Martesha Smith - Module 05 ReflectionAssignment - 040223.edited

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Student’s Name

Professor’s Name

 In Module 01 Written Assignment - Reflection you were asked to give yourself a
rating from 1 to 5, with 5 representing the healthiest eater. What number would
you give yourself now? (1 pt.)
Based on my eating habits since the beginning of class till today, I would rate myself a 3.
I still eat whatever is easy and quick because I am in school and working in addition to
caring for my siblings. I have also added additional vegetables and fruit to my diet to
keep it balanced.

 Did your rating change? If so, in what direction and in what way? What
adjustments to your diet, if any, did you make? (1 pt.)
 My rating has not changed much since the beginning of class. I believe changing your
eating habits takes
 some time and a lot of discipline. It’s something a person does gradually over time not
My rating hasn't changed much since the beginning of class. I feel that changing
my eating habits takes time and a lot of dedication. It is something that a person performs
gradually over time rather than all at once.
Did your rating change? If so, in what direction and in what way? What adjustments to
your diet,
if any, did you make?
Did your rating change? If so, in what direction and in what way? What adjustments to
your diet,
if any, did you make?

 Are your eating patterns based on family traditions or cultural or religious

reasons? If so, do this support or promote healthy eating? (1pt)
My eating habits are influenced by my family traditions, but as an adult, I have
established my eating habits. I eat out frequently and consume everything quick and
handy based on my lifestyle and where I am in my life. Because of the health risks I face,
I've made healthy eating a part of my diet.

 What two important nutritional principles or concepts have you learned and will
always remember? What is their impact on your delivery of quality safe nursing
care? (2 pts)
I learned that the amount of food a person eats might influence body composition and
weight. The quality of our meals can have an impact on our health. My impact as a future
healthcare professional is to stay updated about good dietary guidelines to alert patients
about underlying issues that they may be vulnerable to if they do not follow proper health
This can be useful when dealing with people who are on specific diets as prescribed by
their doctors. Knowing what foods, a person can consume when under doctor's orders
might assist prevent complications after major surgeries or life-threatening conditions if
consuming food restricted food choices.

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