④ strangulation


A speech full of great praise for a particular person is _________.

① a eulogy ② a tirade
③ an epilogue ④ an incantation

151 ④ decadent [dékədənt, dikéidənt] a. 쇠퇴하는

152 ② deceptive [diséptiv] a. 현혹시키는
153 ③ nominate [nɑ́mənèit / nɔ́m-] v. 지명하다
154 ① decrement [dékrəmənt] n. 감소
155 ① deficiency [difíʃənsi] n. 부족, 결핍
156 ③ deft [deft] a. 능숙한
157 ② delivery [dilívəri] n. 전달
158 ④ deluge [déljuːdʒ] n. 대홍수
159 ④ deprave [dipréiv] vt. 타락시키다, 부패시키다
160 ② depressing [diprésiŋ] a. 우울한
161 ④ deride [diráid] vt. 조소하다, 조롱하다
162 ④ descry [diskrái] vt. 발견하다, 식별하다
163 ① desiccate [désikèit] v. 건조시키다, 생기를 잃게하다
164 ④ detect [ditékt] vt. 찾아내다, 탐지하다
165 ② detestable [ditéstəbəl] a. 몹시 싫은
166 ③ deteriorate [ditíəriərèit] v. 악화하다
167 ④ dextrous [dékstrəs] a. 능숙한
168 ② dilute [dilúːt, dai-] v. 묽게 하다
169 ③ discrepancy [diskrépənsi] n. 불일치, 모순
170 ② dismay [disméi] v. 당황하게 하다, 실망시키다
171 ① dismissive [dismísiv] a. 그만두게 하는, 경멸적인
172 ④ disprove [disprúːv] vt. 논박하다, ~의 그릇됨을 증명하다
173 ② disseminate [disémənèit] v. 흩뿌리다, 살포하다
174 ④ donate [dóuneit, dounéit] vt. 기부하다, 주다
175 ② drastic [drǽstik] a. 격렬한, 과감한
176 ③ drawback [drɔ́ːbæ̀k] n. 결점, 단점
177 ④ dungeon [dʌ́ndʒən] n. 토굴감옥
178 ④ duplicate [djúːpləkèit] v. 복사하다
179 ① durability [djùərəbíləti] n. 오래 견딤, 내구성
180 ① eccentric [ikséntrik, ek-] a. 보통과 다른, 괴상한
181 ③ edible [édəbəl] a. 먹을 수 있는
182 ① efface [iféis] vt. 지우다, 삭제하다
183 ② elated [iléitid] a. 의기양양한, 우쭐대는
184 ④ elicit [ilísit] vt. 끌어내다, 유도하다
185 ④ embed [imbéd] vt. 끼워 넣다, 묻다
186 ② embitter [imbítər] vt. 비참하게 하다, 쓰게 하다
187 ④ emboss [embɔ́s, -bɑ́s, im-] vt. 도드라지게 하다, 부풀리다
188 ② emit [imít] vt. 발산하다
189 ③ enchant [entʃǽnt, -tʃɑ́ːnt] vt. 매혹하다
190 ④ engrave [engréiv] vt. 조각하다, 새겨두다
191 ③ enhance [enhǽns, -hɑ́ːns] v. 높이다
192 ① enmity [énməti] n. 반감, 불화
193 ① ennui [ɑ́ːnwíː, --́; F. ɑ̃nɥi] n. 권태, 지루함
194 ④ ephemeral [ifémərəl] a. 일시적인, 덧없는
195 ① equanimity [ìːkwəníməti, èk-] n. 평정
196 ④ equitable [ékwətəbəl] a. 공평한
197 ③ equivocal [ikwívəkəl] a. 모호한
198 ① eradicate [irǽdəkèit] vt. 박멸하다, 근절하다
199 ② estrangement [istréindƷmənt] n. 소원함, 이간
200 ① eulogy [júːlədʒi] n. 찬사

A longer war would hurt the U.S. at home, exacerbating racial tensions because of
the disproportionate number of blacks in the front lines.

① alleviating ② extinguishing
③ rectifying ④ aggravating
disproportionate [dìsprəpɔ́ːrʃənit] a. 불균형의, 어울리지 않는
alleviate [əlíːvièit] vt. 경감하다, 완화하다
extinguish [ikstíŋgwiʃ] vt. (빛·불 따위를) 끄다; (화재를) 소화시키다, 진화하다
rectify [réktəfài] vt. 개정[수정]하다
aggravate [ǽgrəvèit] vt. 악화시키다


Accounting is a very exacting profession; there is no room for error.

① exciting ② meticulous
③ scientific ④ tiring


Father, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the instruction of

① deceive ② coax
③ frighten ④ infuriate
bring up 기르다
coax [kouks] v. 감언으로 설득하다, 어르다
infuriate [infjúərièit] vt. 격노케 하다

The punishment was exemplary.

① completely undeserved ② very mild

③ extremely severe ④ meant as a warning


If you go on a healthy diet, you may be able to burn off expendable calories.

① expensive ② expanded
③ can be used ④ unnecessary

The trade agreement between the two countries will expire in three years.

① cease ② negotiate
③ amend ④ adopt
cease [siːs] v. 그만두다
amend [əménd] v. 개정하다, 수정하다


She gave explicit directions about the way the rug should be cleaned.

① exact ② contrary
③ avertable ④ ambiguous
avert [əvə́ːrt] vt. 돌리다, 비키다, 피하다
ambiguous [æmbígjuəs] a. 애매[모호]한


The aim of life is to achieve something new. it is the same in science, business or
mountain-climbing. Man prides himself in exploiting new fields.

① expropriating ② exploring
③ extracting ④ exposing
expropriate [ekspróuprièit] vt. (토지·재산 등을) 빼앗다
extract [ikstrǽkt] vt. 뽑아내다


They hoped to exterminate the insects.

① destroy ② drive away

③ prevent ④ preserve


They have sharp claws for extracting grubs from holes.

① unearthing ② digging
③ averting ④ removing
unearth [ʌnə́ːrɵ] vt. (땅 속에서) 발굴하다, 파내다, 밝히다


Everyone present at the meeting considered his remark to be extraneous.

① significant ② irrelevant
③ essential ④ pertinent
irrelevant [iréləvənt] a. 부적절한, 무관계한
pertinent [pə́ːrtənənt] a. 타당한, 적절한


That site was eliminated.

① made even ② ruled out

③ exposed ④ drawn out
rule out 배제하다
draw out 꺼내다, 뽑아내다, (계획을) 세우다, (서류를) 작성하다


Cathode emits electrons in a controlled environment.

① submits ② gives off

③ rejects ④ passes by
give off 발산하다


The Salk Vaccine is a major factor in the fight to eradicate polio.

① completely destroy ② carefully disguise

③ sustain ④ contain
disguise [disgáiz] vt. 변장[가장]하다
sustain [səstéin] vt. (아래서) 떠받치다


There has been much erudite discussion about the origin of names.

① interesting ② boring
③ scholarly ④ important


Although the work needs to be done more exhaustively, efforts have been made
to collect the songs and ballads of the American Revolution.

① precisely ② selectively
③ frantically ④ completely
frantically [frǽntikəli] ad. 미친 듯이, 광포하게


At first I was blamed for damaging Dad's typewriter, but when my sister said
she was responsible, I was exonerated.

① set free ② freed from blame

③ disproved ④ prohibited
set free 풀어주다, 해방하다
disprove [disprúːv] vt. ~의 반증을 들다, 논박하다(=refute)
prohibit [prouhíbit] vt. 금지하다


The farmer extricated the dog from the barbed-wire fence.

① rankled ② removed
③ vaunted ④ scrutinized
rankle [rǽŋk-əl] v. ~을 괴롭히다, ~을 짜증나게 하다
vaunt [vɔːnt, vɑːnt] v. 자랑하다, 뽐내다
scrutinize [skrúːt-ənàiz] v. 자세히 조사하다, 음미하다


It takes a long time to efface memories.

① erase ② convulse
③ edify ④ elude
convulse [kənvʌ́ls] vt. 진동시키다, ~에 큰 소동을 일으키게 하다, ~에게 경련을 일으키
게 하다
edify [édəfài] vt. 교화[훈도]하다
elude [ilúːd] vt. (추적·벌·책임 따위를) 교묘히 피하다

The children wore their satin ribbons embellished with a picture of fountain.

① made ② attached
③ adorned ④ improved
adorn [ədɔ́ːrn] vt. 꾸미다, 장식하다


The effect of this forceful poem will be greatly enhanced by contrast.

① augmented ② accused
③ considered ④ exculpated
augment [ɔːgmént] v. 늘리다, 증대시키다
exculpate [ékskʌlpèit, iks-́-] vt. 무죄로 하다


What enchants him in this case was the nicety of procedure, which began by
deceiving and ended by murdering.

① embarrasses ② attracts
③ imprisons ④ imputes
nicety [náis-əti] n. 정확, 정밀
impute [impjúːt] vt. (불명예 따위를) ~에게 돌리다, ~의 탓으로 하다(ascribe)


Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is a great eulogy.

① oration of praise ② high recommendation

③ speech of sorrow ④ poem of the dead
oration [ɔːréiʃən] n. 연설


The expression, "He passed away." is a euphemism for "He died."

① direct expression ② instant phrase

③ mild expression ④ representative word

The speaker extolled the accomplishments of the candidate.

① praised very much ② implored sadly

③ spoke ill of ④ overrated to excess
implore [implɔ́ːr] v. (~을) 애원[탄원]하다
speak ill of 욕하다, 헐뜯다
overrate [òuvəréit] vt. 과대평가하다
to excess 지나치게


His extravagance explains why he is always in debt.

① being sensuous ② strange personality

③ overflowing ④ wasteful habit
sensuous [sénʃuəs] a. 감각적인, 오감에 의한


The Western Baseball League was a 19-th century forerunner of the modern
major leagues.

① player ② dictator
③ transformer ④ ancestor


She's never a cheerful person; she always forebodes that the worst will

① doubts ② feels
③ rumours ④ denounces
denounce [dináuns] vt. 공공연히 비난[공격]하다


What a shock to find that the entire story was a fabrication!

① lie ② product
③ build up ④ cloth


We are involved in a war whose fallout is disrupting our internal life.

① aftermath ② failure
③ attack ④ destruction
aftermath [-mæ̀ɵ] n. 그루갈이, (전쟁·재해 따위의) 결과, 여파, 영향


A famine of idea is no better than a famine of food.

① scarcity ② a little
③ much ④ sufficiency


They fully expected to find that men and women dwelling alone fared worst in
survival rates.

① charted ② functioned
③ charged ④ managed


It is not economically feasible to take gold out of sea water.

① productive ② practicable
③ impossible ④ favorable


He did not go to work, and he ____________ illness.

① acted ② was
③ presumed ④ feigned


The dogs in apartment 6F sound ferocious.

① gentle ② fierce
③ mean ④ stupid


The spy used a fictitious name while dealing with the enemy.

① funny ② real
③ false ④ foreign

We see how the artist's fidelity has strengthened the fiber of our national life.

① faithfulness ② ability
③ patriotism ④ betrayal
fidelity [fidéləti, fai-] n. 충실, 충성, 성실
patriotism [péitriətìzəm / pǽt-] n. 애국심
betrayal [bitréiəl] n. 배반(행위), 폭로, 밀고


Finances can consist of a combination of stocks, bonds, and properties.

① Exceptions ② Assets
③ Donations ④ Bequests
donation [dounéiʃən] n. 증여, 기증
bequest [bikwést] n. 유증, 유산, 유물


Certain community groups on the East Side have opposed plans to __________
its slums and replace them with modern projects.

① reconstruct ② alleviate
③ flatten ④ alter
flatten [flǽtn] v. 평평[반반]하게 하다, 고르다, 펴다(=level), 쓰러뜨리다(=prostrate)
alter [ɔ́ːltər] v. (모양·성질 등을)바꾸다, 변경하다


Do you know why the wings of an airplane are flexible?

① pliant ② upstream
③ durable ④ giant
pliant [pláiənt] a. 휘기 쉬운, 나긋나긋한, 유연한(=pliable)
upstream [ʌ́pstríːm] a. 상류로 향하는, 흐름을 거슬러 올라가는
durable [djúərəbəl] a. 오래 견디는, 튼튼한


The car hit a wall and __________ over several times, but the driver was not
① flipped ② flair
③ fluttered ④ flecked
flip [flip]v, 튀기다, 홱 던지다
flair [flɛər] n. 날카로운 안식(眼識), 제6감, 재주, 재능
flutter [flʌ́təːr] v. 퍼덕거리다, 날개 치며 날다
fleck [flek] n. (피부의) 반점, 주근깨(=freckle) vt. ~에 점점이 있다 「수동태」 (┅로) 얼
룩덜룩해 있다


My supervisor __________ the letter carefully before putting in the envelope.

① folded ② bent
③ turned ④ curved


Many tourists are attracted by the autumn foliage.

① weather ② leaves
③ festivals ④ harvest


Our defeat in the championship game was foreshadowed by injuries to two of

our star players in a previous game.

① imprecated ② indicated beforehand

③ vindicated ④ placed side by side
imprecate [ímprikèit] vt. (아무에게 재난·불행이 있기를) 빌다, 방자하다
beforehand [bifɔ́ːrhæ̀nd] ad., a. 미리, 사전에
vindicate [víndəkèit] vt. ~의 정당함[진실임]을 입증하다, 변호하다, 옹호하다


Making oil from ocean water is a formidable enterprise.

① contemptible ② frightening
③ developing ④ loathsome
contemptible [kəntémptəbəl] a. 멸시할 만한, 경멸할 만한
loathsome [lóuðsəm] a. 싫은, 지긋지긋한, 불쾌한(=disgusting)

You don't foul your own nest.

① disgrace ② destroy
③ build ④ dissect
dissect [disékt, dai-] v. 해부[절개(切開)]하다


It is a fragile package.

① light ② breakable
③ temporary ④ priceless


After his illness, the old man appeared so thin and _________ that a gust of
wind might have blown him.

① frail ② stubborn
③ obstinate ④ adamant
gust [gʌst] n. 돌풍, 일진의 바람, 질풍
frail [freil] a. 무른, 부서지기 쉬운; (체질이) 약한
stubborn [stʌ́bəːrn] a. 완고한, 고집센
obstinate [ɑ́bstənit / ɔ́b-] a. 완고한, 억지센
adamant [ǽdəmənt, -mæ̀nt] a. 더없이 단단한, 완강한, 불굴의


Someone who is __________ talks a great deal, especially about things that are
not important.

① grotesque ② vigorous
③ garrulous ④ gregarious
⑤ gallant
grotesque [groutésk] a. 기괴한, 이상한
vigorous [vígərəs] a. 정력 왕성한, 원기 왕성한
gregarious [grigɛ́əriəs] a. 군생하는, (사람이) 사교적인
gallant [gǽlənt] a. 씩씩한, 용감한

A few technological failures might suffice to ___________ a bankruptcy of

① rise ② hold
③ generate ④ assume
suffice [səfáis, -fáiz] v. 족하다, 충분하다
bankruptcy [bǽŋkrʌptsi, -rəpsi] n. 파산, 도산

201 ④ exacerbate [igzǽsərbèit, iksǽs-] vt. 화나게 하다, 자극하다
202 ② exacting [igzǽktiŋ] a., 가혹한, 엄한 meticulous[mətíkjələs] a. 세심한, 엄밀한
203 ④ exasperate [mətíkjələs] a. 화나게 하다
204 ④ exemplary [igzémpləri] a. 모범적인, 전형적인
205 ④ expendable [ikspéndəbəl] a. 소모용의, 불필요한
206 ① expire [ikspáiər] v. 만기가 되다, 끝나다
207 ① explicit [iksplísit] a. 명백한, 분명한
208 ② exploit [éksplɔit, iksplɔ́it] v. 이용하다, 개발하다
209 ① exterminate [ikstə́ːrmənèit] vt. 근절하다
210 ④ extract [ikstrǽkt] vt. 뽑아내다, 추출하다
211 ② extraneous [ikstréiniəs] a. 관계없는, 외부로부터의
212 ② eliminate [ikstréiniəs] a. 제거하다
213 ② emit [imít] vt. 발산하다
214 ① eradicate [irǽdəkèit] vt. 근절하다
215 ③ erudite [érjudàit] a. 박식한
216 ④ exhaustively [igzɔ́ːstivli] ad. 철저하게
217 ② exonerate [igzɑ́nərèit / -zɔ́n-] v. 해방하다, 혐의를 벗겨주다
218 ② extricate [ékstrəkèit] vt. 해방하다, 탈출시키다
219 ① efface [iféis] vt. 지우다
220 ③ embellish [imbéliʃ, em-] vt. 아름답게 하다, 장식하다
221 ① enhance [enhǽns, -hɑ́ːns] v. 높이다, 향상하다
222 ② enchant [entʃǽnt, -tʃɑ́ːnt] vt 유혹하다
223 ① eulogy [júːlədʒi] n. 찬사
224 ③ euphemism [júːfəmìzəm] n. 완곡어법
225 ① extol [ikstóul] vt. 극구칭찬하다
226 ④ extravagance [ikstrǽvəgəns] n. 사치, 낭비
227 ④ forerunner [fɔ́ːrrʌ̀nəːr, --́-] n. 선구자, 선조
228 ② forebode [fɔːrbóud] v. 예감하다
229 ① fabrication [fæ̀brikéiʃən] n. 조작, 거짓
230 ① fallout [fɔ́ːlàut] n. 부수적인 결과, (방사성)낙진
231 ① famine [fǽmin] n. 기근, 부족
232 ④ fare [fɛər] n. 지내다, 대우받다
233 ② feasible[fíːzəbəl] a. 실행할 수 있는
234 ④ feign [fein] v. ~인 체하다
235 ② ferocious [fəróuʃəs] a. 사나운, 잔인한
236 ③ fictitious [fiktíʃəs] a. 가짜의
237 ② fiber [fáibər] n. 소질, 섬유
238 ② finance [finǽns, fáinæns] n. 재정, 재력, 재원
239 ③ flatten [flǽtn] v. 쓰러뜨리다, 평평하게 하다
240 ① flexible [fléksəbəl] a. 구부릴 수 있는, 유연한
241 ① flip [flip] vt. 뒤집다, 튀기다
242 ① fold [fould] n. 접다
243 ② foliage [fóuliidʒ] n. 잎
244 ② foreshadow [fɔːrʃǽdou] vt. ~의 전조가 되다, 예시하다
245 ② formidable [fɔ́ːrmidəb-əl] a. 무서운, 굉장한
246 ① foul [faul] a. 더럽히다 cf. foul one's own nest 자기 집안[당(黨)]의 일을 나쁘게
247 ② fragile [frǽdʒəl / -dʒail] a. 깨지기 쉬운
248 ① frail [freil] a. 연약한
249 ③ garrulous [gǽrjələs] a. 수다스러운
250 ③ generate [ʤénərèit] vt. 새겨나게 하다, 유발하다

Software a generic term for the sets of programs which control a computer.

① specific ② technical
③ scientific ④ general


The jeweler reported that the diamonds were genuine.

① perfect ② imitation
③ real ④ valuable


Great books are universally germane.

① conquer ② puny
③ relevant ④ innocuous
puny [pjúːni] a. 자그마한, 미약한
relevant [réləvənt] a. (당면한 문제에) 관련된, 적절한
innocuous [inɑ́kjuːəs / inɔ́k-] a. 무해한(=harmless)


A glossy coat is a sign of good health in a dog.

① shiny ② shaggy
③ thick ④ groomed
shaggy [ʃǽgi] a. 털북숭이의, 털이 텁수룩한
groom [gru(ː)m] vt. (말을) 손질하다, 돌보다


The real estate broker goaded the couple to put down deposit.

① asked ② forced
③ guided ④ urged
real estate 부동산
put down deposit 보증금을 지급하다


When the man handed the boy a coin, he grabbed it and ran.
① seized ② dropped
③ looked ④ touched


With a __________ period of 4 years, the loans will be repayable in 4 years.

① grace ② temporal
③ hard ④ fixed
temporal [témp-ərəl]a. 시간의, 일시적인(=temporary)


In preindustrial societies, changes in customs occur gradually.

① by degrees ② persistently
③ through spells ④ haphazardly
preindustrial [prìːindʌ́striəl] a. 산업화 이전의, 산업혁명 전의
by degrees 점차로
persistent [pəːrsístənt. -zíst-] a. 고집하는, 완고한, 영속하는
haphazard [hǽphæ̀zərd] n. 우연(한 일) a. 우연한


There is no fee for the vise; it is issued gratis.

① gratefully ② graciously
③ gratuitously ④ gradually
vise, vice [vais] n. 〖기계〗 바이스
grateful [gréitfəl] a. 감사하고 있는, 고마워하는
gratuitous [grətjúːətəs] a. ① 무료의, 이유[원인] 없는, 불필요한(=uncalled-for), 정당
성이 없는


They have subverted me with guile.

① smile ② difficulty
③ cajolery ④ deceit
subvert [səbvə́ːrt] vt. 뒤엎다, 멸망시키다, 파괴하다
cajolery [kədʒóuləri] n. 감언, 아첨
deceit [disíːt] n. 속임, 사기

A young woman of modest guise was standing before a shop window.

① appearance ② height
③ age ④ behavior


Many different racial and cultural groups are to be found in the heterogeneous
population of a large city.

① new ② varied
③ crowded ④ intractable
varied [vɛ́ərid] a. 가지가지의, 다채로운
intractable [intrǽktəbəl] a. 말을 듣지 않는, 고집센


The hallmark of Jefferson's life was self-confidence.

① symbol mark ② religion

③ distinguishing characteristic ④ weakness


The new president handpicked the chief officials.

① removed ② managed
③ selected ④ challenged


Raised for its milk, meat and hide, the reindeer is also used to haul things
from place to place.

① pull ② push
③ direct ④ send
hide [haid] v. 숨기다 n. 가죽
reindeer [réindìəːr] n. (pl. ∼s, 「집합적」 ∼) 〖동물〗 순록(馴鹿)


Nero might well be termed one of history's most famous hedonists.

① spiritual leaders ② pleasure-seekers

③ gourmets ④ connoisseurs
gourmet [gúərmei, --́] n. 요리나 술의 맛에 감식력이 있는 사람, 미식가
connoisseur [kɑ̀nəsə́ːr, -súər / kɔ̀n-] n. (미술품 등의) 감식가; (그 방면의) 전문가


The fragrant scent of the lilac is said to herald the beginning of spring.

① announce ② symbolize
③ hasten ④ exult
fragrant [fréigrənt] a. 냄새 좋은, 향기로운
hasten [héisn] v. 서두르다
exult [igzʌ́lt] vi. 크게 기뻐하다, 기뻐 날뛰다


Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century.

① the hardest time ② the most prosperous time

③ imitation ④ decline


Though the critics were not enthusiastic, we thought the play was very funny.

① gregarious ② anomalous
③ lustrous ④ hilarious
gregarious [grigɛ́əriəs] a. 군생하는, (사람이) 사교적인
anomalous [ənɑ́mələs / ənɔ́m-] a. 변칙의, 파격의
lustrous [lʌ́strəs] a. 광택 있는, 번쩍이는
hilarious [hilɛ́əriəs, hai-] a. 들뜬, 명랑한, 즐거운


Words which are similar in sound are _________.

① synonyms ② phonetic
③ homogeneous ④ homonyms
synonymy [sinɑ́nəmi / -nɔ́n-] n. 유의(類義)[동의]어(성)
phonetic, ─ical [founétik], [-əl] a. 음성의, 음성상의
homogeneous [hòuməʤíːniəs, hɑ́m-] a. 동종[동질, 균질]의
homonym [hɑ́mənìm / hɔ́m-] n. 동음이의어(同音異議語)

His hostile manner kept children from warming up to him.

① formal ② unfriendly
③ refined ④ improper
refined [rifáind] a. 정련한, 정제한, 세련된
improper [imprɑ́pər / -prɔ́p-] a. 부적당한, 타당치 않은


An example of hyperbole is "I've told you a million times not to use that word."

① exaggeration ② euphemism
③ persuasion ④ oxymoron
exaggeration [igzæ̀dʒəréiʃən] n. 과장
euphemism [júːfəmìzəm] n. 완곡어법
oxymoron [ɑ̀ksimɔ́ːrɑn / ɔ̀ksimɔ́ːrɔn] n. 모순 어법


I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for I know he is interested only in

his own advancement.

① random ② deceiving
③ potential ④ lagging
deceive [disíːv] v. 속이다, 기만하다
potential [pouténʃəl] a. 잠재적인
lagging [lǽgiŋ] a. 늦은, 느린


King Sejong recognized that more than four thousand Chinese characters
discouraged the __________.

① literate ② literacy
③ illiterate ④ illiteracy
⑤ literature
literate [lítərit] a. 읽고 쓸 수 있는
literacy [lítərəsi] n. 읽고 쓰는 능력
illiterate [ilítərit] a. 무식한, 문맹의
illiteracy [ilítərəsi] n. 문맹, 무학, 무식


The surprise attack was imminent.

① out of the way ② be about to break out

③ on the go ④ under the table
out of the way 방해가 안 되는
be about to+V 막 ~하려 하다
on the go 끊임없이 활동하여, 계속 일하여
under the table 곤드레만드레 취하여, 비밀히, 뇌물로서


Youth cannot accept death as inevitable. His mother is Nature, and he believes
himself to be, like her, _____________.

① immortal ② mortal
③ transient ④ seasonal
inevitable [inévitəbəl] a. 피할 수 없는
immortal [imɔ́ːrtl] a. 죽지 않는, 불후(不朽)의
transient [trǽnʃənt, -ʒənt, -ziənt] a. 일시적인(=passing), 순간적인
seasonal [síːzən-əl] a. 계절의


The fabric of modern society is not immune from decay.

① susceptible ② vexed
③ alike ④ free
fabric [fǽbrik] n. 직물, 천 편물, 구조, 조직, 구성
susceptible [səséptəbəl] a. 느끼기 쉬운, 민감한(of), (~에) 걸리기[영향받기] 쉬운
vexed [vekst] a. 속타는, 초조한


No attempts have been made to replace the older theory regarding the authority
of immutable values by conceptions more congruous with the practices of daily

① transcendent ② sublime
③ unchangeable ④ theoretical
⑤ unalienable
regarding [rigɑ́ːrdiŋ] prep. ~에 관하여(는), ~의 점에서는(=with regard to)
congruous [kɑ́ŋgruəs / kɔ́ŋ-] a. 일치하는, 적합한
transcendent [trænséndənt] a. 뛰어난, 탁월한
sublime [səbláim] a. 장대한, 장엄한, 숭고한
unalienable [ʌnéiljənəbəl] a. 양도할 수 없는


Continued irresponsible criticism of the leaders could impair efforts to ease

tension on the continent.

① cripple ② enhance
③ balance ④ control
cripple [krípəl] v. 불구[절름발이]가 되게 하다, 무능케 하다
enhance [enhǽns, -hɑ́ːns] v. 향상하다, (가치·능력·매력 따위를) 높이다


I don't think it is impartial of the teacher to flunk my biology exam.

① unbiased ② compatible
③ exonerate ④ effusive
unbiased [ʌ̀báiəst] n. 공평한, 편견이 없는
compatible [kəmpǽtəbəl] a. 양립하는, 모순되지 않는
exonerate [igzɑ́nərèit / -zɔ́n-] vt.결백을[무죄를] 증명하다, 면제[해제]하다, 해방하다
effusive [efjúːsiv] a. 심정을 토로하는, 감정이 넘쳐나는 듯한


She revealed her feelings in impetuous displays of spending and gambling.

① impulsive ② arrogant
③ dull ④ severe
impulsive [impʌ́lsiv] a. 충동적인
arrogant [ǽrəgənt] a. 거만[오만]한


Intellectual curiosity acts as an impelling force in science.

① a detergent ② a motivating
③ a resilient ④ a refining
detergent [ditə́ːrdʒənt] n. 청정제(劑), 세제 a. 깨끗하게 하는, 세정성의
motivate [móutəvèit] vt. ~에게 동기를 주다. 자극하다(=incite)
resilient [rizíljənt, -liənt] a. 되튀는, 탄력 있는(=buoyant)


The difference in the greenness of leaves in the morning and on the evening is
almost imperceptible.

① strange ② unattractive
③ unnoticeable ④ imperfect


Parental example is the best means of instilling social responsibility in children.

① ignoring ② practicing
③ moderating ④ implanting
ignore [ignɔ́ːr] vt. 무시하다
moderate [mɑ́-d-ərèit / mɔ́d-] v. 알맞도록 하다, 온건하게 하다, 완화하다
implant [implǽnt, -plɑ́ːnt] vt. (마음에) 심다, 불어넣다, 주입(注入)시키다(=instil)


What he implied was that you didn't tell the truth.

① communicated ② suggested
③ resolved ④ restricted
restricted [ristríktid] a. 한정된, 제한된


His listeners were amazed that such a thorough presentation could be made in
an impromptu speech.

① interesting ② informative
③ expressive ④ extemporaneous
expressive [iksprésiv] a. (~을) 표현하는, 표정[표현]이 풍부한
extemporaneous [ikstèmpəréiniəs] a. 준비 없는, 즉흥적인

I forgot the work of my speech, so I had to _____________.

① implore ② implicate
③ improve ④ improvise
implore [implɔ́ːr] v. (┅~을) 애원[탄원]하다, (아무에게) 애원하다
implicate [ímpləkèit] vt. 관련시키다, 휩쓸려들게 하다
improvise [ímprəvàiz] v. 즉석에서 하다[만들다]


He didn't return the money he had borrowed from me the other day. Today, he
was so shameless as to ask me another loan.

① imprudent ② impudent
③ improvised ④ impulsive
imprudent [imprúːdənt] a. 경솔한, 무분별한
impudent [ímpjədənt] a. 뻔뻔스러운, 철면피의
impulsive [impʌ́lsiv] a. 충동적인


Unfortunately, I made an inadvertent remark about Irma's failure while she was

① stylish ② thoughtless
③ forgiving ④ inedible
inedible [inédəbəl] a. 식용에 적합지 않은, 못 먹는


Major earthquakes are among the nature's most devastating events, causing an
incalculable loss of life and property.

① unmentionable ② unprofitable
③ insurmountable ④ immeasurable
devastating [dévəstèitiŋ] a. 황폐시키는, 파괴적인
unmentionable [ʌnménʃənəbəl] a. 입으로 말할 수 없는(=unspeakable), 말해서 안 될
unprofitable [ʌnprɑ́fitəbəl / -prɔ́f-] a. 수익 없는, 수지 안 맞는
insurmountable [ìnsərmáuntəbəl] a. 극복할 수 없는, 넘을 수 없는
immeasurable [iméʒərəbəl] a. 헤아릴[측정할] 수 없는, 끝없는

As electrical force increased, the wire became incandescent.

① cut ② dangerous
③ keen ④ radiant
keen [kiːn] a. 날카로운, 열심인
radiant [réidiənt] a. 빛나는, 밝은


In a country renowned for its clean air, 80% of household waste is incinerated.

① cleaned ② burned up
③ smuggled ④ smoked
renowned [rináund] a. 유명한, 명성이 있는
smuggle [smʌ́g-əl] v. 밀수입[밀수출]하다


The partners were too incompatible to stay in business together.

① odds ② uncongenial
③ harmonious ④ friendly
uncongenial [ʌ̀nkəndʒíːniəl] a. 마음[기호]에 맞지 않은


She felt it incumbent upon her to answer the letter immediately.

① derogatory ② insufficient
③ indispensable ④ obligatory
derogatory [dirɑ́gətɔ̀ːri ] a. (명예·인격 따위를) 손상시키는, 가치를 떨어뜨리는
indispensable [ìndispénsəbəl] a. 불가결의, 없어서는 안 될, 절대 필요한
obligatory [əblígətɔ̀ːri, ɑ́blig- / əblígətəri, ɔ́blig-] a. 의무로서 해야만 할, 의무적인


Insurance companies in certain states do not have to indemnify a diver who


① locate ② compensate
③ penalize ④ prosecute
compensate [kɑ́mpənsèit / kɔ́m-] v. ~에게 보상하다, 보충하다
penalize [píːnəlàiz, pén-] vt. 벌하다, 형을 과하다
prosecute [prɑ́səkjùːt / prɔ́-] v. 해내다, 수행하다


If the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will go to trial.

① charges ② acquits
③ condones ④ sentences
condone [kəndóun] vt. (죄·과실 특히 간통을) 용서하다
acquit [əkwít] vt. 석방하다, 무죄로 하다


Nearly half of the town's inhabitants are descendants of indigenous civilizations.

① native ② hard-working
③ backward ④ poor
descendant [diséndənt] n. 자손, 후예


I am ashamed of his indolence.

① laziness ② poverty
③ ignorance ④ audacity
audacity [ɔːdǽsəti] n. 대담, 뻔뻔스러움


I think your machine infringes on my patent.

① undergoes ② encroaches
③ taints ④ indicates
undergo [ʌ̀ndərgóu] vt. (영향·변화·조처·검사 따위를) 받다, 입다, (시련 등을) 경험하다
encroach [enkróutʃ] vi. 잠식[침해]하다, (남의 재산·권리 등을) 침해하다
taint [teint] v. 더럽히다, 오염시키다
indicate [índikèit] v. 가리키다

A person would have to be as ingenious as Robinson Crusoe himself to live in
that broken-down house.

① resourceful ② lonesome
③ romantic ④ courageous
resourceful [riːsɔ́ːrsfəl, -zɔ́ːrs-] a. 기략이 풍부한, 책략이 있는
lonesome [lóunsəm] a. 쓸쓸한

251 ④ generic [ʤənérik] a. 일반적인
252 ③ genuine [ʤénjuin] a. 진짜의
253 ③ germane [ʤəːrméin] a. 적절한
254 ① glossy [glɔ́(ː)si, glɑ́si] a 광택 있는, 빛나는
255 ④ goad [goud] vt. 자극하다, 선동하다, 재촉해서 ~하게 하다
256 ① grab [græb] v. 움켜쥐다
257 ① grace period 유예기간
258 ① gradually [grǽʤuəli] ad. 점차로
259 ③ gratis [gréitis, grǽt-] a., ad. 무료로
260 ④ guile [gail] n. 교활, 기만, 속임수
261 ① guise [gaiz] n. 외관, 외모
262 ② heterogeneous [hètərəʤíːniəs, -njəs] a 이질적인, 다양한
263 ③ hallmark [hɔ́ːlmɑ̀ːrk] n. 검증, 증명, 특징
264 ③ handpick [hændpík] vt. 직접 고르다, 선발하다
265 ① haul [hɔ́ːl] v. 잡아당기다
266 ② hedonist [híːdənist] n. 쾌락주의자
267 ① herald [hérəld] n. 전령, 선구자, 알리다
268 ② heyday [héidèi] n. 전성기
269 ④ hilarious [hilɛ́əriəs, hai-] a. 즐거운, 재미있는
270 ① synonym [sínənim] n. 동의어
271 ② hostile [hɑ́stil / hɔ́stail] a. 적대적인
272 ① hyperbole [haipə́ːrbəl̀iː] n. 과장
273 ② hypocritical [hìpəkrítikəl] a. 위선의
274 ③ illiterate [ilítərit] a. 읽고 쓸 줄도 모르는 the illiterate 문맹인들
275 ② imminent [ímənənt] a. 긴박한, 임박한
276 ① immortal [imɔ́ːrtl] a. 불멸의
277 ④ immune [imjúːn] a. 면한, 면제한
278 ③ immutable [imjúːtəbəl] a. 불변의
279 ① impair [impɛ́ər] vt. 상하게 하다, 해치다
280 ① impartial [impɑ́ːrʃəl] a. 공정한
281 ① impetuous [impétʃuəs] a. 격렬한, 성급한, 충동적인
282 ② impel [impél] vt. 재촉하다, 촉구하다, 추진시키다
283 ③ imperceptible [ìmpərséptəbəl] a. 알아차릴 수 없는, 미미한
284 ④ instill[instíl] vt. 스며들게 하다, 주입시키다
285 ② imply [implái] vt. 암시하다
286 ④ impromptu [imprɑ́mptjuː / -prɔ́m-] a. 즉흥적인
287 ④ improvise [ímprəvàiz] v. 즉흥적으로 만들다[대처하다]
288 ② impudent [ímpjədənt] a. 뻔뻔스러운, 건방진
289 ② inadvertent [ìnədvə́ːrtənt] a. 부주의한
290 ④ incalculable [inkǽlkjələbəl] a. 헤아릴 수 없는, 무수히 많은
291 ④ incandescent [ìnkəndésənt] a. 백열의, 빛나는
292 ② incinerate [insínərèit] v. 태워서 재로 만들다
293 ② incompatible [ìnkəmpǽtəbəl] a. 맞지 않는, 공존할 수 없는
294 ④ incumbent [inkʌ́mbənt] a. 의지하는, 강제의, 현직의
295 ② indemnify [indémnəfài] vt. 배상[보상]하다
296 ① indict [indáit] vt. 기소하다
297 ①· indigenous [indídʒənəs] a. 토착의, 고유의
298 ① indolence [índələns] n. 게으름(=sloth)
299 ② infringe [infríndʒ] v. 침해하다, 위반하다
300 ① ingenious [indʒíːnjəs] a. 독창적인, 발명의 재주가 있는, 영리한

He is too ___________ to try to deceive you.

① illiterate ② ingenious
③ ingenuous ④ gratuitous
illiterate [ilítərit] a. 무식한, 문맹의
ingenious [indʒíːnjəs] a. (발명품·장치·안 등이) 교묘한, 독창적인
gratuitous [grətjúːətəs] a. 무료의, 이유[원인] 없는, 불필요한, 정당성이 없는


Freedom of speech is an ________ right in a civilized society.

① incoherent ② incessant
③ inherent ④ incredible
incoherent [ìnkouhíərənt, -hér-] a. 일관되지 않는, 사리가 맞지 않는
incessant [insésənt] a. 끊임없는, 그칠 새 없는
incredible [inkrédəbəl] a. 믿을[신용할]수 없는


Hydroelectric plants require a large initial investment, since complete installation

must be made at the outset.

① incipient ② capital
③ financial ④ main
hydroelectric [hàidrouiléktrik] a. 수력 전기의
a hydroelectric power plant 수력발전소
outset [áutsèt] n. (the ∼) 착수, 시작


Psychologists still wonder if some personalty traits are inborn.

① interminable ② inadvertent
③ innate ④ inevitable
interminable [intə́ːrmənəbəl] a. 끝없는
inadvertent [ìnədvə́ːrtənt] a. 부주의한, 소홀한, 태만한
innate [inéit, -́-] a. (성질 따위가) 타고난
inevitable [inévitəbəl] a. 피할 수 없는

Let him drink it; it is innocuous.

① wholesome ② delicious
③ curative ④ harmless
wholesome [hóulsəm] a. 건강에 좋은, 위생적인
curative [kjúərətiv] a. 치료용의


The workers make inordinate demands.

① regulated ② continuous
③ excessive ④ odious
excessive [iksésiv] a. 지나친, 과대한
odious [óudiəs] a. 싫은, (얄)미운, 밉살스러운


The clerk had been insolent to his superior once too often; now he was without
a job.

① affectionate ② rude
③ dishonest ④ sly
affectionate [əfékʃənit] a. 애정 깊은
sly [slai] a. 교활한(=cunning)


We decided to pay for the furniture on the installment plan.

① cash and carry ② monthly payment

③ piece by piece ④ credit card


In mammals embryo is more insulated from the external world but, of course,
more directly dependent on its mother's physiological state.

① indifferent ② protected
③ sophisticated ④ isolated
embryo [émbriòu] n. (pl. ∼s ) 태아, 배아
external [ikstə́ːrnəl] a.
indifferent [indífərənt] a. 무관심한
sophisticated [səfístəkèitid] a. 순진하지 않은, 복잡한
isolate [áisəlèit, ísə-] vt. 고립시키다, 분리[격리]하다


Congress emerged from its conflict with the President with its authority intact.

① unimpaired ② intelligent
③ intelligible ④ intellectual
unimpaired [ʌ̀nimpɛ́ərd] a. 손상되지 않은
intelligent [intélədʒənt] a. 이해력이 뛰어난, 영리한
intelligible [intélədʒəbəl] a. 이해할 수 있는
intellectual [ìntəléktʃuəl] a. 지적인


The baby's talking was hardly __________ except to its mother.

① intellective ② intelligent
③ intelligible ④ intellectual


We used to stay into the night engaged in interminable arguments upon arts
and literature.

① useful ② unceasing
③ intolerable ④ pointless
unceasing [ʌnsíːsiŋ] a. 끊임없는, 부단한
intolerable [intɑ́lərəbəl / -tɔ́l-] a. 견딜[참을, 용납할] 수 없는 (=unbearable)
pointless [pɔ́intlis] a. 뾰족한 끝이 없는, 적절하지 못한


Lately, Jean always seems to be in an introspective mood.

① querulous ② outgoing
③ contemplative ④ abstract
querulous [kwérjələs] a. 불평을 하는(complaining), 흠[탈]잡는(faultfinding)
outgoing [áutgòuiŋ] a. 나가는, 출발하는, 사교적[개방적]인
contemplative [kəntémplətiv, kɑ́ntəmplèi- / kɔ́ntemplèi-] a. 명상적인
abstract [æbstrǽkt, -́-] a. 추상적인


All the store's employees came in on Saturday to take the annual ___________.

① invention ② inventory
③ itinerary ④ overture
itinerary [aitínərèri, itín- / -rəri] n. 여정(旅程), 여행 일정 계획
overture [óuvərtʃər, -tjùər] n. 신청, 제안, 예비교섭


Her China blue eyes are very cold and inviting.

① attractive ② ugly
③ beautiful ④ clear


The irate crowd edged closer to the police barricades.

① calm ② gawking
③ large ④ angry
edge close to ~에 가까이 다가가다
gawk [gɔːk] vi. 바보[멍청한] 짓을 하다


The scientist's claim about the future of the city was irrefutable.

① incontrovertible ② impossible
③ understated ④ unconvincing
incontrovertible [inkɑ̀ntrəvə́ːrtəbəl] a. 논쟁의 여지가 없는(indisputable)
understate [ʌ̀ndərstéit] vt. 삼가서 말하다, (수 따위를) 적게 말하다
unconvincing [ʌ̀nkənvínsiŋ] a. 납득시킬 수 없는, 설득력이 없는


She is a little irritable today because she studied very hard last night.

① cogent ② glib
③ touchy ④ blase
cogent [kóudʒənt] a. 적절한, 설득력 있는
glib [glib] a. 입심 좋은, 유창한
touchy [tʌ́tʃi] a. 성마른(irritable), 성미 까다로운
blasé [blɑːzéi, -́-] a. (진기하지도 않아) 무관심[무감동]한


Illicit love is the root of many divorce actions.

① Unlawful ② Unreal
② Untrue ③ Loquacious
loquacious [loukwéiʃəs] a. 말 많은, 수다스러운


Jimmy's clothes were immaculate when he went out to play but when he came
in for lunch they were terribly dirty.

① rich ② becoming
③ appropriate ④ spotless


This serum supposed to make you immune from further infection.

① contagious ② not susceptible to

③ open ④ sick
contagious [kəntéidʒəs] a. (접촉) 전염성의, 만연하는
susceptible [səséptəbəl] a. 민감한, 영향 받기 쉬운


I don't think it is impartial for the professor to flunk my chemistry test.

① unbiased ② compatible
③ exonerative ④ effusive
unbiased [ʌ̀báiəst] a. 공정한
compatible [kəmpǽtəbəl] a. 양립하는, 모순되지 않는
exonerative [igzɑnorèitiv, -nərət-] a. 면죄의, 면제의, 면책의
effusive [efjúːsiv] a. 심정을 토로하는, 감정이 넘쳐나는 듯한

The senators came to an impasse in their attempt to find a solution.

① a deadlock ② a raid
③ a hamlet ④ a breakthrough
deadlock [-́lɑ̀k / -́lɔ̀k] n. 정돈(停頓), 막힘, 막다른 골
hamlet [hǽmlit] n. 작은 마을, 부락
breakthrough [bréikɵrùː] n. 적진 돌파(작전), 돌파구


A number of his remarks were obviously improvised.

① thought up on the spot ② not supported by fact

③ all out of proportion ④ tongue in cheek
think up 생각해 내다
on the spot 그 자리에서, 즉시
tongue in cheek 본심과는 반대로, 놀림조로


Unfortunately, I made an inadvertent remark about Irma's failure while she was

① stylish ② thoughtless
③ forgiving ④ inedible
inedible [inédəbəl] a. 식용에 적합치 않은, 못먹는


If Dr. Jackson is inept, he should be removed from his position.

① thrifty ② boundless
③ permissible ④ incompetent
thrifty [ɵrífti] a. 검소한, 절약하는
boundless [báundlis] a. 무한한, 끝없는
permissible [pəːrmísəbəl] a. 허용할 수 있는
incompetent [inkɑ́mpətənt / -kɔ́m-] a. 무능한, 쓸모없는

Alex kept my book for such an inordinate length of time that I shall never kend
him anything again.

① excessive ② scrawny
③ dandy ④ fancy


The theory of relativity irrevocably changed our view of the universe.

① irresponsibly ② irreverently
③ irregularly ④ irreversibly
irreverent [irévərənt] a. 불경한, 불손한
irreversible [ìrivə́ːrsəbəl] a. 거꾸로 할 수 없는, 뒤집을 수 없는


A darkened sky in the daytime is usually an indication that a storm is imminent.

① about to take place ② close by

③ expected to be severe ④ possibly coming


The Civil War provided an impetus to Michigan's growth.

① an incentive to ② an obstacle to
③ a reason for ④ a delay in


For the mountain climber, it is imperative to get food and water before sunset.

① rash ② essential
③ reckless ④ racy
rash [ræʃ] a. 분별없는, 경솔한
reckless [réklis] a. 분별없는, 무모한
racy [réisi] a.맛이 좋은, 신선한, 생기 있는


Surrealism has infiltrated realistic painting by increasing artists' awareness of how

commonplace subjects can take on mysterious suggestions.

① conditioned ② spread to
③ denied ④ displaced

In the book, "A Tale of Two Cities," Madame Lafarge knit an intricate pattern
into the scarf she was making.

① a coarse ② a lengthy
③ an obsolete ④ a complicated
coarse [kɔːrs] a. 조잡한, 조악(粗惡)한, 열등한
lengthy [léŋkɵi] a. 긴, 말이 많은, 장황한
obsolete [ɑ̀bsəlíːt, -́--̀ / ɔ́bsəlìːt] a. 쓸모없이[못쓰게] 된
complicated [kɑ́mplikèitid / kɔ́m-] a. 복잡한


Parental example is the best means of instilling social responsibility in children.

① ignoring ② practising
③ moderating ④ implanting
moderate [mɑ́-d-ərèit / mɔ́d-] v. 알맞도록 하다, 온건하게 하다, 완화하다
implant [implǽnt, -plɑ́ːnt] vt. (마음에) 심다, 불어넣다, 주입(注入)시키다(instil)


He interceded with the governor for me, an I was saved.

① fought ② escorted
③ guided ④ pleaded
plead [pliːd] v. 변호하다, 변론하다, 간청하다


They refused to intervene in the quarrel.

① take the blame for

② compromise in
③ intercede in
④ back away from
intercede [ìntərsíːd] vi. 중재하다, 조정하다
back away from ~에서 물러나다, 철회하다

Charly was in no position to make a judicious decision.

① wise ② courageous
③ rested ④ complete


At this critical juncture in the negotiations we must be careful not to upset the
other side.

① moment ② joint
③ reflection ④ conjecture
conjecture [kəndʒéktʃər] v. ~을 추측[억측]하다 n. 추측


They can check out ten juvenile books at one time.

① adventure ② large-print
③ hardcover ④ children's


The extreme heat made everyone quite languid.

① bothersome ② gruff
③ listless ④ selfish
bothersome [bɑ́ðəːrsəm / bɔ́ð-] a. 귀찮은, 성가신
gruff [grʌf] a.난폭한, 무뚝뚝한
listless [lístlis] a. 열의 없는, 무관심한, 냉담한
selfish [sélfiʃ] a. 이기적인


His house was broken into a week after his insurance policy had _________.

① lapsed ② relapsed
③ elapsed ④ collapsed
break into ~로 침입하다
relapse [rilǽps] vi. ① (원 상태·습관으로) 되돌아가다, (병이) 재발하다
elapse [ilǽps] vi. (때가) 경과하다
collapse [kəlǽps] v. 무너지다, 붕괴하다

She enjoyed the lassitude of convalescence in which time, hurry, doing did not

① languor ② zeal
③ excitation ④ appeasement
languor [lǽŋgəːr] n. 태, 피로
zeal [ziːl] n. 열중, 열의
excitation [èksaitéiʃən, èksi-] n. 자극, 흥분
appease [əpíːz] vt. (사람을) 달래다 appeasement n. 달램, 회유

The Depression in the US lasted until the beginning of the Second World War.

① was avoided ② continued

③ has been restrained ④ determined


His claim to his father's inheritance was legitimate.

① denied ② legal
③ conferred ④ approved


More lenient laws encouraged greater freedom of expression.

① severe ② harsh
③ exacting ④ merciful


Rain lessens in the fall throughout most of the Appalachian Mountain region.

① pours ② accumulates
③ abates ④ evaporates
evaporate [ivǽpərèit] v. 증발하다
accumulate [əkjúːmjəlèit] v. (조금씩) 모으다


The mine exploded, sending lethal fragments in all directions.

① light ② small
③ deadly ④ dangerous

There has been an increasing awareness of the inadequacies of the judicial

system. Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and for the litigants.

① judges ② layers
③ commentators ④ parties in a lawsuit
judicial [dʒuːdíʃəl] a. 사법의, 재판상의
staggering [stǽgəriŋ] a. 비틀거리는, 망설이는, 어마어마한
taxpayer [tǽkspèiər] n. 납세자(納稅者)


Because the crocodile is accustomed to a tropical climate it becomes lethargic

at temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

① sluggish ② chilly
③ sick ④ snappish
be accustomed to ~에 익숙하다
sluggish [slʌ́giʃ] a. 게으른, 나태한
snappish [snǽpiʃ] a. (개 따위가) 무는 버릇이 있는, 퉁명스러운(curt)


They are faced with some logistic and administrative problems.

① formal ② practical
③ logical ④ tactical
administrative [ædmínəstrèitiv, -trə-, əd-] a. 관리[경영]의, 행정(상)의
tactical [tǽktik-əl] a. 전술상의, 전술적인

301 ③ ingenuous [indʒénjuːəs] a. 솔직한, 순진한
302 ③ inherent [inhíərənt] a. 본래의 타고난
303 ① incipient [insípiənt] a. 처음의, 시작의
304 ③ innate [inéit, -́-] a. 선천적인
305 ④ innocuous [inɑ́kjuːəs / inɔ́k-] a. 무해한
306 ③ inordinate [inɔ́ːrdənət] a. 과도한, 지나친
307 ② insolent [ínsələnt] a. 무례한
308 ② installment [instɔ́ːlmənt] n. 할부
309 ④ insulate [ínsəlèit, -sjə-] vt. 격리시키다, 고립시키다
310 ① intact [intǽkt] a. 손도 대지 않은, 완전한
311 ③ intelligible [intélədʒəbəl] a. 이해될 수 있는
312 ② interminable [intə́ːrmənəbəl] a. 끝없는
313 ③ introspective [ìntrəspéktiv] a. 내성적인, 자기 관찰의, 성찰하는
314 ② inventory [ínvəntɔ̀ːri / -təri] n. 목록, 물품 명세서
315 ① inviting [inváitiŋ] a. 매력적인
316 ④ irate [áireit, --́] a. 화가 난
317 ① irrefutable [iréfjuːtəbəl, ìrifjúːt-] a. 논박[반박]할 수 없는
318 ③ irritable [írətəbəl] a. 성마른, 까다로운
319 ① illicit [illísit] a. 불법의
320 ④ immaculate [imǽkjəlit] a. 흠 없는, 오점 없는
321 ② immune [imjúːn] a. 공격 등을 면한, 면제한
322 ① impartial [impɑ́ːrʃəl] a. 공정한
323 ① impasse [ímpæs, --́] n. 난국, 곤경
324 ① improvise [ímprəvàiz] v. 즉흥적으로 만들다
325 ② inadvertent [ìnədvə́ːrtənt] a. 부주의한, 고의가 아닌
326 ④ inept [inépt] a. 부적당한, 서투른
327 ① inordinate [inɔ́ːrdənət] a. 지나친, 과도한
328 ④ irrevocably [irévəkəbəli] ad. 취소할 수 없게, 변경할 수 없게
329 ① imminent [ímənənt] a. 임박한, 긴박한
330 ① impetus [ímpətəs] n. 힘, 추진력
331 ② imperative [impérətiv] a. 절박한, 절대 필요한
332 ② infiltrate [infíltreit, -́--̀] v. 침투하다, 스며들다
333 ④ intricate [íntrəkit] a. 복잡한
334 ④ instill [instíl] vt. 스며들게 하다, 주입시키다
335 ④ intercede [ìntərsíːd] vi. 중재하다
336 ③ intervene [ìntərvíːn] vi. 중재하다, 개입하다
337 ① judicious [dʒuːdíʃəs] a. 현명한
338 ① juncture [dʒʌ́ŋktʃər] n. 접합, 접속, 경우, 때
339 ④ juvenile [dʒúːvənəl, -nàil] a. 청소년의
340 ③ languid [lǽŋgwid] a. 활기 없는, 처진
341 ① lapse [læps] n. v. 경과(하다), 소멸하다
342 ① lassitude [lǽsitjùːd] n. 나른함, 권태
343 ② last [læst, lɑːst] v. 지속하다
344 ② legitimate [lidʒítəmit] a. 합법적인
345 ④ lenient [líːniənt, -njənt] a. 관대한
346 ③ abate [əbéit] v. 줄어들다, 감소하다
347 ③ lethal [líːɵ-əl] a. 치명적인
348 ④ litigant [lítigənt] a. 소송당사자
349 ① lethargic [leɵɑ́ːrdʒik] a. 활발치 못한, 둔한
350 ④ logistic [loudʒístik] a. 병참술의, 전략상의

Abraham Lincoln was an excellent writer and was able to express his ideas

① clearly ② cleverly
③ briefly ④ vigorously


The movie star signed a lucrative contract.

① profitable ② worthless
③ questionable ④ laborious
laborious [ləbɔ́ːriəs] a. 힘드는, 고된


Hospitals, prisons, and ______ asylums are places where people fear to go.

① public ② psycho
③ lunatic ④ fantastic
asylum [əsáiləm] n. (보호)시설 [수용소]


The mountains around the Li River have lured poets and artists for centuries.

① intrigued ② mystified
③ inspired ④ attracted
intrigue [intríːg] v. 음모를 꾸미다, ~의 흥미를[호기심을] 자아내다
mystify [místəfài] vt. 신비화하다, 어리둥절하게[얼떨떨하게] 하다


You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person.

① dissent ② apprise
③ slander ④ slake
stingy [stíndʒi] a. 물건을 너무 아끼는, 인색한
dissent [disént] n. 불찬성, 이의
apprise [əpráiz] vt. ~에 알리다, ~에 통고[통지]하다
slander [slǽndəːr / slɑ́ːn-] n. v. 중상(하다), 비방(하다)
slake [sleik] v. 갈증을 풀다, 채우다, 만족시키다(=satisfy)


She was in the victim of a malicious rumor.

① manifest ② harmful
③ beneficent ④ demoniac
manifest [mǽnəfèst] a. 명백한, 분명한
beneficent [bənéfəsənt] a. 자선심이 많은, 인정 많은
demoniac [dimóuniæ̀k, dìːmənáiæk] a. 악마의, 악마와 같은


The witch uttered maledictions against her captors.

① curse ② quail
③ enormity ④ realization
witch [witʃ] n. 마녀, 여자 마법[마술]사
curse [kəːrs] n. 저주, 악담
captor [kǽptər] n. 잡는 사람, 체포자
enormity [inɔ́ːrməti] n. 무법, 중대한 범죄, 큰 죄, (문제·일 등의) 거대


The child's misdemeanors were never taken seriously by his parents.

① periods of sickness ② wrong doings

③ rude words ④ mistakes


We had misgivings about flying near the mountains in such weather.

① confidence ② misconduct
③ doubt ④ coolness


Dozens of makeshift cafe's and food stalls create a carnival atmosphere.

① changing ② new
③ temporary ④ classical

I went in because I did not want to be told again that I am malingering.

① running ② crying
③ hating ④ loafing
loaf [louf] v. 빈둥거리다, 놀고 지내다


State law makes attendance at school mandatory for children of certain ages.

① necessary ② recommendable
③ exemplary ④ obligatory
exemplary [igzémpləri] a. 모범적인, 칭찬할 만한
obligatory [əblígətɔ̀ːri, ɑ́blig- / əblígətəri, ɔ́blig-] a. 의무로서 해야만 할, 의무적인


experiment can be marred by poor planning. An

① qualified ② disclosed
③ delayed ④ spoiled
qualified [kwɑ́ləfàid / kwɔ́l-] a. 자격 있는, 적임의, 적당한(fitted)
disclose [disklóuz] vt. 나타내다, 들추어내다, 폭로[적발]하다
spoil [spɔil] v. 망쳐놓다(destroy)


State of being adult or fully grown: _______________

① garner ② adolescence
③ old age ④ maturity
garner [gɑ́ːrnər] v. 모으다(collect), 축적하다
adolescence [æ̀dəlésəns] n. 청년기, 사춘기
maturity [mətjú-ərəti, -tʃúː- / -tjúərə-] n. 성숙, 숙성


Most fables tell stories about animals and then offer a maxim at the end.

① sequel ② solution
③ climax ④ aphorism
sequel [síːkwəl] n. 계속, 귀추, 결과
aphorism [ǽfərìzəm] n. 금언(金言), 격언


Because of natural calamities the farmers will make a meager living.

① abundant ② reclining
③ resist ④ poor
calamity [kəlǽməti] n. 재난, 참화, 재해(misery)


Pollution of the air by fumes and gases has become a ______ in many cities.

① money ② menace
③ economy ④ export


The two copper mining companies will be merged.

① combined ② emerged
③ operated ④ bankrupted
emerge [imə́ːrdʒ] vi. (물 속·어둠 속 따위에서) 나오다, 나타나다(appear)


The passengers on the boat were mesmerized by the motion of the sea.

① paralyzed ② reverberated
③ nauseated ④ hypnotized
paralyze [pǽrəlàiz] vt. 마비시키다
reverberate [rivə́ːrb-ərèit] v. ―반향하다(echo), 울려 퍼지다
nauseate [nɔ́ːzièit, -ʒi-, -si-, -ʃi-] v. 욕지기나(게 하)다, 메스껍게 하다
hypnotize [hípnətàiz] v. ~에게 최면술을 걸다


Some ______ will leave luminous trails upon entering the earth's atmosphere.

① junk ② meteors
③ missiles ④ precipitation
luminous [lúːmənəs] a. 빛을 내는[쐬인], 빛나는, 명료한
meteor [míːtiər, -tiɔ̀ːr] n. 유성(流星)
precipitation [prisìpətéiʃən] n. 투하, 낙하, 추락


Millennia have passed since the pyramids were built.

① Hundreds of years ② Several centuries

③ Thousands of years ④ Millions of decades


Living things consist of minute structures called cells.

① numerous ② tiny
③ diverse ④ round


We completed the project without mishap.

① accident ② petty offences

③ felonious offences ④ mischiefs
felonious [filóuniəs] a. 극악한, 흉악한
petty [péti] a. 사소한, 대단찮은
mischief [místʃif] n. 해악(害惡), 해(harm)


To annoy is to ______.

① praise ② molest
③ shoot ④ shrug
molest [məlést] vt. (짖궂게) 괴롭히다, 성가시게 굴다
shrug [ʃrʌg] v. (어깨를) 으쓱하다


1974 Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's monumental lifetime record of 714 home
runs. In

① archaic ② artistic
③ outstanding ④ entire
archaic [ɑːrkéiik] a. 고풍의, 고체의, 낡은


Brain tumors have always fired the morbid side of mankind's imagination.

① moribund ② mortifying
③ macabre ④ mortal
moribund [mɔ́(ː)rəbʌ̀nd, mɑ́r-] a. 빈사의, 죽어가는
mortify [mɔ́ːrtəfài] v. (정욕·감정 따위를) 억제하다, 극복하다
macabre, -ber [məkɑ́ːbr-ə, -bəːr], [-bəːr] a. 섬뜩한, 기분 나쁜


After the car accident, the dead body was first taken to the ______.

① conservatory ② alcove
③ morgue ④ monastery
conservatory [kənsə́ːrvətɔ̀ːri / -təri] a. 보존성의, 보존력이 있는
alcove [ǽlkouv] n. 방 안의 후미져 구석진 곳(침대·서가용), 주실에 이어진 골방


The tornado left all the buildings a(an) ______ mass of destruction.

① massive ② motley
③ destitute ④ inchoate
massive [mǽsiv] a. 부피가 큰(bulky), 중한(ponderous)
motley [mɑ́tli / mɔ́t-] a. 잡색의, 잡다한
destitute [déstətjùːt] a. 빈곤한
inchoate [inkóuit / ínkouèit] a. 이제 막 시작한, 초기의, 불완전한


Sometimes I think Maria's thoughts are wholly mundane.

① worldly ② spiritual
③ commercial ④ evil


We've decided to ______ with the employers about our wage claims.

① neglect ② neutralize
③ necessitate ④ negotiate


The dog nibbled the sugar in the child's hand.

① took little bites of ② took rapid bites of

③ devoured ④ gobbled up
devour [diváuər] vt. 게걸스럽게 먹다; 먹어 치우다
gobble1 [gɑ́bəl / gɔ́bəl] v. 게걸스레 먹다; 꿀떡 삼키다


Jane seemed to be nonchalant about the trouble down the street.

① excited by ② unconcerned by
③ frightened by ④ unaware of


A beginner is a ______.

① nomad ② nominee
③ notary ④ novice
nomad [nóumæd] n. 유목민, 방랑자
nominee [nɑ̀məníː / nɔ̀m-] n. 지명[임명·추천]된 사람
notary [nóutəri] n. 공증인
novice [nɑ́vis / nɔ́v-] n. 신참자, 초심자


The latest talks with North Korea nudges Pyongyang in the right direction.

① calls ② instructs
③ prods ④ stimulates
prod [prɑd / prɔd] v. 찌르다, 쑤시다, 자극하다(incite)
stimulate [stímjəlèit] v. 자극하다, 활발하게 하다


Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

① resentful ② prudent
③ judicious ④ direct
lukewarm [lúːkwɔ̀ːrm] a. (물이) 미적지근한, 미온의, 열의가 없는, 냉담한
bewildering [biwíldəriŋ] a. 어리둥절케[당황케] 하는
prudent [prúːdənt] a. 신중한, 조심성 있는
judicious [dʒuːdíʃəs] a. 사려 분별이 있는, 현명한


In 1974 Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's outstanding lifetime record of 714 home

① archaic ② degrading
③ monumental ④ entire


You must not override other's happiness ion pursuit of your own.

① reside ② annul
③ drench ④ establish
reside [rizáid] vi. 살다, 주재하다
annul [ənʌ́l] vt. (의결·계약 등을) 무효로 하다, 취소하다
drench [drentʃ] vt. 흠뻑 젖게 하다[적시다], (물·피 따위에) 담그다


American journalists often overstate a situation to make the news more


① exaggerate ② inspire
③ animate ④ misinterpret
stimulating [stímjəlèitiŋ] a. 자극적인, 격려적인
exaggerate [igzǽdʒərèit] v. 과장하다, 침소봉대하다
animate [ǽnəmèit] vt. 살리다, 생명을 불어넣다


I know only his overt reasons for refusing; he may have others.

① urgent ② frequent
③ gratuitous ④ not hidden
gratuitous [grətjúːətəs] a. 무료의, 호의상의, 이유[원인] 없는, 정당성이 없는

He had an extremely obese friend whose mind was constantly occupied with
the thought of delicacies.

① charming ② corpulent
③ dirty ④ grotesque
corpulent [kɔ́ːrpjələnt] a. 뚱뚱한, 살찐
grotesque [groutésk] a. 기괴한, 이상한


He is oblivious to criticism and refuses to believe there is anything wrong with

his behaviour.

① deliberately ignoring ② mindful of

③ counterattacking ④ embroiled of
mindful [máindfəl] a. 주의 깊은, 정신 차리는
embroil [embrɔ́il] vt. (문제·사태 따위를) 혼란케 하다, 번거롭게 하다


The reference she made to her friend, the poet, was interesting but too
obscure for anyone to appreciate.

① delightful ② helpful
③ dismal ④ hidden
dismal [dízməl] a. 음울한, 황량한, 쓸쓸한


He was thought of as the most ______ man in our company since he accepted
whatever his superiors suggested without reflective thought.

① intractable ② competent
③ suspicious ④ obsequious
intractable [intrǽktəbəl] a. 말을 듣지 않는, 고집 센
competent [kɑ́mpətənt / kɔ́m-] a. 적임의, 유능한
obsequious [əbsíːkwiəs] a. 아첨[아부]하는, 비굴한

He want to get his money's worth before the appliance becomes obsolete.

① up-to-date ② out-of-date
③ obstinate ④ burdensome
up-to-date [ʌ́ptədéit] a. 최신의, 최근의
out-of-date [áutəvdéit] a. 구식인, 시대에 뒤떨어진, 낡은
obstinate [ɑ́bstənit / ɔ́b-] a. 완고한, 억지센
burdensome [bə́ːrdnsəm] a. 무거운 짐이 되는; 번거로운


News consists of events which obtrude.

① thrust forward ② take place

③ were staged ④ happen


Some obvious use of power to obtain sex is a kind of sexual harassment.

① obituary ② floral
③ apparent ④ dull
obituary [oubítʃuèri] n. 사망기사, 사망광고(obit)
floral [flɔ́ːrəl] a. 꽃의, 꽃 같은
sexual harrassment 성희롱


It is an omen.

① piece of bad luck ② sign of the future

③ free gift ④ small island


His silence was ominous.

① hopeful ② pleasing
③ auspicious ④ inauspicious
auspicious [ɔːspíʃəs] a. 길조의, 경사스런
inauspicious [ìnɔːspíʃəs] a. 불길한, 상서롭지 않은

His ostensible motives concealed his real one.

① covert ② irrelevant
③ pretending ④ malicious
covert [kʌ́vərt, kóu-] a. 숨은, (위협·눈짓 등) 암암리의, 은밀한
irrelevant [iréləvənt] a. 부적절한; 무관계한
malicious [məlíʃəs] a. 악의 있는, 심술궂은


John's unsportsmanlike behavior caused him to be ostracized by the other

members of the country club.

① shunned ② excelled
③ readmitted ④ wavered
shun [ʃʌn] vt. 피하다, 비키다
waver [wéivəːr] vi. 흔들리다, 망설이다

351 ① lucidly [lúːsidli] ad. 명확하게, 분명히
352 ① lucrative [lúːkrətiv] a. 이익이 되는
353 ③ lunatic [lúːnətìk] a. 미친, 제 정신이 아닌
354 ④ lure [luər] vt. 유혹하다, 끌다
355 ③ malign [məláin] vt. 비방하다, 중상하다 a. 해로운
356 ② malicious [məlíʃəs] a. 해로운
357 ① malediction [mæ̀lədíkʃ-ən] n. 악담, 저주
358 ② misdemeanor [mìsdimíːnər] n. 비행, 행실이 나쁨
359 ③ misgiving [misgíviŋ] n. 걱정, 불안, 염려
360 ③ makeshift [méikʃìft] a. 임시변통의, 일시적인
361 ④ malinger [məlíŋgəːr] vi. (특히 군인 등이) 꾀병을 부리다
362 ④ mandatory [mǽndətɔ̀ːri / -t-əri] a. 강제적인
363 ④ mar [mɑːr] vt. 손상시키다
364 ④ maturity [mətjú-ərəti, -tʃúː- / -tjúərə-] n. 성숙
365 ④ maxim [mǽksim] n. 격언, 금언
366 ④ meager [míːgəːr] a. 빈약한, 불충분한
367 ② menace [ménəs] n. v. 위협(하다), 협박(하다)
368 ① merge [məːrdʒ] v. 합치다, 합병하다
369 ④ mesmerize [mézməràiz, més-] v. ~에게 최면을 걸다
370 ② meteor [míːtiər, -tiɔ̀ːr] n. 유성, 운석
371 ③ millennium [miléniəm] n. 천년간
372 ② minute [mainjúːt, mi-] a. 미소한, 상세한
373 ① mishap [míshæp, --́] n. 불행, 재난
374 ② molest [məlést] vt. 괴롭히다, 성가시게 굴다
375 ③ monumental [mɑ̀njəméntl / mɔ̀n-] a. 기념이 되는, 대단한
376 ③ morbid [mɔ́ːrbid] a. 병적인, 섬뜩한
377 ③ morgue [mɔːrg] n. 시체 안치소
378 ① massive [mǽsiv] a. 대규모의
379 ① mundane [mʌ́ndein, --́] a. 세속적인, 지루한
380 ④ negotiate [nigóuʃièit] v. 협상하다
381 ① nibble [níb-əl] v. 조금씩 물어뜯다
382 ② nonchalant [nɑ̀nʃ-əlɑ́ːnt, nɑ́nʃ-ələnt / nɔ́n-] a. 무관심한
383 ④ novice [nɑ́vis / nɔ́v-] n. 초보자
384 ④ nudge [nʌdʒ] v. 자극하다
385 ④ outright [áutràit] a. 솔직한, 철저한
386 ③ outstanding [àutstǽndiŋ] a. 뛰어난, 대단한
387 ② override [òuvəráid] vt. 무효로 하다, 짓밟다
388 ① overstate [òuvərstéit] vt. 과장하다
389 ④ overt [óuvəːrt, --́] a. 명백한
390 ② obese [oubíːs] a. 뚱뚱한
391 ① oblivious [əblíviəs] a. 망각하는, 안중에 없는
392 ④ obscure [əbskjúər] a. 불분명한, 흐린
393 ④ obsequious [əbsíːkwiəs] a. 아첨하는, 비굴한
394 ② obsolete [ɑ̀bsəlíːt, -́--̀ / ɔ́bsəlìːt] a. 쓸모없는, 구식의
395 ① obtrude [əbtrúːd] v. 강요하다, 주제넘게 나서다
396 ③ obvious [ɑ́bviəs / ɔ́b-] a. 명백한
397 ① omen [óumən] n. 불길한 전조, 징조
398 ④ ominous [ɑ́mənəs / ɔ́m-] a. 불길한
399 ③ ostensible [ɑsténsəbəl / ɔs-] a. 겉치레의, 표면의
400 ① ostracize [ɑ́strəsàiz / ɔ́s-] vt. 추방하다, 제쳐놓다

I was outraged to see she had gone ahead with her plans without consulting

① excited ② unhappy
③ angered ④ relieved


It has been said that the essayist Henry David Thoreau was outspoken and
unusually put forth little effort to please others.

① talkative ② annoying
③ blunt ④ alienated


You must not override other's happiness in pursuit of your own.

① reside ② drench
③ annul ④ stimulate


The card had perforations in the upper left corner.

① holes ② numbers
③ symbols ④ lines


He could not sleep well last night, because of the perpetual noise of the

① continuing ② strange
③ high-pitched ④ disguising


I don't consider your answer to my questions pertinent.

① relevant ② audible
③ manly ④ sagacious


The wandering boy is a posthumous child.

① cranky
② brilliant beyond his years
③ illegitimate
④ born after the death of his father


They preserved a large number of rare books for posterity.

① youth ② fortune
③ neighbors ④ descendants


After the preliminary exercises of prayer and song, the speaker of the day gave
an address.

① preparatory ② religious
③ sympathetic ④ thorough


He used it as a pretext for not going.

① reprisal ② feat
③ clan ④ excuse


He ate a prodigious amount of the home-made bread.

① slight ② tiny
③ huge ④ moderate


There was a profound silence in the empty church.

① peculiar ② unexpected
③ long ④ deep


Because the grapes of North America grow so profusely and appear in so many
varieties, the continent has been called a natural vineyard.

① gratuitously ② robustly
③ persistently ④ abundantly

Smoking is prohibited in the library.

① retained ② forbidden
③ ignored ④ tolerated


The most surprising feature is that she was such a prolific writer even at an
early age.

① traumatic ② saturated
③ naive ④ productive


Our house is the most prominent one in the street; it's painted red.

① beautiful ② noticeable
③ ward ④ expensive


William LebRaron Jenny and Louis Sullivan promulgated a philosophy of

steel-frame construction.

① perpetuated ② denounced
③ opposed ④ proclaimed


Let's arrange the provisional meeting for next Wednesday, even though we may
have to change it.

① tentative ② practical
③ local ④ commercial


A pediatrician is a doctor for ______.

① women ② children
③ old people ④ farm animals


The object of the ______ law is to define crime and prescribe punishments.

① penal ② cure
③ parole ④ Federal

He felt he had left behind the life of penury and hardship for good.

① penitence ② punishment
③ poverty ④ parsimony


The mill still worked on, food being a perennial necessity.

① temporary ② total
③ demanding ④ lasting


An arrow has a sharp pointed head which perforates its target.

① follows ② pierces
③ flies toward ④ faces toward


The propagation of the species depends on the duality of the sexes, their
constant conflicts and periodic acts of reconciliation.

① rate ② incessant
③ continuous ④ regular


Perjury in a serious court case can result in life imprisonment.

① Lying under oath ② Aiding a criminal

③ Destroying ④ Threatening the jury


Neon light is utilized in airport beacons because it can permeate fog.

① infiltrate ② transmit
③ suspend ④ break up


Pure, perspicuous, and musical diction is one of the grand beauties of lyric

① linguistic ② clear
③ limp ④ officious


The king was about to overrun all the petty kingdoms.

① magnificent ② unimportant
③ ruthless ④ powerful


Fake pharmaceuticals are showing up in hospitals from Asia to Europe

① subterfuges ② apothecaries
③ drugs ④ medicators


With the phenomenal increase of public-supported education, classical

education has almost disappeared.

① extraordinary ② queer
③ democratic ④ perceptible


The Red Cross appealed to philanthropy to save the life of a prisoner.

① public ② charity
③ justice ④ attorney


He stood there, surrounded by the plethora of microphones, amplifiers,

speakers, and reporters.

① series ② equipment
③ system ④ excess


The skin is the largest organ of the body and forms a pliable protective
covering over the external body.

① artificial ② unadaptable
③ ductile ④ supporting

The refugees are in a wretched plight.

① poise ② predicament
③ enmity ④ equanimity


They preserved a large number of rare books for posterity.

① youth ② fortune
③ neighbours ④ descendants


Do potent drugs work on the common cold?

① inexpensive ② very costly

③ traumatic ④ very strong


It is the first part of intelligence to recognize our precarious estate in life.

① vulnerable ② precious
③ valuable ④ invaluable


This year, we had a record high precipitation.

① casualty ② rainfall
③ snowstorm ④ bad weather


The directors faced a predicament in trying to meet the deadline.

① an enigma ② a failure
③ a dilemma ④ an extension


The doctor decided to ______ some medicine.

① prescribe ② proscribe
③ describe ④ subscribe

It is the prevalent philosophy of life in business circles.

① grand ② proper
③ widespread ④ rational


What is the prognosis of typhoid?

① solution ② symptom
③ problem ④ forecast


During the Colonial period, it was prohibitively expensive to ship anything

across the Appalachian Mountains.

① momentarily ② forbiddingly
③ strangely ④ tolerably


The writers of mystery fiction who turn out several books a year may be
considered ______.

① factious ② factitious
③ prolific ④ ambitious


I could not wish for a more ______ occasion on which to announce my plans
for enlarging our establishment.

① ominous ② propitious
③ magnificent ④ pronounced


"Every cloud has a silver lining" is a ______.

① aphorism ② premise
③ epithet ④ proverb


Since he had a reputation for being a careful businessman, his bankruptcy

came as quite a surprise.

① erudite ② prudent
③ vigilant ④ trenchant


Many journalists are writing under pseudonym.

① false mask ② close inspection

③ pen name ④ great title


Nowhere do we find Johnson more pugnacious than in his friendship with


① persistent ② punishable
③ good-tempered ④ quarrelsome


Punctuality is imperative in your new job.

① Being accurate ② Being diligent

③ Being on time ④ Being polite


401 ③ outraged 화가 난
402 ③ outspoken 무뚝뚝한, 솔직한
403 ③ override 유린하다, 무시하다, 무효로 하다
404 ① perforation 구멍
405 ① perpetual 영속하는, 끊임없는
406 ① pertinent 적절한
407 ④ posthumous 사후의, 유복자의
408 ④ posterity 후손
409 ① preliminary 예비의, 준비의
410 ④ pretext 구실, 핑계
411 ③ prodigious 거대한
412 ④ profound 심오한
413 ④ profusely 풍부하게
414 ② prohibit 금지하다
415 ④ prolific 다산의, 다작의
416 ② prominent 현저한, 두드러진
417 ④ promulgate 공표하다, 발표하다
418 ① provisional 임시의
419 ② pediatrician 소아과 의사
420 ① penal 형벌의, 형법상의
421 ③ penury 빈곤, 궁핍
422 ④ perennial 연중 끊이지 않는, 영원한
423 ② perforate 구멍을 뚫다
424 ④ periodic 정기적인
425 ① perjury 위증
426 ① permeate 침투하다, 스며들다
427 ② perspicuous 명쾌한, 명료한
428 ② petty 사소한
429 ③ pharmaceutical 조제약, 의약
430 ① phenomenal 놀라운, 굉장한
431 ② philanthropy 자비, 박애
432 ④ plethora 과다, 과잉
433 ③ pliable 휘기 쉬운, 유연한
434 ② plight 곤경, 궁지
435 ④ posterity 후손, 자손
436 ④ potent 세력 있는, 유력한
437 ① precarious 불확실한, 불안정한
438 ② precipitation 낙하, 추락, 강수량
439 ③ predicament 궁지
440 ① prescribe 처방하다
441 ③ prevalent 널리 퍼진
442 ④ prognosis 예지, 예측
443 ② prohibitive 금지의
444 ③ prolific 다산의, 다작의
445 ② propitious 좋은, 상서로운
446 ④ proverb 속담
447 ② prudent 신중한
448 ③ pseudonym 가명
449 ④ pugnacious 싸우기 좋아하는, 호전적인
450 ③ punctuality 시간 엄수

The school building requires renovation.

① alteration ② choice
③ selection ④ revision
① renovation 쇄신, 수리

He was renowned as a doctor who found a cure for the disease.

① assigned ② famous
③ designated ④ praised
② renowned 유명한

He was resolute in his attempt to climb up the top of the mountain.

① disgusted ② determined
③ tired ④ disappointed
② resolute 단호한

Lack of sunlight retards growth in many organisms.

① retreats ② delays
③ retrieves ④ accelerates
② retard 늦추다

The student revised his paper carefully, following the professor's suggestion.

① copied ② retyped
③ corrected ④ reviewed
③ revises 개정하다, 고치다

Do you relinquish his seat in the Senate?

① admonish ② give up
③ cede ④ disregard
② relinquish 포기하다

Conscience remonstrates against a sinful life.

① demonstrates ② illustrates
③ reconciles ④ expostulates
④ remonstrate 항의하다, 충고하다
His manners are so polite that he will never be reproached by anyone.

① despised ② scolded
③ punished ④ advised
② reproach 비난하다

He rescinded his offer to take pictures at the graduate dance.

① reinforced ② renewed
③ fired up ④ withdrew
④ rescind 취소하다

They felt a reciprocal affection.

① agreeable ② mutual
③ disgusting ④ dependent
② reciprocal 상호간의

He reciprocated by sending the general a silver tray.

① received ② gave
③ responded ④ opened
③ reciprocate 주고받다, 답례하다

The political leader was revered by the people of his country.

① respected ② feared
③ distrusted ④ abandoned
① revere 존경하다

The Mayor has banned all lawn sprinkling because of the water shortage.
However, if the reservoirs fill up, he may relent somewhat.

① yield ② forgive
③ hurry ④ discord
① relent 누그러지다, 측은하게 여기다

The owner of the stolen car was himself remiss. He left the keys in the vehicle.

① lax ② weather
③ condiment ④ sly
① remiss 부주의한
Some residual problems were very difficult to resolve.

① domestic ② remaining
③ geographical ④ complex
② residual 나머지의

The Apollo 11 astronauts were quarantined when they returned to the Earth.

① praised by the press ② interviewed on television

③ contaminated with lunar germs ④ isolated for medical reasons
④ quarantine 격리하다, 검역하다

The outcome was a result of a serious of random decision.

① unplanned ② foolish
③ unavoidable ④ wise
① random 무작위의

During the recent petroleum embargo, motor fuels had to be rationed.

① located ② alloted
③ confiscated ④ donated
② ration 지급하다, 할당, 식량

Arson is suspected in a fire that destroyed three downtown businesses over

the weekend.

① roamed ② razed
③ probed ④ groped
② raze 파괴하다

The teacher continually ______ the pupil for the missing assignments.

① regarded ② rebuked
③ revoked ④ refined
② rebuke 비난하다, 꾸짖다

It will be necessary for the doctor to widen the pupils of your eyes with some
drops in order to examine them.

① brandish ② dilate
③ flatter ④ soothe
② dilate 팽창시키다, 넓히다

It was a surprise to see Paul and Ted are friends again. I wonder who ______

① recommended ② acquainted
③ reconciled ④ introduced
③ reconcile 화해시키다

The charm of her voice ______ her rough appearance.

① fascinated ② redeemed
③ illuminated ④ ratified
② redeem 벌충하다, 되찾다

English furniture made between 1714 and 1830 is called Geogian, after the
reigning monarchs of that time.

① ruling ② historic
③ winning ④ scholarly
① reign 통치하다

Historical records show that Einstein reiterated his ideas about the theory of

① changed ② repeated
③ published ④ theorized
② reiterate 반복하다

Weaving is an art among the Navaho of Arizona and New Mexico.

① Pottery making ② Jewelry making

③ Doll making ④ Cloth making
④ weave (직물을) 짜다


In his reminiscent moods he used to tell us about his early life as a factory

① serious ② sad
③ retrospective ④ regretful
③ reminiscent 회고하는

Many employees complained that their remunerations were too little.

① rehabilitation ② degree
③ pay ④ remorse
③ remuneration 보수

An expert in any field may be defined as a person who possesses specialized

skills and is capable of rendering very competent services.

① obtaining ② mastering
③ providing ④ financing
③ render 주다, 제공하다, 만들다

My father renounced smoking and drinking last week.

① gave up ② held up
③ put down ④ wrote down
① renounce 포기하다

The recession-weary British public has resentment over the royal wealth.

① rejection ② indignation
③ harmony ④ demonstration
② resentment 분개

Wading across a stream, he got the shoes completely wet.

① Transacting ② Fording
③ Misting ④ Bleaching
② wade 걸어서 건너다(=ford)

He resolutely set out to seek his fame.

① hurriedly ② reluctantly
③ determinedly ④ purposely
③ resolutely 단호하게

He resolved to act more wisely in the future.

① promised ② hoped
③ consented ④ decided
④ resolve 결심하다

Why don't they retaliate?

① fight back ② come back

③ return to work ④ complete the work
① retaliate 보복하다

At the battle of Waterloo Napoleon's forces had to ______, since they had lost
the battle.

① whirl ② attack
③ retreat ④ pursue
③ retreat 물러가다, 퇴각하다

No artifacts have been ______ from the wreck of the Titanic so far.

① retrieved ② recalled
③ reprieved ④ restricted
① retrieve 회수하다, 만회하다, 갱생시키다

The truth about these events is hidden, but someday it will be ______.

① relieved ② revealed
③ removed ④ repented
② reveal 드러내다, 폭로하다

Labor saving machinery will bring more revenue to the farmer.

① income ② taxes
③ produce ④ leisure
① revenue 소득, 수입

The Liberty Bell is an object of great reverence because it was rung in 1776 to
proclaim the singing of the Declaration of Independence.

① sadness ② respect
③ fame ④ worth
② reverence 존경

Monica was so upset by her failure in math that she secluded herself and
refused to see anyone.

① seceded ② segmented
③ severed ④ isolated
④ seclude 분리[격리]하다

The attacking forces quickly subdued the country.

① captured ② observed
③ surrounded ④ conquered
④ subdue 정복하다, 억제하다

The outcry against the government's policies will subside only if a compromise
is reached in the assembly.

① die down ② succeed

③ proceed ④ be dislodged
① subside 가라앉다, 진정되다

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Reverend Dimmensdale succumbed

to Hester's charms.

① appealed to ② conversed about

③ cared nothing for ④ yielded to
④ succumb 굴복하다

The speaker had only a superficial knowledge of the subject.

① deep ② shallow
③ useless ④ thorough
② superficial 피상적인

He made a superfluous remark on the subject.

① supreme ② unnecessary
③ fluent ④ notorious
② superfluous 불필요한, 남는

I resent your supercilious and arrogant attitude.

① haughty ② highbrow
③ subservient ④ philosophic
① supercilious 거만한, 젠체하는
We surmised that the traffic delay was caused by some accident on the

① assessed ② supposed
③ decided ④ confessed
② surmise 추측하다

At the end of the third quarter, the visitors were ahead by 18 points, a lead that
our team was unable to surmount.

① devour ② overcome
③ decline ④ denude
② surmount 극복하다

There's been a surfeit of cheap wine on the market.

① excess ② estimation
③ drop ④ resourcefulness
① surfeit 과다, 과식

His qualifications surpass the job requirements.

① encompass ② ascend
③ exceed ④ aid


He sought ______ from the enemy in the church.

① salvation ② relief
③ hiding ④ sanctuary


The solemnity of the occasion filled us with sobriety.

① sloth ② skittish
③ sanity ④ sinister


There are moments when I feel that life has lost its savor.

① hope ② compensation
③ interest ④ value


He was scanning the rows with binoculars.

① examining ② portraying
③ announcing ④ investing


I ironed some dresses. Unfortunately the newest one got ______.

① scorched ② destroyed
③ dried ④ dusted


She got the news second-hand.

① indirectly ② lately
③ secretly ④ immediately

The boy shivered because he was ______.

① thirsty ② cold
③ hot ④ hungry


There is a(n) ______ of good carpenters, which is causing a real problem to


① supply ② demand
③ absence ④ shortage


Although Americans take pride in their nation's achievement, they are also very
good at criticizing its shortcomings.

① successes ② weakness
③ belongings ④ qualities


A clever politician, he took advantage of every speaking engagement to

campaign for the next election.

① rash ② intrepid
③ crude ④ shrewd


Trees, shrubs, flowers and grass give character and interest to the parks.

① vines ② vegetables
③ bushes ④ weeds


"I am as strong as a lion" is an example of ______.

① simile ② metaphor
③ oxymoron ④ alliteration


The boy sneaked up on the horned toad.

① moved quietly ② went dangerously

③ crawled quickly ④ walked fast

During his sojourn in Asia, he learned much about native customs.

① exploration ② performance
③ military service ④ brief stay


Prof. Kim has traveled to many countries and studied in New York, London and
Paris. He is ______.

① sophisticated ② complicated
③ profound ④ creative


Our great-grandparents would find ______ the speed with which we can travel
round the world.

① suspicious ② infallible
③ capricious ④ staggering


The hunter carefully stalked the deer.

① shot ② tracked
③ skinned ④ aimed at


In eastern North America, the oak, on account of the staunch quality of its
wood, is everywhere regarded as a symbol of strength.

① brilliant ② splendid
③ steady ④ starveling


Not wanting to be seen by the man he was following, he moved ______.

① snugly ② stealthily
③ modestly ④ moodily


It was stifling last week.

① cold ② crowded
③ deserted ④ hot


Industrial strife seems to be more rampant in some countries in times of


① competition ② conflict
③ demand ④ proliferation


There has never been so stupendous an advance in so short a time.

① terrestrial ② trenchant
③ tenacious ④ tremendous


We should not forget to appreciate the beauty and sublimity of nature.

① grandeur ② wonder
③ mystery ④ subtlety


The outcry against the government's policies will subside only if a compromise
is reached in the assembly.

① die down ② succeed

③ proceed ④ be dislodged


The symphony concerts here are ______ by municipal government.

① subdued ② subordinated
③ subsidized ④ subjugated


He had read widely but seldom thought deeply, so his apparent learning is
quite ______.

① superficial ② superior
③ supercilious ④ superfluous

Science affects our whole ethical outlook by influencing our view as to the
nature of the world, in fact, by supplanting mythology.

① supporting ② destroying
③ replacing ④ tumbling


The police fired bullets into ______ crowds of demonstrators.

① mitigating ② exciting
③ standing up ④ surging


The American economy and its culture are on the verge of being swamped by

① besieged ② controlled
③ ensured ④ enslaved


During the twentieth century, many synthetic products have replaced the natural

① doubled ② flexible
③ fiscal ④ artificial


The frequent transitions from cold to warm weather this spring have caused

① compendia ② depreciations
③ changes ④ destinations


Still valuable elements of our old religions and philosophies can be transmuted
into the gold of a new world culture.

① detached ② converted
③ flooded ④ thrown


Nothing ― simply nothing at all ― transcends a cat's incomparable insincerity.

① exceeds ② reminds
③ removes ④ solves


To reveal a military secret is tantamount to treason.

① relative ② opposite
③ reasonable ④ equivalent


If Bob is tardy to work any more, the manager will report him

① idle ② indifferent
③ absent-minded ④ slow


His postwar policies brought criticism upon him which would have tarnished his

① dimmed ② regained
③ increased ④ perished


Drink only tepid liquids.

① slightly warm ② slightly cool

③ clean ④ tasty


The midnight sun is caused when the earth tilts toward the sun.

① orbits ② bends
③ rotates ④ runs


He has a highly tractable personality easily influenced by suggestions.

① tactful ② pliant
③ treacherous ④ placid


On the whole, the general led a tranquil life.

① calm ② secluded
③ turbulent ④ self-centered


Writing seems to have had its roots in commerce, in the records of ______.

① transfigurations ② transformations
③ transportations ④ transactions


The small protest triggered a mass demonstration.

① set aside ② set up

③ set off ④ set down


Don't bother me with trivial matters.

① troublesome ② mutual
③ not important ④ significant


On my way to Seoul, I met a turbulent storm.

① violent ② genuine
③ unexpected ④ variable


The meeting was thrown into turmoil by the announcement.

① tumult ② bake
③ order ④ prohibit


I am amazed to see such fine work done by a mere ______.

① amateur ② entrepreneur
③ tyro ④ despot


He tried to furnish the cabinet with unbiased and helpful advice on matters of
① gentile ② impartial
③ niggling ④ uncanny


He tried quickly to think of something else, lest with her uncanny intuition she
discern the cloud of death in his mind.

① refulgent ② ludicrous
③ uneven ④ mysterious


She's not the type of the moment, not elegant or artificial, too much the
unsophisticated child of nature.

① lugubrious ② purgative
③ naive ④ lucrative


501 ③ surpass 능가하다

502 ④ sanctuary 은신처, 피난처, 성역
503 ③ sobriety 절제, 제정신
504 ③ savor 맛, 흥미, 재미
505 ① scan 조사하다, 살피다
506 ① scorch 그슬리다, 태우다
507 ① second-hand 간접적으로
508 ② shiver 떨다
509 ④ shortage 부족
510 ② shortcoming 단점
511 ④ shrewd 영리한, 빈틈없는, 약삭빠른
512 ③ shrub 키 작은 나무, 관목
513 ② metaphor 은유 cf. oxymoron 모순
514 ① sneak 몰래 움직이다
515 ④ sojourn 체류
516 ① sophisticated 세련된, 복잡한, 글러먹은
517 ④ staggering 비틀거리는, 망설이는, 어마어마한
518 ② stalk 몰래 추적하다
519 ③ staunch 완고한, 견고한
520 ② stealthily 몰래
521 ④ stifling 숨 막힐 듯한, 질식할 것 같은
522 ② strife 다툼, 싸움
523 ④ stupendous 엄청난, 거대한
524 ① sublimity 장엄, 숭고
525 ① subside 가라앉다, 진정되다
526 ③ subsidize 보조금을 주다
527 ① superficial 피상적인 cf. supercilious 젠체하는, 거만한 superfluous 여분의, 불필
528 ③ supplant 대신하다
529 ④ surge (군중·감정 따위가)밀어닥치다, 들끓다; (물가가) 급등하다
530 ① swamp 물에 잠기게 하다, 압도하다
531 ④ synthetic 인조의, 합성의
532 ③ transition 변천, 변화
533 ② transmute 변형시키다
534 ① transcend 초월하다, 능가하다
535 ④ tantamount 동등한
536 ④ tardy 느린, 더딘
537 ① tarnish 흐리게하다, 더럽히다
538 ① tepid 미지근한(=lukewarm)
539 ② tilt 기울다
540 ② tractable 유순한, 다루기 쉬운
541 ① tranquil 조용한, 평온한
542 ④ transaction 거래
543 ③ trigger 유발하다
544 ③ trivial 사소한
545 ① turbulent 사나운, 난폭한
546 ① turmoil 소란, 소동
547 ③ tyro 초학자, 초심자
548 ② unbiased 공정한
549 ④ uncanny 신비스런, 초자연적인
550 ③ naive 순진한

The speaker underscored a thorough examination at the hospital.

① emphasized ② subdivided
③ analyzed ④ acclaimed

underscore [ʌ̀ndərskɔ́ːr] v. 밑줄 긋다, 강조하다
subdivide [sʌ̀bdiváid] v. 다시 나누다, 잘게 나누다, 세분하다


I must upbraid him for his misbehavior.

① say ② scold
③ write ④ cancel

upbraid [ʌipbréid] v. 신랄하게 비판하다


Ultimately people rely on language to gain an understanding of the thought of


① In the final analysis ② In a similar way

③ Piercingly ④ Religiously


The vote for the treaty was unanimous.

① limited ② by common consent

③ acrimonious ④ unsightly

unanimous [juːnǽnəməs] a. 만장일치의, 이의 없는
acrimonious [æ̀krəmóuniəs] a. 매서운, 신랄한
unsightly [ʌnsáitli] a. 추한, 꼴불견의


Since she felt that the tragedy was ______, she ascribed its cause to fate.

① poignant ② justified
③ unavoidable ④ necessary
poignant [pɔ́injənt] a. 매서운, 날카로운


From 1775 to 1776, the Americans undertook an unsuccessful campaign

against the British.

① waged ② headed
③ paid for ④ attended to


Some children display an unquenchable curiosity about every new thing they

① insatiable ② inherent
③ indiscriminate ④ incredible

insatiable [inséiʃəbəl] a. 만족을 모르는, 탐욕스러운
indiscriminate [ìndiskrímənit] a. 무차별의, 난잡한


His speeches are always too vague.

① specific ② precise
③ clear ④ not clear


Cowards die many times before their death, the valiant never taste of death but

① hostile ② cowardly
③ weak ④ brave

valiant [vǽljənt] a. 용감한, 씩씩한
cowardly [káuərdli] a. 겁 많은, 소심한


She vanquished the delegation.

① refused to see ② scolded
③ defeated ④ praised


I don't know if the story is true, and I'll try to ______ it.

① conform ② identify
③ fortify ④ verify

fortify [fɔ́ːrtəfài] v. 요새화 하다
verify [vérəfài] v. 진실임을 입증하다


Her continuous chatter vexes me very much.

① irritates ② amuses
③ vibrates ④ churns

vex [veks] v. 짜증나게 하다, 귀찮게 하다
churn [tʃəːrn] v. 휘젓다, 동요하다


U.S. president has the power to veto a bill.

① enforce ② modify
③ reject ④ verify


Many European nations vied for North American territory.

① competed for ② argued over

③ disposed of ④ arrived on


Since the judge feels that the defendant's offense is ______, he will probably
give him a light sentence.

① bad ② vindicable
③ unnecessary ④ terrible
vindicable [víndikəbəl] a. 변호할 수 있는, 입증할 수 있는


There seems to be a vogue for sailing small boats this summer.

① difficulty ② utility
③ fashion ④ request


Young people are vulnerable to the influences of radio and T.V.

① persuaded by ② appeased by
③ programmed to ④ susceptible to


He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove.

① sent ② organized
③ broke up ④ took back


If you have something to say, withhold your comment until I have finished

① hold back ② resist

③ give up ④ spread out


Wading across a stream, he got the shoes completely wet.

① Transacting ② Fording
③ Misting ④ Bleaching

transact [trænsǽkt, trænz-] v. 집행하다, 처리하다
ford [fɔːrd] v. 걸어서 건너다
bleach [bliːtʃ] v. 표백하다, 희게 하다


Weaving is an art among the Navaho of Arizona and New Mexico.

① Pottery making ② Jewelry making

③ Doll making ④ Cloth making


It will be necessary for the doctor to widen the pupils of your eyes with some
drops in order to examine them.

① brandish ② dilate
③ flatter ④ soothe

brandish [brǽndiʃ] v. 휘두르다
dilate [dailéit, di-] v. 팽창시키다, 넓히다


Always hang up your clothes to keep them from ______.

① wrinkling ② fretting
③ rustling ④ clinging

fret [fret] v. 초조하게 하다, 안달나게 하다
rustle [rʌ́s-əl] v. 바스락 거리다
cling [kliŋ] v. 착 달라붙다, 매달리다


551 ① underscore [ʌ̀ndərskɔ́ːr; (n.) -́--̀] vt. 강조하다

552 ② upbraid [ʌipbréid] v. 신랄하게 비판[비난, 질책]하다
553 ① ultimately [ʌ́ltəmiti] ad. 최후로, 궁극적으로
554 ② unanimous [juːnǽnəməs] a. 만장[전원] 일치의
555 ③ unavoidable [ʌ̀nəvɔ́idəbəl] a. 피할[어쩔] 수 없는
556 ① undertake [ʌ̀ndərtéik] v. 약속하다, 착수하다
557 ① unquenchable [ʌnkwéntʃəbəl] a. 막을 수 없는, (욕망 따위를) 누를 수 없는
558 ④ vague [veig] a. 어렴풋한, 막연한, 애매한
559 ④ valiant [vǽljənt] a. 용감한
560 ③ vanquish [vǽŋkwiʃ, vǽn-] vt. ~에게 이기다, 정복하다
561 ④ verify [vérəfài] vt. ~이 진실임을 증명[입증, 실증, 확증]하다
562 ① vex [veks] vt. 짜증나게 하다, 애타게 하다, 귀찮게[성가시게] 굴다
563 ③ veto [víːtou] vt. (의안 등을) 부인[거부]하다
564 ① vie [vai] vi. 경쟁하다, 겨루다
565 ② vindicable [víndikəbəl] a. 변호[변명]할 수 있는, 입증할 수 있는
566 ③ vogue [voug] n. 유행
567 ④ vulnerable [vʌ́lnərəbəl] a. 상처를 입기 쉬운, 비난[공격] 받기 쉬운
568 ④ withdraw [wiðdrɔ́ː, wiɵ-] v. 움츠리다, 철수하다, 취소하다
569 ① withhold [wiðhóuld, wiɵ-] vt. (승낙 등을) 보류하다, 억누르다, 억제하다
570 ② wade [weid] v. (강 따위를) 걸어서 건너다
570 ④ weave [wiːv] v. (직물·바구니 따위를) 짜다, 뜨다, 엮다
571 ② dilate [dailéit, di-] v. 팽창시키다; 넓히다
572 ① wrinkle [ríŋk-əl] v. ~에 주름을 잡다, 주름(살)이 지다

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