Geography 1

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gfrp GtaT gcilaol

End of Year Examination2A2L-22

9:@ 1916

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name


CLASS 7 t hour 30 minutes

--- For Examiner's use only ---

Question Max. Marks

INSTRUCTIONS No. Marks Obtained
1(a) 3
e Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section,
1(b) 3
Subject's Teacher Name and Campus Name in the
1(c) 4
boxes above.
2(a) 3
. Write your answer to each question in the spaces 2(b) 3
proirided. 2(c) 4
3(a) 3
o You should show all your working where
3(b) 4
a ppropriate.
3(c) 3

4(a) 4
4(b) 3
4(c) 3
s(a) 2
s(b) 3

s(c) 5

lnvigilated by:
o Marked by: 50
d Marks entered by: Percentage

./le '(it,/ ,'/i /,r",// Unif ted E n d of Yea r Exa m inatio n, May 2022,/ G eogra phy / CIass 7 Page 1 of 10
Ql Answer the following questions:
(a) " Fresh water is importont for people to survive and live a heolthy life".
Analyse the availability of fresh water in Pakistan and predict the future of our
country. Support your answer with reasons. lZ

(b) An increase in the population is likelyto lead to an increase in the shortage ci

water. How would you solve this problem? i3

.:t7,e'(;r,y 9i/,,,,1/ Unified Endof YearExamination, May2022/Geography/Class7 Page 2 of 1P

(c) Following is the map showing Ethiopian Dam. /4

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Ethiopians see building the dam as a fundamental right, one that could bring
electricity to more than half of Ethiopians and could lift millions out of
poverty. Egypt, anticipates droughts once the dam is built and filled.
Which country out of the two will you favour and why? Support your answer with
four valid reasons.

,V/,e V'rry til,,,// Un\fied End of year Examination, May 2O?2 / Geography / Class 7 Page 3 of '10
Q2 (a) Read the given graph and share your understanding in at least two points. Also, do
you think the declining condition is good for Pakistan? Why? 13


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Fig. 2.1: Enrplcyment in agriculture Fi g. 2 -2 :,4gri c.u:ltu re's cctttri i:u ticn tc the
as a llercentage of total err-rpfoyrnent GDP ss a p*rc*ntag* *f tl-ie tcta$ GDF

,Vlr, (,tiry 91.7n,,// untfied End of Year Examination, May 2o22 / Geography/ Class 7 Page 4 of !0
(b) Pokistan is on the verge of mo'ssive shortoge of gos due to declining gas reserves.
Justify the statement with two valid reasons and suggest one solution to solve the
problem. 13

(c) 'Lack of lnfrostructure facilities con affect the growth of Smalt scole industries.' Do
you agree? Justify. 14

.Tfu, ?iry 9i/,oo// unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Geography / Class 7 Page 5 of 10
Q3 (a) l{cr"tnern areas of
Pakistan have always been appreciatgd by the tourists
worldwide ,vet many people prefer visiting other countries. lf you were to attract
thcse toui'ists, what suggestions wouid you give to the government of Pakistan to
promote the tourism industry even further? 13

{b} Dese ribe any four activities of service industries of Pakistan /4

i/,e ?ity.!/clo,,// Unified Endof YearExamination,May2O22/Geography/ClassT Page 6 of.10

(c) Explain the importance of priniary, secondary and tertiary industries for the
development of economy of pakistan,

Q4 (a) Withthehelpofthetable4.l,evaluatePakistan'spositionofforeigntradeand
suggest at least two ways to improve Pakistan's foreign trade's position. /4
Table 4.1
2021 2020
Amount in millions Amount in millions
Export 369 266
lmport 894 613

,17,e 'tity {y'ilaol/ Unified End of year Examination, May 2022 / Geography / Class 7 Page 7 of 10
(b) Explain at least three advantages of transporting goods through containers . /3

(c) What are the three ways for countries to generate wealth to improve the standard
of living of their people? /3

i,e ?ttr1 ,f'c/,r,r,// Unified Endof YearExamination, May2O22/Geography/ClassT Page I of 10

Qs countries are classified into LEDCs and MEDCs on certain indicators

(a) List anytwo of those indicators. /2

(b) Study the population graph given below and explain it. /3

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.t7,p '(itu ,y'iko/l t)nified End of year Examination, May 2OZ2 / Geography / Class 7 Page 9 of 10
(c) On one hand where industries develop countries, they are also harmful for the
environment. lf you were a part of "Ministries of lndustries and Production" what
would you do to reduce these harmful effects of the industries? l5

't7rc '(it// .l/i'L,,,// Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Geography / Class 7 Page 10 of 10

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