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The transaction is between the sender bank's server to the receiving HOST SERVER of the bank. Please
note that this is not common account to common account, or server to common account.

As the fund's currency is in EURO you may or may not need authorization from the ECB (depending on
the transaction amount). As mentioned in our agreement it is the receiver's duty to do this.

Please consider the following important notes before any transactions:

1. As this transaction is being made from the banking database (as known as farm (farm 42 to 107))
by farm authorities (a higher authority than the bank), the sending bank acts as only a transmitting
entity and they have no role or act in the transaction process, so all the responsibility and
transaction documents must be acquired only from the sender. So based on the aforementioned:
a. MT199 is Server to the server and there is no possibility of sending MT199 through
Brussels ( or
b. All the documents are server to server.
2. All the transactions are made with the FEDERAL RESERVE authorizations.
3. Bank and the receiver must have the necessary authorizations from the government, central
bank, and other monetary and regulatory organizations.
4. Sender has the necessary authorizations for making the transaction and it is the receiver's duty to
get the authorization for receiving the EURO funds from ECB and other authorities.

Following is the procedure that the bank must follow for locating and monetizing the funds:

1. The IT man (server admin) of the branch must ask for an RSA PRIVATE KEY (as known as WTS or
Window Terminal Server) from the central bank’s IT department via email from the server admin
of the bank for the IP address mentioned in the black screen under the GLOBAL SERVER IP.
2. In the responding email from the server admin of the bank there must be:
a. USERNAME (preferably `root`).
d. WINDOW TIME: a window time to login to the server.
3. The server admin of the branch will login to the server (IP address under the GLOBAL SERVER IP)
via Secure Socket Shell in the specified window time in the email using the following command:
a. ssh -i [PRIVATE KEY (WTS)] [username (root)]@[IP address (GLOBAL SERVER IP)]
b. will add the IP into the known hosts and then the server depending on the configuration
may or may not ask for the password which if it did you should have it in your email.
4. The sever will start prompting for options (the options are very descriptive).
5. By choosing right options for locating a transaction, the server will prompt for the ACCESS CODE
that you can find it on the black screen. By entering the code correctly, the fund will be located
and it is ready to be released from the core shot to the common account.
6. Next the sever will prompt for REFERENCE CODE or TRANSACTION CODE or TRACK CODE to
continue the procedure.
7. Server will ask for choosing between release or reject options which by choosing to download and
by entering the DOWNLOADING CODE while the server prompt for this code, the fund will be
downloaded to the common account.
8. Upon successful download the server will prompt for RELEASE CODE to the common account of
the bank
9. In the next step and upon successfully finishing the administrative affairs (including payment of
taxes and fees and also defining the project or the purpose of the fund), using the FINAL CODE
the fund will finalized in the common account and after that FINAL BLOCKING CODE must be
10. By using IRON CODE, the fund will be secured and releasing and finalizing is complete.
11. The fund can be forwarded (deposited) in the receiving account.

Important Notes:

1. The PRIVATE KEY (WTS) must be issued by the bank and banking network otherwise you won’t
be able to either locate the fund nor release the fund.
2. If in any stage for any reason you leave the session step 1 to 3 must be repeated and then you
can continue where the las session has been left.

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