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Angelica D.


1. In your own words, what is corruption? Cite at least one example of

situation where you noticed an activity involving corruption (can be in
businesses or in government).
Answer: corruption is a form of dishonesty, fraud, by a person that
have authority in a government or a business. It’s an abusive act to
gain in private without informing others. Corruption is an illegal act
or criminal act. Corruption is involved bribery. Accepting
inappropriate gifts, under the table transactions, manipulating
elections and diverting funds is a form of corruption.

Police corruption When working with the police, there is a considerable

chance of corruption. The national police force is often considered as
one of the country's most corrupt agencies. There have been several
reports of police and military personnel engaged in graft, bribery, and
involvement in municipal rackets. Companies complain that they are
unable to rely on police services (GCR 2017-2018) Private protection is
paid for by more than half of businesses (ES 2015). Businesses evaluate
the National Police Department's dedication to combating corruption as
"poor" (SWS 2016). President Duterte has accused numerous police
generals of being complicit in illegal drug trafficking (ABS CBN, Jan.
In one example, Police Commissioner Mr. Sombero is being investigated
for allegedly arranging a PHP 50 million payment from gambling mogul
Jack Lam, who attempted to bribe immigration authorities at order to
release roughly 1,300 Chinese nationals who were working illegally in
his resorts (CNN Philippines, Feb. 2017).

2.  In your opinion, how can corruption be prevented and eliminated?

For me we can’t eliminate corruption its part of our normal living even if we
eliminate it there is a chance that another person might do it again. the best
thing that they can do is to conduct daily check on their company or in the
government. Or before accepting an applicant make sure to do background
check on them.

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