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1. Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 21A; Submissions 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), 98

(Law Institute of Victoria). 

2. Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of

Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 120426:1–15, 6. 

3. Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) div 4A; Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 21A. 

4. Cyberstalking may also be known as ‘online stalking’ or ‘Internet stalking’. 

5. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A

Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 12; Bradford W Reyns and Bonnie S Fisher, ‘The Relationship Between Offline
and Online Stalking Victimization: A Gender-Specific Analysis’ (2018)
33(4) Violence and Victims 769, 781. 

6. Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of

Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 120426:1–15, 6. 

7. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A
Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 10. 

8. Royal Commission into Family Violence: Report and Recommendations (Final

Report, March 2016) vol 1, 31; Delanie Woodlock, ‘The Abuse of Technology in
Domestic Violence and Stalking’ (2017) 23(5) Violence Against Women 584, 598. 

9. Billea Ahlgrim and Cheryl Terrance, ‘Perceptions of Cyberstalking: Impact of

Perpetrator Gender and Cyberstalker/Victim Relationship’ (2021) 36(7–8) Journal of
Interpersonal Violence NP4074, NP4077. 

10. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is Australia’s independent regulator for
online safety. 

11. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A

Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 44. 

12. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), Safety by Design (Report, 2019) 7–8;

Herman T Tavani and Frances S Grodzinsky, ‘Cyberstalking, Personal Privacy, and
Moral Responsibility’ (2002) 4(2) Ethics and Information Technology 123. 

13. Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of

Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 120426:1–15, 1, 2; Laurence Miller, ‘Stalking: Patterns, Motives, and
Intervention Strategies’ (2012) 17 Aggression and Violent Behavior 495, 501. See also
Majeed Khader and Stephanie Chan, ‘Unwanted Attention: A Survey on
Cyberstalking Victimization’ in Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan and Lorraine Sheridan
(eds), Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: An International
Perspective (John Wiley and Sons, 2020) 77, 79; ‘Cyberstalking’, ESafety
Commissioner (Web Page) <

14. Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 21A. 

15. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking (Consultation Paper, June 2021) [8.2]. 

16. This is a type of monitoring software designed to log computer keystrokes. 

17. For example, location sharing and tracking features that show a user’s live location
can be used for stalking. 

18. For example, running a person’s photo through Google’s image search function to find
where else the photo appears online, including other websites or platforms that contain
personal information. 

19. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A

Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 10–11. 

20. Ibid. 

21. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

22. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A

Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 26; Nicola Henry et al, ‘Technology-Facilitated Domestic Violence against
Immigrant and Refugee Women: A Qualitative Study’ [2021] Journal of Interpersonal
Violence 10.1177/08862605211001465:1–27, 5–6; Delanie Woodlock et al, Second
National Survey on Technology Abuse in Australia (Report, 24 November 2020). 

23. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking (Consultation Paper, June 2021) 60. See
also Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), ESafety for Women from Culturally
and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds (Summary Report, 18 February 2019) 

24. Consultations 4 (Sexual Assault Services Network), 10 (Victorian Aboriginal Legal

Service), 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

25. Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) div 4A. 

26. Department of Justice and Community Safety (Vic), ‘What Is Brodie’s Law’, Bullying
—Brodie’s Law (Web Page, 13 August 2021)
<>; Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 21A(2). 

27. Submission 65 (Code Black Threat Management); Erica R Fissel and Bradford W
Reyns, ‘The Aftermath of Cyberstalking: School, Work, Social, and Health Costs of
Victimization’ (2020) 45(1) American Journal of Criminal Justice 70, 71; Puneet Kaur
et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of Past
Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and Social
Change 120426:1–15, 2. 

28. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A

Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 39. See also Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on
Cyberstalking. An Analysis of Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021)
163 Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120426:1–15, 7. 

29. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A

Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 11; Chanelle Wilson, Lorraine Sheridan and David Garratt-Reed, ‘What Is
Cyberstalking? A Review of Measurements’ (2022) 37(11–12) Journal of
Interpersonal Violence NP9763, NP9764. 

30. Submission 104 (Alannah and Madeline Foundation). 

31. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), ESafety for Women from Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds (Summary Report, 18 February 2019). 

32. See, eg, Hadeel Al-Alosi, ‘Cyber-Violence: Digital Abuse in the Context of Domestic
Violence’ (2017) 40(4) UNSW Law Journal 1573; Nicola Henry et al, ‘Technology-
Facilitated Domestic Violence against Immigrant and Refugee Women: A Qualitative
Study’ [2021] Journal of Interpersonal Violence 10.1177/08862605211001465:1–27;
Delanie Woodlock, ‘The Abuse of Technology in Domestic Violence and Stalking’
(2017) 23(5) Violence Against Women 584; Royal Commission into Family Violence:
Report and Recommendations (Final Report, March 2016) vol 1, ch 2. 

33. Cristina Cavezza and Troy E McEwan, ‘Cyberstalking versus Off-Line Stalking in a
Forensic Sample’ (2014) 20(10) Psychology, Crime and Law 955, 956; Puneet Kaur et
al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of Past
Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and Social
Change 120426:1–15; Catherine D Marcum and George E Higgins, ‘A Systematic
Review of Cyberstalking Victimization and Offending Behaviors’ (2021)
46(6) American Journal of Criminal Justice 882; Chanelle Wilson, Lorraine Sheridan
and David Garratt-Reed, ‘What Is Cyberstalking? A Review of Measurements’ (2022)
37(11–12) Journal of Interpersonal Violence NP9763, NP9778–9. 

34. Billea Ahlgrim and Cheryl Terrance, ‘Perceptions of Cyberstalking: Impact of

Perpetrator Gender and Cyberstalker/Victim Relationship’ (2021) 36(7–8) Journal of
Interpersonal Violence NP4074, NP4077; Cristina Cavezza and Troy E McEwan,
‘Cyberstalking versus Off-Line Stalking in a Forensic Sample’ (2014)
20(10) Psychology, Crime and Law 955, 956; Chanelle Wilson, Lorraine Sheridan and
David Garratt-Reed, ‘What Is Cyberstalking? A Review of Measurements’
(2022) Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(11–12) NP9763, NP9778–9. 

35. Majeed Khader and Stephanie Chan, ‘Unwanted Attention: A Survey on

Cyberstalking Victimization’ in Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan and Lorraine Sheridan
(eds), Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: An International
Perspective (John Wiley and Sons, 2020) 77, 79–80; Harald Dressing et al,
‘Cyberstalking in a Large Sample of Social Network Users: Prevalence,
Characteristics, and Impact upon Victims’ (2014) 17(2) Cyberpsychology, Behavior
and Social Networking 61, 61. Studies may not distinguish between family violence
and non-family violence stalking. 

36. Cristina Cavezza and Troy E McEwan, ‘Cyberstalking versus Off-Line Stalking in a
Forensic Sample’ (2014) 20(10) Psychology, Crime and Law 955, 956. 

37. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), Adults’ Negative Online

Experiences (Report, 2020) 4. 

38. This includes non-family violence stalking: see Plan International, Free to Be

Online (Report, 2020) 7 <>. 

39. For example, keeping track of the victim survivor’s movements and interactions;
maintaining unwanted contact or hacking the victim survivor’s personal accounts:
Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A
Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 21. 

40. Majeed Khader and Stephanie Chan, ‘Unwanted Attention: A Survey on

Cyberstalking Victimization’ in Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan and Lorraine Sheridan
(eds), Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: An International
Perspective (John Wiley and Sons, 2020) 77, 79–80. 

41. Billea Ahlgrim and Cheryl Terrance, ‘Perceptions of Cyberstalking: Impact of

Perpetrator Gender and Cyberstalker/Victim Relationship’ (2021) 36(7–8) Journal of
Interpersonal Violence NP4074; Harald Dressing et al, ‘Cyberstalking in a Large
Sample of Social Network Users: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Impact upon
Victims’ (2014) 17(2) Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking 61; Suzie
Dunn, ‘Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: An Overview’ (Centre for
International Governance Innovation: Supporting a Safer Internet Paper No 1, Social
Science Research Network, 2020) <>; House
of Representatives Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety, Parliament
of the Commonwealth of Australia, Social Media and Online Safety (Report, March
2022) 36; Anastasia Powell, Adrian J Scott and Nicola Henry, ‘Digital Harassment
and Abuse: Experiences of Sexuality and Gender Minority Adults’ (2020)
17(2) European Journal of Criminology 199, 204. 

42. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), ‘Domestic and Family Violence’, ESafety
Commissioner (Web Page) <

43. Dubravka Šimonović, Special Rapporteur, Report of the Special Rapporteur on

Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences on Online Violence Against
Women and Girls from a Human Rights Perspective, Human Rights Council, UN Doc
A/HRC/38/47 (14 June 2018) 5 [14]. 

44. Billea Ahlgrim and Cheryl Terrance, ‘Perceptions of Cyberstalking: Impact of

Perpetrator Gender and Cyberstalker/Victim Relationship’ (2021) 36(7–8) Journal of
Interpersonal Violence NP4074; Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie
Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A Survey of Support Services
Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July 2021) 19, 38. 

45. Suzie Dunn, ‘Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: An Overview’ (Centre

for International Governance Innovation: Supporting a Safer Internet Paper No 1,
Social Science Research Network, 2020) 14
<>; Anastasia Powell, Adrian J Scott and
Nicola Henry, ‘Digital Harassment and Abuse: Experiences of Sexuality and Gender
Minority Adults’ (2020) 17(2) European Journal of Criminology 199, 204. 

46. Consultation 28 (Victorian Pride Lobby). 

47. Ibid, citing W Spencer Scott, ‘Electronic Boundary Violations Among Gay and
Bisexual Men’ (Doctoral Project, Roosevelt University, 2016). 

48. Consultation 28 (Victorian Pride Lobby), citing W Spencer Scott, ‘Electronic

Boundary Violations Among Gay and Bisexual Men’ (Doctoral Project, Roosevelt
University, 2016). 

49. Anastasia Powell, Adrian J Scott and Nicola Henry, ‘Digital Harassment and Abuse:
Experiences of Sexuality and Gender Minority Adults’ (2020) 17(2) European Journal
of Criminology 199. 

50. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), Technology-Facilitated Abuse among

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women (Report, 2021); Office of the eSafety
Commissioner (Cth), Online Safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women
Living in Urban Areas (Report, October 2019). 

51. Nicola Henry et al, ‘Technology-Facilitated Domestic Violence against Immigrant and
Refugee Women: A Qualitative Study’ [2021] Journal of Interpersonal
Violence 10.1177/08862605211001465:1–27, 17–18. 

52. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), Technology-Facilitated Abuse of Women

with Intellectual or Cognitive Disability (Report, 2021) 4. 

53. Consultation 28 (Victorian Pride Lobby). 

54. Laura Fazio, ‘Young People and Cyberspace: Introduction’ (2016) 22(2) European
Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 211, 211. 

55. Consultations 4 (Sexual Assault Services Network), 20 (Law Institute of Victoria), 27

(Kulturbrille); Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-
Facilitated Abuse: A Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2,
ANROWS, July 2021) 10–11; Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on
Cyberstalking. An Analysis of Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021)
163 Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120426:1–15, 8–10; Catherine D
Marcum and George E Higgins, ‘A Systematic Review of Cyberstalking Victimization
and Offending Behaviors’ (2021) 46(6) American Journal of Criminal Justice 882,
905–6; Chanelle Wilson, Lorraine Sheridan and David Garratt-Reed, ‘What Is
Cyberstalking? A Review of Measurements’ (2022) 37(11–12) Journal of
Interpersonal Violence NP9763, NP9764. 

56. Laura Fazio, ‘Young People and Cyberspace: Introduction’ (2016) 22(2) European
Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 211, 211. 

57. Ibid 212. 

58. Ibid 211. 

59. Submission 104 (Alannah and Madeline Foundation). 

60. House of Representatives Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety,
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Social Media and Online
Safety (Report, March 2022) 28. 

61. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), Digital Lives of Aussie Teens (Report,

February 2021) 5. 

62. Submissions 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), 104 (Alannah and Madeline
Foundation); Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

63. Submission 104 (Alannah and Madeline Foundation). 

64. Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic) pt 2. 

65. Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) div 4A. 

66. Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) ss 474.17, 474.17A(1)–(3), 474.15(1)–(2). 

67. See, eg, Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth) s 105. 

68. Adult cyber abuse material is ‘the most severely abusive material’ intended to cause
serious harm and be menacing, harassing or offensive. This includes material that is
realistically threatening and unrelenting, including in situations of cyberstalking:
Consultation 8 (eSafety Commissioner); Office of the eSafety Commissioner
(Cth), Adult Cyber Abuse Scheme (Regulatory Guidance No eSC RG 3, December
2021) 3. 

69. Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) pt 7. 

70. Cyberbullying material is ‘online communication to or about an Australian child that

is seriously threatening, seriously intimidating, seriously harassing or seriously
humiliating’: Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), Cyberbullying
Scheme (Regulatory Guidance No eSC RG 1, November 2021) 3. 

71. Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) pt 5. 

72. Ibid pt 6. Image-based abuse means sharing online, or threatening to share, an intimate
image without the consent of the person shown: Office of the eSafety Commissioner
(Cth), Image-Based Abuse Scheme (Regulatory Guidance No eSC RG 2, November
2021) 4 <

73. Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) pt 13–14. 

74. Submissions 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), 98 (Law Institute of Victoria). 

75. Michelle Sibenik, ‘A Critical Analysis of the Applications of Anti-Stalking

Legislation in Victoria, Australia’ (PhD Thesis, Monash University, 2018) 131, 157–

76. Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) s 4. 

77. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), ‘What You Can Report to
ESafety’, ESafety Commissioner (Web Page)

78. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), ‘Online Safety Planning’, ESafety

Commissioner (Web Page) <

79. Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of

Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and
Social Change 120426:1–15, 7 (citations omitted). 

80. Submissions 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), 115 (Victoria Police); Consultation 23
(Cyberstalking roundtable). 

81. Wei-Jung Chang, ‘Cyberstalking and Law Enforcement’ (2020) 176 Procedia
Computer Science 1188, 1192. 

82. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

83. Submission 115 (Victoria Police). 

84. Ibid. Victoria Police pointed to its earlier submission to our sexual offences inquiry, in
which it discussed jurisdictional issues that can arise where online providers are based
overseas, and stated: ‘Victoria Police would welcome consideration of a place-of-
consumption approach, whereby statutory obligations are automatically imposed on all
providers which choose to make their platforms available to Victorian consumers …
With this, requirements for providers to verify the identity of individuals creating
profiles on these platforms, and to retain this information, would be both necessary
and appropriate’. 

85. Submission 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party). 

86. Submission 104 (Alannah and Madeline Foundation). 

87. Participants in a roundtable discussion stated that there may be critical work required
around the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) that can strengthen these safety
reforms: Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

88. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A
Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July
2021) 5. 

89. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking (Consultation Paper, June 2021)

Question 28. 

90. Submissions 41 (Djirra), 98 (Law Institute of Victoria). 

91. Consultation 12 (Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre

92. Submission 41 (Djirra). 

93. Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation).. 

94. Ibid; Consultation 28 (Victorian Pride Lobby). 

95. Submission 104 (Alannah and Madeline Foundation); Consultation 10 (Victorian

Aboriginal Legal Service). 

96. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable); Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and
Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A Survey of Support Services
Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July 2021) 13–14. 

97. Submission 98 (Law Institute of Victoria). 

98. Consultations 8 (eSafety Commissioner), 10 (Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service), 23

(Cyberstalking roundtable), 28 (Victorian Pride Lobby). 

99. Submissions 41 (Djirra), 98 (Law Institute of Victoria), 104 (Alannah and Madeline
Foundation); Consultation 10 (Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service). 

100. Submission 36 (Ahmad Masri). 

101. Wei-Jung Chang, ‘Cyberstalking and Law Enforcement’ (2020) 176 Procedia

Computer Science 1188, 1192. See also Cassandra Cross and Thomas
Holt, Responding to Cybercrime: Results of a Comparison between Community
Members and Police Personnel (Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No.
635, Australian Institute of Criminology, 19 August 2021) 15

102. Consultation 8 (eSafety Commissioner). 

103. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking: Summary of Responses to
Online Feedback Form from People with Experience of Stalking (Report, August

104. Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation). 

105. ‘Cyberstalking’, ESafety Commissioner (Web Page)


106. Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), ‘Classroom Resources’, ESafety

Commissioner (Web Page) <

107. Natalie Hendry, Jenny Walsh and Sharyn Leahy Hatton, The YeS
Project (Workshop Handbook, Office of the eSafety Commissioner (Cth), 2018) 46. 

108. Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation). See also Puneet Kaur et al,
‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An Analysis of Past Achievements
and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological Forecasting and Social
Change 120426:1–15, 7. 

109. Submission 104 (Alannah and Madeline Foundation). 

110. Alannah & Madeline Foundation, ‘Cyber and Digital Literacy
Resources’, ESmart (Web Page, 2022)

111. Alannah & Madeline Foundation, ‘eSmart Digital Licence+’, ESmart (Web

Page, 2022) <>. 

112. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

113. ‘The Safety Net Project’, National Network to End Domestic Violence

(NNEDV) (Web Page) <>. See also
Women’s Services Network (WESNET), ‘WESNET Safety Net Australia
Service’, Technology Safety Australia (Web Page) <>,
established in 2011 and working closely with the US Safety Net Project. 

114. ‘Technology Safety’, National Network to End Domestic Violence (Web Page)


115. ‘Tech Safety App’, Tech Safety (Web Page)


116. ‘Technology Safety & Privacy: A Toolkit for Survivors’, National Network to

End Domestic Violence (Web Page) <

117. Consultation 12 (Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource
Centre Victoria). 

118. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

119. Ibid. 

120. Women’s Services Network (WESNET), ‘About Safe Connections’, Safe

Connections 2.0 (Web Page) <>. 

121. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

122. Ibid. 

123. IDCARE, Individual Support Services (Web Page, 2022)


124. Delanie Woodlock et al, Second National Survey on Technology Abuse in

Australia (Report, 24 November 2020). 

125. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

126. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking: Summary of Responses to
Online Feedback Form from People with Experience of Stalking (Report, August

127. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

128. These services detect and remove surveillance devices or software, such as
spyware, tracking devices or vulnerabilities to hacking. 

129. Submission 115 (Victoria Police—supplementary response). 

130. Submission 49 (Victims of Crime Commissioner); Consultations 12 (Domestic

Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria), 23
(Cyberstalking roundtable). 

131. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

132. Ibid. 

133. Submission 49 (Victims of Crime Commissioner). 

134. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

135. Ibid. 

136. Consultations 12 (Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence

Resource Centre Victoria), 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

137. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

138. Consultation 8 (eSafety Commissioner). 

139. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

140. Consultation 12 (Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource

Centre Victoria). 

141. Submission 115 (Victoria Police—supplementary response). 

142. Joanne D Worsley et al, ‘Victims’ Voices: Understanding the Emotional

Impact of Cyberstalking and Individuals’ Coping Responses’ (2017) 7(2) SAGE
Open 10.1177/215824401771029:1–13, 10. 

143. Wei-Jung Chang, ‘Cyberstalking and Law Enforcement’ (2020) 176 Procedia
Computer Science 1188; Joanne D Worsley et al, ‘Victims’ Voices: Understanding the
Emotional Impact of Cyberstalking and Individuals’ Coping Responses’ (2017)
7(2) SAGE Open 10.1177/215824401771029:1–13, 10. 

144. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking: Summary of Responses to

Online Feedback Form from People with Experience of Stalking (Report, August

145. Ibid. 

146. Ibid. 

147. Submission 60 (Dianne Russell). 

148. Submission 70 (Di McDonald). 

149. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking: Summary of Responses to

Online Feedback Form from People with Experience of Stalking (Report, August

150. Submission 32 (Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science). See also Holly
Taylor-Dunn, Erica Bowen and Elizabeth A Gilchrist, ‘Reporting Harassment and
Stalking to the Police: A Qualitative Study of Victims’ Experiences’ (2021) 36(11–
12) Journal of Interpersonal Violence 10.1177/0886260518811423:1–29, 8. 

151. Wei-Jung Chang, ‘Cyberstalking and Law Enforcement’ (2020) 176 Procedia

Computer Science 1188, 1191 (citations omitted); Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and
Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A Survey of Support Services
Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July 2021) 40. 

152. Submissions 32 (Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science), 39 (Victorian Pride

Lobby), 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), 65 (Code Black Threat Management);
Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation). 

153. Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation). 

154. Submission 39 (Victorian Pride Lobby). 

155. Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated

Abuse: A Survey of Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2,
ANROWS, July 2021), citing Delanie Woodlock et al, Second National Survey on
Technology Abuse in Australia (Report, 24 November 2020). 

156. Consultation 10 (Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service). 

157. Submissions 55 (Springvale Monash Legal Service), 65 (Code Black Threat
Management), 97 (Federation of Community Legal Centres); Consultations 10
(Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service), 13 (Victoria Legal Aid), 20 (Law Institute of
Victoria); Luke Bartlett and Annabel Chan, ‘Hashtag You’re It: Limitations of
Psycho‐Legal Responses to Online Interpersonal Harm’ in Heng Choon Chan and
Lorraine Sheridan (eds), Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: An
International Perspective (John Wiley and Sons, 2020) 287, 298–9. 

158. Submissions 32 (Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science), 56 (Derryn Hinch’s

Justice Party), 97 (Federation of Community Legal Centres), 115 (Victoria Police);
Consultations 13 (Victoria Legal Aid), 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable); Asher Flynn,
Anastasia Powell and Sophie Hindes, Technology-Facilitated Abuse: A Survey of
Support Services Stakeholders (Research Report No 2, ANROWS, July 2021) 40;
Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking (Consultation Paper, June 2021). See
also Puneet Kaur et al, ‘A Systematic Literature Review on Cyberstalking. An
Analysis of Past Achievements and Future Promises’ (2021) 163 Technological
Forecasting and Social Change 120426:1–15, 7. 

159. Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 21A(6). 

160. Submissions 55 (Springvale Monash Legal Service), 97 (Federation of

Community Legal Centres); Consultations 10 (Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service), 13
(Victoria Legal Aid), 20 (Law Institute of Victoria). 

161. Consultations 12 (Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence

Resource Centre Victoria), 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

162. Consultation 8 (eSafety Commissioner). 

163. Consultation 23 (Cyberstalking roundtable). 

164. Submissions 56 (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), 97 (Federation of Community

Legal Centres). 

165. Submission 98 (Law Institute of Victoria). 

166. Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation). 

167. See, eg, Submission 32 (Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science). 

168. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking: Summary of Responses to

Online Feedback Form from People with Experience of Stalking (Report, August

169. Submission 32 (Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science). 

170. Submissions 49 (Victims of Crime Commissioner), 76 (Australian Association

of Social Workers), 97 (Federation of Community Legal Centres). 

171. Submission 97 (Federation of Community Legal Centres). 

172. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Stalking (Interim Report No 44,

December 2021). The Whole Story approach is a way to improve the identification of
stalking behaviour and enhance the ability of police to respond appropriately. It
provides a more complete picture of any identifiable course of conduct, allowing more
informed decisions to be made about interventions. 

173. Submission 32 (Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science); Chris Todd, Joanne
Bryce and Virginia NL Franqueira, ‘Technology, Cyberstalking and Domestic
Homicide: Informing Prevention and Response Strategies’ (2021) 31(1) Policing and
Society 82, 92. 

174. Wei-Jung Chang, ‘Cyberstalking and Law Enforcement’ (2020) 176 Procedia

Computer Science 1188, 1192. 

175. For the elements of the stalking offence with the most obvious connection to
online behaviour (and therefore cyberstalking):

see Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 21A(2)(b), (ba), (bb), (bc), (f). 

176. Wei-Jung Chang, ‘Cyberstalking and Law Enforcement’ (2020) 176 Procedia

Computer Science 1188, 1192. 

177. Submission 115 (Victoria Police—supplementary response). 

178. John Silvester, ‘Cyber-Crime: How Police Are Rebooting Methods for a New
Era’, The Age (online, 15 October 2021)

179. Submission 115 (Victoria Police). 

180. Victorian Law Reform Commission, Improving the Justice System Response to

Sexual Offences (Report No 42, September 2021) [14.114] Recommendations 52–55. 

181. Consultation 29 (Alannah & Madeline Foundation); Delanie Woodlock et

al, Second National Survey on Technology Abuse in Australia (Report, 24 November
2020) 7–8. 

182. Department of Premier and Cabinet (Vic), Victoria’s Cyber Strategy

2021 (Strategy, 2021) 8. 

183. Ibid 11. 

184. Commonwealth of Australia, Online Safety Charter (Charter, 2019). 

185. Consultation 8 (eSafety Commissioner). 

186. House of Representatives Select Committee on Social Media and Online

Safety, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Social Media and Online
Safety (Report, March 2022) [1.23] Recommendation 1. 

187. Ibid Recommendation 18.

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