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Choose the correct attribute of an
A. Is not influenced by surroundings.
1. B. Analyses the feedback from B See P:6
external environment.
C. Does not interact with the outside
D. No material enters or leaves it.
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD:
A record is -------------------------, if it is
exactly what it appears to be and
completely free from corruption,
2. C See P:96
additions and/or removal of
A. Reliable
B. Usable
C. Authentic
D. Structured
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD:
Records can be regarded as reliable
if their information content is -----------
3. B See P: 96
A. Related to a particular context
B. Trustworthy
C. Accessible
D. In active use
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD:
4. Tacit knowledge is converted to A See P: 89
explicit knowledge by means of the
process of --------------------------.
A. Externalisation
B. Combination
C. Socialisation
D. Internalisation
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
------------------- is basically the
framework around which an
organisation is organised, and the
5. way in which employees are selected C See P: 17
and appointed, leadership is chosen
and decisions are made.
A. Corporate structure
B. Business structure
C. Organisational structure
D. Organisational culture
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
------------------- can be defined as
infrequent decisions made by the top
leaders of an organisation that may
6. affect its performance and/or even its C See P:69
A. Operational decisions
B. Tactical decisions
C. Strategic decisions
D. Organisational decisions
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
------------- ------------ can be seen as
the information, skills, attitudes,
7. conceptions, beliefs and values that D See P: 85

people learn socially during the

enculturation process
A. Indigenous knowledge
B. Individual knowledge
C. Collective knowledge
D. Cultural knowledge
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
----------------------- defines the
organisation and, therefore, makes
8. employees behave in the way that C See P:13
they do in organisations.
A. Discipline
B. Synergy
C. Culture
D. Rules
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
------------------------- are complex
environments in which employees
perform collective tasks and face
9. numerous challenges and C See P:6
competitive pressure in order to
achieve long-term success.
A. Businesses
B. Institutions
C. Organisations
D. Corporations
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
------------------------- are self-sufficient
and their operations are not
influenced by external influences,
10. D See P:6
such as the economy and financial
conditions, competition, suppliers,
other stakeholders and external
A. Organisations
B. Open systems
C. Businesses
D. Closed systems
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
A collection of symbols or characters
that can be stored, transmitted and
11. retrieved are referred to as ------------- B See P:79
A. Knowledge
B. Data
C. Information
D. Facts
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
A record describes a/an --------------,
which can be a person, place, thing
12. or an event on which information is C See P:128
stored and maintained.
A. Record
B. Database
C. Entity
D. Document
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
A set of units or elements, such as
people, methods, procedures and
routines, which interrelate with one
13. A See P:5
another in a particular environment is
regarded as a --------------------------.
A. System
B. Process
C. Open system
D. Closed system
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
For a system to be considered as an
open system it has to include ----------

14. A. Inputs + Processes + Outputs + A See P:6

B. Inputs + Process + Goals +
C. Inputs + Objectives + Outputs +
D. Inputs + Analysis + Processes +
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
In order to avoid ---------------------- in
group decision-making, group
members should be encouraged to
15. A See P:73
share objections and to act as critical
A. Group-think
B. Decision by authority rule
C. Decision by minority rule
D. Decision by majority rule
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
In order to perform their functions
and to sustain business activities and
organisational functioning, managers
16. D See P:65
are continuously engaged in the
process of ----------------------.
A. Coordinating
B. Organising
C. Leading
D. Decision-making
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
Records management can be
regarded as the systematic and
economic ------------------ of records in
all formats to ensure that they are
17. A See P:115
efficiently created, handled, used and
maintained as evidence of business
A. Control
B. Processing
C. Maintenance
D. Capturing
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
The ------------------- can be regarded
as the life span of a record – from its
18. D See P: 116
creation to is disposal.
A. Continuum record concept
B. Current phase
C. Non-current phase
D. Record life cycle
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
The ------------------- environment
involves elements that lie outside the
organisation and may affect
19. A See P:11
organisational operations and
A. External
B. Technological
C. Physical
D. Political
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
The --------------------- of an
organisation may be one of its
strongest assets; so much so that
20. business leaders identify it as an C See P:16
important corporate strategy for
business success.
A. Leadership
B. Organisational structure
C. Culture
D. Communication
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
The historical period during which the
unique quality of information as a
21. resource is extensively applied is D See P:81
also known as the ----------------------.
A. Digital age
B. Knowledge age
C. Technology age
D. Information age
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the MISSING WORD.
The overall effectiveness of a system
is determined by the extent to which
22. the different parts are ----------------- C See P:7
and ---------- with one another.
A. Infused and aligned
B. Integrated and infused
C. Integrated and aligned
D. Positioned and infused
Complete the following sentence
23. C See P:13
by inserting the missing word.
The pattern of valid, shared beliefs,
assumptions, values and artefacts
that has developed in the course of
an organization’s history and that
tends to manifest in employee
behaviour is referred to as --------------
----- -------------------.
A. Organisational tradition
B. Organisational unity
C. Organisational culture
D. Organisational synergy
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
When data are processed, organised,
structured or presented in a given
24. context to make it useful, data C See P:80
become -----------.
A. Insight
B. Knowledge
C. Information
D. Wisdom
Complete the following sentence
by inserting the missing word.
When information is adequately
interpreted, understood and
remembered, it becomes ----------------
--------, which modifies an individual's
25. mental store of information, and A See P:80

benefits such individual’s

development and the development of
the society in which the individual
A. Knowledge
B. Insight
C. Wisdom
D. Data
Identify FOUR steps involved in
creating an organisational culture
according to their sequential
A. Create a vision + Establish
strategic & cultural values + Initiate
implementation strategies +
Reinforce cultural behaviours
B. Establish strategic & cultural
26. values + Create a vision + Initiate B See P:14
implementation strategies +
Reinforce cultural behaviours
C. Establish strategic & cultural
values + Create a vision +
Reinforce cultural behaviours +
Initiate implementation strategies
D. Create a vision + Establish
strategic & cultural values +
Reinforce cultural behaviours +
Initiate implementation strategies
Identify some of the common
internal organisational variables
that should be monitored in a
library and information service.
A. Trade unions, customers, financial
sources, competitors
27. B See P:11
B. Customers, competitors, funding
sources, suppliers
C. Economic trends, technology,
trade unions, financial sources
D. Customers, technology,
competitors, trade unions
Identify the CORRECT components
of information mapping. A See P:137
A. Big picture + Neighbourhood +
Views + Information Value Chain
B. Neighbourhood + Views +
Organisational structure +
Information Value Chain
C. Big picture + Neighbourhood +
Views + Information Life Cycle
D. Information Users + Information
Requirements + Information
Provision + Information Value
Identify the CORRECT information
system that matches the following
An information system that provides
middle managers with reports on the
29. current organisational performance. D See P:140

A. Specialised processing system

B. Operations support system
C. Decision support system
D. Management information system
Identify the CORRECT objective of
information logistics.
The main objective of information
logistics is to:
A. Manage organisational
30. information assets D See P:131
B. Manage human capital
C. Improve the control and security
of valuable information sources
D. Optimise the organisational
information flow and information
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
31. B See P:99
A body of information that is defined
and managed as a single unit, so that
it can be understood, protected, used
and shared effectively.
A. Human capital
B. Information asset
C. Knowledge asset
D. Collective information
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
A process by means of which a
procedure, task, or activity is studied,
32. B See P:135
evaluated and monitored.
A. Control
B. Audit
C. Strategy
D. Policy
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
A statement of an organisational
approach to information
33. D See P:134
A. Information strategy
B. Information map
C. Information audit
D. Information policy
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
An information system that allows the
flow, storage, retrieval and use of

34. digitised organisational documents. A See P:127

A. Document management system
B. Decision support system
C. Executive support system
D. Expert system
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
An instrument through which an
organisation proactively responds to
the changing environment by
establishing goals and objectives; C See P:132
adopting a particular course of action;
and allocating resources accordingly.
A. Logistics
B. Audit
C. Strategy
D. Plan
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
The function that enables an
organisation to examine its available
36. information resources and their use. C See P:135

A. Information audit
B. Information strategy
C. Information resources analysis
D. Information mapping
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
The movement or circulation of
information among employees and
37. systems in an organisation. A See P:129

A. Information flow
B. Information logistics
C. Information mapping
D. Information audit
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
38. D See P:128
The practice of using a network on
remote servers on the Internet to
store, process and manage data,
rather than on a local server.
A. Database management
B. Document management
C. Networking
D. Cloud computing
Identify the CORRECT term for the
following definition:
The sequence of activities involved in
information management, from
creation to the permanent deletion of B See P:125
A. Information management
B. Information life cycle
C. Information mapping
D. Information audit
Identify the elements that are
included in the MICRO-
ENVIRONMENT of an organisation.
A. Political environment, suppliers,
legal environment, employees.
B. Political environment, legal
40. D See P:10
environment, physical
C. Competitors, suppliers,
customers, media, employees,
technological environment.
D. Competitors, suppliers,
customers, media, employees.
Identify the era in which CAPITAL
replaced land as the main
contributor to the creation of
41. D See P:91
A. Agricultural era
B. Information era
C. Knowledge era
D. Industrial era
Identify the INCORRECT option
that does NOT relate to the
generation of indigenous
Indigenous knowledge is generated
42. D See P:85
A. Observing local conditions
B. Experimenting with solutions
C. Readapting previous solutions to
modify environmental situations
D. Formal education
Identify the INCORRECT option
that is NOT one of the demands of
information logistics.
43. C See P:131
A. Quality of information
B. Presentation of the information
C. Relevance of the information
D. Time of delivery
Identify the INCORRECT statement
that does NOT relate to the criteria
of vital records.
Vital records:
44. A. Are unique and irreplaceable B See P:95
B. Have little or no permanent value
C. Are in active use
D. Are essential in the protection
and/or recovery of critical systems
and facilities
Identify the name of the scientist
who defined the term tacit
45. knowledge for the first time. D See P:86
A. René Descartes
B. Sir Francis Bacon
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Michael Polanyi
Identify the option that
characterises the INFORMATION
A. Difficulties with obtaining
B. ICT infrastructure is not easily
46. D See P:82
accessible by most people
C. Information production is relatively
D. A high level of information intensity
in the everyday life of most
citizens, organisations and
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Administration and marketing are
47. applications of a document A See P:127
management system (DMS).
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
An effective organisational structure
facilitates working relationships
48. A See P:17
between the various sections and
subsections in the organisation.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
49. A See P:132
An information management strategy
involves the use of human resources
and technology to organise, control
and apply information resources.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
An organisation is social system or
entity that is systematically structured
and managed, and in which people
50. use a variety of resources and A See P:6
perform different, coordinated tasks
in order to achieve collective goals
and objectives.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Closed systems are systems that are
largely influenced by their
51. B See P:6
surroundings and interact with the
outside environment.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Diagonal information flow mainly
52. occurs in organisations with B See P:130
functional organisational structures.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
53. B See P:87
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Explicit knowledge is highly personal
and includes knowledge that we have
and know that we have, but that
cannot be put into words.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Individual knowledge, which is highly
personal, includes knowledge that we
have and know that we have, but
54. B See P:84
cannot put into words. It is deeply
rooted in the individual’s behaviour
and relationship to a specific context.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Once data symbols are used in a
particular context and a specific
55. A See P:79
meaning can be attached to them,
they are converted into information.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Organisational culture is shaped
while an organisation is facing and
56. B See P:14
dealing with specific external
challenges only.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
Support information is essential for
57. B See P:133
the core organisational processes.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE:
There have been three historical
58. stages have in the modern A See P:81
development of civilization.
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE.
In the internal environment,
individuals, groups and the
59. organisation do not have any B See P:9
influence or impact on the
A. True
B. False
State whether the following
statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The internal/task environment is also
60. referred to as the macro- B See P:9
A. True
B. False

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