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Moneymaker's holdings
Company Name Ticker Symbol Trading Price Number of Shares Value of Holdings Percentage of total Value
ALCOA INC AA $27.43 56 $1,536.08 0.0064
AMER INTL GROUP INC AIG $66.71 85 $5,670.35 0.0238
AMER EXPRESS INC AXP $56.82 112 $6,363.84 0.0267
BOEING CO BA $83.40 117 $9,757.80 0.0409
CITIGROUP INC C $50.43 54 $2,723.22 0.0114
CATERPILLAR INC CAT $61.15 116 $7,093.40 0.0298
DU PONT E I DE NEM DD $46.59 184 $8,572.56 0.0360
WALT DISNEY-DISNEY C DIS $31.19 211 $6,581.09 0.0276
GEN ELECTRIC CO GE $35.47 501 $17,770.47 0.0745
GEN MOTORS GM $34.69 48 $1,665.12 0.0070
HOME DEPOT INC HD $36.38 115 $4,183.70 0.0175
HONEYWELL INTL INC HON $42.49 124 $5,268.76 0.0221
HEWLETT PACKARD CO HPQ $39.77 175 $6,959.75 0.0292
INTL BUSINESS MACH IBM $91.85 200 $18,370.00 0.0771
INTEL CP INTC $21.79 305 $6,645.95 0.0279
JOHNSON AND JOHNS DC JNJ $68.76 110 $7,563.60 0.0317
JP MORGAN CHASE CO JPM $47.05 103 $4,846.15 0.5793
COCA COLA CO THE KO $47.07 115 $5,413.05 0.0227
3M COMPANY MMM $80.47 150 $12,070.50 0.0506
MCDONALDS CP MCD $42.44 145 $6,153.80 0.0258
ALTRIA GROUP INC MO $79.32 117 $9,280.44 0.0389

MERCK CO INC MRK $45.39 212 $9,622.68 0.0404

MICROSOFT CP MSFT $28.29 400 $11,316.00 0.0475
PFIZER INC PFE $27.26 425 $11,585.50 0.0486
PROCTER GAMBLE CO PG $63.07 135 $8,514.45 0.0357
AT&T INC. T $34.77 100 $3,477.00 0.0146
UNITED TECH UTX $64.97 300 $19,491.00 0.0818
VERIZON COMMUN VZ $38.13 116 $4,423.08 0.0186
WAL MART STORES WMT $51.60 138 $7,120.80 0.0299
EXXON MOBIL CP XOM $69.71 120 $8,365.20 0.0351
Total Value of Portfolio: $238,405.34

Dr. Moneymaker's Favorites


1. Create an Excel file and save it as SURNAME_Activity6
2. Use the following data to create a sheet with all of Dr. Moneymaker’s holdings. The prices are automatically updated by the Firm’s tremendous technology, so do not worry about updating any of the information. It’s all up to date.
3. Arrange alphabetically the list based on Ticker symbols.
4. In order to please Dr. Moneymaker, we must analyze his holdings in order to recommend adjustments at our meeting. Add another column with the header “Value of Holding”.
5. Next, calculate the values of each of Dr. Moneymaker’s holdings by multiplying the Trading Price by the number of shares of the first company entry.
Reflection Questions:
Use your calculator to check the answer. What did you calculate for the Value of the Alcoa holding? I calculated the numbers of Shares and trading price and his answer or value is the same as in the gsheet $1,536.08
Is your Excel sheet’s data correct? Yes, my answer is correct. It has the same value
If not, review the process above before proceeding to make sure that this information is correct
6. Copy the equation and paste it into all of the cells of the “Value of Holdings” column. DONE
Reflection Questions:
Use your calculator to check to see if the answers that have been calculated are correct. For example: What is the Value of Holding for MSFT (Microsoft Corp)?$11,316.00
What is the Value of Holding for GE (General Electric)? $17,770.47
What is the Value of Holding for VZ (Verizon)?$4,423.08
Are these values correctly calculated? YES 100% SURE
In short answer form, how useful is the copy-paste feature of Excel? Why? It is very useful because you can get all the data faster in a short time. It makes my work faster.
7. In order to find out how much money Dr. Moneymaker has invested in his portfolio, we need to sum the value of all his holdings. Create a cell “Total Value of Portfolio” at the end of the “Number of Shares” column and display the sum of all the value of his holdings adjacent to it (bottom end of the “Value of Holdings” column).
Reflection Question:
What is one example of another application of mathematics in which this AutoSum feature could be used? When adding large numbers and when importing a lot of data that needs to be added.
How could I use AutoSum to calculate just the Total Value of the following holdings: MRK + PFE + KO + CAT + JPM? Just type equal sign (=) and SUM symbol then select the cells that contain the values of MRK, PFE, KO, CAT, and JPM.
Create a cell called “ Dr. Moneymaker’s Favorites” at the bottom of the “Total Value of Holdings” cell, and calculate the Total Value of the above 5 stocks.
8. Create another column and type “Percentage of Total Value”
9. Now it is time to calculate the percentage of each holding based on your calculated “Total Value of Portfolio”. Divide each “Value of Holdings” to the “Total Value of Portfolio”. Reflection Questions: Using your calculator, divide the value of holding by the total value of the portfolio of the first entry.
What is your answer? My answer is 0.0064 or 0.0064431324
Does your answer equal what is inside its corresponding cell? Yes
Is there an easier way to calculate the percentages? Explain how to do it. : I can say that there’s no more way because that is the easiest way to get the percentages
10. In order to present this information to Dr. Moneymaker this morning, we will have to add dollar signs to values that need them, and we will need to round the values that we have calculated and change the decimal value to something more manageable. Add dollar signs to all “Trading Prices”, “Values of Holdings”, “Total Value of Portfolio”, and “Dr. Moneymaker’s Favorites”. Your columns should now have the appropriate dollar signs next to dollar values.
11. Now it is time to add the final touch to Dr. Moneymaker’s portfolio review. The percentages are too large for a customer to recognize which holdings are the largest. Format the cells and select Percentage and change the Decimal Places to 4. This should change all of your values to percentages that can be easily understood.
Reflection Question:
How do you think the rounding feature and $ button on the toolbar enhance a presentation like this? It became easier to read the numbers because they are more organized and not overlapping when using the $ button. Rounding feature also makes it easier to know the percentage of each cell and it is immediately determined which stocks have a small or large percentage in the total portfolio.
What other ideas do you have to make this presentation appear even more attractive?
Add colors so that the viewer does not squint if he reads the cell from right to left. Have a proper size or font size. And above all put everything that Dr. Moneymakers should see.
Your Presentation for Dr. Moneymaker is now complete!!! You may want to fine tune your Presentation before giving it to Dr. Moneymaker. Use color to highlight things that you feel are important, and feel free to change the font, spacing, and centering of any cells that you wish. This presentation is customizable, and you should feel free to be creative

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