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GDG554 – Design Management and Ethics

Unethical Design Visual and Issues



Muhammad Firas Aliyan Bin Armizan (2022883654)
Muhamad Azzim Aiman Bin Duan (2022813376)
Luqman Nur Hakim Bin Suhaimi (2022813428)
Muhammad Wildan Bin Mohd Johari (2022883738)
Danial Yassin Bin Ahmad Nasaruddin (2022470168)
Luqman Hakim Bin Halim (2022950231)

16th May 2023
1.0 Unethical Racism TVC (Fair & Lovely)

Product Face Whitening Cream

Company Fair & Lovely

Concept/Theme White people are more accepted by society than dark skinned people.

Issues Racism

This unethical product advertisement is from a brand called Fair & Lovely. This is the name before
its rebranding to Glow & Lovely. Fair & Lovely is a skin whitening cosmetic product made by Hindustan
Unilever that was first sold in India in 1975. Under its previous name, Fair & Lovely encountered

A corporation has been accused of encouraging colorism after aggressive marketing operations in
India were shown to employ Bollywood stars to promote "fair" as attractive and "dark" as ugly. A
young girl is made fun of for having dark skin and not doing enough to lighten it, and the cream is
suggested as the necessary subject in advertisements for fairness creams in the Indian market.

This commercial is telling that a woman with black skin wanted to find a job as a flight attendant,
but she was not accepted because she was black and less attractive but by using the whitening product
she was immediately accepted to work as a flight attendant and continued to be liked by the
community around her. Additionally, this is so unethical, and it frustrates us since we are aware that
having white skin does not help you advance professionally and only gives you a minor advantage over
dark-skinned peoles. The commercials merely reflect a social norm that is already widely accepted.
This brand Unique Selling Point (USP) is widely claim as a whitening cream. Because of that, many
people would like to purchase it, without seeking advice from a professional, over the counter at a
shop, through family or friends, or online. According to a global study on skin lightening treatments,
cutaneous and systemic side effects are probably overestimated because the full list of components
isn't provided.
2.0 Unethical Element Usage (Melaka United Footbal Club)

Product Melaka United Football Club

Company Persatuan Bola Speak Melaka United (MUSA)

Concept/Theme Element Usage is Unresearched & Unlicensed

Issues Plagiarsm

Former Malacca-based Malaysian football team Melaka United Football Club participated in the
Malaysia Super League. The Hang Tuah Stadium served as the club's home field until it moved to the
Hang Jebat Stadium in Paya Rumput, Krubong, in 1924. The team competed in Malaysian football
tournaments on behalf of the state of Malacca.

The term Hang Tuah, which is associated with strength and intelligence, served as the club's nickname.
The standard shirt, shorts, and sock colours for Melaka United were green and white. The club has
changed since its amateur days since the advent of the football league, adopting a new emblem with
a picture of the Malacca tree, after which the city was called.

This unethical Logo design from Melaka United Football Club that received and agreed by Persatuan
Bola Sepak Melaka United (MUSA) through a design competition that they made August 20th 2022 ago
(Figure 1). This has been said that the tree element that are use is unlicensed or significantly called as

(Figure 1)

The official symbol used as representative by Melaka United Football Club is their Melaka Tree. As
researched by Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), the legendary, Parameswara observed a
mousedeer kick his hunting dogs as he was taking a nap beneath a Melaka tree. He decided to establish
a new town there and gave the place the name Melaka, which later became a state in Malaysia, in
honour of the courageous mousedeer.

Scientifically, the Melaka tree (Figure 2) is identified as “Phyllanthus emblica” and is often referred to
as the Indian Gooseberry Tree. Ayurvedic medicine has used the fruit of the Melaka tree, which has a
sweet and astringent flavour, extensively. Indian gooseberry, also known as the Melaka fruit, has been
shown in scientific studies to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties. The efficacy of Melaka
fruits to lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels has also been demonstrated.

(Figure 2) – Melaka Tree as the trademark element of Melaka United FC’s new logo
On August 23rd, 2022, a Facebook Page named HarimauMalaya revealed that this element is
plagiared from a symbol sourced by Pinterest. (Figure 3)

(Figure 3)

This unethical move by Persatuan Bola Sepak Melaka United (MUSA) is automatically labelled as
Plagiarism. This is because any icon or graphical content that sourced from a legal website are basically
licensed and posted only for showcase and not for any usage unless the designer give their permission
to the user.

This posting is going alongside with few articles from famous news reporter such as VOCKETfc and
many more. (Figure 4)
(Figure 4)

Banstead Rovers' logo is similar to that of Austin FC but differs from it in that the original design
concept was retained while the shape of the tree branches, root stripes, and leaf were changed. While
the tree design on the Melaka United FC emblem only differs in that two additional leaves have been
removed and six of the leaves have been changed to a circular form.
3.0 Unethical Company Advertisement (Hyundai -Pipe Job)

Product Ix35 100% Water Emissions

Company Hyundai

Concept/Theme Demonstrate/Attempt a way to suicide

Issues Suicidal

Hyundai produced this unethical business advertising. One of the largest automakers, Hyundai
is well renowned for its electric and gas-free models. On April 23, 2013, a British Hyundai uploaded a
commercial on YouTube portraying a man who drives his hydrogen-powered ix-35 to try to end his
life. It's done quite well technically. The man doesn't perish since the exhaust pipe only discharges
water vapour, which is brilliantly done by the casting, art direction, camerawork, and music track.

The advertisement sets a new low for ethical advertising the phrases "disturbing" and
"insensitive" hardly do it justice. It was severely criticised, especially by people who had been affected
by a loved one's suicide, and the ad firm that generated and placed it removed it after just one day.
The so-called "suicide commercial" features a guy who appears to be tired of life as he
connects a Hyundai car's exhaust system to the vehicle's interior inside a dark, shuttered garage. He
seems to be attempting suicide. The man enters the vehicle, turns it on, and shuts his eyes while taking
a few deep breaths. A few hours later, the garage door opens, the light turns on, and the man exits

This company's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) The advertising will include a promotion for the
Hyundai ix35. It is a fuel cell vehicle that emits "100% water emissions." But that isn't made evident
until the end of the advertisement.
4.0 Unethical Poster Advertisement (Dental treatment)

Product Dental Treatment

Company Dental Clinic

Concept/Theme Cheap Dental Treatment Promotion

Issues The Proficiency of Dentist in Malaysia was decreased by Cheap Promotion

2016 saw unethical marketing used in private clinic advertising. Some private dentists have
been advertising incentives and packages on social media, according to the Malaysian Private Dental
Practitioners Association (MPDPA). Such strategies, according to its spokesman, Dr. Mahendran
Ponnudurai, are against both the Dental Act of 2018 and the professional code of ethics. A 50% rise in
these commercials over the last two years, according to Mahendran, has made the situation worse.

A partner of the previous MPDPA president who practises dentistry in Singapore called him in
February and made fun of the Malaysian dental industry. In Singapore's dental department, jokes like
this are now commonplace. Therefore, if the cost of this therapy is so low, this former MPDPA
president questions what kind of care is provided by the people. He began to worry about his safety
as well as the quality of the medical attention. Because this will have an impact on the standard of
care and the effectiveness of other dentists. What's going on, and why? This occurs as a result of rivalry
among private dental practises; it is the only way for them to draw in clients and boost their bottom
In conclusion, ethical marketing strategies are crucial for companies to use if they want to
uphold their good name, win over clients, and foster long-term expansion. Companies that use
unethical marketing techniques risk not just customer harm but also legal and financial ramifications.

Businesses should be truthful, protect consumer privacy, refrain from stereotyping, use
acceptable language, adhere to industry standards, put the needs of customers first, and refrain from
abusing vulnerable groups in order to avoid using unethical marketing techniques. Companies may
establish enduring relationships with their clients by adhering to these guidelines, as well as help to
foster a more sustainable and ethical corporate environment.

In the end, ethical marketing is about more than just acting morally; it's about creating long-
term success by winning the patrons' respect and loyalty. Businesses may distinguish themselves from
rivals, establish a solid reputation, and improve society by abiding by ethical marketing standards. As
a result, it is imperative for businesses to embrace ethical marketing as a core component of their
corporate strategy.
5.0 Unethical Deepavali Celebration (Foodpanda)

Service Food Delivery

Company Food Panda

Concept/Theme Deepavali Celebration TVC (Pollywood)

Issues Cultural Appropration

Foodpanda is charged with cultural appropriation in a "Pollywood" advertisement. As we aware,

Foodpanda become the largest food delivery and grocery services in Malaysia and other big country
especially in Asia markets. Foodpanda is an apps or website where people can find your favourite
restaurants and place orders for your preferred meals, groceries, prescription drugs, snacks, and more.
Foodpanda is the best location to get food from a range of restaurants and stores in Malaysia, whether
you need it delivered for breakfast, lunch, supper, last-minute or planned grocery shopping.

Foodpanda has been accused for an unethical advertisement which is related cultural appropriation
and been charged by their action. This issue has been brought up from our Indian Malaysian called the
commercial another act oppression against the local Indian community. Moreover, Indian citizens
express discontent with 30 seconds promo for upcoming series Delivery Ke Hati Seri. One of the
effects of this kind of commercials like this insult the individuals of this community who practise their
culture and get mocked for it. Secondly, will affect our diversity especially to Indians citizens and it will
cause mispresenting it

Twitter user @mynikkaname called the commercial yet another act of oppression against the local
Indian community.

@VaneeshaKrish also expressed disappointment in the talents featured in the video, among whom
were Adibah Noor, Shawn Lee, and Nadia Aqilah.
To be conclude, commercial is a big part to represent our community and it’s about time to use our
medium given that our society is already so diverse in terms of culture and ethnicity, it is especially
important for the mainstream media to improve how it portrays other populations. By valuing a
culture rather than criticising it, mutual respect can be built. Understanding another person's culture
allows one to express gratitude and share aspects of one's own culture. This will put an end to
derogatory stereotypes and ongoing oppressive patterns.

(20+) Facebook

Dua Kelab Luar Negara Ini Mempunyai Logo Hampir Sama Dengan Logo Melaka United FC

The legendary Melaka tree – Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)

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