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3/20/2015 Chalazion: Causes, Risk Factors & Symptoms

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Part 1 of 7: Overview

What is a Chalazion?
A chalazion is a small bump that appears on your eyelid because of a blocked oil
gland. It can develop on the lower or upper eyelid, and it often disappears without
treatment in about one month.

However, you should see a doctor if you think you might have a chalazion,
especially if it is large enough to block your vision. In rare cases, chalazia are
caused by skin cancer.

A chalazion is similar to a stye (an enflamed oil gland on the eyelid), but is usually
smaller and less painful.

Part 2 of 7: Causes and Risks

Causes and Risk Factors

The bump that characterizes a chalazion is caused by a blockage in the
Meibomian gland on the eyelid. Meibomian glands produce oil in both the upper
and lower eyelids.

Certain people are more likely than others to get a chalazion. Common risk
factors include:

A History of Chalazia

If you have had a chalazion in the past, you are at a slightly higher risk of getting
another one.

Unclean Hands

If you often touch your eyelids with unclean hands, you may increase your risk of
getting a chalazion because dirt can block your oil glands.

Part 3 of 7: Symptoms

Symptoms of a Chalazion
The most common symptoms of a chalazion are: 1/4
3/20/2015 Chalazion: Causes, Risk Factors & Symptoms
a tender spot on your eyelid
a hard lump on your eyelid that you have never seen before
increased tearing of the eyes
blurred or blocked vision
sensitivity to light

Chalazia vs. Styes

Chalazia are sometimes confused with styes. You can tell the two types of eyelid
lumps apart because chalazia do not usually hurt, while styes often do. In
addition, chalazia are usually found away from the edge of the eyelid, while styes
are most often found right on the eyelid edge. Even if you believe you have a
chalazion, you should still see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Part 4 of 7: Diagnosis

Diagnosing a Chalazion
In most cases, a doctor can diagnose this condition by taking a close look at the
lump on your eyelid. Your doctor will also ask about your symptoms to determine
if the lump is a chalazion, a stye, or something else entirely.

Part 5 of 7: Treatment

Treating a Chalazion
The treatment for chalazia varies among patients.


Your doctor may give you either steroid eye drops or antibiotics to treat the
chalazion. However, in many cases, it will go away on its own.

Home Care

You should apply a warm compress to your eyelid several times a day for about
10 minutes at a time. This can reduce the swelling by softening the oils in the
blocked gland, which should help the lump to drain on its own.

You may also be told to massage the lump gently a few times per day to try to
drain it. Before you do this, make sure your hands and any compresses you use
are clean.


If the chalazion does not go away within about one month, you should return to
your doctor to discuss your options. When a chalazion does not heal after
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treatment, it may need to be Topics
surgically removed. This is especially true if it keepsHow can we help you? Search

growing, blocks your vision, or leads to an astigmatism (an abnormal curving of

the cornea). Surgery is usually a last resort and it is rarely required because most
chalazia clear up with a combination of medication and home remedies.
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Part 6 of 7: Long Term

Adv ertisement

Long-Term Expectations
Most chalazia heal by themselves, either with no treatment or simple home care.
In very rare cases, the suspected chalazion is caused by skin cancer, so your
doctor may take a biopsy if the lump continues to grow or does not go away with 2/4
3/20/2015 Chalazion: Causes, Risk Factors & Symptoms
treatment. This is why you should see a doctor to be diagnosed before assuming
the lump is a chalazion.

Part 7 of 7: Prevention

Preventing a Chalazion Adv ertisement

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It is not always possible to avoid getting a chalazion, especially if you are prone page cannot be displayed
to this type of eye problem. However, you can reduce your chances of getting Explanation: The request timed out before the page could be retrieved.
one by keeping dirt off your eyelids, which means keeping your face and hands Try the following:
clean. If you get chalazia often, you can use baby shampoo on your eyelids to Refresh page: Search for the page again by clicking the Refresh
button. The timeout may have occurred due to Internet congestion.
keep the area clean without irritating your eyes. Check spelling: Check that you typed the Web page address correctly.
The address may have been mistyped.
Contact website: You may want to contact the website administrator to
make sure the Web page still exists. You can do this by using the e-mail
address or phone number listed on the website home page.
You can also put a warm compress on your eyelids for a few minutes each night
If you are still not able to view the requested page, try contacting your
before bed. This makes your oil glands less likely to become blocked, which may administrator or Helpdesk.

reduce your chances of getting a chalazion.

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