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2 3
PCR & Molecular Genetics Tests:
- HCV RNA Quantitative PCR
- HCV RNA Genotyping PCR
- HBV DNA Quantitative PCR
- HIV RNA Quantitative PCR
- TB PCR Qualitative
- Prothrombin II mutation PCR
- Factor V Leiden mutation PCR
- MTHFR Gene mutation PCR
- BCR-ABL 1 Gene mutation PCR
- BCR –ABL T315 I imatinib resistant
- JAK2 - Gene mutation PCR
- Cardio Vascular Disease Risk Factors PCR
- Cystic Fibrosis CFTR Mutations PCR
- Lactose Intolerance PCR
- α-Globin Gene, α-Thalassemia PCR
- β-Globin Gene, β-Thalassemia PCR
- Meningitis pathogens multiplex panel PCR
- Respiratory pathogens multiplex panel PCR
- H1N1 Influenza Virus RNA PCR
- Herpes Simplex Virus I &II DNA PCR
- Human Papilloma Virus DNA Genotyping HR PCR
- Gaucher disease PCR
PCR & Molecular Genetics Tests: - BARCA1 & BARCA2

4 5
Assays Detect
Associated With
Cardiac Vascular

• Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase ( MTHFR )gene • Brain natriuretic peptide (proBNP)
Mutation in the MTHFR gene are associated with decreased enzyme activity How is it used ?
, which leads to hyperhomocysteinemia and toxic side effects of methotrex- Either BNP or NT-proBNP may be used to help detect, diagnose, and evaluate
ate therapy. the severity of heart failure.
when a person has 2 copies of MTHFR C677T (homozypous) or 2 Copies of
BNP and NT-proBNP levelscan help doctors differentiate between heart failure
MTHFRC677T & one cope of A 1298C (copmer heterozygous)decrease MTH-
and other problems, such as lung disease.
FR activity slow for the hemosystine to methionine
Higher levels of BNP or NT-proBNPare often associated with a worse outlook
(prognosis) for the person

Hyperhomocysteinemia affects methotrexate sensitivity

- Two common mutations in the MTHFR gene, 677C>T and 1298A>C, con-
tribute to reduced enzyme activity which leads to elevated levels of ho-
- Homozygosity for 677C>T or compound heterozygosity for 677C>T /
1298A>C conveys a significantly higher risk for negative side-effects of
methotrexate medication.
- Identification of relevant mutations in the MTHFR gene is crucial for al-
lowing an adequate and safe methotrexate therapy!

Clinical significance
The main clinical utility of either BNP or NT-proBNP is that a normal level rules
out acute heart failure in the emergency setting. BNP or NT-proBNP is use to
monitor the effects of therapy for heart failure.Either BNP or NT-proBNP can
also be used for screening and prognosis of heart failureBoth are also typi-
cally increased in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, with or without
symptoms (BNP accurately reflects current ventricular status, as its half-life is
20 minutes, as opposed to 2–1 hours for NT-proBNP)

8 9
10 11
12 13
Multiplex PCR

14 15
Rapid diagosis of Respiratory Multiplex PCR is the gateway to syndromic
testing and better patient care
viral by Multiplex PCR Respiratory pathogens 21 is an in vitro test for the qualitative detection
of nucleic acid as a diagnostics tool in the evaluation of viral infections

16 17
Most clinically
One PCR test Relevant Pathagens
Causing meningitis

MENINGITIS Panel Bacterial & Viral Pathogens (PCR)

Bacterial meningitis has a rapid onset and is generally very serious, often with long term neurologi-

Tests (HLA)
cal effects. It can be treated with appropriate antibiotics that may also prevent spreading.
Viral meningitis is much more common and is less severe, usually recovering spontaneously.
Diagnosing the correct pathogen might be livesaving Meningitis Panel PCR test detecting.

enterovirus human herpesvirus 7

Epstein-Barr virus human parechovirus
Escherichia coli human parvovirus B19
Haemophilus influenzae Listeria monocytogenes
herpes simplex virus 1 mumps virus
herpes simplex virus 2 Neisseria meningitidis
human adenovirus Streptococcus Group B
human cytomegalovirus Streptococcus pneumoniae
human herpesvirus 6 varicella zoster virus
18 19
Jak 2 mutation
Organs transplant is needed the with the donor evaluation. A nega-
specific test in the medical labs ,the tive reaction means that the recipi-
recipients are tested when it is deter- ent does not have antibodies
 This test looks for mutations in JAK2 that are associated with bone
mined that they need an organ against the donor HLA and a trans-
marrow disorders caused by the production of too many blood cells.
(Kidney , liver ,et) or bone marrow plant can be performed. If the recipi-
transplant, prior to seeking and ent serum kills off the donor cells,
selecting a suitable donor; potential this is a positive crossmatch and a
donors are tested when they are transplant would not survive. Mutations in JAK2 have been implicated in polycythemia vera, essential
being evaluated for compatibility A- CDC ( Complement - Dependent thrombocythemia, and myelofibrosis as well as other myeloprolifera-
with a specific recipient or are Cytotoxicity) test. tive disorders.[1
signing up with a national donor B - PRAs Class I & Class II tests.
1- Cross match test HLA Typing tests by PCR :
JAK2 mutation test aiding in the distinction between a reactive blood
2- HLA Typing tests HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen)
cytosis and a chronic myeloproliferative disorder in blood specimen
cross match is completed; typing is
completed prior to the actual trans-
plant surgery. They play a role in
recognizing cells that are your own
(self ) from those that are foreign
(non-self ). Nearly 600 different HLA
molecules have been identified.
-HLA Types tests of Organs trans-
plantation :
A- HLA- A,
Cross match test : is thought to be a C- HLA-C.
miniature test transplant performed D- HLA- DR .
in the laboratory; Only those with a F- HLA- DQ
negative crossmatch can proceed

20 21
BCR-ABL1 refers to a sequence found in an abnormal chromosome 22
of some people with certain forms of leukemia. Unlike most cancers, the
cause of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and some other leuke-
mias can be traced to a single, specific genetic abnormality in one chro-
mosome. The presence of the gene sequence known as BCR-ABL1 con-
firms the diagnosis of CML and a form of acute lymphoblastic lymphoma

BCR-ABL1 testing is used to:

1. Help diagnose chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) or a

type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
2. Monitor treatment
3. Monitor for recurrence
4. Detect resistance to therapy
Genetic risk factors are responsible for more than half of thromboembolic cas-
es, particularly if the disease occurs before the age of 45 and without any obvi-
ous external factors or at untypical localizations..

22 23
24 25
26 27
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) Familial Mediterranean Fever: an autosomal recessive disease
Familial Mediterranean Fever - MEFV gene
(MEditerranean FeVer) Clinical suspicion of FMF can be (VSI) is systematically confirmed by
confirmed by studying the MEFV a secondtechnique (Sanger
gene (MEditerranean FeVer), which sequencing).
FMF: what is it? consists of 10 exons and is located
on the shortarm of chromosome 16. Clinical interpretation of the
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) In 90% of cases, the first onset of the At Biomnis, we use New Generation observed genotype is provided in
is a hereditary autoinflammatory disease is before the age of twenty. Sequencing technology (NGS) to the return report. The testing of the
disease characterized by recurrent obtain a complete sequence of the parents may also sometimes be
attacks of fever and serositis result- The main long-term complication is 10 exons of this gene. proposed to clarify the geno-
ing in abdominal, chest, joint and AA amyloidosis, a severe condition type-phenotype correlation and for
muscle pain. FMF is the most with a poor prognosis. Colchicine The presence of any pathogenic or the purposes of genetic counsel-
common familial relapsing fever. It remains the therapy of choice in the probably pathogenic variation or a ling.
mainly affects the populations of prevention of crises and complica- variation of unknown significance
the Middle East and the Mediterra- tions.
nean basin, particularly Sephardic It is therefore crucial that the diagno-
Jews, Armenians, Arabs and Turks, sis of FMF is made, so that this treat-
with a preva-lence ranging from ment can be initiated.
1/150 to 1/1000.

28 29


Term used to denote when the genetic material
within the sperm is abnormal, which in turn may
lead to male subfertility and IVF failure
- Unexplained infertility
- Miscarriage / Missed Abortion

30 31
M2-PK + Hb
Modern biomarker for improved colorectal
cancer screening .

The M2 –PK + Hb is the combined stool test

which detects the oncoprotein M2 pyrovate
kinase and immunological Fecal Occult Blood
in stool .
Detects bleeding and non bleeding colorectal
adenomas and cancers.

Advantages (M2-PK + Hb)

Combination of direct method (M2-PK) and
indirect method (iFOBT)
M2 – PK is Key enzyme in colorectal cancer
cells and polyps
No false positive results due to hemorrhoids or
blood from other source
No special diet required

M2-PK ++ Hb
No false positives due to antioxidants
No false positives due to foodstuffs

Colorectal cancer

32 33
34 35








ŶƟͲDK' EDKͬEDK^͕D͕/^͕D^ --

36 37
38 39
40 41
Pathology Antibody

Systemic disorders
Disseminated erythematous Anti-nuclear antibodies
lupus (DEL) Naive anti-DNA Ab
Anti-nucleosome Ab
Anti-ENA Ab (Sm, RNP, SSA)

Autoantibodies in the diagnosis

Anti-ribosomes Ab
Anti-PCNA Ab
Anti-C1q Ab

and follow-up of autoimmune Drug-induced lupus

Circulating immune complexes
Anti-nuclear antibodies

diseases diseases
Anti-histones Ab

Gougerot-Sjögren Anti-nuclear antibodies

Syndrome Anti-SSA/Ro 60, SSB Ab
Anti-SSA/Ro 52 Ab = anti-TRIM 21
Auto-immune disorders affect over 7% of the population. They are the 3rd largest
cause of morbidity in industrialised countries (after cardiovascular diseases and Mixed connectivity Anti-nuclear antibodies
Anti-RNP Ab
cancer) and can affect people of any age.
Myositis, Anti-Jo1 Ab
Anti-synthetase syndrome Anti-PL7 Ab, PL12, Ku, Mi2
Auto-immune disorders are due to malfunctions of the immune system which result
Anti-SRP Ab
in the manufacture of antibodies, and in some cases, lymphocytes, that act against Anti-Pm-Scl Ab
the body’s own cells. As a result, each and every organ can be affected. There Anti-OJ Ab, EJ, TIF/p155/140, MDA-5/CADM 140,
NXP2, SAE, HMG-coA reductase
are multiple factors accounting for the origin of auto-immune disorders with the
involvement of genetic, endogenetic and environmental factors. Exclusion diagnosis DFS 70
Diffuse systemic scleroderma Anti-nucleolar Ab
Anti-ScI70 Ab = topo isomerase
Diagnosis of auto-immune disorders
Anti-RNA polymerase III Ab
Diagnosis of an auto-immune disorder is based mainly on: clinical symptoms, Overlapping syndrome Anti-Pm-Scl Ab
immunological diagnosis and in some cases, genetic diagnosis. These debilitating Anti-Ku Ab
disorders are often severe and at times life-threatening. Often affecting young Limited systemic scleroderma Anti-centromere Ab (A/B)
subjects, hence the importance of correctly screening for auto-antibodies that are (formerly CREST syndrome) Anti-Th/To Ab
Anti-NOR Ab
vital for diagnosis in the presence of relevant clinical signs.
Antiphospholipid syndrome

in making a quick and reliable diagnosis to improve the treatment of your patients. Anti-phosphatidylethanolamine IgG/IgM Ab
Anti-phosphatidylserine IgG Ab
Anti-prothrombin IgG Ab
Anti-annexin V IgG Ab
Auto-antibodies with a high diagnostic value are shown in Rheumatoid polyarthritis
Rheumatoid factors IgM
can be a diagnostic support for several auto-immune Rheumatoid factors IgA
diseases (for any additional information, please consult our website

42 43
Pathology Antibody Pathology Antibody

Primary biliary cirrhosis Goodpasture syndrome
(not to be confused with anti-epidermal basement
Anti-gp210 Ab (nuclear pores) membrane and intracellular substance antibodies)
Anti-SP100 Ab (nuclear dots) Granulomatosis with Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab (or ANCA),
Type 1 auto-immune hepatitis polyangitis (also known as
Anti-soluble liver antigen Ab = SLA/LP Wegener's granulomatosis)
Type 2 auto-immune hepatitis Eosinophilic granulomatous, Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (or ANCA),
microscopic polyangiitis with type anti-myeloperoxydase = MPO
polyangiitis (formerly Churg
and Strauss diseases), extra-
Primary sclerosing cholangitis Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, type X or capillary glomerulonephritis,
p-ANCA etc.
Idiopathic extra-membranous Anti-PLA2R Ab
Type A gastritic anaemia Intrinsic factor Ab
(Biermer's anaemia) Anti-parietal cell antibodies
Anti H+K+ ATPase Ab Addison’s disease Anti-adrenal gland antibodies

Early menopause Hypofertility Anti-ovarian Ab

Anti-testicular Ab
Insulin-dependent Anti-islets of Langerhans Ab
diabetes Anti-glutamate-decarboxylase Ab = GAD
Anti-tyrosine-phosphatase Ab = IA2
Nervous system
Anti-ZnT8 Ab Myasthenia
Anti-Insulin Ab
Anti-striated muscles Ab
Auto-immune pancreatitis Anti-lactoferrin and carbonic anhydrase Ab Anti-titin Ab
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic
Intestines syndrome antibodies

Coeliac disease = gluten Isaacs' syndrome

intolerance Anti-endomysium IgA/IgG Ab
Anti-gliadin IgA/IgG Ab Stiff-man syndrome
Crohn’s disease Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae IgA/IgG Ab
= ASCA Peripheral neuropathies Anti-myelin Ab
Exocrine anti-pancreas Ab Anti-MAG Ab
Anti-gangliosides IgG/IgM Ab
Haemorrhagic rectocolitis Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, type X or
(GM1, GM2, GD1a, GD1b, GD3, GT1b, GQ1b, etc.)
Devic's disease
Thyroid Multiple sclerosis
Graves' disease Paraneoplastic syndromes

Hashimoto thyroiditis, primary Anti-thyroperoxydase Ab = TPO Limbic encephalitis

myxoedema Anti-thyroglobulin Ab = Tg

44 45
Pathology Antibody
Blood Gases
Pemphigus Anti-intracellular substance antibodies =
Anti-desmoglein Ab 1 and 3
Bullous pemphigoid Anti-epidermal basement membrane and intracellular
substance antibodies (not to be confused with anti-
glomerular basement membrane Ab)
Gestational pemphigoid Anti-BP 180 Ab
Anti-BP 230 Ab
Bullous epidermolysis Anti-dermal basement membrane antibodies
Anti-collagen VII Ab
Paraneoplastic pemphigus Anti-envoplakin antibodies
Herpetiform dermatitis Anti-transglutaminase IgA/IgG antibodies
Anti-endomysium IgA/IgG Ab
Subacute cutaneous lupus Anti-SSA/Ro 60 Ab

Hypoparathyroidism Anti-calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) Ab

Retinopathies Anti-retin Ab, recoverin

Cogan syndrome Anti-cochlear Ab

Meniere’s disease Type 2 anti-collagen Ab
Atrophic polychondritis Type 2 anti-collagen Ab

46 47
48 49
Is it CSF or NOT Serological investigation of Myasthenia gravis.

Myasthenia gravis

Acetylcholine receptor antibodies

Positive Negative

Diagnosis MG Anti-MuSK

Anti-striated muscle, Anti-titin Positive Negative

Positive Consider other

Diagnosis MG diagnosis

Beta-2- transferrin Diagnosis Thymoma

Beta-2-transferrin is a form of the protein transferrin that

is present in CSF but not usually found in blood, nasal
secretions or other body fluids

Why get tested?

To help identify  cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)  leaking from
the skull.

When to get tested?

If there is a watery discharge from your nose or ear (rhi-
norrhoea or otorrhoea) after you have suffered a skull
fracture or after brain surgery.

50 51
Miscarriage(Spotaneous abortion)
Gynaecology Causes:
• 50-75% of cases of recurrent miscar-
- Brucellosis
4-Thyroid abs

New Tests in riage are unexplained.

- Factor V Leiden mutation
- Anti TG
- Anti TPO

Aulaqi Labs.
- Anti TSH receptor
- Prothrombin G 20210 A mutation 5-Endocrine disorders
- Protein C - Hypothyroidism
- Protein S - Poorly treated D.M
2-Anti-phospholipid syndrome - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Anti- cardiolipin Abs 6-Chromosomal disorders (karyotyp-
- Anti- B2 Glycoprotein ing of partners)
- Anti-phospholipid Abs 7-Anatomical condition
3-Infection: 8-Immune factors
- TORCH(Toxolasmosis,Rubella, 9-Increased uterine NK cells
CMV, Herpes Simplex 1&2 10-Parental HLA sharing
- Listeriosis 11-Male-specific minor histocompati-
- Measles bility
- Coxsacki virus 12-Ovarian Factors
- Malaria 13-Lifestyle Factors
- Syphilis 14-Chronic Endometritis

New Test for diagnose TORCH (TORCH Avidity)

TORCH gG Avidity is a simple
technique which enables
weak avidity antibodies to be
differentiated from high avidi-
ty antibodies. The detection
of high avidity antibodies is a
strong indication of a prima-
ry infection of more than 3
months, whereas the detec-
tion of weak avidity antibod-
ies is a strong indication of a
primary infection of less than
3 months.

52 53
Gynecologic Tumor Markers: Down Syndrome - Beta hCG
I - Epithelial ovarian cancer III - Sex cord stromal tumor The goals of testing are to screen for - Unconjugated Estriol (UE3)
markers Down syndrome during pregnancy.
- CA 125
- Estradiol - Inhibin A Laboratory tests: * Quad screen:
- HE4 (Human Epididymis protien4):
IV- Breast cancer I - Prenatal screening tests - AFP
Combination of CA 125 and HE4 is
- CEA 1- First trimester screen: - Beta hCG
more helpful in diagnosing ovarian
cancer than other test used alone. - PAPP-A (Pregnancy associated - Unconjugated Estriol (UE3)
- CA 15.3 plasma protein A)
- CA 72-4,CA19-9,CEA:to monitor the - Mamogram - Inhibin A
Mucinous subtype of epithelial ovari- - Free beta hCG : usually performed
an cancer Colorectal Cancer (10 - 13 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy)
ScheBo-Test:(Tumor Marker M2-pk) II - Prenatal Diagnosis
- Nuchal translucency (ultrasound)
Tumor marker to assist in diagnosis Chromosomal analysis (Karyotype):
II - Germ-cell tumor markers (Result are analysis and estimated the
and follow up and monitor the risk by Roche soft ware) 1- First Trimester Screen:
- AFP - Beta hCG response of therapy in colorectal
2- Second trimester screen - Chorionic villus sampling (CNS)
* Triple screen: 2- Second Trimester:
- AFP - Aminocentesis (Aminotic fluid)
HPV detection of HPV and genotyping by PCR
Today, more than eighty types of Papillomaviruses that infect humans (HPV)
have been identified. Of these, about one fifth are associated with a wide spec-
trum of pathological conditions of the genital tract.

Infections with HPV

are the number one
among sexually trans-
mitted diseases in
the world.
The IARC (Internation-
al Agency for
Research on Cancer)
has established a
similar classification
system (see table

54 55
56 57
Fibro Test Procalcitonin (PCT)

Fibro Test is the test that assesses the scarring of the liver (fibrosis) Procalcitonin (PCT), The new promising marker elevated in sepsis.

PCT has been proposed as a A test to determine PCT levels has

pertinent marker in the rapid been available in Europe for
F0 : no fibrosis
diagnosis of bacterial infection, several years and recently was
F1 : minimal fibrosis especially for use in hospital approved by the FDA for use in the
F2 : moderate fibrosis emergency departments and United States.
F3 : advanced fibrosis intensive care units.

F4 : severe

-1 To distinguishing bacterial from viral infections, including

- Fibro Test has the same diagnostic value as a 25 mm biopsy, while being

When is it ordered?
noninvasive and easily repeatable.
- Fibro Test has not only been validated for the initial diagnosis of fibrosis, but also -2 To diagnosis of systemic secondary infection after surgery and in
for monitoring of patiente. severe trauma, burns, and multi organ failure.

-3 To monitor therapeutic response to antibacterial therapy and

Fibro Test Derivatives (Fibromax) reduce antibiotic exposure.
Four other tests derive from FibroTest, and are part of the FibroMax package of tests: -4 Procalcitonin may sometimes be ordered in children with a fever
of unknown origin.
ActiTest: diagnostic of necrotico-inflammatory for hepatitis;

SteaoTest: diagnostic for liver steatosis;

NashTest: diagnostic for NASH (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) inflammation

Procalcitonin (PCT) is
AshTest: diagnostic for Alcoholic liver disease inflammation. detected in the blood
stream within 3 to 6 hours
after an infectious
Fibro tests and its derivatives measure the hepatic disorders with blood tests challenge.

58 59
List Tests List Tests
Haematology ☐☐Prothrombin II mutation ☐☐T. Testosterone Immunoglobulin Thyroid Function Tests: ☐☐LKm-1 Abs ☐ SLA Abs
☐☐CBC ☐ ESR ☐☐Protein C deficiency ☐☐Free Testosterone ☐☐Total IgA ☐☐FT3 ☐ FT4 ☐☐LC-1 ☐ LP
☐☐Iron ☐ TIBC ☐☐Protein S deficiency ☐☐DHEA-S ☐☐Total IgM ☐☐TSH ☐ Anti Tg ☐☐ANCA ☐ Ammonia
☐☐Ferritin ☐☐MTHFR gene mutation ☐☐Androstenedione ☐☐Total IgG ☐☐Anti TPO ☐ T-uptake ☐☐Schistosoma IgG
☐☐Reticulocytes ☐☐Lupus anticoagulants ☐☐SHBG ☐☐Total IgE ☐☐Anti TSH receptor ☐☐Schistosoma Ag (Urine)
☐☐Transferrin Saturation ☐☐Anti cardiolipin IgM , IgG ☐☐17 OH Progesterone Renal Investigations: ☐☐Thyroglobulin (Tg) ☐☐Cryoglobulin
☐☐Transferrin ☐☐B2 glycoprotein IgM, IgG ☐☐Free Estriol E3 ☐☐RFT ☐☐Calcitonin ☐ PTH ☐☐Alpha 1-Antitrypsin
☐☐Vitamin B12 ☐☐Anti Phospholipid IgM - IgG ☐☐Inhibin B ☐☐Urea ☐ Creatinine ☐☐ Total T3 ☐ Total ☐☐Cholinesterase
☐☐Folic acid Diabetic Profile : ☐☐Free Androgen Index (FAI) ☐☐Uric Acid ☐ Na+ T4 ☐☐Copper
☐☐FBS ☐ PPBS ☐☐Anti Sperm Abs Growth Hormone Tests:
☐☐Sickling test ☐☐K+ ☐ Ca++ ☐☐24 hrs urine copper
☐☐RBS ☐ HbA1c ☐☐Ovarian Abs ☐☐GH ☐ IGF-1
☐☐Hb Electrophoresis ☐☐Cl- ☐ PO4 ☐☐Ceruloplasmin
☐☐Microalbuminurea Male Infertility ☐☐IGF BP-3
☐☐G6PD ☐☐FSH ☐ LH ☐☐Mg++ ☐ eGFR ☐☐HEV IgM
☐☐Malaria Blood film ☐☐Fructosamine ☐☐Creatinine Clearance ☐☐GH Stimulation Test ☐☐HDV IgM
☐☐Insulin ☐ C.peptide ☐☐Prolactin
☐☐Malaria Ag ☐☐Protein / Creatinine ratio ☐☐GH suppression Test ☐☐CMV IgM
☐☐Islet Cell Abs ☐ GAD Abs ☐☐Testosterone
☐☐Osmotic fragility test ☐☐SHBG ☐☐Cystatin C ☐ C3 Pheochromocytoma: ☐☐CMV DNA (PCR)
☐☐Direct Coomb’s test ☐☐Insulin auto antibodies ☐☐C4 ☐ C1q ☐☐Catecholamines ☐☐Fibro / Acti Test
(IAA) ☐☐Free Androgen Index (FAI)
☐☐Indirect Coomb’s test ☐☐Semen analysis Others ☐☐Adrenaline ☐☐NASH ☐ ASH
☐☐IA2 Abs ☐ HOMA IR ☐☐Noradrenaline
☐☐Blood Group & Rh ☐☐Zinc in sperm ☐☐CRP ☐ ASO ☐☐Steato Test ☐ Fibro Max
☐☐GTT ☐ ITT ☐☐Metanephrine
☐☐Haptoglobin ☐☐Gestational Diabetes GTT ☐☐Fructose in Semen ☐☐Brucella ☐ Widal Test ☐☐Na+ ☐ K+
☐☐Ham,s test ☐☐Citrate in Semen ☐☐VDRL ☐ TPHA ☐☐VMA ☐☐Cl- ☐ Ca++
☐☐Vit D3 ☐ Vit B12
☐☐Methemoglobin ☐☐DNA fragmentation test ☐☐Urine analysis Allergies ☐☐PO4 ☐ Mg++
☐☐Anion gap
☐☐Carboxyhemoglobin ☐☐C Peptide/Creatinine Ratio Adrenal gland investiga- ☐☐Stool Examination ☐☐Total IgE ☐☐Ca Ionized
☐☐Erythropoietin ☐☐Lipase ☐ Amylase tions ☐☐Urine Reducing Substance ☐☐Respiratory Allergies ☐☐☐ Bicarbonate
☐☐α-Thalassemia PCR ☐☐Faecal Pancreatic Elestase ☐☐VMA ☐☐Stool Reducing Substance ☐☐Food Allergies Miscarriage
☐☐β-Thalassemia PCR ☐☐Catecholamines ☐☐Pregnancy Test (urine) ☐☐Pediatric Allergies (Spotaneous abortion):
Cardiac Profile :
☐☐BONE MARROW ASPIRA- ☐☐Metanephrine ☐☐Ammonia ☐ Lactate ☐☐Atopy Allergies TORCH :
TION ☐☐17 Ketosteriod ☐☐Aldolase ☐ Total Amy- ☐☐Drugs Allergies ☐☐Toxoplasma IgM
☐☐Troponin T ☐ Troponin I ☐☐Aldosterone ☐ Renin
☐☐Blood gases lase ☐☐Insect Allergies ☐☐Toxoplasma IgG
☐☐LDH ☐ Myoglobin ☐☐Aldosterone/ Renin ratio
☐ Arterial ☐ Venous ☐☐C1 esterase inhibitor Liver Investigations: ☐☐Toxo IgG Avidity test
☐☐Lipid profile ☐☐ACE
Coagulation profile: ☐☐CH50 ☐ Fecal fat ☐☐LFT ☐☐CMV IgM ☐ CMV IgG
☐☐Cholesterol ☐ TG ☐☐ACTH
☐☐CBC ☐ PLTS ☐☐Occult blood ☐ Sudan ☐☐TB ☐ DB ☐☐CMV IgG Avidity test
☐☐LDL ☐ HDL ☐☐Cortisol ○AM○PM
☐☐PT & INR ☐ APTT black ☐☐GPT ☐ GOT ☐☐Rubella IgM
☐☐hs CRP ☐ Pro BNP ☐☐Adrenaline ☐☐Rubella IgG
☐☐B.T ☐ C.T ☐☐Urine calcula (stones) ☐☐ALP ☐ GGT
☐☐Homocysteine ☐☐Noradrenaline ☐☐Rubella IgG Avidity test
☐☐Factor VIII ☐ Factor IX ☐☐Osmolality in Urine & ☐☐TP ☐ Alb
☐☐Apolip. A ☐ Apolip. B ☐☐ACTH stimulation test ☐☐Herpes Simplex 1&2 IgM
☐☐Factor VII ☐ Factor X plasma ☐☐PT-INR
☐☐Lipoprotein (a) ☐☐Dexamethasone Suppresion Test ☐☐Herpes Simplex 1&2 IgG
☐☐Factor V ☐ Factor XII ☐☐Porphyrin in Urine ☐☐HBS Ag ☐ HBeAg
☐☐CVD Genetic Risk Factors Rheumatology Phospholipid syndrome
☐☐VWF Ag ☐☐Prealbumin ☐ Gastrin ☐☐HBc Ab IgM ☐ HBc Ab IgG
profile ☐☐CBC ESR ☐ Uric Acid ☐☐Anti- cardiolipin IgM
☐☐VWF Activity ☐☐Lactroferrin ☐ Zinc Level ☐☐HBeAb ☐ HBsAb
☐☐Digoxin Level ☐☐CRP ☐ RF ☐☐Anti- cardiolipin IgG
☐☐Fibrinogen ☐☐Chymotrypsin ☐☐HBV DNA (PCR)
Infertility Tests: ☐☐ASO ☐☐Anti- B2 Glycoprotein
☐☐Thrombin Time HIV ☐☐HCV Abs
Female Infertility ☐☐Anti CCP ☐☐Anti-phospholipid IgM
☐☐D.Dimer ☐☐Beta hCG ☐☐HIV Abs ☐☐HCV RNA (PCR)
☐☐ANA ☐☐Anti-phospholipid IgG
Thrombophilias ☐☐FSH ☐ LH ☐☐HIV Ag p24 ☐☐HCV Genotyping
☐☐Anti ds DNA ☐☐HIV westeren blot ☐☐Factor V Leiden gene mu-
☐☐Antithrombin III Activity ☐☐Prolactin ☐ AMH ☐☐ENA profile ☐☐HAV lgM ☐ HAV IgG
☐☐HIV RNA PCR tation
☐☐Factor V (Leiden) Mutation ☐☐Progesterone ☐ Estradiol ☐☐HLA B27 ☐☐ANA ☐ ASMA
☐☐TSH ☐☐AMA ☐ AMA - M2

60 61
List Tests List Tests
☐☐Prothrombin Gene 20210 A ☐☐Anti histone ☐☐HLA DR ☐ PRA ☐☐Total PSA ☐ Free PSA ☐☐Barbiturates ☐☐Culture and sensitivity
mutation ☐☐C-ANCA ☐ P-ANCA Bone marrow ☐☐Acid Phosphatase ☐☐Benzodiazepines Tuberculosis
☐☐MTHFR gene mutation ☐☐PR3 ☐ MPO Transplantation ☐☐SCC ☐ Cyfra 21-1 ☐☐Cannabis Specimen: ......................................
☐☐Protein C ☐☐Anti GBM ☐ PLA2 ☐☐HLA A ☐ HLA B ☐☐NSE ☐ S-100 ☐☐Clonazepam ☐☐Acid Fast Bacillia (AFB)
☐☐Protein S Coeliac disease ☐☐HLA C ☐ HLA DR ☐☐M2-PK ☐☐Cocaine ☐☐Adenosine Deaminase
☐☐Lupus Anticoagulant ☐☐Total IgA ☐☐HLA DQ ☐☐Thyroglobulin ☐☐Ethanol (Alcohol) Assay
Chromosomal disorders ☐☐Anti-tTG Abs ○ IgA ○ IgG PCR and Molecular ☐☐Calcitonin ☐☐Heroin ☐☐Tuberculin Test
☐☐Karyotyping Tests Genetics Tests: ☐☐Chromogranin A ☐☐Marijuana Test ☐☐Quanteferone Gold plus
☐☐Anti Endomysial Abs
Infections and inflammtion ☐☐HCV RNA Quantitative PCR ☐☐Protein electrophoresis ☐☐Methadone ☐☐TB by PCRProfiles
☐☐Anti gliadin (DGP) Abs ○IgA ☐☐HCV RNA Genotyping PCR
☐☐Infectious Mononeuclosis Serum ☐☐Methamphetamine ☐☐Cardio Vascular Disease
☐☐EBV (VCA) ○ IgM ○ IgG ○IgG ☐☐HBV DNA Quantitative PCR
☐☐Protein electrophoresis ☐☐Methaqualone Risk Factors PCR
☐☐EBV PCR Inflammatory ☐☐HIV RNA Quantitative PCR ☐☐Respiratory infection viral
Bowel disease ☐☐TB PCR Qualitative Urine ☐☐Morphine
☐☐Brucella ○ IgM ○ IgG ☐☐Bence Jonce Protein ☐☐Opiate panel 21 pathogens PCR
☐☐P-ANCA & Atypical ANCA ☐☐Prothrombin II mutation PCR ☐☐Meningitis (Neurological
☐☐Dengue ○ IgM ○ IgG ○ Ag ☐☐ß2-Microglobulin ☐☐Tramadol
☐☐Echinococcus Abs (Hydated test) ☐☐ASCA ○ IgM ○ IgG ☐☐Factor V Leiden mutation PCR virus) panel PCR
☐☐Fecal Calprotectin ☐☐MTHFR Gene mutation PCR ☐☐Gastrin Microbiology
☐☐Filariasis Abs IgG ☐☐Miscarrage (Spotaneous
Pernicious Anemia ☐☐BCR-ABL 1 Gene mutation PCR ☐☐Metanephrines in urine ☐☐Procalcitonin ☐ Blood C/S
☐☐H.pylori (urea breath tests) abortion) Screening profile
☐☐Anti Parietal Cell Abs ☐☐BCR –ABL T315 I imatinib ☐☐Catecholamines in urine ☐☐Gram Stain ☐ AFB Smear ☐☐TORCH Panel
☐☐H Pylori ○ IgA ○ IgG ☐☐VMA in urine ☐☐Albert stain for diphtheria
☐☐Intrinsic Factor Abs resistant ☐☐Thrombophilias profile
☐☐H.pylori stool Ag ☐☐Serotonin ☐☐Ascitic fluid C/S
☐☐Vit B12 ☐☐PML RARA ☐☐Anti phospholipid syn-
☐☐Herpes Zoster ○ IgM ○ IgG ☐☐JAK2 - Gene mutation PCR ☐☐5- HIAA in urine ☐☐Aspirates / Discharge C/S
☐☐Leishmania IgG Myasthenia Gravis drome Profile
☐☐Cardio Vascular Disease ☐☐Stool for occult blood & ☐☐Ear Swab C/S ☐☐Liver AIH profile
☐☐Measles ○ IgM ○ IgG ☐☐Anti acetylcholine receptor ☐☐Endocervical Swab C/S
Risk Factors PCR M2-pk (Shebo test) ☐☐Coeliac disease profile
☐☐Mumps ○ IgM ○ IgG Abs ☐☐Eye Swab C/S

☐Cystic Fibrosis CFTR Mutations PCR Therapeutic ☐☐Neonatal screening tests
☐☐Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgM ☐☐Anti striated muscle Abs ☐☐CAH PCR Drug monitoring ☐☐HVS C/S
☐☐Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG
(Tandom mass)
☐☐Anti Musk Abs Guil- ☐☐FMF PCR ☐☐Acetamineophen ☐☐Pus / Abscess C/S ☐☐Prenatal Screening
☐☐Schistosoma IgG lain-Barre Syndrome ☐☐Lactose Intolerance PCR ☐☐Nasal Swab C/S
☐☐Carbamazepin ☐☐Impotence profile
☐☐Schistosoma Ag (Urine) ☐☐Anti gangliosides Abs ☐☐HLA B27 PCR ☐☐Pleural Fluid C/S ☐☐Androgens profile
☐☐Yellow Fever ○IgG ○IgM Neuromyelitis Optica ☐☐HLA B5 PCR ☐☐Semen C/S ☐☐Amenorrhoea profile
☐☐Leisteria ○IgM ○IgG (NMO) ☐
☐α-Globin Gene, α-Thalassemia PCR ☐☐Skin Scrapping For Fungus ☐☐Hirsutism profile
☐☐Amoebiasis Abs ☐☐Anti aquaporin 4 ☐
☐β-Globin Gene, β-Thalassemia PCR ☐☐Skin Scrapping C/S ☐☐Short Structure
☐☐Keppra (Levetiracetam
☐☐Chlamydia Antibodies Paraneoplastic neurologi- ☐☐Meningitis pathogens mul- ☐☐Sputum C/S ☐☐Polycystic Ovary
☐☐Rotavirus (Stool Antigen) cal diseases tiplex panel PCR ☐☐Stool C/S ☐☐Osteoporosis Screen
☐☐Adenovirus (Stool Antigen) ☐☐Anti Hu ☐ Anti Ri ☐☐Respiratory pathogens ☐☐Synovial Fluid C/S ☐☐Pre-marital
☐☐Clostridium Difficile toxic Ag ☐☐Anti Yo ☐ Anti Tr multiplex panel PCR ☐☐Throat Swab C/S ☐☐Hair loss
☐☐H1N1 Influenza Virus RNA PCR
☐☐Chickugunya Abs ☐☐Anti Ri ☐☐Urethral Smear ☐☐Renal Stone profile

☐Herpes Simplex Virus I &II DNA PCR ☐☐Phenobarbital
Autoimmune Diseases ☐☐Anti amphiphysin ☐☐Urine C/S
☐☐Human Papilloma Virus ☐☐Phenytoin
☐☐ANA Multiple Sclerosis ☐☐Salicylate Body fluid
☐☐Anti ds DNA ☐☐CSF protein electrophoresis DNA Genotyping HR PCR ☐ CSF ☐ Pleural
☐☐Gaucher disease PCR ☐☐Sirolamus
☐☐ENA profile 6 Ag ☐☐IgG index ☐☐Tacrolamus II (Prograf ) ☐ Ascitic ☐ pericardial
☐☐ANA profile 18 Ag Sarcoidosis Tumor Markers: ☐ Synovial
☐☐AFP ☐ CEA ☐☐Theophylline
☐☐Anti Sm ☐ Scl-70 ☐☐ACE ☐☐B Transferin for CSF
☐☐CA 15.3 ☐ CA 72.4 ☐☐Topamax
☐☐SSA/Ro60 ☐ SSB/La Kidney / Liver ☐☐Cell count with diff.
☐☐CA 125 ☐ HE4 ☐☐Valporic Acid
☐☐Jo-1 ☐ Anti nRNP Transplantation ☐☐Suger ☐ protein
☐☐Cross matching ☐☐CA 19.9 ☐ Beta hCG ☐☐LDH ☐ Gram stain
☐☐PM/Scl ☐ Anti C1q Drugs Abuse
☐☐HLA A ☐ HLA B ☐☐Inhibin A ☐ Estradiol ☐☐AFB ☐ Cytology
☐☐Anti centromere Abs ☐☐Amphetamines
62 63
64 65
‫ﻤــﻴﱡـ ُﺰ ‪ِ ...‬‬
‫ﺳــ ﱡﺮ اﻟﻨﺠﺎح‬ ‫اﻟﺘَ َ‬

‫ﻧﺘﻴﺠﺘﻚ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺟــﻮاﻟﻚ‬
‫ﻋﻤﻼءﻧﺎ اﻷﻋﺰاء‬
‫ﺑﺈﻣﻜﺎﻧﻜﻢ إﺳﺘﻼم ﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻟﻔﺤﻮﺻﺎت‬
‫اﳋﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﻜـــﻢ ﻋﺒﺮ ﺟﻮاﻟﻚ‬
‫ﳊﻔﻆ اﳌﻠﻒ ﰲ ﺟﻮاﻟﻚ‬
‫ﻳﺘﻢ ﻓﺘﺢ ﻧﺘﻴﺠﺔ‬
‫اﺿﻐﻂ ﻋﻠﻰ رﻣﺰ اﻟﻄﺎﺑﻌﺔ‬
‫اﻟﻔﺤﻮﺻﺎت‬ ‫ﺳﺘﺼﻠﻚ رﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﻧﺼﻴﺔ‬
‫وﺳﻴﺘﻢ ﺗﻨﺰﻳﻞ ﻣﻠﻒ ‪PDF‬‬
‫اﳋﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﻚ‬ ‫ﻗﻢ ﺑﺎﻟﻀﻐﻂ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺮاﺑﻂ‬
‫اﳌﻮﺟﻮد ﰲ اﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬
‫ﰲ ﺣﺎل ﻟﺪﻳﻚ‬ ‫* ﻳﺠﺐ أن ﻳﻜﻮن ﻫﺎﺗﻔﻚ ﻣﺘﺼﻞ ﺑﺎﻻﻧﺘﺮﻧﺖ‬

‫أﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ ﻓﺤﺺ‬
‫ﳝﻜﻨﻚ اﻟﺘﻨﻘﻞ‬
‫ﻤــ ﱡﻴـ ُﺰ ‪ِ ...‬‬
‫ﺳــ ﱡﺮ اﻟﻨﺠﺎح‬ ‫اﻟﺘَ َ‬

‫ﺷــــﺎرع اﻟﻘــــــﻴﺎدة‬ ‫ﺷــــﺎرع اﻟﺴـــــــﺘﲔ‬ ‫اﻷﺻﺒﺤﻲ ‪ -‬ﺷﺎرع اﳊﺮﺑﻲ‬ ‫ﺻــﻨــﻌـﺎء ‪ -‬ﺷــــﺎرع اﻟﺰﺑﻴﺮي‬
‫‪ -‬ﺳــــــﺠﻞ رﻗــــــﻢ اﻟﻬــــﺎﺗﻒ اﳋــــﺎص ﺑﻚ‬ ‫أﻣﺎم اﳌﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ اﳉﻤـــﻬﻮري‬
‫ﺑﻌﺪ ﺟﺴﺮ ﺟﻮﻟﺔ ﺳﺒﺄ‬ ‫ﺗﻘﺎﻃﻊ ﺷﺎرع )‪(٢٠‬‬ ‫أﻣﺎم ﻣﺤﻄﺔ اﻷﺻﺒﺤﻲ‬
‫‪ -‬ﺗﺴـــــــﺪﻳﺪ ﻣــــــــﺒﻠﻎ اﻟﻔﺤــــﻮﺻﺎت ﻛﺎﻣﻼً‬
‫ﻟﺘﻔﻌﯿﻞ اﻟﺨــﺪﻣـﺔ ‪:‬‬ ‫ﺑﺄﲡﺎه اﳊﺼﺒﺔ‬ ‫‪60 St. intersection 20St.‬‬ ‫‪Al-Asbahi - Al-Harbi Street‬‬ ‫‪Sana'a - Zubairi St.- Opposite‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻳﺠﺐ ﺗﻮﻓﺮ ﺧﺪﻣﺔ اﻷﻧﺘﺮﻧﺖ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻫﺎﺗﻔﻚ‬ ‫‪Tel: 01 56 1111‬‬ ‫‪P.O.Box : 15259‬‬ ‫‪Tel: 01 674 580‬‬ ‫‪Al Jamhoury Hospital‬‬
‫‪Tel: 01 20 9999‬‬ ‫‪Fax: 01 674 579‬‬ ‫‪Te l : + 9 6 7 - 1 - 2 0 6 6 6 6‬‬
‫‪+967-1-211 702‬‬
‫‪Fax: 01 20 30 55‬‬
‫‪+967-1-475 219‬‬
‫‪+967-1-475 220‬‬
‫‪Fa x : + 9 6 7 - 1 - 4 7 3 8 8 2‬‬
‫‪66‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪w w‬‬ ‫‪67‬‬

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