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How useful is business research for a manager in any organization?

 The importance of business research for business managers is that they can find out
problems even if it is big or small on a daily basis. So, by solving these problems the
manager can make good and right decisions for their organization. In business, research
is generally and basically used to resolve problems and issues in, or matched among the
areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing, by keeping in view these areas
the manager can make a good budget control system, practices, and procedures which are
frequently examined in accounting. Through business research business managers can
know about the inventory cost methods, depreciation, time-series behavior of quarterly
earnings, transfer pricing cash recovery rates, and taxation which is commonly used in
the finance department of the organization. Management research can provide the
managers the study of employee attitudes such as job satisfaction, loyalty, and
organizational commitment and behaviors such as performance, absenteeism, turnover,
and human resources management; it also indicates to the managers the impact of
changing demographics on management practices, production operations management,
strategy formulation, and information systems. Marketing research can guide the
managers’ issues related to the product image, advertising, sales promotion, distribution,
packaging, pricing, after-sales service, consumer preferences, new product development,
etc. Business research also plays an important role in that it also enables business
managers to apply techniques and procedures to illuminate the problem and contributes to
their greater understanding to generate solutions.
Which method would you prefer in your Thesis Writing 1 and 2? - Qualitative, Quantitative or
both? Why?

 it is better to apply quantitative methods while in other cases it is preferable to apply

qualitative methods. I insist it depends on the research purpose. Th better choice is the
one dictated by the data, the research questions, the depth of knowledge a researcher aims
to achieve as well as the skills a researcher has in each of these main research
methodologies. Also, a vital factor is the available time for the completion of the
research.It' s true that qualitative research and analysis is more time consuming. Another
issue a researcher has to consider is the epistemologic paradigm from which they stand.
There are various views about viewing and examining reality ranging from
phenomenology to positivism. The question is whether there is one main scope of reality
or multiple scopes depending on the participants views and experiences.

Each one has pros and cons. Quantitative methods are clear cut but cannot answer "why"
things happen, are mostly preferential to examine relationships among variables, neither
feelings nor thoughts. On the other hand, the results provided can be easily generalized,
something which cannot happen by applying qualitative methods. Using qualitative
methods could be used to formulate new research questions when a quantitative research
(survey) seems difficult to generate new hypotheses and ideas for a theme. A mixture of
both methods (mixed methods research) is an interesting trend which could give answers
to many research inquiries especially when used to complement the drawbacks of each
methodology with the strengths of the other.
Why do you consider business research a scientific endeavor?

 Research conducted for the purpose of contributing towards science by the systematic
collection, interpretation and evaluation of data and that, too, in a planned manner is
called scientific research: a researcher is the one who conducts this research. The results
obtained from a small group through scientific studies are socialised, and new
information is revealed with respect to diagnosis, treatment and reliability of applications.
The purpose of this review is to provide information about the definition, classification
and methodology of scientific research.
Base on your readings, what are the criteria of a good business research?

 Research, in my view, is the in-depth investigation of a particular topic related to one's

field of study. This investigation when designed around specific research questions and
objectives leads to particular findings which become significant contribution to existing
knowledge. The criteria for a good research involves:
 Relevant investigation which answers the problem at hand. If your research finds answers
to existing queries then it becomes the center point of future researches.
 A thorough study and presentation of literature. The literature review helps in identifying
the chronology and order of research which took place related to your topic. It helps
position your work amongst existing and future works.
 Appropriately collected data following a strong research methodology. A strong and
well-stated research methodology also allows reproducibility of your research and adds
 Data analysis with no statistical errors, especially whete findings impact people, such as
clinical studies.

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