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“Impacts of parental divorce and separation in children's mental health in Quezon City”

Data collection
The gathering of data will be conducted with the use of standardized questionnaires.
These questionnaires will be explained and given to the respondents. It will consist of different
parts: the first one will be focused on the profiling of the respondents; the second part will be
questions about the experiences of respondents with regard to parental divorce and separation.
Lastly, the remaining parts will focus on the degree of the problem’s impact on children’s mental

Considering the advancement in technology, an online survey will also be used. This will help
the researchers to collect responses without having a close contact to respondents for safety
and for such convenience. Moreover, the questions will comprise of mixed close-ended and
open-ended questions to ensure the efficiency of the survey.

Data Analysis
Analyzing the data about the Impact of parental divorce and separation in children’s mental
health involves a long process. At first, the researchers should check the credibility of the
responses by also making sure that all of the data are from the right respondents. After that, the
compilation and encoding of the data will begin so that categorization and interpretation will
follow. In interpreting the results of the data, the researchers might use tables and graphs so
that they can be easy to understand by readers, especially when dealing with numbers. Then it
will undergo for another verification by the participants to ensure the credibility and reliability of
the research. Lastly, a summary of the findings will be prepared that serves as the conclusion or
answer to the problem at hand which includes different examples or illustrations of data.

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