Home Economics JS1

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Home Economic J s 1 Topic :DECISION MAKING.

Decision making is the of making a choice from alternative courses of action or things.Decision making
can only take place when there are two thing to choose from.


a) Identity the decision to be made: This involves defining the situation or problem that requires a

b) List the alternatives: Alternatives are different ways of doing a thing.

c)Choose the best alternative: To do this,you have to think about your values, goals, wants, money
available and needs.

d) Act on your decision: carry out your decision to the best of your ability.

e)Evaluate your decision: This involves judging the quality of the decision made or how well it works for


1)Family: family members are usually willing and eager to help members especially teenagers to make
good decisions.

2) Friends: Friends have strong influences on each other in decision making

3) Resources: Resources available always influence decisions. The resources include time, knowledge,
money and skills.

4) Values: The decisions you make are always based on what you consider important. For instance your
values will determine whether you watch a movie or study your books at night.

5) Needs and wants: In decisions, needs may be chosen before wants.


A) Food related decisions

B) clothing related decisions

C) Housing related decisions

D) Choosing friends to move with.

E) Educational related decisions.


1) What is decision making?

2) Mention the steps in decision making

3) State the factors that influence decision making

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