Candymaking Process

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Confection /kənˈfek.

ʃən/ кондитерські вироби

brief history /briːf/ коротка історія
sesame seeds /ˈses.ə.mi/ насіння кунжуту
wafer /ˈweɪ.fər/ вафля
batter /ˈbæt.ər/ тісто
mechanization /ˌmek.ə.naɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ механізація
flavor and fragrance /ˈfreɪ.ɡrəns/ смак і аромат

We are all familiar with such works of art as confections.

Personally, I can’t imagine my life without chocolate and sweets. And I am sure that
many people can agree that they seem to make everything better, as they have the
power to make you happy. Actually, candy happiness is a real thing, and there are
even scientifically proven health benefits of candy. For instance, they may be
associated with some happy life events, comfort, love, friendship and family.
However, have you ever thought about how are they made?

During this presentation, I plan to tell you about this wonderful product.
I would like to start my presentation with a brief history of sweets.

The earliest sweet was honey. The origins of confectionery can be traced
back to the ancient Egyptians who made sweets by combining fruits and nuts with
honey. The Romans and Greeks made sweets with sesame seeds.
In the middle Ages, sugar candies became very popular. However, only the rich could
pay for sweet food as the price of sugar was very high. In that time, rich people ate
desserts like jelly and dried fruit and wafers made from batter.
The candy history and its development took off in 1800's. Cheaper price of sugar and
advancement in mechanization made easier to mass manufacture the confections and
make them available. The first candy bar was introduced in Britain by Joseph Fry in
So now, let’s move on straight to the candy manufacturing process.
Firstly, the candy base is made. Sugar and sugar syrup are slowly heated to
receive caramel texture which is an ideal substance for the perfect caramel. (boiling
point 324).
When the caramel substance is ready, it is poured on the cold table. The
candy-makers add natural fruit extracts for the flavor and fragrance. Food coloring is
also added.
Next, caramel is stretched on a special machines or manually. The cotton
gloves, which are used by candy-makers, give the candy an extra shine.
After that, caramel is poured on a hot table, rolled in a tube, pulled out and
cut into slices or pieces.
Finally, the candy-makers make figured lollipops and other candy
In general, candy-making process requires mastery and accuracy. However,
there are lots of workshops in Ukraine now, where you can try to make your own
That’s all from me. Thank you for listening!

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