Trusts Reading List

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03/18/23 Trusts Law | Durham University

Trusts Law View Online

(Academic year 2022-23)

60 items

Course texts (2 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Cambridge Textbooks: unlimited user e-book

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential

Week 1 Introduction to the trust (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 1

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 1 from p. 14 and chapter 2, pp. 45-65

The Nature of Trusts Law

Chapter | Seminar reading | Chapter 2

Explaining the trust - Peter Jaffey

Article | Seminar reading

Week 2 - Formalities (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 3, pp. 77-93, 104-113 and 119-120

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 6 up to p. 197, excluding section on mutual wills

Instruments of fraud, testamentary dispositions, and the doctrine of secret trusts - Patricia
Article | Seminar reading

Grey, Oughtred and Vandervell. A Contextual Reappraisal - Brian Green, 1984

Article | Seminar reading

03/18/23 Trusts Law | Durham University

Week 3 - Public policy; certainty of intention (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 5, pp. 232-240, 272- 284 and chapter 3, pp.120-134

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 6 from p. 203 and chapter 3, pp.79-88

Patel v Mirza : one step forward and two steps back - Graham Virgo, 2016-12
Article | Seminar reading

Self-declarations of trust - Sinead Agnew and Simon Douglas

Article | Seminar reading

Week 4 - Certainty of subject matter; certainty of objects (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 3, pp. 134-141 and chapter 4, pp.169-209

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 3, pp. 88-104

Challenging the orthodoxy: a critique of Re Goldcorp and the English law approach to the
certainty of subject matter - Benny Chung, 2019-06-01
Article | Seminar reading

Administrative unworkability - a reassessment of an abiding problem - I.M. Hardcastle,

Article | Seminar reading

Week 5 - The constitution of trusts (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 3, pp. 93-104, 117-119 and 153-155

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 4

The role of the trust mechanism in the rule in Re Rose - Jonathan Garton, 2003
Article | Seminar reading

Completely constituting an inter vivos trust: property rules? - Charles Rickett, 2001
Article | Seminar reading

Week 6 - The beneficiary principle; Unincorporated associations (4 items)

03/18/23 Trusts Law | Durham University

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 4 pp.219-230; Chapter 5 pp.284-8; Chapter 14

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 3, pp.105-121; chapter 6, pp. 197-202

Developing the obligation characteristic of the trust - DAVID HAYTON.*, 2001

Article | Seminar reading

Private purpose trusts - a reform proposal - Mark Pawlowski and Jo Summers, 2007
Article | Seminar reading

Weeks 7 and 8 - Charitable trusts (2 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapters 15 and 16

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 7

Weeks 9 and 10 - Trusts of the family home (2 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 10

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 8

Week 11 - The resulting trust (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 3 (pp. 155-168), chapter 12 (pp. 705-720) and chapter 14
(pp. 817 and 824-825 (section 6)). (Moffat’s Trusts Law does not have a single chapter
dedicated to the resulting trust, so you might find it easier to read chapter 5 of Watt’s
book below.)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 5

Great debates in equity and trusts - Alastair Hudson, 2014

Book | Seminar reading | Chapter 7

Redefining the Quistclose trust - Timon Hughes-Davies, 2015

Article | Seminar reading

03/18/23 Trusts Law | Durham University

Week 12 - Fiduciary duties and associated remedies (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 7 (pp. 358-360 and 375-383) and chapter 13 (pp. 737-740,
748-751, 762-779 and 790-797)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 10

Guarding the Fiduciary's Conscience - a Justification of a Stringent Profit-Stripping Rule -

Irit Samet
Article | Seminar reading

The nature and function of fiduciary loyalty - MATTHEW CONAGLEN, 2005

Article | Seminar reading

Week 13 - Non-fiduciary duties (5 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 7 (pp. 355-356) and chapter 8 (pp. 384-393, 405-416,
418-434, and 443-444)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 11 (pp. 382-388 and 395-396) and chapter 12

Trustee duties versus equity’s moral conscience: trust law’s inadequate facilitation of
socially responsible investment - Luke Broadway, 2021-12-09
Article | Seminar reading

Ethical Investments: A Case of Disjointed Thinking - Rosy Thornton, 2008-07

Article | Seminar reading

The commercialisation of equity - Man Yip, James Lee, 2017-12

Article | Seminar reading

Week 14 - Remedies for breach of non-fiduciary duties (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 9 (pp. 500-543)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 13

Trust-owned companies and the irreducible core of the trust - Jason Fee, 2021-02-09
Article | Seminar reading

Taking trusts seriously - Alexander Y.S. Georgiou, 2021

03/18/23 Trusts Law | Durham University

Article | Seminar reading

Week 16 - Dishonest assistance (5 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry Bean,
Book | Essential | Chapter 11 (pp. 638-642 and 656-669)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 15 (pp. 531-537 and 549-560)

Royal Brunei dishonesty: clarity at last? - Desmond Ryan

Article | Seminar reading

Dishonest assistance involving solicitors: Clydesdale Bank Plc v Workman - David Salmons,
Article | Seminar reading

Dishonest strangers - Martin Dixon, 2019

Article | Seminar reading

Week 17 - Knowing receipt (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry Bean,
Book | Essential | Chapter 11 (pp. 642-651)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 15 (pp. 537-549)

Equity, trusts, and commerce - 2017

Book | Seminar reading | Chapter 13: ‘The Nature of Knowing Receipt’

Knowing receipt: the 'continuing proprietary interest' - Alan Roxburgh

Article | Seminar reading

Week 18 - The variation of trusts (4 items)

Moffat's trusts law: text and materials - Jonathan Garton, Rebecca Probert, Gerry M. D.
Bean, 2020
Book | Essential | Chapter 6, pp. 291-326 (please also read section (pp. 95-97)
of Gary Watt’s book below, as Moffat’s Trusts Law does not cover Benjamin orders.)

Trusts & equity - Gary Watt, 2020

Book | Essential | Chapter 1, section 1.6 (pp. 24-25); chapter 9, pp. 319-321 and
332-345; chapter 3, section (pp. 95-97)

The (Literal) Death of the Author and the Silencing of the Testator's Voice - Dawn Watkins,

03/18/23 Trusts Law | Durham University

Article | Seminar reading

Scope creep: deleting beneficiaries’ interests in the name of cost-efficiency? - Aidan Briggs
, 2019-10-01
Article | Seminar reading


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