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Quote No 57989 / 1
Shumba Money
Friday, 14 October, 2022

Attention : Kelvin Mairosi

We thank you for your enquiry and have pleasure in submitting the following quotation .

Description: Sandwiches - 1

Qty Item Description UNIT PRICE

1 Supply of sandwiche frame and posters (594x841) USD$125.55 USD$ 125.55

Terms SUBTOTAL: USD$ 125.55

Please note prices are in US USD$ 18.20

TOTAL: USD$ 143.75

Yours Sincerely
Bruno Chifamba

Banking Details:
Account Name: LIGHTHOUSE PRINT PRIVATE LIMITED Account Name: Lighthouse Print
Bank: ECO Bank Bank: BancABC
Nostro Account: 57836 0000 7744 Nostro Account: 1068 3306633010
Branch: Borrowdale Branch: Mount Pleasant
Sort/Branch Code: 120
Swift Code: FMBZZWHX

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