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Nama : Misa Arpani

Nim : 22.61.026002
Prodi : Kehutanan
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Description of the tomato plant

The tomato plant consists of the roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Part these
parts of the plant body play an important role in plant life activities tomatoes,
such as absorption, respiration, photosynthesis, transport of nutrients, and
breeding. Tomato plants are plants that have a taproot with many and shallow
side roots. Stem green tomato plants, rectangular to round and sectional the
surface of the trunk is covered with hairs and the height of the stem reaches 2-
3 meters.
Tomato plants have finned compound leaves annoying. The leaves of the
tomato plant are green and oval in shape. The edges the leaves are serrated
and form a pinnate slit. Besides having leaves tomato plants also have
compound interest which is hermaphrodite and can self-pollinate. The flowers
of the tomato plant are trumpet-shaped bright yellow in color and has a
number of petals and petals six.
Tomato plants have a fruit shape varies. There are tomatoes that are round,
oval and oval in shape. Tomatoes has a variety of sizes ranging from the
smallest has a weight around 9 g/fruit and the large ones around 180 g/fruit.

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