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Revision 4 for final exam

Vocabulary unit 8
Choose: -
1-Anna said “The new mall is (small – big – huge)
2- In the new mall, there are (three- four – five) escalators and a (door – lift – left)
3- The new mall is very (boring – bad – exciting)
4- Uncle Bob needed a new (music – computer – English) disc
5- Anna saw a small (black – white – grey) ring. She picked (down – up – at) it
6- The ring was (glass – wood – metal) but it wasn’t (dark – shiny – white)
7- Anna put the metal in her (bag – purse – pocket)
8- Aunt Jemima wanted a new (blouse – scarf – skirt)
9- In cold weather, I put the scarf around my (shoulder – arm – neck)
10- Aunt Jemima saw that she lost her (ring – necklace – earring)
11- They returned back to the (shoe – book – computer) shop to search for the
12- Anna heard a (cry – sob – shouting) outside the computer shop
13- The boy dropped his (toy – car – bike)
14- The boy found a shiny (gold – silver – metal) ring
15- Anna took (in – out – off) her pocket the grey metal ring
16- Aunt Jemima was so (happy – sad – bored) when she found her earring
17- She told them to go to the (restaurant – café – home) to drink tea and eat (ice-
cream – cake – donuts)
18- Uncle Bob lost his disc in the (café – computer shop – clothes shop)
19- He’s running (to – past – of) the bread and cakes
20- She bought (cans – tins – boxes) of beans
21- The thief is running (into – away – by)
22- Toby put his clothes (onto – into – outside) his suitcase

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23- The thief took Toby’s (bag – suitcase – clothes)
24- The children found the thief in the (mall – hospital – supermarket)
25- The thief heard the (sound – crash – crying)
26- Lifts going up and (to – round – down)
27- Doors going (to – up and down – round about)
28- People going in and (on – out – off)
29- A boat can (sink – float – drown) on the water
30- We must be carful when we cross the (goat – road – float)
31- You can make a (goat – coat – boat) out of wood
32- He (carried – climbed – clapped) the tree
33- I bought chocolate from the (café – supermarket – book shop)
34- Grandpa liked the (books – football socks – trumpet) in the sport shop
35- An apple (felt – fell – found) from the tree onto Ben’s head
Re-write: -
1-Your computer is new. My computer isn’t new (as – as)
My computer isn't as new as yours
2-They are playing football (What)
what are they playing ?
3- I am older than Mario (Mario)
Mario is younger than me
4- Nancy is a good singer (sing) sub + verb + adverb
Nancy sings well
5- Meg is more handsome than Ben (Ben)
Ben is less handsome than Meg
6- I gave Mira 50 pounds (How)
How much did you give Mira ?

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7- This shirt is Rana’s (Whose)
whose skirt is this ?
8- I bought some new clothes (Did)
Did you buy any new clothes ?
9- We heard the children outside (not)
we didn't heard the children outside
10- Anna saw a parrot in the garden (not)
Anna didn't see a parrot ...............
11- Max carries the camera carefully (yesterday)
Max carried the camera .....................yesterday
12- Anna takes her ring out of her pocket (an hour ago)
Anna took her hour ago
13- He had a teddy bear (not)
He didn't have a ......................
14- Sam is very thirsty. Drink water (must)
Sam must drink water
15- Joe is going to school. Go to school late (must)
Joe mustn't go to school late
16- Ed and Peter watch the TV (like)
Ed and peter like watching .................
17- Sam swims in the pool (like)
sam likes swimming ...............
18- We jumped in a loud way (loudly)
we shouted loudly
19- She sat in a quiet way (quietly)
she sat quietly

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20- There was a girl on the slide (two)
There were two girls on ...................
21- There were birds in the trees (was)
There was a bird in the tree
22- The train was 5$ (How)
How much was the train?
23- The clowns were 10$ (How)
How much were the clowns?
24- This TV is big. The new one is .............................
25- The boy is sad. The other boy is ............................

26- The dolls cost $14

much do the dolls cost?
How .........................................................
27- The camera costs $80
much does the camera cost?
How .....................................................
28- A jumper is warmer than the T-shirt (The T-shirt)
The T-shirt is cooler than A jumper
29- The twins are fifteen years old
old are the twins ?
How ....................................................................
30- The ruler is 30 cm
long is the ruler ?
How ........................................................
31- The helicopter is fast. The plane is ................................
32- The weather was cold (not)
the weather wasn't cold
33- There were some apples in the box (not)
there weren't any ...............
34- There is not any juice in the bottle (some)
there is some juice ................
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35- There are some plates on the table (Are)
Are there any .........................?
36- This is my money (mine)
This money is mine / It's mine
37- This is their house
It’s ..................................
38- These are our goats (ours)
These goats are ours./They're ours
39- These are her gloves
They’re ...........................................
40- She visits her uncle (He)
He visits his uncle
41- Your hands are dirty. Wash them (should)
you should wash your hands
42- The boy is sleeping. Make noise (should)
you shouldn't make noise
43- No other house is larger than this one superlative
is the largest house
This one ............................................................
44- No other film is better than this film
is the best film
This film ..........................................................
45- The world’s biggest bull is big. The small elephant is big too (as -as)
The world's biggest bull is as big as the small elephant
Dialogue: -
A: .............did you do at the weekend?
B: I went shopping with my ........................
A: Really, ...............did you go?
B: We the new mall
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A: Oh! What’s it like?
big / huge
B: It’s .............................
A: What did you ........................?
new clothes and shoes
B: I bought ................................
A: WoW! Did you spend lots of money?
B: No, I ................... My mum .................lots of money
Comprehension: - her
One day a woman went to the house of a doctor. She said to the doctor, 'My
husband is very ill, and he can't work. Will you please, come to him. The doctor saw
that they were very poor people. There was no food in the house. The doctor said to
the woman ' Come to my house and I will give you something '. In the evening the
woman went to the doctor's house. He gave her a box and he said ' Take this to your
husband ' When the woman opened the box, it was full of money. She went to the
shops, and bought some food. She also bought wood to make a fire. Soon her
husband was well again.

Answer: -

1- Why did the woman go to the doctor?

2-How did the doctor know that the woman and her husband were poor?
3- How did the doctor help them?
4- What do you learn from the text?
I should help the poor people

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Comprehension 2: -
Moscow is the biggest in Russia. There are nine different towers in it. They are
painted in different colours. These colours are bright. The towers are more than 450
years old. Many people visit Moscow every year in summer, because winter is very

Choose: -
1-Moscow is the (big – biggest – oldest) city in Russia
2- They are painted in (many – bright – different) colours
3- The towers are (more than – less than – over) 450 years old
Put ( ) or ( ):-
1- People visit Moscow in winter ( )
2- There are nine different towers ( )
Story Robinson Crusoe
Ch. 6,7 & 8
Complete: -
1-He never used the gun because he didn’t want to make any ........................
2- He didn’t shoot the wild people because he afraid that they .............and
3- He saw out ..................from a fire
4- The wild people came with the kill, cook and eat them
5- He saw .......................of a man on the sand
ship lying on its side not far from the ................
6-He saw a ...............
7- Man, Friday understood ....................better than Robinson
8- Robinson put his ..............beside him when he slept
wild man kill
9- He thought that Friday was still a .................. and would try to ...........him in the

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unhappybecause Robinson told him that they could make new
10- Friday was ................
canoe to go his home
11- He cut off the head of his enemy with the ...................
clothes tools, and a box of Spanish ............
12- He took some ............, money
gold and silver ..........
secret cave on the other side of the island
13- He took him to his ......................
14-They had dried ................and meat
salted ............and water in
big pots to keep ...............
15-Robinson had a ...............home, animal
clothes made of .....................’s skins and long
hair and ......................
house get all the ....................
16- Friday ran back to the guns
17- They left the .....................on the island not to kill them
The compositions for the exam
Composition 1 in W.B p.61
Meg and her mum went to the river. It was a hot day. The sun was shining and the
sky was blue. They sat next to the river. They saw a big fish in the water. They were
three white swans on the river. Meg said, “come here!”. The swans didn’t come to
them. Meg’s mum looked at her watch. It was five o’clock. Meg and her mum went

Composition 2 p.71 in W.B

Yesterday, Ben painted a monster. His monster was funny. It didn’t have one
head. It had two heads. It had five eyes. They were small. It had six legs. They were
long. It didn’t have one tail. It had three tails. The monster’s name was Monty.

Composition 3 p.81 in WB
Lucy went to the mall with her mother. In the clothes shop they bought a
dress. In the shoe shop they bought boots and shoes. Mum spent lots of money. In
the supermarket mum saw strawberry and red apples. She put them in the basket.
At home, mum was sad. “I lost my ring at the mall”, she said. Lucy washed the
strawberries. she found mum’s ring. She was very happy.

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