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NIR, DSC, and FTlR as Quantitative Methods for

Compositional Analysis of Blends of Polymers Obtained

From Recycled Mixed Plastic Waste

Department of Polymer Technology

The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
S-1 00 44 Stockholm Sweden

Methods for the determination of the composition of two binary blends in mix-
tures of recycled polymeric materials were analyzed and compared. Recycled
polypropylene/polyethylene (PP/HDPE) and recycled poly(acry1-butadiene-styrene)
and polypropylene(AES/PP)were used to develop and validate the methods. Diffuse
reflectance near infrared spectroscopy (NIB) offers high sensitivity and ease of op-
eration and a possibility to perform multivariate data analysis. In comparison, dif-
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC)and Mid-IR which are commonly used for this
purpose require certain sample preparation and are indeed time consuming. In ad-
dition, the low sensitivity of these two methods to concentrations lower than 1% wt
makes their application in quality control of recycled polymers inappropriate. NIR
can be used for estimating the composition of the recyclate on-line in only a few
seconds, no sample preparation is required, and high precision is achieved. We ob-
tained a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP)equal to 0.21% wt in the in-
terval from 0- 15%wt of PP in HDPE and a RMSEP equal to 0.91%wt in the interval
0-100%. For blends of PP/MS a RMSEP of 0.74Yo wt in the range 0-100% and
0.32% wt in the range 0-15940wt PP was calculated. Most of the variation in the
spectral data with respect to the polymer blend composition for all the studied
blends were explained by two principal components (PC). The optimal number of
factors (PC) was determined by cross-validationanalysis.

1. INTRODUCTION Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (Al3S) and PP are

the two major components in the automotive indus-
G enerally, household plastic waste from Sweden
contains approximately 33% of HDPE and 24%
of PP. A total separation of these two polymers is dif-
try. During recycling they usually contaminate each
other since a 100% separation is very difficult to
achieve. Many studies on the compatibihtion of re-
ficult because of the great similarity in their physical
cycled ABS and PP demonstrates that good material
properties. Conventional methods of separation, e.g.
properties are achieved (1-4).The quantifkation of the
the sink and float method, cannot be applied, and
different components in the blends remains, however,
manual sorting does not provide ideal separation be-
a very important issue for quality analysis and quality
cause of the human factor and in some cases lack of
control (QA/QC) of the recyclate.
labeling; this method is also cost-ineffective. More so-
Thermal analysis, in general, and differential scan-
phisticated sorting methods such as spectroscopic or
ning calorimetry (DSC), in particular, are widely used
electrostatic separation are still in development and
for characterization of polymer blends. During instru-
do not guarantee 100% purity. Quality assurance of
ment calibration, sample preparation, and analysis of
recycled household plastic is necessary since the
samples, certain criteria should be observed. The sam-
presence of small amounts of PP in HDPE or vice
ple should be in good thermal contact with the base of
versa affects the performance of the material and de-
the sample vessel in order to obtain reliable DSC data:
termines whether the material can be used for high
additionally, the amount of sample to be analyzed is
value applications.
small and would not be representative of the material
as a whole in the case of heterogeneous blends. The
sample must be representative of the material as a
'Corresponding author. whole and the lower limit of the sample mass may be


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NIR,DSC, and F77R

determined by the homogeneity of the sample. This is can provide IR spectra of thick materials, because
especially true for composites and polymer blends, they penetrate a very thin layer at the surface of a
where frequently 10 mg of sample are required before sample. The effective path length for the ATR and the
a representative sample can be prepared. When a large photoacoustic methods depends upon the refractive
amount of sample is to be analyzed, the heating rate index and thermal diffusivity, respectively. Therefore,
should be decreased accordingly to compensate for the the use of this technique for the quantitative analysis
increased temperature gradients in the sample (51, of non-homogeneous materials can be difficult.
making the method time-consuming. The thermal his- The purpose of this work is to compare the effi-
tory of a polymer has a strong influence on the charac- ciency of thermal and spectroscopic methods for de-
teristic melting and crystallization temperatures and termination of PP content in blends of recycled
most of the time has to be erased by cooling the sam- PP/HDPE and PP/ABS, and highlight the ease and
ple to a temperature below the crystalkation tempera- sensitivity of MR spectroscopy combined with multi-
ture after having heated it to a temperature above the variate analysis in achieving this goal.
melting temperature.
In processing high-grade polymer recyclates there is 2. EXPERIMENTAL
an increasing demand for quality determination and
assurance, because polymer recycling processes have 2.1 Material
been improved by use of better separation and pro- Recycled polypropylene and polyethylene were sup-
cessing techniques. The properties of recycled poly- plied by Lunda Recycljng Plant, Stockholm. The mate-
mers, especially physical properties, have to be speci- rial was carefully sorted, washed and dried. Only
fied and guaranteed within narrow tolerances by the transparent and non-colored items were chosen for
manufacturers according to the needs of their cus- these studies.
tomers. Without computer-aided data processing and ABS Magnum 3504 produced by Dow Plastics and
efficient measuring equipment, quality analysis in designed for extrusion and injection was purchased
polymer recycling is much more time-consuming. from Ashland AB;dumbbells according to ASTM stan-
Therefore it is important to have access to systems dard D 638M were injection molded using a Batten-
that allow rapid and reliable qualitative and quantita- feld Plus 250/50 equipped with a single screw (diame-
tive analysis of multicomponent systems. Many stud- ter = 2.2 c m and L/D = 16).The barrel temperatures
ies use infrared spectroscopy for quality control and were 220°C in the first heating zone, 240°C in the sec-
quality analysis in polymer production. It is particu- ond and 40°C in the mold. The dumbbells were sub-
larly used for the determination of the composition of jected to thermal aging at 90°C for a month, shred-
copolymers and polymer blends and also for determi- ded, extruded and pelletized.
nation of additive and filer contents (6-8). The PP/HDPE blends were prepared in a Brabender
The near infrared range (12,800-4000 em-') as well Plasticorder PL2000 twin-screw extruder (diameter =
as the mid-infrared range (4004000cm-l)has been 3.5 cm, L/D = 9) at 220°C in the first and second
used for spectroscopic detection of physical and heating zone and 230°C in the third. Four strands
chemical properties of polymer. These techniques were extruded, cooled in a water bath and pelletized.
make possible to obtain information about the chemi- The PP/ABS was mixed using the same equipment at
cal composition and structure of polymers. Therefore T, = 230"C,T2 = 230°C and T3 = 240°C.Two sets
this method is widely used for characterization of consisting of 17 PP/HDPE and 17 ABS/PP blends, in
polymeric materials (9- 13). which the content of PP and ABS,respectively, varied
Diffuse-reflectance near infrared spectroscopy (MR) in the range 0-100% wt were obtained. Additionally,
has,in comparison with other spectroscopic techniques three PP/HDPE and three PP/Al3S blends containing
such as mid-IR and Raman, a high signal-to noise 0.5%, 7% and 12% wt of either PP or ABS were manu-
(S/N)ratio and allows non-destructive sample analysis. factured for validation of the calibration models.
The ease, rapidity and use of fiber optics facilitate the Pellets were analyzed as obtained by diffuse re-
application of NIR for on-line and in-line measurements flectance near infrared (NIR). For the FTIR measure-
(14,15). For a given molecule many active overtone and ments, pellets were compression molded at 200°C for 2
combination bands might be present in the NIR region, min at 10 MPa, immediately removed from the press,
creating as a result a spectrum with a large number of and allowed to cool to room temperature. Films with a
overlapping bands, which makes spectral interpretation thickness of approximately 0.2 mm were obtained in
difficult, but this disadvantage can be overcome by this way. Samples of suitable shape and size for ther-
using multivariate data analysis (16). mal analysis were cut from pellets using a razor blade.
FIIR reflectance and transmission spectroscopy is
used for analysis of thin films.As a result of the high 2.2 Instruments
absorbtivities of mid-IR bands, the film thickness
must be limited (up to 100 pm, depenrlmg on the spe- Thermal analysis was performed on a Mettler Toledo
cific bands chosen) in order to perform an accurate DSC820 differential scanning calorimeter under a ni-
qualitative analysis. Other IR methods, such as attenu- trogen atmosphere. About 7 mg of sample was heated
ated total reflectance and photoacoustic methods, to 200"C,subsequently cooled to 25"C,held at that

15482634, 2001, 9, Downloaded from by Charles Darwin University Library, Wiley Online Library on [05/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Walker Camacho and Sigbritt Karlsson

temperature for 3 min, and heated again to 200°C. source was used. Forty scans were averaged at 4
The heating and cooling rate was equal to lO"C/min. resolution in the range 4000--10,000 cm-', five and
Infi-ared spectra in the Mid-region (FI'IR) were ac- ten replicates of PP/ABS and PP/HDPE, respectively
quired using a Perkin Elmer FI'IR-2000 equipped with were analyzed. Unscrambler 4.0 from Cam0 AS, Nor-
a DTGS detector. Thrty-two scans were averaged at 2 way, was used for multivariate data analysis. Princi-
cm-' resolution in the range of 400-4000 cm-'. Sam- pal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the
ples were analyzed in duplicate. Curve fitting and spectral data and PLS (Partial linear square) calibra-
peak area were calculated on a PC using MATLAB ver- tion was carried out on this data, which was previ-
sion 5. ously treated by multiple scattering correction (MSC)
Diffuse-reflectance near infrared (NIR) spectra were to compensate for possible physical differences be-
obtained using a FT-NIR &men ME3 series spectropho- tween the samples, such as pellet size, shape and
tometer with an InAs detector and quartz-halogen light scattering.

9o%M PP



2-+ 0.8
F 0.6
z 0.4
0 20 40 60 80 100
PP content (% wt)
Fig. 1 . a) FlTR-spectraof some PP/HDPE blends. b) Calibration curvefor determination of PP content in PP/HDPE blends.


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3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION line was obtained in this way (Fg.I @ ] ) . The non-lii-
PP/HDPE blends
earity of the PP/HDPE calibration curve is due to the
difference in intrinsic absortivity of the PE peak at
Qure I ( @ shows infrared spectra of the compres- 720 cm-' and PP at 11 6 8 cm-'. The absortivity of the
sion-molded films of PP/HDPE blends of known com- PE peak is almost twice that of the PP peak. If the ab-
position. To prepare the calibration curve, the ratio of sortivity of both peaks were the same, the relation
the absorbance (integrated area) of two peaks in the would be linear. Reproducibility was checked by scan-
rocking wagging region, a peak a t 1168 cm-I ning three samples of each blend. Using the calibration
characteristic for methyl group wagging in PP and a curve, the composition of three samples was deter-
peak at 720 cm-l arising from methylene rocking and mined with a standard deviation equal to 0.84% wt.
typical for HDPE (111, was chosen. A1168/(A1168+A720) Figure Z(a) shows the DSC thermograms of PP,
was plotted against the PP content and a quadratic HDPE and some of the PP/HDPE mixtures. Two dif-

10 %wt PP

50 %wt PP

100 %wt PP PP

I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 I l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l , , l
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

I Temperature ("C)

2 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
PP content (%wt)
lilg. 2. a)DSC-thermograms of PP, HDPE and some of their blends. b) Calibration curvefor determination of PP content.

15482634, 2001, 9, Downloaded from by Charles Darwin University Library, Wiley Online Library on [05/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Walker Cantach0 and Sigbritt Karkson

5300 5800 6300 6800 7300 7800 8300 8800
Wavenumber (cm-1)

g 100
c 80


O - 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Measured PP content (%wt)


0 8
a +Calibration set
U 6
- 4 RMSEP=0.2 1
2 2
" I

0 5 10 15
Measured PP content (%wt)
Fg. 3. a)NIR-spectra of PP, HDPE and their blends after MSC-pre-treatment. b) Calibration c m in the range 0-100%w t of PP. c)
Calibration curve in the range 0-15%wt PP in PP/HDPE blends.

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ferent endothermic peaks one at Tml=130°C (melting standard error of prediction (RMSEP) equal to 0.91%
temperature of crystalline HDPE) and the other one at wt. Since the method is intended to be used for deter-
Tm,= 165°C (melting temperature of crystalline PP) mination of very small amounts of PP in recycled
can be observed even at low concentrations of any of HDPE, which has been carefully separated from PP
the components. The presence of two melting peaks and other household plastics, a PLS in a narrower in-
c o n f i i s the inmiscibilty of these polymers, which has terval, 0-15% wt PP, was designed. Even in this case,
been reported by many other authors (7, 17, 18). two PCs fully described the model. The model was val-
However, concentrations below 1% wt are difficult to idated by either cross validation or a test set consist-
quantify, owing to the sensitivity of the method, which ing of three samples with 0.5, 7.0 and 12.0Yo wt PP
depends upon the experimental parameters, i.e. heat- content. The FNSEP was equal to 0.21% wt obtained
ing ratio. A decrease of the heating ratio from from the calibration curves shown in R g 3(c).
10"C/min to 5"C/min improves the sensitivity but
doubles the measuring time. An increase in the PP PP/ABS blends
content depresses the melting temperature of the
HDPE, but this depression is not a defined function of Figure 4(a) shows the infrared spectra of some
the blend composition. This type of behavior has been PP/ABS blends with different compositions. Several
observed for binary blends and has been attributed to peaks attributed to either AI3S or PP were observed,
a possible interplasticizing action caused by some and their suitability for calibration purposes was
molecules of one of the components acting as diluent studied. For instance, it can be seen that the intensity
within the crystalline regions of the other component of the peak at 757 an-', which is characteristic for the
(17). Even small contents of HDPE [less than 2.5% wt) aromatic C-H wagging, increases with increasing con-
greatly depress the melting enthalpy (4) of PP, the tent of ABS in the polymer blends. The band at 700
AHm of pure PP is equal to 82 J / g and samples con- cm-' has been used by Cole et aL (20) for quantifica-
taining 1% wt HDPE have a A H , equal to 71 J/g. For tion of PS in PPE/PS blends. An attempt to use this
this reason, pure PP was not included in the calibra- band for the determination of ABS content was made,
tion plot. Figure 2 0 gives the calibration curves as but because of the strong absorbance of this band, it
the normalized area of the melting peaks at Td and was not possible to measure the peak intensity for
plotted against the PP content. It can be observed that blends with a PP content of 35% wt or less. A peak at
the percentage of PP and the melting area are linearly 2150 cm-', which corresponds to the C=N stretching
related. The standard deviation was equal to 0.78% wt. band, which has been used for monitoring the ABS
Figure 3(a)presents NIR spectra of the PP/HDPE content in PC/ABS blends (21). also increases with
blends. PP shows characteristic absorption peaks at the rise in AI3S content. However, the band at 757
8385 cm-' and 6094 cm-l, which correspond to the cm-' appeared to be the most proper for monitoring
second and first overtone of the C-H methyl stretch- the AI3S content in the polyblends because of its high
ing. As the content of HDPE increases, the intensity of resolution and moderate intensity. The intensity of a
these two peaks decreases, and a new C-H methylene band at 1 168 cm-' ascribed to methyl group wagging
peak a t 6480 cm-' appears. It can also be observed in PP decreases as the ABS percentage increases.
that the intensity of a peak at 8216 cm--' and another Therefore, this peak was chosen to monitor the PP
at 5774 cm-' increases with the increase of HDPE. content. A,,,,/(A,,,, + AT5J was plotted against the
These two peaks are due to the second and f i s t over- PP content in the blends. Figure 41b)depicts the cali-
tones of C-H methylene stretching in polyethylene bration curve obtained.
(19). Because of the high overlapping of the spectral ABS is an amorphous polymer; therefore, no melt-
bands, a n univariate calibration is W c u l t to perform. ing peak can be detected in DSC experiments. Figure
Therefore a partial least-square (PLS) calibration has 5(4 displays the thermograms of several AI3S/PP mix-
been used to analyze the spectral data. The biggest tures. A Tg = 108°Cattributed to styrene-acrylonitrile
advantage of this procedure is that it allows us to ex- was observed; this value is in good agreement with
tract the most information from the acquired data. A the value reported in the literature (5, 21, 22). The Tg
principal component analysis (PCA) was also per- remains constant for all blends analyzed, though is
formed on the data in order to detect possible outliers less noticeable for blends with high PP content. The
and discover trends in the data. The PLS calibration melting temperature of PP decreases with the increase
was preceded by a multiple scattering correction of ABS, but a functional relationship between the ABS
(MSC) of the data to mathematically separate the mul- content and the melting temperature was not found.
tiplicative effect of light scattering from the additive, Figure 51b) shows the calibration curve obtained by
i.e. chemical information. plotting the integral of the peak at Tm = 165"C, i.e.,
Figure 3fb) presents the calibration curve; as a first the melting temperature of PP against the composition
approach, the calibration was carried out for 0-100% of the PP/ABS blends. A linear relation with a
wt PP content region. Full cross validation (leaving standard deviation equal to 0.32% wt was obtained.
one out) was used to determine the optimal number of mure S(a) shows the NIR spectra of the PP/ABS
principal components (PC) and to test the model. Two blends after MSC correction. Several peaks corre-
PCs fully described the model with a root square sponding to the methyl group in PP and to the C-H

15482634, 2001, 9, Downloaded from by Charles Darwin University Library, Wiley Online Library on [05/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Walker Carnacho and Sigbritt Karkson

bonds in the aromatic ring of ABS have been identi- methyl stretching first overtone, respectively (19).The
fied. ABS shows a strong peak at 8741 cm-' and a growth of a band at 7353 cm-' (a C-H methyl combi-
weaker one near 5934 cm-' related to the aromatic nation band) can readily be observed as the AI3S con-
C-H stretching second overtone and aromatic C-H tent decreases. However, curve fitting and integration
stretching first overtone, respectively. As the Al3S of these bands would be very difficult and not precise.
is replaced by PP, the intensity of these b a n d s The use of multivariate calibration methods in general
decreases, and two peaks, one at 8385 cm-1and the and PLS in particular allows the extraction of the
other 5890 em-', arise. These peaks are characteristic maximum of information from not very selective data
for C-H methyl stretching second overtone and C-H (16). For this blend system, a PLS calibration was

UiLm 75 % wt PP

U L PP - L J L W b
50 % wt

1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750
Wavelength (cm-')

y =2E-05~ + ~0.0074~
R2 = 0.9973

a 0 I I I

0 20 40 60 80 100
PP content (%wt)
Q. 4. a)FTLR-spectraof some PP/ABS blends. b) Calibration curvefor determinationof PP content in PP/ABS blends.


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performed on the MSC pretreated data in the interval narrower range, 0-15Yowt PP in ABS,since the appli-
6545 cm-' to 9090 cm-l for the 0-100% wt PP/ABS cation of this method is intended for detection and
calibration set blends. It was found that two PCs ex- quantification of small amounts of PP in recycled ABS.
plained the whole variation in the spectral data. The Also in this case, two factors fully explained the
optimal number of PCs and the validation of the model, which was validated by the test set and full
model were achieved by cross validation. Figure S(b) cross validation. The calibration curve with RMSEP
shows the calibration curve obtained: the MRSEP was = 0.32% wt is displayed in Rg. 6(c). Better RMSEP
equal to 0.74% wt. A second PIS calibration was per- values are obtained for PP/ABS blends since PP and
formed on the same spectral region and data, but in a ABS greatly differ in chemical structure, whereas PP

Z2E 100 % w t PP

90 % r v t PP
7 5 % w t PP

50 %wt PP 1

25 4 w t PP
10 % w t FP

0 %wt PP
-. --


80 100 120 140 160 180

Temperature ("C)

5 40
0 20 40 60 80 100
PP content (%wt)
Fig. 5. DSC-thennograms of PP,ABS and some of their blends. b) Calibration cuniefor determination of PP content.

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Walker Carnacho and Sigbritt Karlsson

6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

Wavenumber (cm-1)






0 20 40 60 80 100
Measured PP content (wt)

0 5 10 15
Measured PP content (Ymt)
FQ. 6. al NlR-spectra of PP, ABS and their blends afler MSC-pre-treatment. b) Calibration curve in the range 0-100%wt of PP. c) Cali-
bration curue in the range 0-15%w t PP in PP/ABS blends.

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and HDPE contain methyl groups, which overlap and For PP and HDPE concentrations below 1% wt in PP/
d e c t the spectra of the blends. HDPE blends, the intensity of the chosen characteris-
The presence of low-molecular-weightcontaminants tic bands is low, which makes their integration inac-
in recycled household packaging, which been studied curate and difficult.
in a previous work (23)does not affect the measure-
ments of blend composition, since the analytical ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
methods used cannot detect such low concentrations.
Financial support given by the European Commis-
sion, "Electrostatic Recovery of Paper and Plastic
Packaging Wastes" (ELREC), BRPR-CT96-0247, is
The present paper shows that NIR is a good candi- gratefully acknowledged.
date for online measurements of compositions of
mixed polymer fractions from recycled plastic waste. 5. REFERENCES
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