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1. What does the word "church," ecclesia, mean in the Old Testament?

• the assembly of the Chosen People before God

2. What does the Greek term "kyriake," which in English is translated as "church," and the German
word "kirche" imply in the New Testament?
• what belongs to the Lord

3-5. What is the current definition or perception of the church?

• Liturgical Assembly
• Local Community
• Whole Universal Community of Believers

6-8. What are the images or symbols of the church gathered together?

• The Church is, accordingly, a sheepfold, the sole and necessary gateway to which is Christ
• The Church is a cultivated field, the tillage of God
• Often, too, the Church is called the building of God

9. Why does the church teach that the Lord Himself founded His church upon the foundation of
the apostles?

• The Father “chose to raise up men to share in his own divine life thru his Son. Determined to call
together a holy church those who should believe in Jesus Christ

10-14. What or who comprises God’s family?

• Adam and Eve

• People of Israel
• The Church at Present
• The Church to Come

15. Who instituted or founded the church?

• Jesus Christ

16. How did Jesus Christ inaugurate the church?

• Preaching of Good News of the Coming of the Kingdom

17. How are the origin and growth of the church symbolized?

• The origin and growth of the Church are symbolized by the blood and water which flowed
from the open side of the crucified Jesus.
18. Why was the Holy Spirit sent on the day of Pentecost?

• In order that he might continually sanctify the church

19. What did the Holy Spirit do in order for the church to fulfill her mission?

• The Holy Spirit bestows upon the church varied hierarchic and charismatic gifts, and in this
way directs her

20. When will the Church attain perfection?

• The church will receive its perfection only in the glory of heaven

21. According to him, a proper understanding of the post-resurrection institutional Church should be
seen in the light of the Pre-Easter Jesus.

• Adelbert Denaux

22. “That Jesus never demanded the establishment of a community of the elect but called all to an
obedient acceptance of his message of salvation” was an argument from?

• Hans Kung

23. “The Church has existed from the time of faith in the resurrection.” this statement was given by:

• Hans Kung

Essay: Do you see your relationship with God as a reciprocal covenant with Him? Cite a personal
experience. (2 pts)

I believe yes, even though I don’t always think of him all of the time, I know that he’s with me
whenever I am struggling in life like what path or decision should I take, he always give me signs that I
should choose whatever that is good and morally acceptable to me.

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